public static function print_table_data($owner_table, $owner_id) { if (self::can_i('view', 'Extra Fields') && isset(self::$column_headers[$owner_table])) { $extra_data = get_multiple('extra', array('owner_table' => $owner_table, 'owner_id' => $owner_id), 'extra_key'); foreach (self::$column_headers[$owner_table] as $column_header) { ?> <td> <?php echo isset($extra_data[$column_header['key']]) ? forum_text($extra_data[$column_header['key']]['extra']) : ''; ?> </td> <?php } } }
/** * @param $invoice_id * @param $invoice_data * @return array * * todo: make this method call the other 'get_replace_fields' available in website/job/etc.. */ public static function get_replace_fields($invoice_id, $invoice_data = false) { if (!$invoice_data) { $invoice_data = self::get_invoice($invoice_id); } $customer_data = array(); if ($invoice_data['customer_id']) { $customer_data = module_customer::get_replace_fields($invoice_data['customer_id'], $invoice_data['user_id']); } if (!is_array($customer_data)) { $customer_data = array(); } $data = array_merge($customer_data, $invoice_data); // so we get total_amount_due and stuff. $data = array_merge($data, array('invoice_number' => htmlspecialchars($invoice_data['name']), 'project_type' => _l(module_config::c('project_name_single', 'Website')), 'print_link' => self::link_public_print($invoice_id), 'title' => module_config::s('admin_system_name'), 'invoice_paid' => $invoice_data['total_amount_due'] <= 0 ? '<p> <font style="font-size: 1.6em;"><strong>' . _l('INVOICE PAID') . '</strong></font> </p>' : '', 'is_invoice_paid' => $invoice_data['total_amount_due'] <= 0 ? 1 : '', 'date_create' => print_date($invoice_data['date_create']), 'due_date' => print_date($invoice_data['date_due']))); $data['total_amount'] = dollar($invoice_data['total_amount'], true, $invoice_data['currency_id']); $data['total_amount_due'] = dollar($invoice_data['total_amount_due'], true, $invoice_data['currency_id']); $data['total_amount_paid'] = dollar($invoice_data['total_amount_paid'], true, $invoice_data['currency_id']); $data['date_paid'] = print_date($invoice_data['date_paid']); $data['date_due'] = print_date($invoice_data['date_due']); $data['date_sent'] = print_date($invoice_data['date_sent']); $data['invoice_number'] = $invoice_data['name']; $data['invoice_url'] = module_invoice::link_public($invoice_id); $data['invoice_date_range'] = ''; if ($invoice_data['date_renew'] != '0000-00-00') { $data['invoice_date_range'] = _l('%s to %s', print_date($invoice_data['date_create']), print_date(strtotime("-1 day", strtotime($invoice_data['date_renew'])))); } if (isset($invoice_data['credit_note_id']) && $invoice_data['credit_note_id']) { $credit_invoice = module_invoice::get_invoice($invoice_data['credit_note_id'], true); $data['credit_invoice_number'] = htmlspecialchars($credit_invoice['name']); } $data['invoice_notes'] = ''; // grab any public notes if (class_exists('module_note', false) && module_note::is_plugin_enabled()) { $notes = module_note::get_notes(array('public' => 1, 'owner_table' => 'invoice', 'owner_id' => $invoice_id)); if (count($notes) > 1) { $data['invoice_notes'] .= '<ul>'; foreach ($notes as $note) { if ($note['public']) { $data['invoice_notes'] .= '<li>'; $data['invoice_notes'] .= htmlspecialchars($note['note']); $data['invoice_notes'] .= '</li>'; } } $data['invoice_notes'] .= '</ul>'; } else { $note = array_shift($notes); $data['invoice_notes'] .= htmlspecialchars($note['note']); } } $job_names = $website_url = $project_names = $project_names_and_url = array(); foreach ($invoice_data['job_ids'] as $job_id) { $job_data = module_job::get_job($job_id); if ($job_data && $job_data['job_id'] == $job_id) { $job_names[$job_data['job_id']] = $job_data['name']; if (module_config::c('job_invoice_show_date_range', 1)) { // check if this job is a renewable job. if ($job_data['date_renew'] != '0000-00-00') { $data['invoice_date_range'] = _l('%s to %s', print_date($job_data['date_start']), print_date(strtotime("-1 day", strtotime($job_data['date_renew'])))); } } $fields = module_job::get_replace_fields($job_id, $job_data); foreach ($fields as $key => $val) { if (!isset($data[$key]) || !$data[$key] && $val) { $data[$key] = $val; } } if ($job_data['website_id']) { $website_data = module_website::get_website($job_data['website_id']); if ($website_data && $website_data['website_id'] == $job_data['website_id']) { if (isset($website_data['url']) && $website_data['url']) { $website_url[$website_data['website_id']] = module_website::urlify($website_data['url']); $website_data['name_url'] = $website_data['name'] . ' (' . module_website::urlify($website_data['url']) . ')'; } else { $website_data['name_url'] = $website_data['name']; } $project_names[$website_data['website_id']] = $website_data['name']; $project_names_and_url[$website_data['website_id']] = $website_data['name_url']; $fields = module_website::get_replace_fields($website_data['website_id'], $website_data); foreach ($fields as $key => $val) { if (!isset($data[$key]) || !$data[$key] && $val) { $data[$key] = $val; } } } } } } if (isset($invoice_data['website_id']) && $invoice_data['website_id']) { $website_data = module_website::get_website($invoice_data['website_id']); if ($website_data && $website_data['website_id'] == $invoice_data['website_id']) { if (isset($website_data['url']) && $website_data['url']) { $website_url[$website_data['website_id']] = module_website::urlify($website_data['url']); $website_data['name_url'] = $website_data['name'] . ' (' . module_website::urlify($website_data['url']) . ')'; } else { $website_data['name_url'] = $website_data['name']; } $project_names[$website_data['website_id']] = $website_data['name']; $project_names_and_url[$website_data['website_id']] = $website_data['name_url']; $fields = module_website::get_replace_fields($website_data['website_id'], $website_data); foreach ($fields as $key => $val) { if (!isset($data[$key]) || !$data[$key] && $val) { $data[$key] = $val; } } } } $data['website_name'] = $data['project_name'] = forum_text(count($project_names) ? implode(', ', $project_names) : ''); $data['website_name_url'] = forum_text(count($project_names_and_url) ? implode(', ', $project_names_and_url) : ''); $data['website_url'] = forum_text(count($website_url) ? implode(', ', $website_url) : ''); $data['job_name'] = forum_text($job_names ? implode(', ', $job_names) : ''); if (class_exists('module_group', false)) { // get the job groups $wg = array(); $g = array(); foreach ($invoice_data['job_ids'] as $group_job_id) { $group_job_id = (int) trim($group_job_id); if ($group_job_id > 0) { $job_data = module_job::get_job($group_job_id); foreach (module_group::get_groups_search(array('owner_table' => 'job', 'owner_id' => $group_job_id)) as $group) { $g[$group['group_id']] = $group['name']; } // get the website groups if ($job_data['website_id']) { foreach (module_group::get_groups_search(array('owner_table' => 'website', 'owner_id' => $job_data['website_id'])) as $group) { $wg[$group['group_id']] = $group['name']; } } } } if (isset($invoice_data['website_id']) && $invoice_data['website_id']) { foreach (module_group::get_groups_search(array('owner_table' => 'website', 'owner_id' => $invoice_data['website_id'])) as $group) { $wg[$group['group_id']] = $group['name']; } } $data['job_group'] = implode(', ', $g); $data['website_group'] = implode(', ', $wg); } // addition. find all extra keys for this invoice and add them in. // we also have to find any EMPTY extra fields, and add those in as well. if (class_exists('module_extra', false) && module_extra::is_plugin_enabled()) { $all_extra_fields = module_extra::get_defaults('invoice'); foreach ($all_extra_fields as $e) { $data[$e['key']] = _l('N/A'); } // and find the ones with values: $extras = module_extra::get_extras(array('owner_table' => 'invoice', 'owner_id' => $invoice_id)); foreach ($extras as $e) { $data[$e['extra_key']] = $e['extra']; } } $new_data = hook_handle_callback('invoice_replace_fields', $invoice_id, $data); if (is_array($new_data)) { foreach ($new_data as $new_d) { $data = array_merge($data, $new_d); } } return $data; }
<a href="<?php echo module_note::link_open($note_item['note_id'], false, $note_item['options']); ?> " data-options="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(base64_encode(serialize($note_item['options']))); ?> " class="note_edit note_options_link" rel="<?php echo $note_item['note_id']; ?> "> <?php echo $note_text; ?> </a> <?php } else { echo forum_text($note_item['note']); } }); $columns['info'] = array('title' => 'Info', 'width' => 40, 'callback' => function ($note_item) { if (module_config::c('note_show_creator', 1)) { $user_data = module_user::get_user($note_item['create_user_id']); echo $user_data['name']; } if ($note_item['display_summary'] && $note_item['rel_data'] && $note_item['owner_id']) { global $plugins; if (module_config::c('note_show_creator', 1)) { echo ' / '; } echo $plugins[$note_item['owner_table']]->link_open($note_item['owner_id'], true); } });
if (!isset($comments)) { die('Wrong file'); } foreach ($comments as $comment) { ?> <div class="task_job_discussion_comments"> <div class="info"> <?php echo $comment['user_id'] ? module_user::link_open($comment['user_id'], true, array(), true) : 'Unknown'; ?> <?php echo print_date($comment['date_created'], true); ?> </div> <?php echo forum_text($comment['note']); ?> </div> <?php } if ($job_data && isset($job_data['job_discussion']) && $job_data['job_discussion'] == 2) { // disabled & shown. return; } if ($allow_new) { ?> <div class="task_job_discussion_comments"> <div class="info"> <?php echo $current_user_id ? module_user::link_open($current_user_id, true, array(), true) : 'Unknown'; ?>
private function _output_block($facebook_data, $level) { if (!isset($facebook_data['picture']) && isset($facebook_data['attachment'], $facebook_data['attachment']['type'], $facebook_data['attachment']['media']['image']['src'])) { $facebook_data['picture'] = $facebook_data['attachment']['media']['image']['src']; $facebook_data['link'] = isset($facebook_data['attachment']['url']) ? $facebook_data['attachment']['url'] : false; } if (isset($facebook_data['comments'])) { $comments = $this->get_comments($facebook_data['comments']); } else { $comments = array(); } //echo '<pre>';print_r($facebook_data);echo '</pre>'; if ($facebook_data['message'] !== false) { ?> <div class="facebook_comment"> <div class="facebook_comment_picture"> <?php if (isset($facebook_data['from']['id'])) { ?> <img src="//<?php echo $facebook_data['from']['id']; ?> /picture"> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="facebook_comment_header"> <?php echo isset($facebook_data, $facebook_data['from']) ? ucm_facebook::format_person($facebook_data['from']) : 'N/A'; ?> <span><?php $time = strtotime(isset($facebook_data['updated_time']) ? $facebook_data['updated_time'] : (isset($facebook_data['created_time']) ? $facebook_data['created_time'] : false)); echo $time ? ' @ ' . print_date($time, true) : ''; // todo - better this! don't call on every comment, load list in main loop and pass through all results. if (isset($facebook_data['user_id']) && $facebook_data['user_id']) { echo ' (sent by ' . module_user::link_open($facebook_data['user_id'], true) . ')'; } else { if (isset($facebook_data['id']) && $facebook_data['id']) { $exists = get_single('social_facebook_message_comment', array('facebook_id', 'social_facebook_message_id'), array($facebook_data['id'], $this->social_facebook_message_id)); if ($exists && isset($exists['user_id']) && $exists['user_id']) { echo ' (sent by ' . module_user::link_open($exists['user_id'], true) . ')'; } } } ?> </span> </div> <div class="facebook_comment_body"> <?php if (isset($facebook_data['picture']) && $facebook_data['picture']) { ?> <div class="facebook_picture"> <?php if (isset($facebook_data['link']) && $facebook_data['link']) { ?> <a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($facebook_data['link']); ?> " target="_blank"> <?php } ?> <img src="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($facebook_data['picture']); ?> "> <?php if (isset($facebook_data['link']) && $facebook_data['link']) { ?> </a> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> <div> <?php echo forum_text($facebook_data['message']); ?> </div> </div> <div class="facebook_comment_actions"> <?php if ($this->can_reply && ($this->get('type') != 'conversation' && $level == 2)) { ?> <a href="#" class="facebook_reply_button"><?php _e('Reply'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="facebook_comment_replies"> <?php //if(strpos($facebook_data['message'],'picture')){ //echo '<pre>'; print_r($facebook_data); echo '</pre>'; //} if (count($comments)) { // recursively print out our comments! //$comments = array_reverse($comments); foreach ($comments as $comment) { $this->_output_block($comment, $level + 1); } } if ($this->can_reply && isset($facebook_data['id']) && $facebook_data['id'] && ($this->get('type') == 'conversation' && $level == 1 || $this->get('type') != 'conversation' && $level <= 2)) { $this->reply_box($facebook_data['id'], $level); } ?> </div> <?php }
public static function hook_invoice_replace_fields($callback_name, $invoice_id, $existing_data) { $new_data = array(); $new_data['subscription_name'] = ''; if ((int) $invoice_id > 0) { // check if this invoice is linked to any subscription payments. $subscription_history = get_single('subscription_history', 'invoice_id', $invoice_id); if ($subscription_history) { //$subscription_member_history = self::get_subscription_history($subscription_history['subscription_id'], $subscription_history['member_id'], $subscription_history['customer_id']); $subscription_owner = get_single('subscription_owner', 'subscription_owner_id', $subscription_history['subscription_owner_id']); $subscriptions = module_subscription::get_subscriptions_by($subscription_owner['owner_table'], $subscription_owner['owner_id']); /*if(isset($subscription_history['member_id']) && $subscription_history['member_id']){ $subscriptions = module_subscription::get_subscriptions_by_member($subscription_history['member_id']); }else if(isset($subscription_history['customer_id']) && $subscription_history['customer_id']){ $subscriptions = module_subscription::get_subscriptions_by_customer($subscription_history['customer_id']); }*/ if (isset($subscriptions[$subscription_history['subscription_id']])) { $subscription = self::get_subscription($subscription_history['subscription_id']); $invoice_data = module_invoice::get_invoice($invoice_id, true); $new_data['subscription_name'] = $subscription['name']; // it might not be 'date_create' it might be days in the future if (isset($subscription_history['from_next_due_date']) && $subscription_history['from_next_due_date'] && $subscription_history['from_next_due_date'] != '0000-00-00') { $new_data['invoice_date_range'] = self::_calculate_next_time(strtotime($subscription_history['from_next_due_date']), $subscription, true); } else { $new_data['invoice_date_range'] = self::_calculate_next_time(strtotime($invoice_data['date_create']), $subscription, true); } // is this linked to a website? pull in website data into the invoice replace fields (code copied from invoice.php) if ($subscription_owner['owner_table'] == 'website') { $website_data = module_website::get_website($subscription_owner['owner_id']); if ($website_data && $website_data['website_id'] == $subscription_owner['owner_id']) { $website_url = $project_names = $project_names_and_url = array(); if (isset($website_data['url']) && $website_data['url']) { $website_url[$website_data['website_id']] = module_website::urlify($website_data['url']); $website_data['name_url'] = $website_data['name'] . ' (' . module_website::urlify($website_data['url']) . ')'; } else { $website_data['name_url'] = $website_data['name']; } $project_names[$website_data['website_id']] = $website_data['name']; $project_names_and_url[$website_data['website_id']] = $website_data['name_url']; if (!$existing_data['website_name']) { $new_data['website_name'] = $new_data['project_name'] = forum_text(count($project_names) ? implode(', ', $project_names) : ''); } if (!$existing_data['website_name_url']) { $new_data['website_name_url'] = forum_text(count($project_names_and_url) ? implode(', ', $project_names_and_url) : ''); } if (!$existing_data['website_url']) { $new_data['website_url'] = forum_text(count($website_url) ? implode(', ', $website_url) : ''); } } } } } } return $new_data; }
?> <input type="submit" name="butt_save_note" id="butt_save_note" value="<?php echo _l('Add Comment'); ?> " class="submit_button no_permissions"> <?php } ?> <input type="hidden" name="delete_file_comment_id" id="delete_file_comment_id" value="0" class="no_permissions"> </div> </div> <?php foreach (module_file::get_file_comments($file_id) as $item) { $note_text = forum_text($item['comment']); if (preg_match_all('/#(\\d+)/', $note_text, $matches)) { // foreach ($matches[1] as $digit) { $note_text = preg_replace('/#' . $digit . '([^\\d]*)/', '<span node_id=' . $digit . ' class="pointer-ids pointer-id-' . $digit . '">#' . $digit . '</span>$1', $note_text); } } ?> <div style="border-top:1px dashed #CCCCCC; padding:3px; margin:3px 0;"> <?php echo $note_text; ?> <div style="font-size:10px; text-align:right; color:#CCCCCC;">From <?php echo $item['create_user_id'] ? module_user::link_open($item['create_user_id'], true) : _l('Customer');
</a> <?php } $long_description = trim($invoice_item_data['custom_long_description'] ? htmlspecialchars($invoice_item_data['custom_long_description']) : htmlspecialchars($invoice_item_data['long_description'])); if ($long_description != '') { ?> <a href="#" class="task_toggle_long_description">»</a> <div class="task_long_description" <?php if (module_config::c('invoice_show_long_desc', 1)) { ?> style="display:block;" <?php } ?> ><?php echo forum_text($long_description); ?> </div> <?php } else { ?> <?php } ?> </td> <?php if ($show_task_dates) { ?>
public static function html_faq($text) { if (function_exists('is_text_html') && !is_text_html($text)) { return forum_text($text); } return $text; }
public function output_block($level) { if (!$this->get('social_twitter_message_id') || $level < -3) { return; } $twitter_data = @json_decode($this->get('data'), true); // any previous messages? if ($level <= 0) { if ($this->get('reply_to_id')) { // this tweet is a reply to a previous tweet! ?> <div class="twitter_previous_messages"> <?php $reply_message = new ucm_twitter_message($this->twitter_account, $this->get('reply_to_id')); $reply_message->output_block($level - 1); ?> </div> <?php } else { if ($this->get('type') == _TWITTER_MESSAGE_TYPE_DIRECT) { // find previous message(s) $from = preg_replace('#[^0-9]#', '', $this->get('twitter_from_id')); $to = preg_replace('#[^0-9]#', '', $this->get('twitter_to_id')); if ($from && $to) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX . "social_twitter_message` WHERE `type` = " . _TWITTER_MESSAGE_TYPE_DIRECT . " AND message_time <= " . (int) $this->get('message_time') . " AND social_twitter_message_id != " . (int) $this->social_twitter_message_id . " AND ( (`twitter_from_id` = {$from} AND `twitter_to_id` = {$to}) OR (`twitter_from_id` = {$to} AND `twitter_to_id` = {$from}) ) ORDER BY `message_time` DESC LIMIT 1"; $previous = qa1($sql); if ($previous && $previous['social_twitter_message_id']) { ?> <div class="twitter_previous_messages twitter_direct"> <?php $reply_message = new ucm_twitter_message($this->twitter_account, $previous['social_twitter_message_id']); $reply_message->output_block($level - 1); ?> </div> <?php } } } } } $message_from = isset($twitter_data['user']) ? $twitter_data['user'] : (isset($twitter_data['sender']) ? $twitter_data['sender'] : false); if ($this->get('summary')) { if ($message_from && $this->get('type') != _TWITTER_MESSAGE_TYPE_DIRECT) { $message_from['tweet_id'] = isset($twitter_data['id_str']) ? $twitter_data['id_str'] : false; } //echo '<pre>'; print_r($twitter_data); echo '</pre>'; ?> <div class="twitter_comment <?php echo $level != 0 ? ' twitter_comment_clickable' : 'twitter_comment_current'; ?> " data-id="<?php echo $this->social_twitter_message_id; ?> " data-link="<?php echo module_social_twitter::link_open_twitter_message($this->get('social_twitter_id'), $this->social_twitter_message_id); ?> " data-title="<?php echo _l('Tweet'); ?> "> <div class="twitter_comment_picture"> <?php if (isset($twitter_data['user']['id_str'])) { $pic = array('screen_name' => isset($twitter_data['user']['screen_name']) ? $twitter_data['user']['screen_name'] : '', 'image' => isset($twitter_data['user']['profile_image_url_https']) ? $twitter_data['user']['profile_image_url_https'] : ''); } else { if (isset($twitter_data['sender']['id_str'])) { $pic = array('screen_name' => isset($twitter_data['sender']['screen_name']) ? $twitter_data['sender']['screen_name'] : '', 'image' => isset($twitter_data['sender']['profile_image_url_https']) ? $twitter_data['sender']['profile_image_url_https'] : ''); } else { $pic = false; } } if ($pic) { ?> <img src="<?php echo $pic['image']; ?> "> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="twitter_comment_header"> <?php _e('From:'); echo ' '; echo $message_from ? ucm_twitter::format_person($message_from) : 'N/A'; ?> <span><?php $time = strtotime($this->get('message_time')); echo $time ? ' @ ' . print_date($time, true) : ''; if ($this->get('user_id')) { echo ' (sent by ' . module_user::link_open($this->get('user_id'), true) . ')'; } ?> </span> </div> <div class="twitter_comment_body"> <?php if (isset($twitter_data['entities']['media']) && is_array($twitter_data['entities']['media'])) { foreach ($twitter_data['entities']['media'] as $media) { if ($media['type'] == 'photo') { ?> <div class="twitter_picture"> <?php if (isset($media['url']) && $media['url']) { ?> <a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($media['url']); ?> " target="_blank"> <?php } ?> <img src="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($media['media_url_https']); ?> "> <?php if (isset($media['url']) && $media['url']) { ?> </a> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } } } ?> <div> <?php echo forum_text($this->get('summary')); ?> </div> <div class="twitter_comment_stats"> <?php $data = @json_decode($this->get('data'), true); //print_r($data); if ($data && (isset($data['retweet_count']) && $data['retweet_count'] > 0 || isset($data['favorite_count']) && $data['favorite_count'] > 0)) { if (isset($data['retweet_count']) && $data['retweet_count'] > 0) { echo _l('Retweets: %s', $data['retweet_count']); } echo ' '; if (isset($data['favorite_count']) && $data['favorite_count'] > 0) { echo _l('Favorites: %s', $data['favorite_count']); } } ?> </div> </div> <div class="twitter_comment_actions"> <?php if ($this->can_reply) { ?> <a href="#" class="twitter_reply_button"><?php _e('Reply'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($level == 0) { ?> <div class="twitter_comment_replies"> <?php //if(strpos($twitter_data['message'],'picture')){ //echo '<pre>'; print_r($twitter_data); echo '</pre>'; //} if ($this->can_reply) { $this->reply_box($level, $message_from); } ?> </div> <?php } if ($level >= 0) { // any follow up messages? if ($this->get('type') == _TWITTER_MESSAGE_TYPE_DIRECT) { $from = preg_replace('#[^0-9]#', '', $this->get('twitter_from_id')); $to = preg_replace('#[^0-9]#', '', $this->get('twitter_to_id')); if ($from && $to) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX . "social_twitter_message` WHERE `type` = " . _TWITTER_MESSAGE_TYPE_DIRECT . " AND message_time >= " . (int) $this->get('message_time') . " AND social_twitter_message_id != " . (int) $this->social_twitter_message_id . " AND ( (`twitter_from_id` = {$from} AND `twitter_to_id` = {$to}) OR (`twitter_from_id` = {$to} AND `twitter_to_id` = {$from}) ) ORDER BY `message_time` ASC LIMIT 1"; $next = qa1($sql); if ($next && $next['social_twitter_message_id']) { ?> <div class="twitter_next_messages twitter_direct"> <?php $reply_message = new ucm_twitter_message($this->twitter_account, $next['social_twitter_message_id']); $reply_message->output_block($level + 1); ?> </div> <?php } } } else { $next = get_multiple('social_twitter_message', array('social_twitter_id' => $this->twitter_account->get('social_twitter_id'), 'reply_to_id' => $this->social_twitter_message_id), 'social_twitter_message_id'); if ($next) { foreach ($next as $n) { // this tweet is a reply to a previous tweet! if ($n['social_twitter_message_id']) { ?> <div class="twitter_next_messages"> <?php $reply_message = new ucm_twitter_message($this->twitter_account, $n['social_twitter_message_id']); $reply_message->output_block($level + 1); ?> </div> <?php } } } } } }
// linkify the text, without messing with existing <a> links. todo: move this into a global method for elsewhere (eg: eamils) //$text = preg_replace('@(?!(?!.*?<a)[^<]*<\/a>)(?:(?:https?|ftp|file)://|www\.|ftp\.)[-A-Z0-9+&#/%=~_|$?!:,.]*[A-Z0-9+&#/%=~_|$]@i','<a href="\0" target="_blank">\0</a>', $text ); } if (!strlen(trim($text))) { $text = $ticket_message['content']; $text = preg_replace("#<br[^>]*>#i", '', $text); $text = preg_replace('#(\\r?\\n\\s*){2,}#', "\n\n", $text); switch (module_config::c('ticket_utf8_method', 1)) { case 1: $text = forum_text($text, true); break; case 2: $text = forum_text(utf8_encode($text), true); break; case 3: $text = forum_text(utf8_encode(utf8_decode($text)), true); break; } } if (($ticket_message['cache'] == 'autoreply' || $ticket_message['message_type_id'] == _TICKET_MESSAGE_TYPE_AUTOREPLY) && strlen($ticket_message['htmlcontent']) > 2) { $text = $ticket_message['htmlcontent']; // override for autoreplies, always show as html. } if ((!$text || !strlen($text)) && strlen($ticket_message['content'])) { $text = nl2br($ticket_message['content']); } $text = preg_replace("#<br[^>]>#i", "\$0\n", $text); $text = preg_replace("#</p>#i", "\$0\n", $text); $text = preg_replace("#</div>#i", "\$0\n", $text); $lines = explode("\n", $text); $do_we_hide = count($lines) > 4 && module_config::c('ticket_hide_messages', 1) && $ticket_message_counter < $ticket_message_count && $ticket_message_count != 2;
?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th> <?php _e('Message:'); ?> </th> <td id="email_message"> <?php if (!$can_edit_emails) { if (strlen($email['html_content'])) { echo module_security::purify_html($email['html_content']); } else { echo forum_text($email['text_content']); } } else { ?> <textarea name="content" id="email_content_editor" rows="10" cols="30" style="width:450px; height: 350px;"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($email['text_content']); ?> </textarea> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo _BASE_HREF; ?> js/tiny_mce3.4.4/jquery.tinymce.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $().ready(function() { $('#email_content_editor').tinymce({
<?php if (strlen($change_request['request']) > 40) { ?> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next().show();$(this).hide();return false;"><?php echo substr($change_request['request'], 0, 40); ?> ....</a> <div style="display:none;"><?php echo forum_text($change_request['request']); ?> </div> <?php } else { ?> <?php echo forum_text($change_request['request']); ?> <?php } ?> </td> <td> <?php switch ($change_request['status']) { case _CHANGE_REQUEST_STATUS_NEW: _e('Incomplete'); break; case _CHANGE_REQUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE: _e('Completed'); break; }
</div> ?> <?php }else{ ?> <?php } */ /*</div>*/ if (isset($task_data['long_description']) && $task_data['long_description'] != '') { ?> <a href="#" class="task_toggle_long_description">»</a> <div class="task_long_description" <?php if (module_config::c('job_tasks_show_long_desc', 0)) { ?> style="display:block;" <?php } ?> ><?php echo forum_text(trim($task_data['long_description'])); ?> </div> <?php } else { ?> <?php } if (function_exists('hook_handle_callback') && $task_data['task_id']) { hook_handle_callback('job_task_after', $task_data['job_id'], $task_data['task_id'], $job, $task_data); } ?> </td> <td valign="top" class="task_drag_handle"> <?php
$task_decimal_places_trim = module_config::c('task_amount_decimal_places_trim', 0); $all_item_row_html = ''; $item_count = 0; // changed from 1 foreach (module_quote::get_quote_items($quote_id, $quote) as $quote_item_id => $quote_item_data) { $row_replace = array('item_odd_or_even' => $item_count++ % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even', 'item_number' => '', 'item_description' => '', 'item_tax' => 0, 'item_tax_rate' => ''); if (isset($quote_item_data['task_order']) && $quote_item_data['task_order'] > 0) { $row_replace['item_number'] = $quote_item_data['task_order']; } else { $row_replace['item_number'] = $item_count; } $row_replace['item_description'] .= htmlspecialchars($quote_item_data['description']); if (module_config::c('quote_show_long_desc', 1)) { $long_description = $quote_item_data['long_description']; if ($long_description != '') { $row_replace['item_description'] .= '<br/><em>' . forum_text($long_description) . '</em>'; } } /*if(isset($quote_item_data['date_done']) && $quote_item_data['date_done'] != '0000-00-00'){ $row_replace['item_date'] .= print_date($quote_item_data['date_done']); }else{ // check if this is linked to a task. if($quote_item_data['quote_task_id']){ $task = get_single('quote_task','quote_task_id',$quote_item_data['quote_task_id']); if($task && isset($task['date_done']) && $task['date_done'] != '0000-00-00'){ $row_replace['item_date'] .= print_date($task['date_done']); }else{ // check if quote has a date. if(isset($quote['date_create']) && $quote['date_create'] != '0000-00-00'){ $row_replace['item_date'] .= print_date($quote['date_create']); }
public function external_hook($hook) { switch ($hook) { case 'view': $file_id = isset($_REQUEST['i']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['i'] : false; $hash = isset($_REQUEST['hash']) ? trim($_REQUEST['hash']) : false; if ($file_id && $hash) { $correct_hash = $this->link_public($file_id, true); if ($correct_hash == $hash) { // all good to print a receipt for this payment. $file_data = $this->get_file($file_id, false); if ($file_data && $file_data['file_id'] == $file_id) { if (isset($_POST['save_file_comments'])) { if (isset($_POST['file_approve']) && isset($_POST['file_approve_go']) && isset($_POST['file_approve_name']) && strlen($_POST['file_approve_name']) > 0) { update_insert('file_id', $file_id, 'file', array('approved_time' => time(), 'approved_by' => $_POST['file_approve_name'])); // send email, same 'updated' email as before. $this->send_file_changed_notice($file_id, false, true); //redirect_browser($this->link_public($file_id)); $_REQUEST['new_comment_text'] = _l('File was approved at %s by %s', print_date(time(), true), htmlspecialchars($_POST['file_approve_name'])); } if (isset($_POST['pointers'])) { update_insert('file_id', $file_id, 'file', array('pointers' => $_POST['pointers'])); } $this->save_file_comments($file_id); redirect_browser($this->link_public($file_id)); } module_template::init_template('file_approval_view', '<h2>File Details</h2> File Name: <strong>{FILE_NAME}</strong> <br/> Download: <strong><a href="{FILE_DOWNLOAD_URL}">Click Here</a></strong> <br/> Status: <strong>{STATUS}</strong> <br/> Customer: <strong>{CUSTOMER_NAME}</strong> <br/> {if:JOB_NAME}Job: <strong>{JOB_NAME}</strong> <br/>{endif:JOB_NAME} {if:FILE_APPROVAL_PENDING} <h2>File Approval Pending</h2> <p>If you would like to approve this file please complete the form below:</p> <p>Your Name: <input type="text" name="file_approve_name"> </p> <p><input type="checkbox" name="file_approve_go" value="yes"> Yes, I approve this file. </p> <p><input type="submit" name="file_approve" value="Approve File" class="submit_button save_button"></p> {endif:FILE_APPROVAL_PENDING} {if:FILE_APPROVED} <h2>File Has Been Approved</h2> <p>Thank you, the file was approved by <strong>{APPROVED_BY}</strong> on <strong>{APPROVED_TIME}</strong>.</p> {endif:FILE_APPROVED} <h2>File Comments</h2> <p>Please feel free to add comments to this file using the form below.</p> {FILE_COMMENTS} {if:FILE_PREVIEW} <h2>File Preview</h2> <div style="overflow:scroll;">{FILE_PREVIEW}</div> {endif:FILE_PREVIEW} ', 'Used when displaying the file to a customer for approval.', 'code'); $template = module_template::get_template_by_key('file_approval_view'); // generate the html for the task output $job_data = $file_data['job_id'] ? module_job::get_replace_fields($file_data['job_id']) : array(); if (class_exists('module_quote', false)) { $quote_data = $file_data['quote_id'] ? module_quote::get_replace_fields($file_data['quote_id']) : array(); } $customer_data = $file_data['customer_id'] ? module_customer::get_replace_fields($file_data['customer_id']) : array(); $file_data['file_preview'] = module_file::generate_preview($file_id, $file_data['file_name'], $file_data); $file_data['FILE_DOWNLOAD_URL'] = module_file::link_public_view($file_id); if (isset($file_data['approved_time'])) { switch ($file_data['approved_time']) { case -1: $file_data['FILE_APPROVAL_PENDING'] = 1; break; case 0: break; default: $file_data['FILE_APPROVED'] = 1; $file_data['APPROVED_TIME'] = print_date($file_data['approved_time'], true); } } if (class_exists('module_extra', false) && module_extra::is_plugin_enabled()) { $all_extra_fields = module_extra::get_defaults('file'); foreach ($all_extra_fields as $e) { $file_data[$e['key']] = _l('N/A'); } // and find the ones with values: $extras = module_extra::get_extras(array('owner_table' => 'file', 'owner_id' => $file_id)); foreach ($extras as $e) { $file_data[$e['extra_key']] = $e['extra']; } } ob_start(); ?> <div id="file_notes"> <div style="border-top:1px dashed #CCCCCC; padding:3px; margin:3px 0;"> <textarea name="new_comment_text" style="width:100%;" class="no_permissions"></textarea> <div style="text-align: right;"> <input type="submit" name="butt_save_note" id="butt_save_note" value="<?php echo _l('Add Comment'); ?> " class="submit_button no_permissions"> </div> </div> <?php foreach (module_file::get_file_comments($file_id) as $item) { $note_text = forum_text($item['comment']); if (preg_match_all('/#(\\d+)/', $note_text, $matches)) { // foreach ($matches[1] as $digit) { $note_text = preg_replace('/#' . $digit . '([^\\d]*)/', '<span node_id=' . $digit . ' class="pointer-ids pointer-id-' . $digit . '">#' . $digit . '</span>$1', $note_text); } } ?> <div style="border-top:1px dashed #CCCCCC; padding:3px; margin:3px 0;"> <?php echo $note_text; ?> <div style="font-size:10px; text-align:right; color:#CCCCCC;">From <?php echo $item['create_user_id'] ? module_user::link_open($item['create_user_id'], true) : _l('Customer'); ?> on <?php echo print_date($item['date_created'], true); ?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php $file_data['file_comments'] = ob_get_clean(); $template->assign_values($file_data); $template->assign_values($customer_data); $template->assign_values($job_data); if (class_exists('module_quote', false)) { $quote_data['quote_approved_by'] = $quote_data['approved_by']; $quote_data['quote_date_approved'] = $quote_data['date_approved']; unset($quote_data['approved_by']); unset($quote_data['date_approved']); $template->assign_values($quote_data); } $template->page_title = $file_data['file_name']; $template->content = '<form action="" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="save_file_comments" value="1">' . $template->content . '</form>'; echo $template->render('pretty_html'); } } } break; case 'download_bucket': @ob_end_clean(); $file_id = isset($_REQUEST['i']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['i'] : false; $hash = isset($_REQUEST['hash']) ? trim($_REQUEST['hash']) : false; if ($file_id && $hash) { $correct_hash = $this->link_public_download_bucket($file_id, true); if ($correct_hash == $hash) { // all good to print a receipt for this payment. $file_data = $this->get_file($file_id, false); @ignore_user_abort(true); $search = array(); $search['bucket_parent_file_id'] = $file_id; $files = module_file::get_files($search); //Create ZIP $zip = new ZipArchive(); $zipName = "bucket-" . $file_id . "-" . md5($file_id . _UCM_SECRET) . ".zip"; if ($zip->open(_FILE_UPLOAD_PATH . $zipName, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== TRUE) { echo 'Failed to create bucket zip file'; exit; } foreach ($files as $file) { if (is_file($file['file_path'])) { $zip->addFromString($file['file_name'], file_get_contents($file['file_path'])); } } $zip->close(); //Set headers header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Cache-Control: public"); header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); header("Content-type: application/octet-stream"); //header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='" . $zipName . "'"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . preg_replace("#[^a-zA-Z0-9]+#", "-", $file_data['file_name']) . ".zip\";"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Content-Length: " . filesize(_FILE_UPLOAD_PATH . $zipName)); @clearstatcache(); //Make sure the file size isn't cached $size = @readfile(_FILE_UPLOAD_PATH . $zipName); if (!$size) { echo file_get_contents(_FILE_UPLOAD_PATH . $zipName); } @unlink(_FILE_UPLOAD_PATH . $zipName); } } exit; break; case 'download': @ob_end_clean(); $file_id = isset($_REQUEST['i']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['i'] : false; $hash = isset($_REQUEST['hash']) ? trim($_REQUEST['hash']) : false; if ($file_id && $hash) { $correct_hash = $this->link_public_view($file_id, true); if ($correct_hash == $hash) { // all good to print a receipt for this payment. $file_data = $this->get_file($file_id, false); if (isset($file_data['file_url']) && strlen($file_data['file_url'])) { redirect_browser($file_data['file_url']); } else { if (is_file($file_data['file_path'])) { header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Cache-Control: private", false); header("Content-type: " . dtbaker_mime_type($file_data['file_name'], $file_data['file_path'])); if (!isset($_REQUEST['embed'])) { header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $file_data['file_name'] . "\";"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); } header("Content-Length: " . filesize($file_data['file_path'])); //readfile($file_data['file_path']); $size = @readfile($file_data['file_path']); if (!$size) { echo file_get_contents($file_data['file_path']); } } else { echo 'Not found'; } } } } exit; break; } }
public static function get_replace_fields($quote_id, $quote_data = false) { if (!$quote_data) { $quote_data = self::get_quote($quote_id); } $data = array('quote_number' => htmlspecialchars($quote_data['name']), 'quote_name' => htmlspecialchars($quote_data['name']), 'project_type' => _l(module_config::c('project_name_single', 'Website')), 'print_link' => self::link_public_print($quote_id), 'quote_url' => self::link_public($quote_id), 'title' => module_config::s('admin_system_name'), 'create_date' => print_date($quote_data['date_create'])); if (isset($quote_data['customer_id']) && $quote_data['customer_id']) { $customer_data = module_customer::get_replace_fields($quote_data['customer_id'], $quote_data['contact_user_id'] ? $quote_data['contact_user_id'] : false); $data = array_merge($data, $customer_data); // so we get total_amount_due and stuff. } $user_details = array('staff_first_name' => '', 'staff_last_name' => '', 'staff_email' => '', 'staff_phone' => '', 'staff_fax' => '', 'staff_mobile' => ''); if (isset($quote_data['user_id']) && $quote_data['user_id']) { $user_data = module_user::get_user($quote_data['user_id'], false); if ($user_data && $user_data['user_id'] == $quote_data['user_id']) { $user_details = array('staff_first_name' => $user_data['name'], 'staff_last_name' => $user_data['last_name'], 'staff_email' => $user_data['email'], 'staff_phone' => $user_data['phone'], 'staff_fax' => $user_data['fax'], 'staff_mobile' => $user_data['mobile']); } } $data = array_merge($data, $user_details); foreach ($quote_data as $key => $val) { if (strpos($key, 'date') !== false) { $quote_data[$key] = print_date($val); } } if (isset($quote_data['description'])) { $quote_data['description'] = module_security::purify_html($quote_data['description']); } // $customer_data = $quote_data['customer_id'] ? module_customer::get_replace_fields($quote_data['customer_id']) : array(); // $website_data = $quote_data['website_id'] ? module_website::get_replace_fields($quote_data['website_id']) : array(); // $data = array_merge($data,$customer_data,$website_data,$quote_data); $data = array_merge($data, $quote_data); $website_url = $project_names = $project_names_and_url = array(); if ($quote_data['website_id']) { $website_data = module_website::get_website($quote_data['website_id']); if ($website_data && $website_data['website_id'] == $quote_data['website_id']) { if (isset($website_data['url']) && $website_data['url']) { $website_url[$website_data['website_id']] = module_website::urlify($website_data['url']); $website_data['name_url'] = $website_data['name'] . ' (' . module_website::urlify($website_data['url']) . ')'; } else { $website_data['name_url'] = $website_data['name']; } $project_names[$website_data['website_id']] = $website_data['name']; $project_names_and_url[$website_data['website_id']] = $website_data['name_url']; $fields = module_website::get_replace_fields($website_data['website_id'], $website_data); foreach ($fields as $key => $val) { if (!isset($data[$key]) || !$data[$key] && $val) { $data[$key] = $val; } } } } $data['website_name'] = $data['project_name'] = forum_text(count($project_names) ? implode(', ', $project_names) : ''); $data['website_name_url'] = forum_text(count($project_names_and_url) ? implode(', ', $project_names_and_url) : ''); $data['website_url'] = forum_text(count($website_url) ? implode(', ', $website_url) : ''); if (class_exists('module_group', false) && module_group::is_plugin_enabled()) { // get the quote groups $wg = array(); $g = array(); if ($quote_id > 0) { $quote_data = module_quote::get_quote($quote_id); foreach (module_group::get_groups_search(array('owner_table' => 'quote', 'owner_id' => $quote_id)) as $group) { $g[$group['group_id']] = $group['name']; } /*// get the website groups foreach(module_group::get_groups_search(array( 'owner_table' => 'website', 'owner_id' => $quote_data['website_id'], )) as $group){ $wg[$group['group_id']] = $group['name']; }*/ } $data['quote_group'] = implode(', ', $g); /*$data['website_group'] = implode(', ',$wg);*/ } // addition. find all extra keys for this quote and add them in. // we also have to find any EMPTY extra fields, and add those in as well. if (class_exists('module_extra', false) && module_extra::is_plugin_enabled()) { $all_extra_fields = module_extra::get_defaults('quote'); foreach ($all_extra_fields as $e) { $data[$e['key']] = _l('N/A'); } // and find the ones with values: $extras = module_extra::get_extras(array('owner_table' => 'quote', 'owner_id' => $quote_id)); foreach ($extras as $e) { $data[$e['extra_key']] = $e['extra']; } } // also do this for customer fields /*if($quote_data['customer_id']){ $all_extra_fields = module_extra::get_defaults('customer'); foreach($all_extra_fields as $e){ $data[$e['key']] = _l('N/A'); } $extras = module_extra::get_extras(array('owner_table'=>'customer','owner_id'=>$quote_data['customer_id'])); foreach($extras as $e){ $data[$e['extra_key']] = $e['extra']; } }*/ return $data; }
public static function print_note($note_id, $note_item, $display_summary = false, $can_edit = true, $can_delete = true, $options = array()) { if (!$note_item) { $note_item = self::get_note($note_id); } static $x = 0; global $plugins; $can_view = $can_edit = $can_create = $can_delete = false; // re-check permissions... if (isset($options) && isset($options['owner_table']) && $options['owner_table'] && isset($options['title']) && $options['title']) { $can_view = $plugins[$options['owner_table']]->can_i('view', $options['title']); $can_edit = $plugins[$options['owner_table']]->can_i('edit', $options['title']); $can_create = $plugins[$options['owner_table']]->can_i('create', $options['title']); $can_delete = $plugins[$options['owner_table']]->can_i('delete', $options['title']); } else { } if (!module_security::is_page_editable()) { //$can_edit=$can_create=$can_delete=false; } if (isset($options['summary_owners'])) { unset($options['summary_owners']); } if (isset($options['display_summary'])) { unset($options['display_summary']); } // if (!trim($note_item['note'])) { $note_item['note'] = 'none'; } ob_start(); /** START TABLE LAYOUT **/ $table_manager = module_theme::new_table_manager(); $columns = array(); $columns['date'] = array('title' => 'Date', 'width' => 60, 'callback' => function ($note_item) { if ($note_item['reminder']) { echo '<strong>'; } echo print_date($note_item['note_time']); if ($note_item['reminder']) { echo '</strong>'; } }); $columns['description'] = array('title' => 'Description', 'callback' => function ($note_item) { if (isset($note_item['public']) && $note_item['public']) { echo '* '; } if ($note_item['can_edit']) { $note_text = nl2br(htmlspecialchars(substr($note_item['note'], 0, module_config::c('note_trim_length', 35)))); $note_text .= strlen($note_item['note']) > module_config::c('note_trim_length', 35) ? '...' : ''; ?> <a href="<?php echo module_note::link_open($note_item['note_id'], false, $note_item['options']); ?> " data-options="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(base64_encode(serialize($note_item['options']))); ?> " class="note_edit note_options_link" rel="<?php echo $note_item['note_id']; ?> "> <?php echo $note_text; ?> </a> <?php } else { echo forum_text($note_item['note']); } }); $columns['info'] = array('title' => 'Info', 'width' => 40, 'callback' => function ($note_item) { if ($note_item['display_summary']) { if ($note_item['rel_data']) { global $plugins; echo $plugins[$note_item['owner_table']]->link_open($note_item['owner_id'], true); } } else { // find the user name who made thsi note. $user_data = module_user::get_user($note_item['create_user_id']); echo $user_data['name']; } }); if ($can_delete) { $columns['del'] = array('title' => ' ', 'callback' => function ($note_item) { if ($note_item['can_delete']) { ?> <a href="<?php echo module_note::link_open($note_item['note_id'], false, array_merge($note_item['options'], array('do_delete' => 'yes', 'note_id' => $note_item['note_id']))); ?> " data-options="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(base64_encode(serialize(array_merge($note_item['options'], array('do_delete' => 'yes', 'note_id' => $note_item['note_id']))))); ?> " rel="<?php echo $note_item['note_id']; ?> " onclick="if(confirm('<?php _e('Really Delete Note?'); ?> '))return true; else return false;" class="note_delete note_options_link delete ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-icon ui-icon-trash">[x]</a> <?php } }); } $table_manager->set_columns($columns); $table_manager->inline_table = true; $table_manager->row_callback = function ($row_data, &$row_object) use($display_summary, $can_edit, $can_delete, &$options) { $row_data['display_summary'] = $display_summary; $row_data['can_edit'] = $can_edit; $row_data['can_delete'] = $can_delete; $row_data['options'] = $options; $row_object->row_id = 'note_' . $row_data['note_id']; return $row_data; }; $table_manager->print_row($note_item); /*?> <tr id="note_<?php echo $note_item['note_id'];?>" class="<?php echo ($x++%2)?'odd':'even';?>"> <td> <?php if($note_item['reminder'])echo '<strong>'; echo print_date($note_item['note_time']); if($note_item['reminder'])echo '</strong>'; ?> </td> <td> <?php if(isset($note_item['public']) && $note_item['public'])echo '* '; if($can_edit){ $note_text = nl2br(htmlspecialchars(substr($note_item['note'],0,module_config::c('note_trim_length',35)))); $note_text .= strlen($note_item['note']) > module_config::c('note_trim_length',35) ? '...' : ''; ?> <a href="<?php echo self::link_open($note_item['note_id'],false,$options);?>" data-options="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(base64_encode(serialize($options)));?>" class="note_edit note_options_link" rel="<?php echo $note_item['note_id'];?>"> <?php echo $note_text; ?> </a> <?php }else{ echo forum_text($note_item['note']); } ?> </td> <td nowrap="nowrap"> <?php if($display_summary){ if($note_item['rel_data']){ echo $plugins[$note_item['owner_table']]->link_open($note_item['owner_id'],true); } }else{ // find the user name who made thsi note. $user_data = module_user::get_user($note_item['create_user_id']); echo $user_data['name']; } ?> </td> <?php if($can_delete){ ?> <td><a href="<?php echo self::link_open($note_item['note_id'],false,array_merge($options,array('do_delete'=>'yes','note_id'=>$note_item['note_id'])));?>" data-options="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(base64_encode(serialize(array_merge($options,array('do_delete'=>'yes','note_id'=>$note_item['note_id'])))));?>" rel="<?php echo $note_item['note_id'];?>" onclick="if(confirm('<?php _e('Really Delete Note?');?>'))return true; else return false;" class="note_delete note_options_link delete ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-icon ui-icon-trash">[x]</a></td> <?php } ?> </tr> <?php */ return ob_get_clean(); }
// todo: move this out to a function in ticket.php // todo: put the utf8_encode / decode as an option for people who have troubles with it. /*if(preg_match('#<br[^>]*>#i',$ticket_message['content'])){ $ticket_message['content'] = preg_replace("#\r?\n#",'',$ticket_message['content']); }*/ $ticket_message['content'] = preg_replace("#<br[^>]*>#i", '', $ticket_message['content']); $ticket_message['content'] = preg_replace('#(\\r?\\n\\s*){2,}#', "\n\n", $ticket_message['content']); switch (module_config::c('ticket_utf8_method', 1)) { case 1: $text = forum_text($ticket_message['content']); break; case 2: $text = forum_text(utf8_encode($ticket_message['content'])); break; case 3: $text = forum_text(utf8_encode(utf8_decode($ticket_message['content']))); break; } //$text = forum_text(utf8_encode($ticket_message['content'])); //$text = forum_text(utf8_encode(utf8_decode($ticket_message['content']))); if ($ticket_message['cache'] == 'autoreply' && strlen($ticket_message['htmlcontent']) > 2) { $text = $ticket_message['htmlcontent']; } $lines = explode("\n", $text); $do_we_hide = count($lines) > 4 && module_config::c('ticket_hide_messages', 1) && $ticket_message_counter < $ticket_message_count && $ticket_message_count != 2; if ($ticket_message['cache'] == 'autoreply') { $last_response_from = 'autoreply'; ?> <a href="#" onclick="$('.autoreply_holder').show(); $(this).hide(); return false;"><?php _e('Show auto reply »');