function load_query_results($tableKey = 'id', $tableValue = 0)
     global $db, $FieldListings, $report;
     if (!$tableValue) {
         return false;
     $today = date('Y-m-d');
     $this->bill_acct_id = $tableValue;
     // fetch the main contact information, only one record
     $sql = "select, c.type, c.short_name, c.special_terms, \n\t\ta.primary_name,, a.address1, a.address2, a.city_town, a.state_province, a.postal_code, \n\t\ta.country_code, a.telephone1, a.telephone2, a.telephone3, a.telephone4,, \n\t  from " . TABLE_CONTACTS . " c inner join " . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . " a on = a.ref_id \n\t  where = " . $this->bill_acct_id . " and a.type like '%m'";
     $result = $db->Execute($sql);
     while (list($key, $value) = each($result->fields)) {
         $this->{$key} = db_prepare_input($value);
     // Load the prior balance and aging, first aging
     $result = calculate_aging($this->bill_acct_id, $result->fields['type'], $result->fields['special_terms']);
     $this->balance_0 = $result['balance_0'];
     $this->balance_30 = $result['balance_30'];
     $this->balance_60 = $result['balance_60'];
     $this->balance_90 = $result['balance_90'];
     //  $this->total         = $result['total'];
     //  $this->past_due      = $result['past_due'];
     //  $this->credit_limit  = $result['credit_limit'];
     //  $this->terms_lang    = $result['terms_lang'];
     // now prior balance
     $dates = gen_build_sql_date($report->datedefault, $report->datefield);
     $sql = "select, (i.debit_amount - i.credit_amount) as balance \n\t\tfrom " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " m inner join " . TABLE_JOURNAL_ITEM . " i on = i.ref_id \n\t\twhere m.bill_acct_id = " . $this->bill_acct_id . " \n\t\tand m.post_date < '" . $dates['start_date'] . "' \n\t\tand (m.closed_date >= '" . $dates['start_date'] . "' or m.closed = '0') \n\t\tand m.journal_id in (6, 7, 12, 13) and i.gl_type in ('ttl', 'dsc')";
     $result = $db->Execute($sql);
     $prior_balance = 0;
     $partials = array();
     while (!$result->EOF) {
         $prior_balance += $result->fields['balance'];
         $partials[] = $result->fields['id'];
     if (sizeof($partials) > 0) {
         $sql = "select sum(i.debit_amount - i.credit_amount) as payment\n\t\tfrom " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " m inner join " . TABLE_JOURNAL_ITEM . " i on = i.ref_id \n\t\twhere i.so_po_item_ref_id in (" . implode(',', $partials) . ") \n\t\tand m.post_date < '" . $dates['start_date'] . "' \n\t\tand m.journal_id in (18, 20) and i.gl_type = 'pmt'";
         $result = $db->Execute($sql);
         $this->prior_balance = $prior_balance + $result->fields['payment'];
     } else {
         $this->prior_balance = $prior_balance;
     $strDates = str_replace('post_date', 'm.post_date', $dates['sql']);
     $this->line_items = array();
     $sql = "select m.post_date, m.journal_id, m.terms, i.debit_amount, i.credit_amount, m.purchase_invoice_id, \n\t    m.purch_order_id, i.gl_type \n\t  from " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " m inner join " . TABLE_JOURNAL_ITEM . " i on = i.ref_id \n\t  where m.bill_acct_id = " . $this->bill_acct_id;
     if ($strDates) {
         $sql .= " and " . $strDates;
     $sql .= " and m.journal_id in (6, 7, 12, 13, 18, 20) and i.gl_type in ('ttl', 'dsc') order by m.post_date";
     $result = $db->Execute($sql);
     $this->statememt_total = 0;
     while (!$result->EOF) {
         $reverse = in_array($result->fields['journal_id'], array(6, 7, 12, 13)) ? true : false;
         $line_desc = defined('GEN_ADM_TOOLS_J' . str_pad($result->fields['journal_id'], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)) ? constant('GEN_ADM_TOOLS_J' . str_pad($result->fields['journal_id'], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)) : $result->fields['journal_id'];
         $terms_date = calculate_terms_due_dates($result->fields['post_date'], $this->special_terms);
         $credit = $reverse ? $result->fields['debit_amount'] : $result->fields['credit_amount'];
         $debit = $reverse ? $result->fields['credit_amount'] : $result->fields['debit_amount'];
         $ref_only = $result->fields['gl_type'] == 'dsc' && $reverse ? true : false;
         // show discount as reference only
         if (in_array($result->fields['journal_id'], array(7, 13)) || $result->fields['gl_type'] == 'dsc') {
             // special case for credit memos and discounts
             $temp = $debit;
             $debit = -$credit;
             $credit = -$temp;
             if ($result->fields['gl_type'] == 'dsc') {
                 $line_desc = TEXT_DISCOUNT;
         $this->line_items[] = array('journal_desc' => $ref_only ? 'Order Discount (Ref Only)' : $line_desc, 'purchase_invoice_id' => $result->fields['purchase_invoice_id'], 'purch_order_id' => $result->fields['purch_order_id'], 'post_date' => $result->fields['post_date'], 'due_date' => $terms_date['net_date'], 'credit_amount' => $ref_only ? -$credit : $credit, 'debit_amount' => $ref_only ? -$debit : $debit);
         if (!$ref_only) {
             $this->statememt_total += $credit - $debit;
     $this->balance_due = $this->prior_balance + $this->statememt_total;
     if ($this->type == 'v') {
         // invert amount for vendors for display purposes
         $this->prior_balance = -$this->prior_balance;
         $this->balance_due = -$this->balance_due;
     $this->post_date = date(DATE_FORMAT);
     // sequence the results
     $output = array();
     foreach ($report->fieldlist as $OneField) {
         // check for a data field and build sql field list
         if ($OneField->type == 'Data') {
             // then it's data field, include it
             $field = $OneField->boxfield[0]->fieldname;
             $output[] = $this->{$field};
     return $output;
function BuildSeq($ReportID, $Prefs, $delivery_method = 'D')
    // for forms only - Sequential mode
    global $db, $messageStack;
    global $FieldListings, $FieldValues, $posted_currencies;
    $output = array();
    // first fetch all the fields we need to display
    $FieldListings = '';
    $sql = "select seqnum, params from " . TABLE_REPORT_FIELDS . " \r\n\t\twhere reportid = " . $ReportID . " and entrytype = 'fieldlist' and visible = 1\r\n\t\torder by seqnum";
    $result = $db->Execute($sql);
    while (!$result->EOF) {
        $result->fields['params'] = unserialize($result->fields['params']);
        $FieldListings[] = $result->fields;
    // check for at least one field selected to show
    if (!$FieldListings) {
        // No fields are checked to show, that's bad
        $messageStack->add(RW_RPT_NOROWS, 'caution');
    // Let's build the sql field list for the general data fields (not totals, blocks or tables)
    $strField = '';
    $index = 0;
    // index each field to allow one field to be used multiple times since $db->Execute returns assoc array
    foreach ($FieldListings as $OneField) {
        // check for a data field and build sql field list
        if ($OneField['params']['index'] == 'Data' || $OneField['params']['index'] == 'BarCode') {
            // then it's data field make sure it's not empty
            if ($OneField['params']['DataField'] != '') {
                $strField .= $OneField['params']['DataField'] . ' as d' . $index . ', ';
            } else {
                // the field is empty, bad news, error and exit
                $messageStack->add(RW_RPT_EMPTYFIELD . $OneField['seqnum'], 'error');
    $strField = substr($strField, 0, -2);
    // strip the extra comma, space and continue
    // fetch the sort order and add to group by string to finish ORDER BY string
    $strSort = $strGroup;
    if (is_array($Prefs['SortListings'])) {
        while ($FieldValues = array_shift($Prefs['SortListings'])) {
            if ($FieldValues['params']['default'] == '1') {
                // then it's the sort by field match
                if ($strSort == '') {
                    $strSort .= $FieldValues['fieldname'];
                } else {
                    $strSort .= ', ' . $FieldValues['fieldname'];
                $Prefs['filterdesc'] .= RW_RPT_SORTBY . ' ' . $FieldValues['displaydesc'] . '; ';
    // fetch date filter info (skip if criteria was passed to generate function)
    $strDate = '';
    if (!isset($Prefs['PassedCrit'])) {
        $dates = gen_build_sql_date($Prefs['datedefault'], $Prefs['datefield']);
        $strDate = $dates['sql'];
    // Fetch the Criteria
    $criteria = build_criteria($Prefs['CritListings']);
    $strCrit = $criteria['sql'];
    if (isset($Prefs['PassedCrit'])) {
        // add the passed criteria to the default criteria
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($Prefs['PassedCrit']); $i++) {
            $temp = explode(':', $Prefs['PassedCrit'][$i]);
            switch (count($temp)) {
                case 2:
                    // single value passed (assume equal to)
                    if ($strCrit) {
                        $strCrit .= ' and ';
                    $strCrit .= $temp[0] . " = '" . $temp[1] . "'";
                case 3:
                    // range passed (assume between inclusive)
                    if ($strCrit) {
                        $strCrit .= ' and ';
                    $strCrit .= $temp[0] . " >= '" . $temp[1] . "' and " . $temp[0] . " <= '" . $temp[2] . "'";
                    // error in passed parameters
    // fetch the tables to query
    $tables = array($Prefs['table1'], $Prefs['table2'], $Prefs['table3'], $Prefs['table4'], $Prefs['table5'], $Prefs['table6']);
    $sqlTable = DB_PREFIX . $Prefs['table1'];
    if ($Prefs['table2']) {
        $sqlTable .= ' inner join ' . DB_PREFIX . $Prefs['table2'] . ' on ' . $Prefs['table2criteria'];
    if ($Prefs['table3']) {
        $sqlTable .= ' inner join ' . DB_PREFIX . $Prefs['table3'] . ' on ' . $Prefs['table3criteria'];
    if ($Prefs['table4']) {
        $sqlTable .= ' inner join ' . DB_PREFIX . $Prefs['table4'] . ' on ' . $Prefs['table4criteria'];
    if ($Prefs['table5']) {
        $sqlTable .= ' inner join ' . DB_PREFIX . $Prefs['table5'] . ' on ' . $Prefs['table5criteria'];
    if ($Prefs['table6']) {
        $sqlTable .= ' inner join ' . DB_PREFIX . $Prefs['table6'] . ' on ' . $Prefs['table6criteria'];
    // Build query string and execute
    $sqlCrit = '';
    if ($strCrit && $strDate) {
        $sqlCrit .= $strDate . ' and ' . $strCrit;
    if (!$strCrit && $strDate) {
        $sqlCrit .= $strDate;
    if ($strCrit && !$strDate) {
        $sqlCrit .= $strCrit;
    // We now have the sql, find out how many groups in the query (to determine the number of forms)
    $PageBreakField = $Prefs['formbreakfield'];
    $form_field_list = $Prefs['filenamesource'] == '' ? $PageBreakField : $PageBreakField . ', ' . $Prefs['filenamesource'];
    $sql = 'select ' . $form_field_list . ' from ' . $sqlTable;
    if ($sqlCrit) {
        $sql .= ' where ' . $sqlCrit;
    $sql .= ' group by ' . $PageBreakField;
    if ($strSort) {
        $sql .= ' order by ' . $strSort;
    // replace table aliases (needed for DB_PREFIX values <> '')
    $sql = GenReplaceTables($sql, $tables);
    // execute sql to see if we have data
    //echo 'sql = ' . $sql . '<br />';
    $result = $db->Execute($sql);
    if (!$result->RecordCount()) {
        $messageStack->add(RW_RPT_NOROWS, 'caution');
    // set the filename for download or email
    if ($Prefs['filenameprefix'] || $Prefs['filenamesource']) {
        $output['filename'] = $Prefs['filenameprefix'] . $result->fields[strip_tablename($Prefs['filenamesource'])] . '.pdf';
    } else {
        $output['filename'] = ReplaceNonAllowedCharacters($Prefs['description']) . '.pdf';
    // create an array for each form
    while (!$result->EOF) {
        $FormPageID[] = $result->fields[strip_tablename($PageBreakField)];
    // retrieve the company information
    foreach ($FieldListings as $key => $SingleObject) {
        if ($SingleObject['params']['index'] == 'CDta') {
            $FieldListings[$key]['params']['TextField'] = constant($SingleObject['params']['DataField']);
        if ($SingleObject['params']['index'] == 'CBlk') {
            if (!$SingleObject['params']['Seq']) {
                $messageStack->add(RW_RPT_EMPTYFIELD . $SingleObject['seqnum'], 'error');
            $TextField = '';
            foreach ($SingleObject['params']['Seq'] as $OneField) {
                $TextField .= AddSep(constant($OneField['TblField']), $OneField['Processing']);
            $FieldListings[$key]['params']['TextField'] = $TextField;
    // patch for special_reports (forms) where the data file is generated externally from the standard class
    if ($Prefs['special_report']) {
        $temp = explode(':', $Prefs['special_report']);
        $form_class = $temp[1];
        if (file_exists(DIR_FS_MY_FILES . 'custom/reportwriter/classes/' . $form_class . '.php')) {
            $success = (include DIR_FS_MY_FILES . 'custom/reportwriter/classes/' . $form_class . '.php');
        } elseif (file_exists(DIR_FS_MODULES . 'reportwriter/classes/' . $form_class . '.php')) {
            $success = (include DIR_FS_MODULES . 'reportwriter/classes/' . $form_class . '.php');
        } else {
            $success = false;
        if (!$success) {
            $messageStack->add('Special form class: ' . $form_class . ' was called but could not be found!', 'error');
    // Generate a form for each group element
    $output = NULL;
    foreach ($FormPageID as $formNum => $Fvalue) {
        // find the single line data from the query for the current form page
        $TrailingSQL = " from " . $sqlTable . " where " . ($sqlCrit ? $sqlCrit . " AND " : '') . $PageBreakField . " = '" . $Fvalue . "'";
        if ($Prefs['special_report']) {
            $special_form = new $form_class();
            $FieldValues = $special_form->load_query_results($PageBreakField, $Fvalue);
        } else {
            $sql = "select " . $strField . $TrailingSQL;
            $sql = GenReplaceTables($sql, $tables);
            // replace table aliases (needed for DB_PREFIX values <> '')
            $result = $db->Execute($sql);
            $FieldValues = $result->fields;
        // load the posted currency values
        $posted_currencies = array();
        if (ENABLE_MULTI_CURRENCY && strpos($sqlTable, TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN) !== false) {
            $sql = "select currencies_code, currencies_value " . $TrailingSQL;
            $sql = GenReplaceTables($sql, $tables);
            $result = $db->Execute($sql);
            $posted_currencies = array('currencies_code' => $result->fields['currencies_code'], 'currencies_value' => $result->fields['currencies_value']);
        } else {
            $posted_currencies = array('currencies_code' => DEFAULT_CURRENCY, 'currencies_value' => 1);
        foreach ($FieldListings as $key => $SingleObject) {
            switch ($SingleObject['params']['index']) {
                    $value = ProcessData($SingleObject['params']['TextField'], $SingleObject['params']['Processing']);
                    $output .= formatReceipt($value, $SingleObject['params']['BoxWidth'], $SingleObject['params']['FontAlign']);
                case 'Data':
                    $value = ProcessData(array_shift($FieldValues), $SingleObject['params']['Processing']);
                    $output .= formatReceipt($value, $SingleObject['params']['BoxWidth'], $SingleObject['params']['FontAlign']);
                case 'TBlk':
                    if (!$SingleObject['params']['Seq']) {
                        $messageStack->add(RW_RPT_EMPTYFIELD . $SingleObject['seqnum'], 'error');
                    if ($Prefs['special_report']) {
                        $TextField = $special_form->load_text_block_data($SingleObject['params']['Seq']);
                    } else {
                        $strTxtBlk = '';
                        // Build the fieldlist
                        foreach ($SingleObject['params']['Seq'] as $OneField) {
                            $strTxtBlk .= $OneField['TblField'] . ', ';
                        $strTxtBlk = substr($strTxtBlk, 0, -2);
                        $sql = "select " . $strTxtBlk . $TrailingSQL;
                        $sql = GenReplaceTables($sql, $tables);
                        $result = $db->Execute($sql);
                        $TxtBlkValues = $result->fields;
                        $TextField = '';
                        $t = 0;
                        foreach ($TxtBlkValues as $Temp) {
                            $TextField .= AddSep($Temp, $SingleObject['params']['Seq'][$t]['Processing']);
                            // mapping counter to separator directive
                    $FieldListings[$key]['params']['TextField'] = $TextField;
                    $output .= $FieldListings[$key]['params']['TextField'] . "\n";
                case 'Tbl':
                    if (!$SingleObject['params']['Seq']) {
                        $messageStack->add(RW_RPT_EMPTYFIELD . $SingleObject['seqnum'], 'error');
                    // Build the sql
                    $tblField = '';
                    $tblHeading = array();
                    foreach ($SingleObject['params']['Seq'] as $TableField) {
                        $tblHeading[] = $TableField['TblDesc'];
                    if ($Prefs['special_report']) {
                        $SingleObject['params']['Data'] = $special_form->load_table_data($SingleObject['params']['Seq']);
                    } else {
                        foreach ($SingleObject['params']['Seq'] as $TableField) {
                            $tblField .= $TableField['TblField'] . ', ';
                        $tblField = substr($tblField, 0, -2);
                        // remove the last two chars (comma and space)
                        $sql = "select " . $tblField . $TrailingSQL;
                        $sql = GenReplaceTables($sql, $tables);
                        $result = $db->Execute($sql);
                        while (!$result->EOF) {
                            $SingleObject['params']['Data'][] = $result->fields;
                    //				array_unshift($SingleObject['params']['Data'], $tblHeading); // set the first data element to the headings
                    $StoredTable = $SingleObject['params'];
                    foreach ($SingleObject['params']['Data'] as $key => $value) {
                        $temp = array();
                        $Col = 0;
                        foreach ($value as $data_key => $data_element) {
                            //					if ($Params['Seq'][$Col]['TblShow']) {
                            $value = ProcessData($data_element, $SingleObject['params']['Seq'][$data_key]['Processing']);
                            $temp[] .= formatReceipt($value, $SingleObject['params']['Seq'][$data_key]['TblColWidth'], $SingleObject['params']['Seq'][$data_key]['FontAlign'], true);
                            //					}
                        $output .= implode("", $temp) . "\n";
                case 'TDup':
                    if (!$StoredTable) {
                        $messageStack->add(RW_RPT_EMPTYTABLE . $SingleObject['seqnum'], 'error');
                    // TBD NEED TO FINISH THIS
                case 'Ttl':
                    if (!$SingleObject['params']['Seq']) {
                        $messageStack->add(RW_RPT_EMPTYFIELD . $SingleObject['seqnum'], 'error');
                    if ($Prefs['special_report']) {
                        $FieldValues = $special_form->load_total_results($SingleObject['params']);
                    } else {
                        $ttlField = '';
                        foreach ($SingleObject['params']['Seq'] as $Temp) {
                            $ttlField .= $Temp . '+';
                        $sql = "select sum(" . substr($ttlField, 0, -1) . ") as form_total" . $TrailingSQL;
                        $sql = GenReplaceTables($sql, $tables);
                        $result = $db->Execute($sql);
                        $FieldValues = $result->fields['form_total'];
                    $value = ProcessData($FieldValues, $SingleObject['params']['Processing']);
                    $output .= formatReceipt($value, $SingleObject['params']['BoxWidth'], $SingleObject['params']['FontAlign']);
        // set the printed flag field if provided
        if ($Prefs['setprintedflag']) {
            $tmp = GenReplaceTables($PageBreakField, $tables);
            $id_field = $tmp;
            $tmp = GenReplaceTables($Prefs['setprintedflag'], $tables);
            $temp = explode('.', $tmp);
            if (sizeof($temp) == 2) {
                // need the table name and field name
                $sql = "update " . $temp[0] . " set " . $temp[1] . " = " . $temp[1] . " + 1 where " . $id_field . " = '" . $Fvalue . "'";
        $output .= "\n" . "\n";
        // page break
    $FileSize = strlen($output);
    header("Content-type: application/text");
    header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=" . $Prefs['description'] . ".txt; size=" . $FileSize);
    header('Pragma: cache');
    header('Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate, max-age=0');
    header('Connection: close');
    header('Expires: ' . date('r', time() + 60 * 60));
    header('Last-Modified: ' . date('r', time()));
    print $output;
Esempio n. 3
function BuildSQL($report)
    // for reports only
    $strField = array();
    $index = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($report->fieldlist); $i++) {
        if ($report->fieldlist[$i]->visible) {
            $strField[] = prefixTables($report->fieldlist[$i]->fieldname) . " AS c" . $index;
    if (!$strField) {
        return array('level' => 'error', 'message' => PHREEFORM_NOROWS);
    $strField = implode(', ', $strField);
    $filterdesc = PHREEFORM_RPTFILTER;
    // Initialize the filter display string
    //fetch the groupings and build first level of SORT BY string (for sub totals)
    $strGroup = NULL;
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($report->grouplist); $i++) {
        if ($report->grouplist[$i]->default) {
            $strGroup .= prefixTables($report->grouplist[$i]->fieldname);
            $filterdesc .= PHREEFORM_GROUPBY . ' ' . $report->grouplist[$i]->description . '; ';
    // fetch the sort order and add to group by string to finish ORDER BY string
    $strSort = $strGroup;
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($report->sortlist); $i++) {
        if ($report->sortlist[$i]->default) {
            $strSort .= ($strSort != '' ? ', ' : '') . prefixTables($report->sortlist[$i]->fieldname);
            $filterdesc .= PHREEFORM_SORTBY . ' ' . $report->sortlist[$i]->description . '; ';
    // fetch date filter info
    $dates = gen_build_sql_date($report->datedefault, prefixTables($report->datefield));
    $strDate = $dates['sql'];
    if ($dates['description']) {
        $filterdesc .= $dates['description'];
    // update the filter description string
    // Fetch the Criteria
    $criteria = build_criteria($report);
    $strCrit = $criteria['sql'];
    if ($criteria['description']) {
        $filterdesc .= PHREEFORM_CRITBY . ' ' . $criteria['description'] . '; ';
    // fetch the tables to query
    $sqlTable = '';
    foreach ($report->tables as $table) {
        if (isset($table->relationship)) {
            if (!$table->joinopt) {
                $table->joinopt = 'JOIN';
            $sqlTable .= ' ' . $table->joinopt . ' ' . DB_PREFIX . $table->tablename . ' ON ' . prefixTables($table->relationship);
        } else {
            $sqlTable .= DB_PREFIX . $table->tablename;
    // Build query string
    $sql = 'SELECT ' . $strField . ' FROM ' . $sqlTable;
    if ($strCrit && $strDate) {
        $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $strDate . ' AND ' . $strCrit;
    if (!$strCrit && $strDate) {
        $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $strDate;
    if ($strCrit && !$strDate) {
        $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $strCrit;
    if ($strSort) {
        $sql .= ' ORDER BY ' . $strSort;
    //echo 'sql = '; print_r($sql); echo '<br><br>'; exit();
    //echo 'period = '; print_r($report->period); echo '<br><br>';
    return array('level' => 'success', 'data' => $sql, 'description' => $filterdesc);
 function load_query_results($tableKey = 'id', $tableValue = 0)
     global $db, $FieldListings, $Prefs, $rw_xtra_jrnl_defs;
     if (!$tableValue) {
         return false;
     $this->bill_acct_id = $tableValue;
     // fetch the main contact information, only one record
     $sql = "select, c.type, c.short_name, c.special_terms, \r\n\t\t    a.primary_name,, a.address1, a.address2, a.city_town, a.state_province, a.postal_code, \r\n\t\t\ta.country_code, a.telephone1, a.telephone2, a.telephone3, a.telephone4,, \r\n\t\t  from " . TABLE_CONTACTS . " c inner join " . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . " a on = a.ref_id \r\n\t\t  where = " . $this->bill_acct_id . " and a.type like '%m'";
     $result = $db->Execute($sql);
     while (list($key, $value) = each($result->fields)) {
         $this->{$key} = db_prepare_input($value);
     // calculate the starting balance
     $dates = gen_build_sql_date($Prefs['datedefault'], $Prefs['datefield']);
     $sql = "select sum(i.credit_amount) as credit, sum(i.debit_amount) as debit \r\n\t\t\tfrom " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " m inner join " . TABLE_JOURNAL_ITEM . " i on = i.ref_id\r\n\t\t\twhere m.bill_acct_id = " . $this->bill_acct_id . " and m.post_date < '" . $dates['start_date'] . "' \r\n\t\t\t  and m.journal_id in (6, 7, 12, 13) and i.gl_type = 'ttl'";
     $result = $db->Execute($sql);
     $this->prior_balance = $result->RecordCount() ? $result->fields['debit'] - $result->fields['credit'] : 0;
     $sql = "select sum(i.credit_amount) as credit, sum(i.debit_amount) as debit \r\n\t\t\tfrom " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " m inner join " . TABLE_JOURNAL_ITEM . " i on = i.ref_id\r\n\t\t\twhere m.bill_acct_id = " . $this->bill_acct_id . " and m.post_date < '" . $dates['start_date'] . "' \r\n\t\t\t  and m.journal_id in (18, 20) and i.gl_type in ('pmt', 'chk')";
     $result = $db->Execute($sql);
     $this->prior_balance -= $result->RecordCount() ? $result->fields['credit'] - $result->fields['debit'] : 0;
     // fetch journal history based on date criteria
     $strDates = str_replace('[table1]', 'm', $dates['sql']);
     $this->line_items = array();
     $sql = "select m.post_date, m.journal_id, i.debit_amount, i.credit_amount, m.purchase_invoice_id, \r\n\t\t  m.purch_order_id, i.gl_type \r\n\t\t  from " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " m inner join " . TABLE_JOURNAL_ITEM . " i on = i.ref_id \r\n\t\t  where m.bill_acct_id = " . $this->bill_acct_id;
     if ($strDates) {
         $sql .= " and " . $strDates;
     //		$sql .= " and m.journal_id in (6, 7, 12, 13, 18, 20) and i.gl_type in ('dsc', 'ttl') order by m.post_date";
     $sql .= " and m.journal_id in (6, 7, 12, 13, 18, 20) and i.gl_type = 'ttl' order by m.post_date";
     $result = $db->Execute($sql);
     $this->statememt_total = 0;
     while (!$result->EOF) {
         $reverse = in_array($result->fields['journal_id'], array(6, 7, 12, 13)) ? true : false;
         $line_desc = $rw_xtra_jrnl_defs[$result->fields['journal_id']];
         $terms_date = calculate_terms_due_dates($result->fields['post_date'], $this->special_terms);
         $credit = $reverse ? $result->fields['debit_amount'] : $result->fields['credit_amount'];
         $debit = $reverse ? $result->fields['credit_amount'] : $result->fields['debit_amount'];
         if (in_array($result->fields['journal_id'], array(7, 13)) || $result->fields['gl_type'] == 'dsc') {
             // special case for credit memos and discounts
             $temp = $debit;
             $debit = -$credit;
             $credit = -$temp;
             if ($result->fields['gl_type'] == 'dsc') {
                 $line_desc = TEXT_DISCOUNT;
         $this->line_items[] = array('journal_desc' => $line_desc, 'post_date' => $result->fields['post_date'], 'debit_amount' => $debit, 'credit_amount' => $credit, 'purchase_invoice_id' => $result->fields['purchase_invoice_id'], 'purch_order_id' => $result->fields['purch_order_id'], 'due_date' => $terms_date['net_date']);
         $this->statememt_total += $credit - $debit;
     // convert particular values indexed by id to common name
     if ($this->rep_id) {
         $sql = "select short_name from " . TABLE_CONTACTS . " where id = " . $this->rep_id;
         $result = $db->Execute($sql);
         $this->rep_id = $result->fields['display_name'];
     } else {
         $this->rep_id = '';
     $this->balance_due = $this->prior_balance + $this->statememt_total;
     if ($this->type == 'v') {
         // invert amount for vendors for display purposes
         $this->prior_balance = -$this->prior_balance;
         $this->balance_due = -$this->balance_due;
     //echo 'prior balance = ' . $this->prior_balance . ' and bal due = ' . $this->balance_due . '<br />';
     $this->post_date = date(DATE_FORMAT);
     // sequence the results per Prefs[Seq]
     $output = array();
     foreach ($FieldListings as $OneField) {
         // check for a data field and build sql field list
         if ($OneField['params']['index'] == 'Data') {
             // then it's data field, include it
             $output[] = $this->{$OneField}['params']['DataField'];
     // return results
     return $output;
Esempio n. 5
 function load_report_data($Prefs, $Seq, $sql = '', $GrpField = '')
     global $db;
     // prepare the sql by temporarily replacing calculated fields with real fields
     $sql_fields = substr($sql, strpos($sql, 'select ') + 7, strpos($sql, ' from ') - 7);
     $this->sql_field_array = explode(', ', $sql_fields);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->sql_field_array); $i++) {
         $this->sql_field_karray['c' . $i] = substr($this->sql_field_array[$i], 0, strpos($this->sql_field_array[$i], ' '));
     $sql = $this->replace_special_fields($sql);
     //echo 'sql = ' . $sql . '<br />'; exit;
     //echo 'Prefs = '; print_r($Prefs); echo '<br />';
     $result = $db->Execute($sql);
     if ($result->RecordCount() == 0) {
         return false;
     // No data so bail now
     // Generate the output data array
     $this->gl_account = $Prefs['fromvalue1'];
     // assumes that the gl account is the first criteria, equal to
     if (!$this->gl_account) {
         return false;
     // No gl account so bail now
     $dates = gen_build_sql_date($Prefs['datedefault'], $Prefs['datefield']);
     $post_date = $dates['start_date'];
     $period = gen_calculate_period($post_date, $hide_error = true);
     if (!$period) {
         $period = 1;
     $temp = $db->Execute("select beginning_balance from " . TABLE_CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_HISTORY . " \r\n\t\twhere account_id = '" . $this->gl_account . "' and period = " . $period);
     $beginning_balance = $temp->fields['beginning_balance'];
     // load the payments and deposits for the current period
     $sql = "select sum(i.debit_amount) as deposit, sum(i.credit_amount) as withdrawal\r\n\t\tfrom " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " m inner join " . TABLE_JOURNAL_ITEM . " i on = i.ref_id\r\n\t\twhere m.period = " . $period . " and m.post_date < '" . $post_date . "' and i.gl_account = '" . $this->gl_account . "'";
     $temp = $db->Execute($sql);
     $this->beginning_balance = $beginning_balance + $temp->fields['deposit'] - $temp->fields['withdrawal'];
     $this->current_balance = $this->beginning_balance;
     $RowCnt = 0;
     // Row counter for output data
     $ColCnt = 1;
     $GrpWorking = false;
     while (!$result->EOF) {
         $myrow = $result->fields;
         // Check to see if a total row needs to be displayed
         if (isset($GrpField)) {
             // we're checking for group totals, see if this group is complete
             if ($myrow[$GrpField] != $GrpWorking && $GrpWorking !== false) {
                 // it's a new group so print totals
                 $OutputArray[$RowCnt][0] = 'g:' . $GrpWorking;
                 foreach ($Seq as $offset => $TotalCtl) {
                     $OutputArray[$RowCnt][$offset + 1] = ProcessData($TotalCtl['grptotal'], $TotalCtl['processing']);
                     $Seq[$offset]['grptotal'] = '';
                     // reset the total
                 // go to next row
             $GrpWorking = $myrow[$GrpField];
             // set to new grouping value
         $OutputArray[$RowCnt][0] = 'd';
         // let the display class know its a data element
         //echo 'orig myrow = '; print_r($myrow); echo '<br /><br />';
         $myrow = $this->replace_data_fields($myrow, $Seq);
         //echo 'new myrow = '; print_r($myrow); echo '<br /><br />';
         // build the new balance
         foreach ($Seq as $key => $TableCtl) {
             // calculate the new balance
             //echo 'key = ' . $key . ' and fieldname = '; print_r($Prefs['FieldListings'][$key+1]['fieldname']); echo '<br />';
             if ($Prefs['FieldListings'][$key + 1]['fieldname'] == '[table2].debit_amount') {
                 $this->beginning_balance += $myrow[$TableCtl['fieldname']];
             if ($Prefs['FieldListings'][$key + 1]['fieldname'] == '[table2].credit_amount') {
                 $this->beginning_balance -= $myrow[$TableCtl['fieldname']];
         foreach ($Seq as $key => $TableCtl) {
             // insert data into output array and set to next column
             $OutputArray[$RowCnt][$ColCnt] = ProcessData($myrow[$TableCtl['fieldname']], $TableCtl['processing']);
             if ($TableCtl['total']) {
                 // add to the running total if need be
                 $Seq[$key]['grptotal'] += $myrow[$TableCtl['fieldname']];
                 $Seq[$key]['rpttotal'] += $myrow[$TableCtl['fieldname']];
         $ColCnt = 1;
     // add an extra line at the bottom with the newest balance
     $OutputArray[$RowCnt][0] = 'd';
     // let the display class know its a data element
     foreach ($Seq as $key => $TableCtl) {
         // calculate the new balance
         if ($Prefs['FieldListings'][$key + 1]['fieldname'] == 'beg_balance') {
             $OutputArray[$RowCnt][$ColCnt] = ProcessData($this->beginning_balance, $TableCtl['processing']);
         } else {
             $OutputArray[$RowCnt][$ColCnt] = '';
     $ColCnt = 1;
     if ($GrpWorking !== false) {
         // if we collected group data show the final group total
         $OutputArray[$RowCnt][0] = 'g:' . $GrpWorking;
         foreach ($Seq as $TotalCtl) {
             $OutputArray[$RowCnt][$ColCnt] = $TotalCtl['total'] == '1' ? ProcessData($TotalCtl['grptotal'], $TotalCtl['processing']) : ' ';
         $ColCnt = 1;
     // see if we have a total to send
     $ShowTotals = false;
     foreach ($Seq as $TotalCtl) {
         if ($TotalCtl['total'] == '1') {
             $ShowTotals = true;
     if ($ShowTotals) {
         $OutputArray[$RowCnt][0] = 'r:' . $Prefs['description'];
         foreach ($Seq as $TotalCtl) {
             if ($TotalCtl['total']) {
                 $OutputArray[$RowCnt][$ColCnt] = ProcessData($TotalCtl['rpttotal'], $TotalCtl['processing']);
             } else {
                 $OutputArray[$RowCnt][$ColCnt] = ' ';
     // echo 'output array = '; print_r($OutputArray); echo '<br />'; exit();
     return $OutputArray;
if ($result) {
    $criteria[] = $result;
$amt_fields = array('m.total_amount', 'i.debit_amount', 'i.credit_amount');
$result = build_search_sql($amt_fields, $_GET['amount_id'], $_GET['amount_id_from'], $_GET['amount_id_to']);
if ($result) {
    $criteria[] = $result;
$gl_acct_fields = array('m.gl_acct_id', 'i.gl_account');
$result = build_search_sql($gl_acct_fields, $_GET['gl_acct_id'], $_GET['gl_acct_id_from'], $_GET['gl_acct_id_to']);
if ($result) {
    $criteria[] = $result;
$main_fields = array('');
$result = build_search_sql($main_fields, $_GET['main_id'], $_GET['main_id_from'], $_GET['main_id_to']);
if ($result) {
    $criteria[] = $result;
$date_prefs = array('fieldname' => 'm.post_date', 'params' => $_GET['date_id'] . ':' . $_GET['date_from'] . ':' . $_GET['date_to']);
$temp = gen_build_sql_date($date_prefs['params'], $date_prefs['fieldname']);
if ($temp['sql']) {
    $criteria[] = '(' . $temp['sql'] . ')';
$crit = $criteria ? " where " . implode(' and ', $criteria) : '';
$query_raw = "select distinct, m.journal_id, m.post_date, m.description, m.total_amount, \r\n\tm.purchase_invoice_id, m.bill_primary_name, m.bill_acct_id   \r\n\tfrom " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " m inner join " . TABLE_JOURNAL_ITEM . " i \r\n\ton = i.ref_id " . $crit . " order by {$disp_order}";
$query_result = $db->Execute($query_raw);
$query_split = new splitPageResults($_GET['page'], MAX_DISPLAY_SEARCH_RESULTS, $query_raw, $query_numrows);
$query_result = $db->Execute($query_raw);
$include_template = 'template_main.php';
// include display template (required)
function ie_export_data($prefs, $params, $criteria, $options)
    global $db, $messageStack;
    global $qualifiers, $delimiters, $address_tables;
    if ($prefs['table_name'] == TABLE_CONTACTS) {
        $use_address_book = true;
        switch ($prefs['group_id']) {
            case 'ar':
                $account_type = 'c';
                // customers
            // customers
            case 'ap':
                $account_type = 'v';
                // vendors
            // vendors
            case 'hr':
                $account_type = 'e';
                // employees
    } else {
        $use_address_book = false;
    // build the mapping arrays to point field names to proper position in export order
    $data = array();
    $element_processing = array();
    if ($use_address_book) {
        $mail[0] = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_NUM_ADDRESSES; $i++) {
            $ship[$i] = array();
            $bill[$i] = array();
    $index = 0;
    foreach ($params as $field) {
        if ($field['show'] && ($field['mode'] == 'e' || $field['mode'] == 'b')) {
            if ($use_address_book && substr($field['field'], 0, 5) == 'mail ') {
                $temp = explode(' ', $field['field']);
                $mail[0][$temp[1]] = $index;
            } elseif ($use_address_book && substr($field['field'], 0, 5) == 'ship ') {
                $temp = explode(' ', $field['field']);
                $ship[$temp[2] - 1][$temp[1]] = $index;
            } elseif ($use_address_book && substr($field['field'], 0, 5) == 'bill ') {
                $temp = explode(' ', $field['field']);
                $bill[$temp[2] - 1][$temp[1]] = $index;
            } else {
                $data[$field['field']] = $index;
            $element_processing[$index] = $field['proc'];
            // needed for processing of each ouput value
    // fetch the delimiters and text qualifiers
    $delimiter = ie_fetch_delimiter($options['delimiter']);
    $qualifier = ie_fetch_qualifier($options['qualifier']);
    // ready to process the export file
    $output = '';
    if ($options['exp_headings']) {
        $output_line = array();
        foreach ($params as $field) {
            if ($field['show']) {
                $output_line[] = $field['name'];
        $output .= ie_implode($output_line, $delimiter, $qualifier) . chr(10);
    // build export criteria
    $criteria_list = array();
    $description_list = array();
    if (is_array($criteria)) {
        foreach ($criteria as $filter) {
            $filter['name'] = ie_find_field_name($filter['cfield'], $params);
            $address_test = substr($filter['cfield'], 0, 5);
            if ($address_test == 'mail ' || $address_test == 'ship ' || $address_test == 'bill ') {
                $temp = explode(' ', $filter['cfield']);
                $filter['cfield'] = 'a.' . $temp[1];
            } else {
                $filter['cfield'] = 'd.' . $filter['cfield'];
            $crit_data = '';
            $crit_desc = '';
            switch ($filter['crit']) {
                // based on the date choice selected
                case "all":
                case "stock":
                    // TBD field to compare so default to nothing
                // TBD field to compare so default to nothing
                case "assembly":
                    // TBD field to compare so default to nothing
                case "date_range":
                    $arrData = array('fieldname' => $filter['cfield']);
                    $arrData['params'] = implode(':', array('b', $filter['from'], $filter['to']));
                    $temp = gen_build_sql_date($arrData['params'], $arrData['fieldname']);
                    $crit_data = $temp['sql'];
                    $crit_desc = $temp['description'];
                case "date_today":
                    $arrData = array('fieldname' => $filter['cfield']);
                    $arrData['params'] = implode(':', array('c', '', ''));
                    $temp = gen_build_sql_date($arrData['params'], $arrData['fieldname']);
                    $crit_data = $temp['sql'];
                    $crit_desc = $temp['description'];
                case "date_week":
                    $arrData = array('fieldname' => $filter['cfield']);
                    $arrData['params'] = implode(':', array('d', '', ''));
                    $temp = gen_build_sql_date($arrData['params'], $arrData['fieldname']);
                    $crit_data = $temp['sql'];
                    $crit_desc = $temp['description'];
                case "date_wtd":
                    $arrData = array('fieldname' => $filter['cfield']);
                    $arrData['params'] = implode(':', array('e', '', ''));
                    $temp = gen_build_sql_date($arrData['params'], $arrData['fieldname']);
                    $crit_data = $temp['sql'];
                    $crit_desc = $temp['description'];
                case "date_month":
                    $arrData = array('fieldname' => $filter['cfield']);
                    $arrData['params'] = implode(':', array('f', '', ''));
                    $temp = gen_build_sql_date($arrData['params'], $arrData['fieldname']);
                    $crit_data = $temp['sql'];
                    $crit_desc = $temp['description'];
                case "date_mtd":
                    $arrData = array('fieldname' => $filter['cfield']);
                    $arrData['params'] = implode(':', array('g', '', ''));
                    $temp = gen_build_sql_date($arrData['params'], $arrData['fieldname']);
                    $crit_data = $temp['sql'];
                    $crit_desc = $temp['description'];
                case "date_qtr":
                    $arrData = array('fieldname' => $filter['cfield']);
                    $arrData['params'] = implode(':', array('h', '', ''));
                    $temp = gen_build_sql_date($arrData['params'], $arrData['fieldname']);
                    $crit_data = $temp['sql'];
                    $crit_desc = $temp['description'];
                case "date_qtd":
                    $arrData = array('fieldname' => $filter['cfield']);
                    $arrData['params'] = implode(':', array('i', '', ''));
                    $temp = gen_build_sql_date($arrData['params'], $arrData['fieldname']);
                    $crit_data = $temp['sql'];
                    $crit_desc = $temp['description'];
                case "date_year":
                    $arrData = array('fieldname' => $filter['cfield']);
                    $arrData['params'] = implode(':', array('j', '', ''));
                    $temp = gen_build_sql_date($arrData['params'], $arrData['fieldname']);
                    $crit_data = $temp['sql'];
                    $crit_desc = $temp['description'];
                case "date_ytd":
                    $arrData = array('fieldname' => $filter['cfield']);
                    $arrData['params'] = implode(':', array('k', '', ''));
                    $temp = gen_build_sql_date($arrData['params'], $arrData['fieldname']);
                    $crit_data = $temp['sql'];
                    $crit_desc = $temp['description'];
                case "period":
                    $arrData = array('fieldname' => $filter['cfield']);
                    $arrData['params'] = implode(':', array('l', '', ''));
                    $temp = gen_build_sql_date($arrData['params'], $arrData['fieldname']);
                    $crit_data = $temp['sql'];
                    $crit_desc = $temp['description'];
                case "range":
                    if ($filter['from'] != '') {
                        $crit_data .= $filter['cfield'] . ">='" . $filter['from'] . "'";
                        $crit_desc .= ' ' . TEXT_FROM . ' ' . $filter['from'];
                    if ($filter['to'] != '') {
                        if (strlen($crit_data) > 0) {
                            $crit_data .= ' and ';
                        $crit_data .= $filter['cfield'] . "<='" . $filter['to'] . "'";
                        $crit_desc .= ' ' . TEXT_TO . ' ' . $filter['to'];
                    if ($crit_desc != '') {
                        $crit_desc = $filter['name'] . ': ' . $crit_desc;
                case "yes":
                case "true":
                case "active":
                case "printed":
                    $crit_data .= $value['cfield'] . '=1';
                    $crit_desc .= $filter['name'] . '=' . $value['crit'];
                case "no":
                case "false":
                case "inactive":
                case "unprinted":
                    $crit_data .= $value['cfield'] . '=0';
                    $crit_desc .= $filter['name'] . '=' . $value['crit'];
            if ($crit_data != '') {
                $criteria_list[] = $crit_data;
            if ($crit_desc != '') {
                $description_list[] = $crit_desc;
    $crit_string = '';
    if (count($criteria_list) > 0) {
        $crit_string = ' where ' . implode(' and ', $criteria_list);
    // build query
    $fields = array_keys($data);
    if (!in_array('id', $fields)) {
        $fields[] = 'id';
    $field_list = 'd.' . implode(', d.', $fields);
    $sql = "select distinct " . $field_list . " from " . $prefs['table_name'] . " d ";
    if ($use_address_book) {
        $sql .= "left join " . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . " a on = a.ref_id ";
    $sql .= $crit_string;
    $export_rows = $db->Execute($sql);
    if ($export_rows->RecordCount() == 0) {
        $messageStack->add(TEXT_IMP_ERMSG12, 'success');
    // export data
    while (!$export_rows->EOF) {
        $output_line = array();
        foreach ($data as $field_name => $index) {
            $output_line[$index] = ie_process_the_data($export_rows->fields[$field_name], $element_processing[$index]);
        if ($use_address_book) {
            $address_type = array($account_type . 'm' => $mail, $account_type . 's' => $ship, $account_type . 'b' => $bill);
            foreach ($address_type as $type => $array_name) {
                // fetch the id to use to link addresses to the correct main record
                $sql = "select * from " . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . " \r\n\t\t\t\t\twhere type = '" . $type . "' \r\n\t\t\t\t\tand ref_id = '" . $export_rows->fields['id'] . "' limit " . MAX_NUM_ADDRESSES;
                $addresses = $db->Execute($sql);
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($array_name); $i++) {
                    // each address of type
                    foreach ($array_name[$i] as $field_name => $index) {
                        // each field in address
                        $output_line[$index] = ie_process_the_data($addresses->fields[$field_name], $element_processing[$index]);
        $output .= ie_implode($output_line, $delimiter, $qualifier) . chr(10);
    $FileSize = strlen($output);
    if (substr($options['export_file_name'], strrpos($options['export_file_name'], '.')) == '.csv') {
        header("Content-type: application/csv");
    } else {
        header("Content-type: plain/txt");
    header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=" . $options['export_file_name'] . "; size=" . $FileSize);
    header('Pragma: cache');
    header('Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate, max-age=0');
    header('Connection: close');
    header('Expires: ' . date('r', time() + 60 * 60));
    header('Last-Modified: ' . date('r', time()));
    print $output;