function fwp_syndication_manage_page_update_box($object = NULL, $box = NULL) { $bleg_box_hidden = null; if (isset($_POST['maybe_later'])) { $bleg_box_hidden = time() + FEEDWORDPRESS_BLEG_MAYBE_LATER_OFFSET; } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['paid']) and $_REQUEST['paid']) { $bleg_box_hidden = time() + FEEDWORDPRESS_BLEG_ALREADY_PAID_OFFSET; } elseif (isset($_POST['go_away'])) { $bleg_box_hidden = 'permanent'; } if (!is_null($bleg_box_hidden)) { update_option('feedwordpress_bleg_box_hidden', $bleg_box_hidden); } else { $bleg_box_hidden = get_option('feedwordpress_bleg_box_hidden'); } ?> <?php $bleg_box_ready = (FEEDWORDPRESS_BLEG and (!$bleg_box_hidden or is_numeric($bleg_box_hidden) and $bleg_box_hidden < time())); if (isset($_REQUEST['paid']) and $_REQUEST['paid']) { $object->bleg_thanks($subject, $box); } elseif ($bleg_box_ready) { $object->bleg_box($object, $box); } ?> <form action="<?php print $object->form_action(); ?> " method="POST" class="update-form<?php if ($bleg_box_ready) { ?> with-donation<?php } ?> " > <div><?php FeedWordPressCompatibility::stamp_nonce('feedwordpress_feeds'); ?> </div> <p>Check currently scheduled feeds for new and updated posts.</p> <?php fwp_dashboard_update_if_requested($object); if (!get_option('feedwordpress_automatic_updates')) { ?> <p class="heads-up"><strong>Note:</strong> Automatic updates are currently turned <strong>off</strong>. New posts from your feeds will not be syndicated until you manually check for them here. You can turn on automatic updates under <a href="<?php print $object->admin_page_href('feeds-page.php'); ?> ">Feed & Update Settings<a></a>.</p> <?php } ?> <div class="submit"><?php if ($object->show_inactive()) { ?> <?php foreach ($object->updates_requested() as $req) { ?> <input type="hidden" name="update_uri[]" value="<?php print esc_html($req); ?> " /> <?php } ?> <?php } else { ?> <input type="hidden" name="update_uri" value="*" /> <?php } ?> <input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="update" value="<?php _e(FWP_CHECK_FOR_UPDATES); ?> " /></div> <br style="clear: both" /> </form> <?php }
function fwp_syndication_manage_page_update_box($object = NULL, $box = NULL) { $updateFeedsNow = __('Update feeds now'); ?> <form action="" method="POST"> <?php if (fwp_test_wp_version(FWP_SCHEMA_25, FWP_SCHEMA_27)) { ?> <div id="rightnow"> <h3 class="reallynow"><span><?php print $updateFeedsNow; ?> </span> <input type="hidden" name="update_uri" value="*" /><input style="float: right; border: none;" class="rbutton" type="submit" name="update" value="Update" /> <br class="clear"/></h3> <?php } elseif (fwp_test_wp_version(0, FWP_SCHEMA_25)) { ?> <h2><?php print $updateFeedsNow; ?> </h2> <?php } ?> <?php if (fwp_test_wp_version(FWP_SCHEMA_25)) { fwp_dashboard_update_if_requested(); } else { ?> <p>Check currently scheduled feeds for new and updated posts.</p> <?php } ?> <?php if (!get_option('feedwordpress_automatic_updates')) { ?> <p class="youhave"><strong>Note:</strong> Automatic updates are currently turned <strong>off</strong>. New posts from your feeds will not be syndicated until you manually check for them here. You can turn on automatic updates under <a href="admin.php?page=<?php print $GLOBALS['fwp_path']; ?> /syndication-options.php">Syndication Options</a>.</p> <?php } ?> <?php if (!fwp_test_wp_version(FWP_SCHEMA_25, FWP_SCHEMA_27)) { ?> <div class="submit"><input type="hidden" name="update_uri" value="*" /><input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="update" value="Update" /></div> <?php } ?> <?php if (fwp_test_wp_version(FWP_SCHEMA_27)) { ?> <br style="clear: both" /> <?php } elseif (fwp_test_wp_version(FWP_SCHEMA_25, FWP_SCHEMA_27)) { ?> </div> <!-- id="rightnow" --> </div> <!-- class="wrap" --> <?php } elseif (fwp_test_wp_version(0, FWP_SCHEMA_25)) { ?> </div> <!-- class="wrap" --> <?php } ?> </form> <?php }