$stmt->bind_result($intUserID_DB, $Email_DB, $Phone_DB, $strName, $strWalletAddress); //bind results $stmt->fetch(); //fetch the value //mysqli_stmt_store_result($stmt); //$intTotalRowsFound = mysqli_stmt_num_rows($stmt); //echo "totalrows: $intTotalRowsFound <br>"; $stmt->close(); //Close statement } else { echo "Prepare failed: (" . $DB_MYSQLI->errno . ") " . $DB_MYSQLI->error; } $strWalletAddress = trim($strWalletAddress); $strWalletLabel = $intUserID_DB . "|" . $Email_DB . "|" . $Phone_DB . "|" . $strName; //echo "making wallet address for ... ".$strWalletLabel."<br>"; $strWalletAddress = funct_Billing_NewWalletAddress($strWalletLabel); if ($strWalletAddress) { //update database with new wallet hash code //$query="UPDATE " . TBL_USERS . " SET wallet_btc='".$strWalletAddress."' WHERE id=".$intUserID_DB ; //echo "SQL STMNT = " . $query . "<br>"; //mysqli_query($DB_LINK, $query) or die(mysqli_error()); if ($DB_MYSQLI->connect_errno) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: (" . $DB_MYSQLI->connect_errno . ") " . $DB_MYSQLI->connect_error; } if (!($stmt = $DB_MYSQLI->prepare("UPDATE " . TBL_USERS . " SET wallet_btc = ? WHERE id = ? "))) { echo "Prepare failed: (" . $DB_MYSQLI->errno . ") " . $DB_MYSQLI->error; } if (!$stmt->bind_param('si', $strWalletAddress, $intUserID_DB)) { echo "Binding parameters failed: (" . $stmt->errno . ") " . $stmt->error; } if (!$stmt->execute()) {
function funct_MakeWalletAddressUpdate($intUserID, $strCrypto_Code) { //create a new wallet address global $DB_LINK; //Allows Function to Access variable defined in constants.php ( database link ) //get info from database for member with hash get their id $query = "SELECT * FROM " . TBL_USERS . " WHERE id= '" . $intUserID . "' "; //echo "SQL STMNT = " . $query . "<br>"; $rs = mysqli_query($DB_LINK, $query); // or die(mysqli_error()); if (mysqli_num_rows($rs) > 0) { $row = mysqli_fetch_array($rs); $strNameFirst = $row["first_name"]; //important $strNameLast = $row["last_name"]; //important $strEmail = $row["email"]; //important $strPhone = $row["cellphone"]; //important $intCountryID = $row["country_id"]; $intCountryPhoneCode = $row["country_phonecode"]; //$strWalletAddress_BTC= $row["wallet_btc"]; //their own personal wallet to forward btc to $intBalance = $row["balance"]; //important $intBalanceBTC_old = $row["balance_btc"]; $intEarnedTotal = $row["total_earned"]; $strName = $strNameFirst . " " . $strNameLast; } /* make wallet receiving address or full wallet */ //get their custom wallet address - Blockchain.info or local bitcoin qt json rpc $strWalletLabel = AlphaNumericOnly_RepaceWithSpace($strEmail); //create the new wallet address via json rpc //https://github.com/goethewins/EzBit-BitCoin-API--Wallet $strWallet_Address = funct_Billing_NewWalletAddress($strEmail); if ($strWallet_Address) { //update database with new wallet hash code $query = "UPDATE " . TBL_USERS . " SET " . $strSQLUpdate . " wallet_receive_on = 1 , " . " wallet_address= '{$strWallet_Address}' " . " WHERE id=" . $intUserID; //echo "SQL STMNT = " . $query . "<br>"; mysqli_query($DB_LINK, $query); // or die(mysqli_error()); //add record to wallet addresses table TBL_WALLET_ADDRESSES $query = "INSERT INTO " . TBL_WALLET_ADDRESSES . " ( user_id, \twallet_address,\t \t\tdate_created ) VALUES " . " ( {$intUserID},\t'{$strWallet_Address}',\tNOW() \t ) "; //echo "SQL STMNT = " . $query . "<br>"; mysqli_query($DB_LINK, $query); //$intWalletID = mysqli_insert_id($DB_LINK); //add record to balances table - must only be on record per crypto type //this record is needed only if their is multiple crypto alt coin support //first see if there is already a record for this crypto type in the database $query = "SELECT * FROM " . TBL_WALLET_BALANCES . " WHERE currency_code= '" . $strCrypto . "' AND userid=" . $intUserID . ""; //echo "Rate Select SQL = " . $query . "<br>"; $rs = mysqli_query($DB_LINK, $query) or die(mysqli_error()); if (mysqli_num_rows($rs) > 0) { $row = mysqli_fetch_array($rs); //record found } if (!$strCrypto_Code) { $strCrypto_Code = "btc"; } $query = "INSERT INTO " . TBL_WALLET_BALANCES . " ( user_id, \tcurrency_type, \tcurrency_code,\t balance\t) VALUES " . " ( {$intUserID},\t'crypto',\t '{$strCrypto_Code}', 0 ) "; //echo "SQL STMNT = " . $query . "<br>"; mysqli_query($DB_LINK, $query); //$intWalletID = mysqli_insert_id($DB_LINK); //make QR Code and save to their directory - google, phpapi if ($strWallet_Address) { $strQRcodeIMG = PATH_QRCODES . $strWallet_Address . ".png"; $strError = funct_Billing_GetQRCodeImage($strWallet_Address, $strQRcodeIMG); //save img to disk } //update database with successful code creation $query = "UPDATE " . TBL_USERS . " SET flag_qrcodeimg=1 WHERE id=" . $intUserID; //echo "SQL STMNT = " . $query . "<br>"; mysqli_query($DB_LINK, $query); // or die(mysqli_error()); } return $strWallet_Address; }