Esempio n. 1
function GetGroupDisplay($field, $value) {
    global $locale_info, $rpt_array, $tbl, $fields_type;
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($rpt_array['group_fields']) - 1; $i++){
	$arr = $rpt_array['group_fields'][$i];
	foreach ($rpt_array['totals'] as $fld){
	    if ($arr['name'] == fldname($fld)) {
		if (!is_wr_custom())
		    $ftype = WRGetFieldType($fld['table'] . "." . $fld['name']);
		    $ftype = $fields_type[$fld['name']];
		if ($field == $arr['name']) {
		    if ($arr['int_type'] == 0) {
			$prefix = "";
			if (!is_wr_db())
			    $prefix = $rpt_array["tables"][0] . "_";
			    $field = GoodFieldName($field);
			if ($rpt_array['totals'][$prefix . $field]['curr'] == "true")
			    return str_format_currency($value);
			    return $value;
		    } elseif (IsNumberType($ftype)) {
			$start = $value - ($value % $arr['int_type']);
			$end = $start + $arr['int_type'];
			$prefix = "";
			if (!is_wr_db())
			    $prefix = $rpt_array["tables"][0] . "_";
			    $field = GoodFieldName($field);
			if ($rpt_array['totals'][$prefix . $field]['curr'] == "true")
			    return str_format_currency($start) . " - " . str_format_currency($end);
			    return $start . " - " . $end;
		    } elseif (IsCharType($ftype)) {
			return substr($value, 0, $arr['int_type']);
		    } elseif (IsDateFieldType($ftype)) {
			$tm = db2time($value);
			if (!count($tm))
			    return "";
			if ($arr['int_type'] == 1) { // DATE_INTERVAL_YEAR
			    return $tm[0];
			} elseif ($arr['int_type'] == 2) { // DATE_INTERVAL_QUARTER
			    return $tm[0] . "/Q" . floor(($tm[1] - 1) / 4 + 1);
			} elseif ($arr['int_type'] == 3) { // DATE_INTERVAL_MONTH
			    return @$locale_info["LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME" . $tm[1]] . " " . $tm[0];
			} elseif ($arr['int_type'] == 4) { // DATE_INTERVAL_WEEK
			    $start = getweekstart($tm);
			    $end = adddays($start, 6);
			    return format_shortdate($start) . " - " . format_shortdate($end);
			} elseif ($arr['int_type'] == 5) { // DATE_INTERVAL_DAY
			    return format_shortdate($tm);
			} elseif ($arr['int_type'] == 6) { // DATE_INTERVAL_HOUR
			    $tm[4] = 0;
			    $tm[5] = 0;
			    return str_format_datetime($tm);
			} elseif ($arr['int_type'] == 7) { // DATE_INTERVAL_MINUTE
			    $tm[5] = 0;
			    return str_format_datetime($tm);
			} else {
			    return str_format_datetime($tm);
	public function showDBValue(&$data, $keylink)
				return format_shortdate(db2time($data[$this->field]));
Esempio n. 3
 function getFieldName($fieldValue, $data)
     global $locale_info;
     $value = $data[$this->_recordBasedRequest ? $this->_name : $this->_sqlname];
     if ($value == null || !$value || strcasecmp($value, 'null') == 0) {
         return 'NULL';
     if ($this->_interval == 0) {
         if ($this->_viewFormat) {
             global $pageObject;
             return $pageObject->viewControls->showDBValue($this->_name, $data);
         } else {
             $date = db2time($value);
             return str_format_datetime($date);
     switch ($this->_interval) {
         case 1:
             $date = cached_db2time($value);
             return $date[0];
         case 2:
             $date = cached_db2time($value);
             return $date[0] . '/Q' . intval($date[1] / 3);
         case 3:
             $date = cached_db2time($value);
             return @$locale_info["LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME" . $date[1]] . " " . $date[0];
         case 4:
             return cached_formatweekstart($value);
         case 5:
             $date = cached_db2time($value);
             return format_shortdate($date);
         case 6:
             $date = db2time($value);
             $date[4] = 0;
             $date[5] = 0;
             return str_format_datetime($date);
         case 7:
             $date = db2time($value);
             $date[5] = 0;
             return str_format_datetime($date);
Esempio n. 4
 function buildControl($value, $mode, $fieldNum, $validate, $additionalCtrlParams, $data)
     global $locale_info;
     parent::buildControl($value, $mode, $fieldNum, $validate, $additionalCtrlParams, $data);
     if ($fieldNum) {
         $this->cfield = "value" . $fieldNum . "_" . GoodFieldName($this->field) . '_' . $this->id;
     echo '<input id="' . $this->ctype . '" type="hidden" name="' . $this->ctype . '" value="date' . $this->pageObject->pSetEdit->getDateEditType($this->field) . '">';
     if ($this->pageObject->pageType == PAGE_LIST) {
         $pSet = new ProjectSettings($this->pageObject->tName, PAGE_SEARCH);
     } else {
         $pSet = $this->pageObject->pSetEdit;
     $tvalue = $value;
     $time = db2time($tvalue);
     if (!count($time)) {
         $time = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
     $dp = 0;
     $hasImgCal = true;
     $showTime = $pSet->dateEditShowTime($this->field);
     switch ($pSet->getDateEditType($this->field)) {
             $hasImgCal = false;
         case EDIT_DATE_SIMPLE_DP:
             $ovalue = $value;
             if ($locale_info["LOCALE_IDATE"] == 1) {
                 $fmt = "dd" . $locale_info["LOCALE_SDATE"] . "MM" . $locale_info["LOCALE_SDATE"] . "yyyy";
             } else {
                 if ($locale_info["LOCALE_IDATE"] == 0) {
                     $fmt = "MM" . $locale_info["LOCALE_SDATE"] . "dd" . $locale_info["LOCALE_SDATE"] . "yyyy";
                 } else {
                     $fmt = "yyyy" . $locale_info["LOCALE_SDATE"] . "MM" . $locale_info["LOCALE_SDATE"] . "dd";
             if ($showTime || $time[3] || $time[4] || $time[5]) {
                 $fmt .= " HH:mm:ss";
             if ($time[0]) {
                 $ovalue = format_datetime_custom($time, $fmt);
             $ovalue1 = $time[2] . "-" . $time[1] . "-" . $time[0];
             if ($showTime || $time[3] || $time[4] || $time[5]) {
                 $ovalue1 .= " " . $time[3] . ":" . $time[4] . ":" . $time[5];
             // need to create date control object to use it with datePicker
             $ret = '<input id="' . $this->cfield . '" ' . $this->inputStyle . ' type="Text" name="' . $this->cfield . '" value="' . $ovalue . '">';
             $ret .= '<input id="ts' . $this->cfield . '" type="Hidden" name="ts' . $this->cfield . '" value="' . $ovalue1 . '">';
             if ($hasImgCal) {
                 $ret .= '&nbsp;<a href="#" id="imgCal_' . $this->cfield . '" data-icon="calendar" title="Click Here to Pick up the date" ></a>';
             echo $ret;
         case EDIT_DATE_DD_INLINE:
         case EDIT_DATE_DD_DP:
             $dp = 1;
         case EDIT_DATE_DD:
             $controlWidth = $pSet->getControlWidth($this->field);
             if ($controlWidth > 0) {
                 $controlWidth -= 10;
                 $yearWidth = floor($controlWidth * 0.3);
                 $yearStyle = 'style="min-width: ' . $yearWidth . 'px; ';
                 $dayWidth = floor($controlWidth * 0.2);
                 $dayStyle = 'style="min-width: ' . $dayWidth . 'px; margin-right:5px;" ';
                 $mothWidth = $controlWidth - $yearWidth - $dayWidth;
                 $monthStyle = 'style="min-width: ' . $mothWidth . 'px; margin-right:5px;" ';
             } else {
                 $dayStyle = '';
                 $monthStyle = '';
                 $yearStyle = '';
             $alt = ($mode == MODE_INLINE_EDIT || $mode == MODE_INLINE_ADD) && $this->is508 ? 'alt="' . $this->strLabel . '" ' : '';
             $retday = '<select id="day' . $this->cfield . '" ' . $dayStyle . $alt . 'name="day' . $this->cfield . '" ></select>';
             $retmonth = '<select id="month' . $this->cfield . '" ' . $monthStyle . $alt . 'name="month' . $this->cfield . '" ></select>';
             $retyear = '<select id="year' . $this->cfield . '" ' . $yearStyle . $alt . 'name="year' . $this->cfield . '" ></select>';
             $space = $controlWidth > 0 ? '' : "&nbsp;";
             if ($locale_info["LOCALE_ILONGDATE"] == 1) {
                 $ret = $retday . $space . $retmonth . $space . $retyear;
             } else {
                 if ($locale_info["LOCALE_ILONGDATE"] == 0) {
                     $ret = $retmonth . $space . $retday . $space . $retyear;
                 } else {
                     $ret = $retyear . $space . $retmonth . $space . $retday;
             if ($time[0] && $time[1] && $time[2]) {
                 $ret .= "<input id=\"" . $this->cfield . "\" type=hidden name=\"" . $this->cfield . "\" value=\"" . $time[0] . "-" . $time[1] . "-" . $time[2] . "\">";
             } else {
                 $ret .= "<input id=\"" . $this->cfield . "\" type=hidden name=\"" . $this->cfield . "\" value=\"\">";
             // calendar handling for three DD
             if ($dp) {
                 $ret .= '&nbsp;<a href="#" id="imgCal_' . $this->cfield . '" data-icon="calendar" title="Click Here to Pick up the date"></a>' . '<input id="ts' . $this->cfield . '" type=hidden name="ts' . $this->cfield . '" value="' . $time[2] . '-' . $time[1] . '-' . $time[0] . '">';
             echo $ret;
             //	case EDIT_DATE_SIMPLE:
             $ovalue = $value;
             if ($time[0]) {
                 if ($showTime || $time[3] || $time[4] || $time[5]) {
                     $ovalue = str_format_datetime($time);
                 } else {
                     $ovalue = format_shortdate($time);
             echo '<input id="' . $this->cfield . '" type=text name="' . $this->cfield . '" ' . $this->inputStyle . ' value="' . runner_htmlspecialchars($ovalue) . '">';
Esempio n. 5
  * Get axes displyed values
  * @param Number index
  * @param String value
  * @return String
 protected function getAxisDisplayValue($index, $value)
     global $locale_info;
     if ($value == "" || is_null($value)) {
         return "";
     $groupFieldsData = $this->xml_array["group_fields"];
     $field = $groupFieldsData[$index]["name"];
     $int_type = $groupFieldsData[$index]["int_type"];
     if ($this->fromWizard) {
         $control = $this->viewControls->getControl($field);
     if ($int_type == 0) {
         // The 'Normal' interval is set
         if ($this->fromWizard) {
             $data = array($field => $value);
             return $control->showDBValue($data, "");
         if ($this->table_type != "db") {
             $fieldIdentifier = $this->xml_array["tables"][0] . "_" . $field;
         } else {
             $fieldIdentifier = $this->CrossGoodFieldName($field);
         if ($this->xml_array['totals'][$fieldIdentifier]['curr'] == true) {
             return str_format_currency($value);
         return xmlencode($value);
     $ftype = $this->getFieldType($field);
     if (IsNumberType($ftype)) {
         $start = $value - $value % $int_type;
         $end = $start + $int_type;
         if ($this->fromWizard) {
             $dataStart = array($field => $start);
             $dataEnd = array($field => $end);
             return $control->showDBValue($dataStart, "") . " - " . $control->showDBValue($dataEnd, "");
         if ($this->table_type != "db") {
             $fieldIdentifier = $this->xml_array["tables"][0] . "_" . $field;
         } else {
             $fieldIdentifier = $this->CrossGoodFieldName($field);
         if ($this->xml_array['totals'][$fieldIdentifier]['curr'] == true) {
             return str_format_currency($start) . " - " . str_format_currency($end);
         return $start . " - " . $end;
     if (IsCharType($ftype)) {
         return xmlencode(substr($value, 0, $int_type));
     if (IsDateFieldType($ftype)) {
         $dvalue = substr($value, 0, 4) . '-' . substr($value, 4, 2) . '-' . substr($value, 6, 2);
         if (strlen($value) == 10) {
             $dvalue .= " " . substr($value, 8, 2) . "00:00";
         } elseif (strlen($value) == 12) {
             $dvalue .= " " . substr($value, 8, 2) . ":" . substr($value, 10, 2) . ":00";
         $tm = db2time($dvalue);
         if (!count($tm)) {
             return "";
         switch ($int_type) {
             case 1:
                 // DATE_INTERVAL_YEAR
                 return $tm[0];
             case 2:
                 // DATE_INTERVAL_QUARTER
                 return $tm[0] . "/Q" . $tm[1];
             case 3:
                 // DATE_INTERVAL_MONTH
                 return @$locale_info["LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME" . $tm[1]] . " " . $tm[0];
             case 4:
                 // DATE_INTERVAL_WEEK
                 $dates = $this->getDatesByWeek($tm[1] + 1, $tm[0]);
                 return format_shortdate(db2time($dates[0])) . ' - ' . format_shortdate(db2time($dates[1]));
             case 5:
                 // DATE_INTERVAL_DAY
                 return format_shortdate($tm);
             case 6:
                 // DATE_INTERVAL_HOUR
                 $tm[4] = 0;
                 $tm[5] = 0;
                 return str_format_datetime($tm);
             case 7:
                 // DATE_INTERVAL_MINUTE
                 $tm[5] = 0;
                 return str_format_datetime($tm);
                 return str_format_datetime($tm);
     return "";
Esempio n. 6
 function getDisplayValue($index, $value)
     global $locale_info;
     $field = $this->xml_array["group_fields"][$index]["name"];
     if ($value == "" || is_null($value)) {
         return "";
     $ftype = $this->getFieldType($field);
     $arr = array();
     $arr = $this->xml_array["group_fields"];
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr) - 1; $i++) {
         if ($field == $arr[$i]["name"] && $index == $i) {
             $int_type = $arr[$i]["int_type"];
     if ($int_type == 0) {
         $prefix = "";
         if ($this->table_type != "db") {
             if (!$this->fromWizard) {
                 $prefix = $this->xml_array["tables"][0] . "_";
         } else {
             $field = $this->CrossGoodFieldName($field);
         if ($this->xml_array['totals'][$prefix . $field]['curr'] == true) {
             return str_format_currency($value);
         } else {
             return $value;
     } elseif (IsNumberType($ftype)) {
         $start = $value - $value % $int_type;
         $end = $start + $int_type;
         $prefix = "";
         if ($this->table_type != "db") {
             if (!$this->fromWizard) {
                 $prefix = $this->xml_array["tables"][0] . "_";
         } else {
             $field = $this->CrossGoodFieldName($field);
         if ($this->xml_array['totals'][$prefix . $field]['curr'] == true) {
             return str_format_currency($start) . " - " . str_format_currency($end);
         } else {
             return $start . " - " . $end;
     } elseif (IsCharType($ftype)) {
         return substr($value, 0, $int_type);
     } elseif (IsDateFieldType($ftype)) {
         $dvalue = substr($value, 0, 4) . '-' . substr($value, 4, 2) . '-' . substr($value, 6, 2);
         if (strlen($value) == 10) {
             $dvalue .= " " . substr($value, 8, 2) . "00:00";
         } elseif (strlen($value) == 12) {
             $dvalue .= " " . substr($value, 8, 2) . ":" . substr($value, 10, 2) . ":00";
         $tm = db2time($dvalue);
         if (!count($tm)) {
             return "";
         if ($int_type == 1) {
             // DATE_INTERVAL_YEAR
             return $tm[0];
         } elseif ($int_type == 2) {
             return $tm[0] . "/Q" . $tm[1];
         } elseif ($int_type == 3) {
             // DATE_INTERVAL_MONTH
             return @$locale_info["LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME" . $tm[1]] . " " . $tm[0];
         } elseif ($int_type == 4) {
             // DATE_INTERVAL_WEEK
             $dates = $this->getDatesByWeek($tm[1] + 1, $tm[0]);
             return format_shortdate(db2time($dates[0])) . ' - ' . format_shortdate(db2time($dates[1]));
         } elseif ($int_type == 5) {
             // DATE_INTERVAL_DAY
             return format_shortdate($tm);
         } elseif ($int_type == 6) {
             // DATE_INTERVAL_HOUR
             $tm[4] = 0;
             $tm[5] = 0;
             return str_format_datetime($tm);
         } elseif ($int_type == 7) {
             // DATE_INTERVAL_MINUTE
             $tm[5] = 0;
             return str_format_datetime($tm);
         } else {
             return str_format_datetime($tm);
  * Get the step-rounded date/date-time formatted string
  * @param String value
  * @param Boolean isLower
  * @return String
 protected function getRoundedDate($value, $isLower, $isKnob = false)
     $dateArray = $this->getDateTimeArray($value);
     switch ($this->stepType) {
         case FSST_SECONDS:
             if ($isKnob) {
                 return $this->getDateTimeString($dateArray);
             $prepDateArray = $this->minDateArray;
             $diffSec = $this->getDifferenceInSecWithMin($value, $isLower);
             $prepDateArray = addSeconds($prepDateArray, $diffSec);
             return $this->getDateTimeString($prepDateArray);
         case FSST_MINUTES:
             if ($isKnob) {
                 return $this->getDateTimeString($dateArray);
             $prepDateArray = $this->minDateArray;
             $diffSec = $this->getDifferenceInSecWithMin($value, $isLower);
             $minutes = floor($diffSec / 60);
             $prepDateArray = addMinutes($prepDateArray, $minutes);
             return $this->getDateTimeString($prepDateArray);
         case FSST_HOURS:
             $hours = $this->getAdjustedHoursValue($dateArray[3], $dateArray[4], $isLower);
             $dateArray[3] = $dateArray[4] = $dateArray[5] = 0;
             $dateArray = addHours($dateArray, $hours);
             return $this->getDateTimeString($dateArray);
         case FSST_DAYS:
             return format_shortdate($dateArray);
         case FSST_MONTHS:
             if ($isKnob) {
                 return format_shortdate($dateArray);
             $dateArray[1] = $this->getAdjustedMonthNumber($dateArray[1], $isLower);
             $dateArray[2] = $isLower ? 1 : getLastMonthDayNumber($dateArray[0], $dateArray[1]);
             $dateArray[3] = $dateArray[4] = $dateArray[5] = 0;
             return format_shortdate($dateArray);
         case FSST_YEARS:
             $dateArray[3] = $dateArray[4] = $dateArray[5] = 0;
             $dateArray[1] = $isLower ? 1 : 12;
             $dateArray[2] = $isLower ? 1 : 31;
             return format_shortdate($dateArray);
             return $value;
function GetDateEdit($field, $value, $type, $fieldNum = 0, $search = MODE_EDIT, $record_id = "", &$pageObj)
    global $cYearRadius, $locale_info, $jscode, $strTableName;
    $is508 = isEnableSection508();
    $strLabel = Label($field);
    $cfieldname = GoodFieldName($field);
    $cfield = "value_" . GoodFieldName($field) . '_' . $record_id;
    if ($fieldNum) {
        $cfield = "value" . $fieldNum . "_" . GoodFieldName($field) . '_' . $record_id;
    $tvalue = $value;
    $time = db2time($tvalue);
    if (!count($time)) {
        $time = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $dp = 0;
    switch ($type) {
        case EDIT_DATE_SIMPLE_DP:
            $ovalue = $value;
            if ($locale_info["LOCALE_IDATE"] == 1) {
                $fmt = "dd" . $locale_info["LOCALE_SDATE"] . "MM" . $locale_info["LOCALE_SDATE"] . "yyyy";
                $sundayfirst = "false";
            } else {
                if ($locale_info["LOCALE_IDATE"] == 0) {
                    $fmt = "MM" . $locale_info["LOCALE_SDATE"] . "dd" . $locale_info["LOCALE_SDATE"] . "yyyy";
                    $sundayfirst = "true";
                } else {
                    $fmt = "yyyy" . $locale_info["LOCALE_SDATE"] . "MM" . $locale_info["LOCALE_SDATE"] . "dd";
                    $sundayfirst = "false";
            if ($time[5]) {
                $fmt .= " HH:mm:ss";
            } else {
                if ($time[3] || $time[4]) {
                    $fmt .= " HH:mm";
            if ($time[0]) {
                $ovalue = format_datetime_custom($time, $fmt);
            $ovalue1 = $time[2] . "-" . $time[1] . "-" . $time[0];
            $showtime = "false";
            if (DateEditShowTime($field)) {
                $showtime = "true";
                $ovalue1 .= " " . $time[3] . ":" . $time[4] . ":" . $time[5];
            // need to create date control object to use it with datePicker
            $ret = '<input id="' . $cfield . '" type="Text" name="' . $cfield . '" size="20" value="' . $ovalue . '">';
            $ret .= '<input id="ts' . $cfield . '" type="Hidden" name="ts' . $cfield . '" value="' . $ovalue1 . '">&nbsp;&nbsp;';
            //$ret.='&nbsp;<img src="images/cal.gif" width=16 height=16 border=0 alt="'."Click Here to Pick up the date".'">';
            $ret .= '&nbsp;<a href="#" id="imgCal_' . $cfield . '">' . '<img src="images/cal.gif" width=16 height=16 border=0 alt="' . "Click Here to Pick up the date" . '"></a>';
            echo $ret;
        case EDIT_DATE_DD_DP:
            $dp = 1;
        case EDIT_DATE_DD:
            $retday = '<select id="day' . $cfield . '" ' . (($search == MODE_INLINE_EDIT || $search == MODE_INLINE_ADD) && $is508 == true ? 'alt="' . $strLabel . '" ' : '') . 'name="day' . $cfield . '" ></select>';
            $retmonth = '<select id="month' . $cfield . '" ' . (($search == MODE_INLINE_EDIT || $search == MODE_INLINE_ADD) && $is508 == true ? 'alt="' . $strLabel . '" ' : '') . 'name="month' . $cfield . '" ></select>';
            $retyear = '<select id="year' . $cfield . '" ' . (($search == MODE_INLINE_EDIT || $search == MODE_INLINE_ADD) && $is508 == true ? 'alt="' . $strLabel . '" ' : '') . 'name="year' . $cfield . '" ></select>';
            $sundayfirst = "false";
            if ($locale_info["LOCALE_ILONGDATE"] == 1) {
                $ret = $retday . "&nbsp;" . $retmonth . "&nbsp;" . $retyear;
            } else {
                if ($locale_info["LOCALE_ILONGDATE"] == 0) {
                    $ret = $retmonth . "&nbsp;" . $retday . "&nbsp;" . $retyear;
                    $sundayfirst = "true";
                } else {
                    $ret = $retyear . "&nbsp;" . $retmonth . "&nbsp;" . $retday;
            if ($time[0] && $time[1] && $time[2]) {
                $ret .= "<input id=\"" . $cfield . "\" type=hidden name=\"" . $cfield . "\" value=\"" . $time[0] . "-" . $time[1] . "-" . $time[2] . "\">";
            } else {
                $ret .= "<input id=\"" . $cfield . "\" type=hidden name=\"" . $cfield . "\" value=\"\">";
            // calendar handling for three DD
            if ($dp) {
                $ret .= '&nbsp;<a href="#" id="imgCal_' . $cfield . '">' . '<img src="images/cal.gif" width=16 height=16 border=0 alt="Click Here to Pick up the date"></a>' . '<input id="ts' . $cfield . '" type=hidden name="ts' . $cfield . '" value="' . $time[2] . '-' . $time[1] . '-' . $time[0] . '">';
                //$ret.='&nbsp;<img src="images/cal.gif" width=16 height=16 border=0 alt="Click Here to Pick up the date"><input id="ts'.$cfield.'" type=hidden name="ts'.$cfield.'" value="'.$time[2].'-'.$time[1].'-'.$time[0].'">';
            echo $ret;
            //	case EDIT_DATE_SIMPLE:
        //	case EDIT_DATE_SIMPLE:
            $ovalue = $value;
            if ($time[0]) {
                if ($time[3] || $time[4] || $time[5]) {
                    $ovalue = str_format_datetime($time);
                } else {
                    $ovalue = format_shortdate($time);
            echo '<input id="' . $cfield . '" type=text name="' . $cfield . '" size="20" value="' . htmlspecialchars($ovalue) . '">';
  * @param &Array data
  * @return String	 
 public function getTextValue(&$data)
     return format_shortdate(db2time($data[$this->field]));