/** * Return the output path * * @return string */ protected function outputPath() { $destination = $this->ask('Where do you want to save the file? (Press enter for the current directory)'); $output_path = !is_null($destination) ? $destination : generate_path($this->config('source')); if (!file_exists($output_path)) { mkdir($output_path, 0744, true); } return $output_path; }
<?php $perso = c2cPersonalization::getInstance(); if ($perso->areFiltersActive()) { echo filters_switcher_link($perso->isMainFilterSwitchOn()); } ?> </div> </div> </div> <div id="pub"> <div class="right"> <?php include_component('common', 'banner'); ?> </div> </div> </div> <div id="menu"> <?php include_partial('common/menu', array('lang' => $sf_user->getCulture(), 'is_connected' => $sf_user->isConnected())); ?> <div> </div> </div> <?php echo generate_path(); // display flash message if present foreach (array('notice', 'warning', 'error') as $key => $value) { echo display_flash_message($value); }
/** * Configures the current command * */ protected function configure() { $this->configurable(); $this->setName('schedule:run')->setDescription('Starts the event runner.')->setDefinition([new InputArgument('source', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'The source directory for collecting the task files.', generate_path($this->config('source')))])->setHelp('This command starts the Crunz event runner.'); }
/** * Configures the current command * */ protected function configure() { $this->configurable(); $this->setName('schedule:list')->setDescription('Displays the list of scheduled tasks.')->setDefinition([new InputArgument('source', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'The source directory for collecting the tasks.', generate_path($this->config('source')))])->setHelp('This command displays the scheduled tasks in a tabular format.'); }