Esempio n. 1
 $email = $_POST['email'];
 $account_name = $_POST['account_name'];
 $mobile = $_POST['mobile'];
 $phone = $_POST['phone'];
 $security_question = $_POST['security_question'];
 $security_answer = $_POST['security_answer'];
 $welcome_message = $_POST['welcome_message'];
 $additional_information = $_POST['additional_information'];
 $distributors = $_POST['distributors'];
 $password = tep_create_random_value(7);
 $login_pin = tep_create_random_value(5, 'digits');
 $master_key = tep_create_random_value(3, 'digits');
 if ($_POST['distributors'] == 'wholesale') {
     $account_number = 'X' . generate_account_number();
 } else {
     $account_number = 'U' . generate_account_number();
 $validator = array();
 if (strlen(trim($email)) == 0) {
     $validator['email'] = 'Email not null';
 } else {
     $sql_check = "SELECT * FROM " . _TABLE_USERS . " WHERE email='{$email}' ";
     if (db_num_rows(db_query($sql_check)) > 0) {
         // email existed
         $validator['email'] = 'This e-mail already exists in our database';
 if (strlen(trim($account_name)) == 0) {
     $validator['account_name'] = 'Acount name not null';
 } else {
     $sql_check = "SELECT * FROM " . _TABLE_USERS . " WHERE account_name='{$account_name}' ";
Esempio n. 2
 public function personal()
     $this->load->model('countries_model', 'country');
     $this->load->model('zone_model', 'zone');
     $signup_info = $this->session->userdata('signup_info');
     $posts = $this->input->post();
     if (!$signup_info) {
     //bof: DOB
     $this_year = date('Y');
     $months_array[0] = '--';
     for ($i = 1; $i < 13; $i++) {
         $months_array[$i] = $i;
     // day of month array
     $days_array[0] = '--';
     for ($i = 1; $i < 32; $i++) {
         $days_array[$i] = $i;
     $this->assign('days_array', $days_array);
     // search years
     $this->assign('months_array', $months_array);
     $years_array = array();
     $years_array[0] = '----';
     for ($i = $this_year - 90; $i < $this_year - 14; $i++) {
         $years_array[$i] = $i;
     //eof: DOB
     //BOF: get countries list
     $countries = $this->country->getCountries();
     $countries_array[''] = '-- Select Country --';
     foreach ($countries as $country) {
         $countries_array[$country['countries_id']] = $country['countries_name'];
     $this->assign('countries_array', $countries_array);
     //EOF: get countries list
     //BOF: get zones list
     $cId = !empty($posts['country_id']) ? $posts['country_id'] : 0;
     $zones = $this->zone->getZones($cId);
     $zones_array = array();
     $zones_array[''] = '-- Select State/Region --';
     foreach ($zones as $zone) {
         $zones_array[$zone['zone_id']] = $zone['zone_name'];
     $this->assign('zones_array', $zones_array);
     //EOF: get zones list
     $this->assign('years_array', $years_array);
     if ($posts) {
         $account_name = $posts['account_name'];
         $company_name = $posts['company_name'];
         $address = $posts['address'];
         $city = $posts['city'];
         $country_id = (int) $posts['country_id'];
         $state = 0;
         $postcode = $posts['postcode'];
         $phone = $posts['phone'];
         $mobile = $posts['mobile'];
         if ($this->validator->validateGeneral('Account Name', $account_name, _ERROR_FIELD_EMPTY)) {
             // check if the email avaible
             $userCheck = $this->user->getUser(array('account_name' => $account_name));
             if ($userCheck) {
                 // email existed
                 $this->validator->addError('Account Name', 'This account name already exists in our database. Please use a different account name or login if you already have an OOKCASH account. ');
         $this->validator->validateGeneral('Address', $address, _ERROR_FIELD_EMPTY);
         if ($country_id == 0) {
             $this->validator->addError('Country', 'Please select country.');
         $this->validator->validateGeneral('City', $city, _ERROR_FIELD_EMPTY);
         if (strlen($phone) < 7) {
             $this->validator->addError('Phone', 'Please input correct phone number.');
         if (strlen($postcode) < 4) {
             $this->validator->addError('Zip/Post Code', 'Please input correct Zip/Post Code.');
         $dobYear = $posts['dobYear'];
         $dobMonth = $posts['dobMonth'];
         $dobDay = $posts['dobDay'];
         if ($dobYear == 0 || $dobMonth == 0 || $dobDay == 0) {
             $this->validator->addError('Date of Birth', 'Please select your DOB.');
         if (count($this->validator->errors) == 0) {
             // create new user
             // generate account secure informations
             $password = tep_create_random_value(7);
             $login_pin = tep_create_random_value(5, 'digits');
             $master_key = tep_create_random_value(3, 'digits');
             $account_number = 'U' . generate_account_number();
             // create user data
             $signup_data_array = array('firstname' => $signup_info['firstname'], 'lastname' => $signup_info['lastname'], 'email' => $signup_info['email'], 'security_question' => $signup_info['security_question'], 'security_answer' => $signup_info['security_answer'], 'welcome_message' => $signup_info['welcome_message'], 'account_name' => $account_name, 'company' => $company_name, 'address' => $address, 'city' => $city, 'state' => $state, 'country' => $country_id, 'dob' => $dobYear . '-' . $dobMonth . '-' . $dobDay, 'phone' => $phone, 'mobile' => $mobile, 'language' => 'en', 'status' => 1, 'account_number' => $account_number, 'login_pin' => $login_pin, 'master_key' => $master_key, 'password' => encrypt_password($password), 'account_type' => 'user', 'signup_date' => date('YmdHis'));
             $user_id = $this->user->insert($signup_data_array);
             $dataMail = array('firstname' => $signup_info['firstname'], 'account_number' => $account_number);
             $this->email_model->sendmail('SIGNUP_EMAIL', $signup_info['firstname'], $signup_info['email'], $dataMail);
             $info_user = array('password' => $password, 'login_pin' => $login_pin, 'master_key' => $master_key, 'account_number' => $account_number, 'security_question' => $signup_info['security_question'], 'security_answer' => $signup_info['security_answer']);
             $this->session->set_userdata('info_user', $info_user);
             redirect(site_url('register/complete/' . $user_id));
         } else {
             $this->data['validerrors'] = $this->validator->errors;
     $this->data['posts'] = $posts;
Esempio n. 3
    if (strlen($postcode) < 4) {
        $validator->addError('Zip/Post Code', 'Please input correct Zip/Post Code.');
    $dobYear = db_prepare_input($_POST['dobYear']);
    $dobMonth = db_prepare_input($_POST['dobMonth']);
    $dobDay = db_prepare_input($_POST['dobDay']);
    if ($dobYear == 0 || $dobMonth == 0 || $dobDay == 0) {
        $validator->addError('Date of Birth', 'Please select your DOB.');
    if (count($validator->errors) == 0) {
        // create new user
        // generate account secure informations
        $password = tep_create_random_value(7);
        $login_pin = tep_create_random_value(5, 'digits');
        $master_key = tep_create_random_value(3, 'digits');
        $account_number = generate_account_number();
        // create user data
        $signup_data_array = array('firstname' => $signup_info['firstname'], 'lastname' => $signup_info['lastname'], 'email' => $signup_info['email'], 'security_question' => $signup_info['security_question'], 'security_answer' => $signup_info['security_answer'], 'welcome_message' => $signup_info['welcome_message'], 'account_name' => $account_name, 'company' => $company_name, 'address' => $address, 'city' => $city, 'state' => $state, 'country' => $country_id, 'dob' => $dobYear . '-' . $dobMonth . '-' . $dobDay, 'phone' => $phone, 'mobile' => $mobile, 'language' => 'en', 'status' => 0, 'account_number' => $account_number, 'login_pin' => $login_pin, 'master_key' => $master_key, 'password' => encrypt_password($password), 'account_type' => 'user', 'signup_date' => date('YmdHis'));
        db_perform(_TABLE_USERS, $signup_data_array);
        // send notification email to user
        $email_info = get_email_template('SIGNUP_EMAIL');
        $firstname = $signup_info['firstname'];
        $msg_subject = $email_info['emailtemplate_subject'];
        $msg_content = str_replace(array('[firstname]', '[account_number]'), array($firstname, $account_number), $email_info['emailtemplate_content']);
        tep_mail($firstname, $signup_info['email'], $msg_subject, $msg_content, SITE_NAME, SITE_CONTACT_EMAIL);
        // end of email sending
        $signup_finished = true;
    } else {