Esempio n. 1
function invoice($string)
    $webservice = '1';
    $fp = fopen("../temp/invoice.log", "w");
    list($s_id, $tmp) = explode(chr(9), $string);
    if (!$s_id) {
        return '1' . chr(9) . "Missing session ID";
    #	include("../includes/select.php");
    include "../includes/connect.php";
    include "../includes/online.php";
    include "../includes/std_func.php";
    include "../includes/ordrefunc.php";
    include "../includes/formfunk.php";
    $linje = NULL;
    $ordre_id = str_replace($s_id, "", $string);
    $ordre_id = str_replace(chr(9), "", $ordre_id);
    $ordre_id = str_replace(chr(10), "", $ordre_id);
    $ordre_id = str_replace(chr(13), "", $ordre_id);
    #	$ordre_id=str_replace(" ","",$ordre_id);
    $ordre_id = strtolower($ordre_id);
    list($table, $tmp) = explode("set", $ordre_id, 2);
    $table = trim($table);
    $r = db_fetch_array(db_select("select momssats from ordrer where id = '{$ordre_id}'", __FILE__ . " linje " . __LINE__));
    $momssats = $r['momssats'] * 1;
    $x = 0;
    $ordresum = 0;
    $momssum = 0;
    $kostsum = 0;
    $momsdiff = 0;
    $q = db_select("select * from ordrelinjer where ordre_id = '{$ordre_id}'", __FILE__ . " linje " . __LINE__);
    while ($r = db_fetch_array($q)) {
        if ($r['vare_id']) {
            $linjesum = $r['pris'] * $r['antal'] - $r['pris'] * $r['antal'] * $r['rabat'] / 100;
            $ordresum += $linjesum;
            $linjemoms = $linjesum * $r['momssats'] / 100;
            $momssum += $linjemoms;
            if ($r['momssats'] != $momssats || $r['momsfri']) {
                $momsdiff = 1;
            $kostsum += $r['kostpris'] * $r['antal'];
        $ordresum = afrund($ordresum, 2);
        if (!$momsdiff) {
            $momssum = $ordresum * $momssats / 100;
        $momssum = afrund($momssum, 2);
    $linje = "update ordrer set status = '2',levdate = ordredate,fakturadate = ordredate,sum='{$ordresum}',moms='{$momssum}',udskriv_til='email',mail_fakt='on',momssats='{$momssats}',kostpris='{$kostsum}',projekt='' where id = '{$ordre_id}'";
    fwrite($fp, $linje . "\n");
    $svar = db_modify($linje, __FILE__ . " linje " . __LINE__);
    list($fejl, $svar) = explode(chr(9), $svar);
    if ($fejl) {
        return $fejl . chr(9) . $svar;
    $linje = "update ordrelinjer set projekt = '' where ordre_id = '{$ordre_id}'";
    fwrite($fp, $linje . "\n");
    $svar = db_modify($linje, __FILE__ . " linje " . __LINE__);
    list($fejl, $svar) = explode(chr(9), $svar);
    if ($fejl) {
        return $fejl . chr(9) . $svar;
    $linje = "update ordrelinjer set leveres = antal where ordre_id = '{$ordre_id}' and vare_id>'0'";
    fwrite($fp, $linje . "\n");
    $svar = db_modify($linje, __FILE__ . " linje " . __LINE__);
    list($fejl, $svar) = explode(chr(9), $svar);
    if ($fejl) {
        return $fejl . chr(9) . $svar;
    $linje = "levering({$ordre_id},'on','','on')";
    fwrite($fp, $linje . "\n");
    $svar = levering($ordre_id, 'on', '', 'on');
    if ($svar != 'OK') {
        return '1' . chr(9) . $svar;
    $linje = "update ordrelinjer set leveret = antal,leveres='0' where ordre_id = '{$ordre_id}' and vare_id>'0'";
    fwrite($fp, $linje . "\n");
    $svar = db_modify($linje, __FILE__ . " linje " . __LINE__);
    $linje = "bogfor({$ordre_id},'on')";
    fwrite($fp, $linje . "\n");
    $svar = bogfor($ordre_id, 'on');
    list($fejl, $svar) = explode(chr(9), $svar);
    fwrite($fp, $fejl . " " . $svar . "\n");
    if ($fejl != 'OK') {
        $linje = "{$fejl}";
        #		fwrite($fp,$linje."\n");
        return '1' . chr(9) . $fejl;
    } else {
    $linje = "formularprint({$ordre_id},'4','1',{$charset},'email')";
    fwrite($fp, $linje . "\n");
    $svar = formularprint($ordre_id, '4', '1', $charset, 'email');
    fwrite($fp, $linje . "Svar " . $svar . "\n");
    if ($svar && $svar != 'OK') {
        return '1' . chr(9) . $svar;
    } else {
        return '0' . chr(9) . $ordre_id;
Esempio n. 2
include "../includes/var2str.php";
if (isset($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id']) {
    $id = if_isset($_GET['id']);
    $formular = if_isset($_GET['formular']);
    $lev_nr = if_isset($_GET['lev_nr']);
    $udskriv_til = if_isset($_GET['udskriv_til']);
    $bg = "nix";
    #	$subjekt=if_isset($_POST['subjekt']);
    #	$mailtext=if_isset($_POST['mailtext']);
    $r = db_fetch_array(db_select("select id from formularer where formular = {$formular} and art = 1 and beskrivelse ='LOGO'", __FILE__ . " linje " . __LINE__));
    if (!$r['id']) {
        include "../includes/formularimport.php";
        formularimport("../importfiler/formular.txt", $formular);
    $svar = formularprint($id, $formular, $lev_nr, $charset, $udskriv_til);
    if ($svar && $svar != 'OK') {
        print "<BODY onLoad=\"javascript:alert('{$svar}')\">";
        print "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL=../kreditor/ordre.php?id={$id}\">";
if ($popup) {
    print "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"1;URL=../includes/luk.php\">";
} else {
    print "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"1;URL=ordreliste.php?id={$id}\">";