Esempio n. 1
        echo '
			You enter the small door and end up in a workshop stashed with equipment and materials. Suddenly a Nether comes running from behind one of the piles of junk and starts talking to you.<br><br>
			"<i>I am a Nether Builder. I can make you a hatchery to hatch finished Nether eggs in.
        if ($acc["leadertype"] >= 1) {
            echo 'If you give me enough resources, I will make a hatchery for your kingdom.';
        } else {
            echo 'If one of your leaders gives me enough resources, I will make a hatchery for your kingdom.';
        echo '"</i><br><br>';
        if ($acc["leadertype"] >= 1) {
            $sql = "SELECT SUM(xp) AS totalxp FROM accounts WHERE kingdom = '{$acc['kingdom']}' AND status != '2' GROUP BY kingdom";
            $result = $db->query($sql);
            $totalxp = $db->result($result, 0);
            $kdlevel = gCalcLvl($totalxp, $gdKingdomXpVar, $gdKingdomStartXp);
            $maxhatcheries = floor($kdlevel / gdNetherBuildingLevel);
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM hatcheries WHERE kingdom = '{$acc['kingdom']}'";
            $result = $db->query($sql);
            $numrows = $db->num_rows($result);
            if ($numrows >= $maxhatcheries) {
                echo '
					"<i>I\'m sorry, but there\'s no place left in your kingdom to build a new hatchery.<br>
					You can still upgrade an old one though.</i>"<br>
            $array = array();
            while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
                $array[$row["hatchery"]][$row["class"]] = $row["type"];
            $printarray = array();
Esempio n. 2
    $numrows = $db->num_rows($result);
    tBegin("Inhabitants ({$numrows})");
    echo '
		<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
		<td width="33%" align="left" valign="top">
    $time = time() - $gdOnlineTime;
    for ($m = 0; $m < $numrows; $m++) {
        $row = $db->fetch_array($result);
        if ($row["leadertype"] != 0) {
            $type = " (" . $gdLeaderTypes[$row["leadertype"]]["name"][$row["gender"]] . ", ";
        } else {
            $type = " (";
        $type .= "L" . gCalcLvl($row["xp"], $gdXpVar, $gdStartXp) . ", " . $gdClass[$row["class"] - 1]["name"] . ")";
        if ($row["time"] > $time) {
            $color = '<font class="top">';
        } else {
            $color = '<font class="head">';
        echo '<a href="index.php?page=playerinfo&action=viewinfo&aid=', $row["id"], '">', $color, '', $row["name"], '</font></a>', $type, '<br>';
        if (round($numrows / 3 * 1) == $m || round($numrows / 3 * 2) == $m) {
            echo '
				<td width="33%" align="left" valign="top">
    echo '
Esempio n. 3
     echo 'You are not a leader or not at home.<br>';
     $no = 1;
 if (!$mage) {
     echo 'Invalid data.<br>';
     $no = 1;
 } else {
     $sql = "SELECT id, kingdom, gender, name, forest, death, air, earth, xp FROM accounts WHERE name = '{$mage}'";
     $result = $db->query($sql);
     $numrows = $db->num_rows($result);
     if ($numrows != 1) {
         echo 'That mage doesn\'t exit.<br>';
         $no = 1;
     } else {
         $row = $db->fetch_array($result);
         $row["level"] = gCalcLvl($row["xp"], $gdXpVar, $gdStartXp);
         $accid = $row["id"];
         if ($row["kingdom"] != $acc["kingdom"]) {
             $sql = "SELECT * FROM relations WHERE ((kingdom = '{$acc['kingdom']}' AND target = '{$row['kingdom']}') OR (kingdom = '{$row['kingdom']}' AND target = '{$acc['kingdom']}')) AND type = '2'";
             $result = $db->query($sql);
             $numrows = $db->num_rows($result);
             if ($numrows != 1) {
                 echo 'That mage lives in a kingdom that is not allied to you.<br>';
                 $no = 1;
         $sql = "SELECT {$gdTravelChallengeCreatureSelect} FROM creatures AS c, races AS r WHERE = '{$egg['creature']}' AND c.race =";
         $result = $db->query($sql);
         $crow = $db->fetch_array($result);
         $creature = new Creature($crow);
         $accskill = $row[strtolower($gdClass[$crow["class"] - 1]["name"])];
Esempio n. 4
 function creature1($array, $special = FALSE)
     global $acc, $gdClass;
     $this->data = $array;
     // real creature
     if ($this->data["creaturename"] != "") {
         // special creature (amulet)
         if ($special == "amulet") {
             $this->amulet = TRUE;
         // basic steal var
         $this->data["stealmultiplier"] = 1;
         // > 140% base defense check
         if ($this->data["forest"] > 140) {
             $this->data["forestspecial"] = TRUE;
         if ($this->data["death"] > 140) {
             $this->data["deathspecial"] = TRUE;
         if ($this->data["air"] > 140) {
             $this->data["airspecial"] = TRUE;
         if ($this->data["earth"] > 140) {
             $this->data["earthspecial"] = TRUE;
         // set standard race display
         $this->data["racedisplay"] = $this->data["racename"];
         // apply creature mods
         // maximum level check
         $maxxp = gCalcXp(gdMaxCreatureLevel + $this->data["bonuslevels"], gdCreatureXpVar, gdCreatureStartXp);
         if ($this->data["xp"] >= $maxxp) {
             $this->data["xp"] = $maxxp - 1;
         // level calculation
         $this->data["level"] = gCalcLvl($this->data["xp"], gdCreatureXpVar, gdCreatureStartXp);
         $this->data["nextlevelxp"] = gCalcXp($this->data["level"], gdCreatureXpVar, gdCreatureStartXp);
         // level bonus calculation
         $this->data["levelbonus"] = 1 + gdCreatureNextLevelBonus * ($this->data["level"] - 1);
         $this->data["damage"] = round($this->data["damage"] * $this->data["levelbonus"]);
         $this->data["maxhealth"] = round($this->data["maxhealth"] * $this->data["levelbonus"]);
         // skill calculation + defense slot skill fix
         //if ($this->data["status"] == 1 && $this->data["hidden"] != 0) {	$this->data[strtolower($gdClass[$this->data["hidden"]-1]["name"])] -= gdDefenseSlotAdvantage; }
         $this->data["skill"] = round(($this->data["damage"] * 2 + (2 / 30 * (($this->data["forest"] + $this->data["death"] + $this->data["air"] + $this->data["earth"]) / 40 * $this->data["maxhealth"]) + 2 / 3 * $this->data["maxhealth"])) * (1 - $this->data["skillbonus"] / 100));
         //if ($this->data["status"] == 1 && $this->data["hidden"] != 0) {	$this->data[strtolower($gdClass[$this->data["hidden"]-1]["name"])] += gdDefenseSlotAdvantage; }
         $this->data["sortskill"] = round($this->data["skill"] / (1 - $this->data["skillbonus"] / 100));
         // steal multiplier bonus
         $this->data["stealmultiplier"] *= gGetCreatureExponent($this->data["skill"]);
         // defense slot bonus
         if ($this->data["status"] == 1 && $this->data["hidden"] != 0) {
             $this->data["base_" . strtolower($gdClass[$this->data["hidden"] - 1]["name"])] = $this->data[strtolower($gdClass[$this->data["hidden"] - 1]["name"])];
             $this->data[strtolower($gdClass[$this->data["hidden"] - 1]["name"])] += gdDefenseSlotAdvantage;
             $this->alters[strtolower($gdClass[$this->data["hidden"] - 1]["name"])] += gdDefenseSlotAdvantage;
         // check for defenses > 140
         // set creature type display
         // level req calculation
         // creature status correction
         if ($this->data["dead"] == 1) {
             $this->data["status"] = 5;
         if ($this->data["status"] == "") {
             $this->data["status"] = 0;
         // resource calculation
         // xp correction if maximum level is reached
         if ($this->data["xp"] == $maxxp - 1) {
         // Surathli's Blessing curse
         if ($this->data["curse"] == 5) {
             $this->data["stealmultiplier"] += 3;
         // set class display
     // item
     if ($this->data["itemname"] != "") {
Esempio n. 5
 if ($battle["resource"] == "powerbalance" || $battle["resource"] == "power") {
     $mult = "steal3";
 } elseif ($battle["resource"] == "essence" || $battle["resource"] == "granite" || $battle["resource"] == "arcane") {
     $mult = "steal2";
 } else {
     $mult = "steal1";
 // fetch player data
 $sql = "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE id = '{$targetid}'";
 $result = $db->query($sql);
 $target = $db->fetch_array($result);
 $target["level"] = gCalcLvl($target["xp"], $gdXpVar, $gdStartXp);
 $sql = "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE id = '{$accountid}'";
 $result = $db->query($sql);
 $account = $db->fetch_array($result);
 $account["level"] = gCalcLvl($account["xp"], $gdXpVar, $gdStartXp);
 // set attacker/defender arrays
 $attackers_array = array("id" => $accountid, "Itherian" => $attackers_Itherian, "level" => $account["level"]);
 $creatures_array = array("id" => $targetid, "Itherian" => $creatures_Itherian, "level" => $target["level"]);
 for ($m = 0; $m < count($attackers); $m++) {
     $attacker = new Creature($attackers[$m]);
     if ($battle["resource"] == "arcane") {
         $attacker->data[$mult] = 100;
     if (!$attacker->data["defender"]) {
         // raid
         // execute items
         $attacker->execAbility("prebattle", gDummyCreature(), $attackers);
         $resources += round($attacker->data["skill"] * $gdRaidResourcesStolen);
         $attackername = $attacker->data["creaturename"];
Esempio n. 6
    $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM kdbattles WHERE target = '{$acc['kingdom']}' AND status = '1' AND building = '0'";
    $result = $db->query($sql);
    $numrows = $db->result($result, 0);
    if ($numrows != 0) {
        echo '

			You can\'t spend resources while your treasure room is under attack.<br>

			Finish the kingdom battles first.<br>

    } else {
        $sql = "SELECT SUM(xp) AS xp FROM accounts WHERE kingdom = '{$acc['kingdom']}' AND status != '2'";
        $result = $db->query($sql);
        $xp = $db->result($result, 0);
        $kingdomlevel = gCalcLvl($xp, $gdKingdomXpVar, $gdKingdomStartXp);
        $found = FALSE;
        for ($m = 0; $m < count($gdGemSpells); $m++) {
            if ($gdGemSpells[$m]["level"] <= $kingdomlevel) {
                $found = TRUE;
                $type = $gdGemSpells[$m]["type"];
                // xp
                if ($type == "xp") {
                    $description = "Enchanted creature will gain more xp than usual.";
                // damage
                if ($type == "damage") {
                    $description = "Enchanted creature will do additional damage.";
                // more levels
                if ($type == "levels") {
Esempio n. 7
                 $no = 1;
         if ($numrows == 0) {
             $output .= 'You have to select at least one shard.<br>';
             $no = 1;
         if ($numrows > $proficiency["shards"] && $gdCurses[$curse["curse"]]["type"] == "curse") {
             $output .= "You can only select {$proficiency['shards']} shards.";
             $no = 1;
         if ($total != $numrows) {
             $output .= 'You have selected an invalid shard.<br>';
             $no = 1;
         $level = gCalcLvl($xp, $gdXpVar, $gdStartXp);
         $leveldif = abs($acc["level"] - $level);
         if ($leveldif > $gdCurseDropTimeLevelDif) {
             $leveldif = $gdCurseDropTimeLevelDif;
         $timedif = round($gdCurseDropTimeMaximum - ($gdCurseDropTimeMaximum - $gdCurseDropTimeMinimum) / $gdCurseDropTimeLevelDif * $leveldif);
         if ($level < $gdCurseLevelMin) {
             $output .= 'That player is not yet level ' . $gdCurseLevelMin . '.<br>';
             $no = 1;
 if ($gdSpecialKingdoms[$acc["kingdom"]]) {
     $output .= 'You can\'t cast curses when you live in a starter kingdom.<br>';
     $no = 1;
Esempio n. 8

if ($acc["owner"]) {
    include_once "admin/abuildings.php";
if (!$action) {
    // indelen van buildings
    $level = gCalcLvl($acc["xp"], $gdXpVar, $gdStartXp);
    $id = $acc["id"];
    $sql = "SELECT AS abid, AS id, AS name, b.type AS type, b.granite AS granite, b.level AS level, b.root AS root, b.value FROM (buildings AS b) LEFT JOIN accbuildings AS ab ON = ab.building AND ab.account = '{$id}' WHERE b.level <= '{$level}' AND (b.class = '0' OR b.class = '{$acc['class']}') ORDER BY ASC";
    $result = $db->query($sql);
    $numrows = $db->num_rows($result);
    while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
        // not-built buildings
        if ($row["abid"] == "") {
            $newbuildings[count($newbuildings)] = $row;
        } else {
            $allbuildings[count($allbuildings)] = $row;
            // race buildings
            if ($row["type"] == 0) {
                $racebuildings[count($racebuildings)] = $row;
            // item buildings
            if ($row["type"] == 1) {
                $itembuildings[count($itembuildings)] = $row;
            // creature max buildings
            if ($row["type"] == 2) {
                $cmaxbuildings[count($cmaxbuildings)] = $row;