Esempio n. 1
//stockage id_personnes =>nom prenom
$sql_start = 'SELECT id, nom, prenom FROM personnes';
$reponse_start = mysql_query($sql_start);
while ($donnees_start = mysql_fetch_assoc($reponse_start)) {
    $tab_personnes[$donnees_start['id']] = array('nom' => $donnees_start['nom'], 'prenom' => $donnees_start['prenom']);
//stockage id_personnes =>nom prenom
$sql_start = 'SELECT id, titre, date_debut FROM activites';
$reponse_start = mysql_query($sql_start);
while ($donnees_start = mysql_fetch_assoc($reponse_start)) {
    $tabl_activites[$donnees_start['id']] = $donnees_start['titre'] . ' ' . formateDate($donnees_start['date_debut']);
$sql_start = 'SELECT id, titre, date_debut FROM prestations';
$reponse_start = mysql_query($sql_start);
while ($donnees_start = mysql_fetch_assoc($reponse_start)) {
    $tabl_prestations[$donnees_start['id']] = $donnees_start['titre'] . ' ' . formateDate($donnees_start['date_debut']);
$sql_start = 'SELECT id, id_personnes, categorie FROM cotisations';
$reponse_start = mysql_query($sql_start);
while ($donnees_start = mysql_fetch_assoc($reponse_start)) {
    $tabl_cotisations[$donnees_start['id']] = $tab_personnes[$donnees_start['id_personnes']];
    $tabl_cotisations[$donnees_start['id']]['categorie'] = $donnees_start['categorie'];
$file = 'export';
$type = date('Ymd');
$separateur = '|';
$table = $_GET['table'];
$clause_where = '';
$tab_clause_where = array();
if (isset($_GET['segment1']) and !empty($_GET['segment1'])) {
    if ($_GET['segment1'] == 'date') {
Esempio n. 2
            $trade[] = $rt;
if ($where) {
    $u != $winduid && ($where .= ' AND fid NOT IN(' . S::sqlImplode(getFidoff($groupid)) . ')');
    $count = $db->get_value("SELECT count(*) as count FROM pw_threads WHERE {$where} AND fid != 0");
    if ($count) {
        list($pages, $limit) = pwLimitPages($count, $page, $thisbase);
        !isset($userService) && ($userService = L::loadClass('UserService', 'user'));
        $rs = $db->query("SELECT tid,fid,author,authorid,subject,postdate,lastpost,lastposter,replies,hits,titlefont,anonymous,modelid,special FROM pw_threads {$force} WHERE {$where} AND fid != 0 ORDER BY {$ordertype} DESC {$limit}");
        while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($rs)) {
            $rt['subject'] = substrs($rt['subject'], 45);
            $rt['forum'] = strip_tags($forum[$rt['fid']]['name']);
            $rt['postdate'] = formateDate($rt['postdate']);
            $rt['lastpost'] = formateDate($rt['lastpost']);
            //		$rt['authorid'] == $winduid && $rt['lastposter'] = $windid;
            $rt['pcid'] = $rt['special'] > 20 ? $rt['special'] - 20 : 0;
            if (!$isGM && $rt['anonymous']) {
                $rt['author'] = $rt['authorid'] = '';
            $userInfo = $userService->get($rt['authorid']);
            if ($userInfo['groupid'] == 6 && !$isGM) {
                $rt['subject'] = '<span style=\\"color:black;background-color:#ffff66\\">用户被禁言,该主题屏蔽!</span>';
            $article[] = $rt;
/*if($u != $winduid){