Esempio n. 1
    $tx_show = __("show", "gd-press-tools");
    $tx_hide = __("hide", "gd-press-tools");
    $span = sprintf('<span class="handler %s" id="gdpt-hndl-%s" onclick="gdpt_dashboard_element(this, \'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\')">[ %s ]</span>', $state ? "shown" : "hiden", $id, $tx_show, $tx_hide, PRESSTOOLS_URL . "ajax.php", $state ? $tx_hide : $tx_show);
    echo $span;

<p class="sub">
gdpt_render_handler("info", $options["dashboard_handler_info"] == 1);
_e("Additional Statistics Info", "gd-press-tools");
$cnt_revisions = gd_count_revisions_total();
$cnt_spam = gd_count_spam_total();
$cnt_overhead = GDPTDB::get_tables_overhead();
<div class="table" id="gdpt-table-info" style="<?php 
echo $options["dashboard_handler_info"] == 1 ? "" : "display: none";
        <tr class="first">
            <td class="first b"><?php 
echo $cnt_revisions;
            <td class="t"><?php 
Esempio n. 2
<tr><th scope="row"><?php 
_e("Revisions", "gd-press-tools");
        <form method="post">
_e("Remove all revision for published posts and pages.", "gd-press-tools");
<br />
_e("Total number of revisions found", "gd-press-tools");
: <strong><?php 
echo gd_count_revisions_total();
</strong><br />
        <input type="submit" class="inputbutton" value="<?php 
_e("Delete", "gd-press-tools");
" name="gdpt_revisions_delete" id="gdpt_revisions_delete" />
        <div class="gdsr-table-split"></div>
_e("Last revisions removal", "gd-press-tools");
: <strong><?php 
echo $options["tool_revisions_removed"];