Esempio n. 1
function block_display($options = "")
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.00';
    printmsg("DEBUG => block_display({$options}) called", 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Sanitize options[verbose] (default is yes)
    $options['verbose'] = sanitize_YN($options['verbose'], 'Y');
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['block']) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Displays a block record from the database

  Synopsis: block_display [KEY=VALUE] ...

    block=NAME or ID      Block name or ID of the block display

    verbose=[yes|no]      Display additional info (DEFAULT: yes)

    // The formatting rule on block names is all upper and trim it
    $options['block'] = trim($options['block']);
    $options['block'] = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '-', $options['block']);
    $options['block'] = strtoupper($options['block']);
    // If the block provided is numeric, check to see if it's an block
    if (is_numeric($options['block'])) {
        // See if it's an block_id
        list($status, $rows, $block) = ona_get_block_record(array('id' => $options['block']));
        if (!$block['id']) {
            printmsg("DEBUG => Unable to find block using the ID {$options['block']}!", 3);
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unable to find block using the ID {$options['block']}!";
            return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
    } else {
        list($status, $rows, $block) = ona_get_block_record(array('name' => $options['block']));
        if (!$block['id']) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unable to find block using the name {$options['block']}!";
            printmsg("DEBUG => Unable to find block using the name {$options['block']}!", 3);
            return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
    printmsg("DEBUG => Found block: {$block['name']}", 3);
    // Build text to return
    $text = "BLOCK RECORD\n";
    $text .= format_array($block);
    // If 'verbose' is enabled, grab some additional info to display
    if ($options['verbose'] == 'Y') {
        $where .= " ip_addr >= " . $block['ip_addr_start'] . " AND ip_addr <= " . $block['ip_addr_end'];
        list($status, $netrows, $nets) = db_get_records($onadb, 'subnets', $where, "ip_addr");
        // subnet record(s)
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($nets as $record) {
            list($status, $rows, $subnet) = ona_get_subnet_record(array('id' => $record['id']));
            if ($rows == 0) {
            $text .= "\nASSOCIATED SUBNET RECORD ({$i} of {$netrows})\n";
            $text .= format_array($subnet);
    // Return the success notice
    return array(0, $text);
Esempio n. 2
function dns_record_display($options = "")
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.00';
    printmsg("DEBUG => dns_record_display({$options}) called", 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Sanitize options[verbose] (default is yes)
    $options['verbose'] = sanitize_YN($options['verbose'], 'Y');
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['name']) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Displays a DNS record from the database

  Synopsis: dns_record_display [KEY=VALUE] ...

    name=NAME[.DOMAIN] or ID      hostname or ID of the dns record to display

    verbose=[yes|no]              display additional info (yes)

    // If the name we were passed has a leading . in it then remove the dot.
    $options['name'] = preg_replace("/^\\./", '', $options['name']);
    // Find the DNS record from $options['name']
    list($status, $rows, $record) = ona_find_dns_record($options['name']);
    printmsg("DEBUG => dns_record_del() DNS record: {$record['name']}", 3);
    if (!$record['id']) {
        printmsg("DEBUG => Unknown DNS record: {$options['name']}", 3);
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unknown DNS record: {$options['name']}";
        return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // Build text to return
    $text = "DNS {$record['type']} RECORD ({$record['fqdn']})\n";
    $text .= format_array($record);
    // If 'verbose' is enabled, grab some additional info to display
    if ($options['verbose'] == 'Y') {
        // PTR record(s)
        $i = 0;
        do {
            list($status, $rows, $ptr) = ona_get_dns_record(array('dns_id' => $record['id'], 'type' => 'PTR'));
            if ($rows == 0) {
            $text .= "\nASSOCIATED PTR RECORD ({$i} of {$rows})\n";
            $text .= format_array($ptr);
        } while ($i < $rows);
        // CNAME record(s)
        $i = 0;
        do {
            list($status, $rows, $cname) = ona_get_dns_record(array('dns_id' => $record['id'], 'type' => 'CNAME'));
            if ($rows == 0) {
            $text .= "\nASSOCIATED CNAME RECORD ({$i} of {$rows})\n";
            $text .= format_array($cname);
        } while ($i < $rows);
        // FIXME: MP display other types of records like NS,MX,SRV etc etc, also support dns views better
    // Return the success notice
    return array(0, $text);
Esempio n. 3
function config_display($options = "")
    // The important globals
    global $conf;
    global $self;
    global $onadb;
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.02';
    printmsg('DEBUG => config_display(' . $options . ') called', 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Set "options[verbose] to yes if it's not set
    if (!array_key_exists('verbose', $options)) {
        $options['verbose'] = 'Y';
    } else {
        $options['verbose'] = sanitize_YN($options['verbose']);
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['config'] and (!$options['host'] or !$options['type'])) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Displays a config text record from the database
  Synopsis: config_display [KEY=VALUE] ...
    config=ID                   display config by record ID
      - or -
    host=ID or NAME[.DOMAIN]    display most recent config for specified host
    type=TYPE                   type of config to display -
                                  usually "IOS_VERSION" or "IOS_CONFIG"
    verbose=[yes|no]            display entire record (yes)
                                  "no" displays only the actual config text

    // Get a config record if there is one
    $self['error'] = "";
    list($status, $rows, $config) = ona_find_config($options);
    // Error if an error was returned
    if ($status or !$config['id']) {
        $text = "";
        if ($self['error']) {
            $text = $self['error'] . "\n";
        $text .= "ERROR => No config text entries found!\n";
        return array(2, $text);
    // If 'verbose' is enabled, we display the entire record
    if ($options['verbose'] == 'Y') {
        // Build text to return
        $text = "CONFIG TEXT RECORD (1 of {$rows})\n";
        $text .= format_array($config);
    } else {
        $text = $config['config_body'];
    // Return the success notice
    return array(0, $text);
Esempio n. 4
function custom_attribute_display($options = "")
    // The important globals
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    $text_array = array();
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.02';
    printmsg("DEBUG => custom_attribute_display({$options}) called", 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['host'] and !$options['id'] and !$options['subnet'] and !$options['vlan']) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Display the custom attribute specified or attributes for a host

  Synopsis: custom_attribute_display

    id=ID                     custom attribute ID
    host=ID or NAME[.DOMAIN]  display custom attributes for specified host
    subnet=ID or NAME         display custom attributes for specified subnet
    vlan=NAME                 display custom attributes for specified VLAN

    type=ID or NAME           If you specify a type and a host or subnet you
                              will only get back a 1 or a 0 indicating that
                              that type is set or not set for the host or subnet

    // if a type was set, check if it is associated with the host or subnet and return 1 or 0
    if ($options['type']) {
        $field = is_numeric($options['type']) ? 'id' : 'name';
        list($status, $rows, $catype) = ona_get_custom_attribute_type_record(array($field => $options['type']));
        // error if we cant find the type specified
        if (!$catype['id']) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => The custom attribute type specified, {$options['type']}, does not exist!";
            return array(5, $self['error']);
        $where['custom_attribute_type_id'] = $catype['id'];
    // Search for the host first
    if ($options['host']) {
        list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_find_host($options['host']);
        // Error if the host doesn't exist
        if (!$host['id']) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => The host specified, {$options['host']}, does not exist!";
            return array(2, $self['error']);
        } else {
            $where['table_id_ref'] = $host['id'];
            $where['table_name_ref'] = 'hosts';
            list($status, $rows, $cas) = db_get_records($onadb, 'custom_attributes', $where);
        $anchor = 'host';
        $desc = $host['fqdn'];
    // Search for subnet
    if ($options['subnet']) {
        list($status, $rows, $subnet) = ona_find_subnet($options['subnet']);
        // Error if the record doesn't exist
        if (!$subnet['id']) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => The subnet specified, {$options['subnet']}, does not exist!";
            return array(3, $self['error']);
        } else {
            $where['table_id_ref'] = $subnet['id'];
            $where['table_name_ref'] = 'subnets';
            list($status, $rows, $cas) = db_get_records($onadb, 'custom_attributes', $where);
        $anchor = 'subnet';
        $desc = $subnet['description'];
    // Search for vlan
    if ($options['vlan']) {
        list($status, $rows, $vlan) = ona_find_vlan($options['vlan']);
        // Error if the record doesn't exist
        if (!$vlan['id']) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => The VLAN specified, {$options['vlan']}, does not exist!";
            return array(3, $self['error']);
        } else {
            $where['table_id_ref'] = $vlan['id'];
            $where['table_name_ref'] = 'vlans';
            list($status, $rows, $cas) = db_get_records($onadb, 'custom_attributes', $where);
        $anchor = 'vlan';
        $desc = $vlan['description'];
    // Now find the ID of the record, returns a specific record only
    if ($options['id']) {
        list($status, $rows, $ca) = ona_get_custom_attribute_record(array('id' => $options['id']));
        if (!$ca['id']) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => The custom attribute specified, {$options['id']}, is invalid!";
            return array(4, $self['error']);
        $text_array = $ca;
        $text .= "CUSTOM ATTRIBUTE ENTRY RECORD ({$ca['id']})\n";
        $text .= format_array($ca);
    } elseif ($options['type']) {
        // If we requested type, now is the time to return a response if it is found associated.
        if ($cas[0]) {
            $text .= '1';
            $text_array['has_attribute'] = 'Y';
        } else {
            $text .= '0';
            $text_array['has_attribute'] = 'N';
    } else {
        // Build text to return
        $text .= strtoupper($anchor) . " CUSTOM ATTRIBUTE RECORDS ({$desc})\n";
        // Display the record(s)
        $i = 0;
        do {
            $text .= "\nASSOCIATED CUSTOM ATTRIBUTE ENTRY RECORD ({$i} of {$rows})\n";
            $text .= format_array($cas[$i]);
            list($status, $carows, $ca) = ona_get_custom_attribute_type_record(array('id' => $cas[$i]['custom_attribute_type_id']));
            $text_array[$ca['name']] = $cas[$i]['value'];
        } while ($i < $rows);
    // change the output format if other than default
    if ($options['format'] == 'json') {
        $text = $text_array;
    if ($options['format'] == 'yaml') {
        $text = $text_array;
    // Return the success notice
    return array(0, $text);
Esempio n. 5
  * 修改订单的运输方式(批量订单号) 在unshiped表中
  * @param  array $ids         订单号数组
  * @param  int   $transportId 运输方式ID
  * @return bool
  * @author zqt
 public function updateOrderShipInfoById($ids, $transportId)
     $ids = array_filter(array_map('intval', format_array($ids)));
     $transportId = intval($transportId);
     return $this->sql("UPDATE " . C('DB_PREFIX') . "unshipped_order SET transportId='{$transportId}' WHERE id IN (" . implode(',', $ids) . ")")->update();
Esempio n. 6
function host_display($options = "")
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    $text_array = array();
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.04';
    printmsg("DEBUG => host_display({$options}) called", 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Sanitize options[verbose] (default is yes)
    $options['verbose'] = sanitize_YN($options['verbose'], 'Y');
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['host']) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Displays a host record from the database

  Synopsis: host_display [KEY=VALUE] ...

    host=NAME[.DOMAIN] or ID      hostname or ID of the host display

    verbose=[yes|no]              display additional info (yes)

    // Find the host (and domain) record from $options['host']
    list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_find_host($options['host']);
    printmsg("DEBUG => Host: {$host['fqdn']}", 3);
    if (!$host['id']) {
        printmsg("DEBUG => Unknown host: {$options['host']}", 3);
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unknown host: {$options['host']}";
        return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
    $text_array = $host;
    // Build text to return
    $text = "HOST RECORD ({$host['fqdn']})\n";
    $text .= format_array($host);
    // If 'verbose' is enabled, grab some additional info to display
    if ($options['verbose'] == 'Y') {
        // TODO: if it is a nat interface, maybe process that IP and make it visible?
        // Interface record(s)
        $i = 0;
        do {
            list($status, $rows, $interface) = ona_get_interface_record(array('host_id' => $host['id']));
            if ($rows == 0) {
            $text .= "\nASSOCIATED INTERFACE RECORD ({$i} of {$rows})\n";
            $text .= format_array($interface);
            $text_array['interfaces'][$i] = $interface;
        } while ($i < $rows);
        $text_array['interface_count'] = $rows;
        // Device record
        list($status, $rows, $device) = ona_get_device_record(array('id' => $host['device_id']));
        if ($rows >= 1) {
            // Fill out some other device info
            list($status, $rows, $device_type) = ona_get_device_type_record(array('id' => $device['device_type_id']));
            list($status, $rows, $role) = ona_get_role_record(array('id' => $device_type['role_id']));
            list($status, $rows, $model) = ona_get_model_record(array('id' => $device_type['model_id']));
            list($status, $rows, $manufacturer) = ona_get_manufacturer_record(array('id' => $model['manufacturer_id']));
            $device['device_type'] = "{$manufacturer['name']}, {$model['name']} ({$role['name']})";
            list($status, $rows, $location) = ona_get_location_record(array('id' => $device['location_id']));
            $text_array['location'] = $location;
            $text_array['device'] = $device;
            $text .= "\nASSOCIATED DEVICE RECORD\n";
            $text .= format_array($device);
        // Tag records
        list($status, $rows, $tags) = db_get_records($onadb, 'tags', array('type' => 'host', 'reference' => $host['id']));
        if ($rows) {
            $text .= "\nASSOCIATED TAG RECORDS\n";
            foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                $text_array['tags'][] = $tag['name'];
                $text .= "  {$tag['name']}\n";
    // Cleanup unused info
    // change the output format if other than default
    if ($options['format'] == 'json') {
        $text = $text_array;
    if ($options['format'] == 'yaml') {
        $text = $text_array;
    // Return the success notice
    return array(0, $text);
Esempio n. 7
 * Get the modified number
 * @param $route Array of params representing the modificatios resulted usually from an sql query
 * @param $nr Number before rewriting
 * @return Number resulted after the modifications were applied. If resulted number is empty then original number is returned
 * Note!! The order in with the operations are performed is : cut, replace, add. So replacing will be performed on the resulted number after cutting. One must keep this in mind when using multiple transformations.
function rewrite_digits($route, $nr)
    $result = $nr;
    if ($route["nr_of_digits_to_cut"] && $route["position_to_start_cutting"]) {
        $result = substr($nr, 0, $route["position_to_start_cutting"] - 1) . substr($nr, $route["position_to_start_cutting"] - 1 + $route["nr_of_digits_to_cut"], strlen($nr));
    if ($route["position_to_start_replacing"] && $route["digits_to_replace_with"]) {
        if (!$route["nr_of_digits_to_replace"]) {
            return $route["digits_to_replace_with"];
        $result = substr($result, 0, $route["position_to_start_replacing"] - 1) . $route["digits_to_replace_with"] . substr($result, $route["position_to_start_replacing"] + $route["nr_of_digits_to_replace"] - 1, strlen($result));
    if ($route["position_to_start_adding"] && $route["digits_to_add"]) {
        $result = substr($result, 0, $route["position_to_start_adding"] - 1) . $route["digits_to_add"] . substr($result, $route["position_to_start_adding"] - 1, strlen($result));
    if (!$result) {
        debug("Wrong: resulted number is empty when nr='{$nr}' and route=" . format_array($route));
        return $nr;
    return $result;
function testIsAnagram()
    $word = func_get_args()[0];
    $expected = func_get_args()[1];
    for ($i = 2; $i < count(func_get_args()); $i++) {
        $to_test[] = func_get_args()[$i];
    $wp = new wordProcessor($word);
    if (count($to_test) == 1) {
        $to_test = $to_test[0];
    $status = $wp->isAnagram($to_test);
    $success = $status == $expected;
    $tested = is_array($to_test) ? format_array($to_test) : $to_test;
    update_test("isAnagram()", "(" . $tested . ") becomes (" . $word . ")", tf($status), tf($expected), $success);
Esempio n. 9
  * 修改订单状态  未完成
  * @return boolean
  * @author czq 2014年6月17日
 public function updateOrderStatus()
     if (isset($condition['id'])) {
         $ids = format_array($condition['id']);
         $fromstatus = M('Order')->getOrderStatusById($ids);
         //是否有移动到对应分类权限验证  待开发
         if (false) {
             return false;
         return M('OrderManage')->updateOrderStatusById($condition['id'], $tostatus);
     if (isset($condition['status'])) {
         if (false) {
             return false;
         return M('OrderManage')->updateOrderStatusByStatus($condition['status'], $tostatus);
     self::$errMsg[10029] = get_promptmsg(10029, json_encode($condition));
     return false;
Esempio n. 10
function subnet_del($options = "")
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.06';
    printmsg('DEBUG => subnet_del(' . $options . ') called', 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Sanitize options[commit] (default is no)
    $options['commit'] = sanitize_YN($options['commit'], 'N');
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['subnet']) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Deletes a subnet (subnet) from the database

  Synopsis: subnet_del [KEY=VALUE] ...

    subnet=IP or ID              select subnet by search string

    commit=[yes|no]               commit db transaction (no)

    // Find the subnet record we're deleting
    list($status, $rows, $subnet) = ona_find_subnet($options['subnet']);
    if ($status or !$rows) {
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => Subnet not found";
        return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // Check permissions
    if (!auth('subnet_del') or !authlvl($subnet['lvl'])) {
        $self['error'] = "Permission denied!";
        printmsg($self['error'], 0);
        return array(3, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // If "commit" is yes, delete the subnet
    if ($options['commit'] == 'Y') {
        $text = "";
        // FIXME: (add all this) ...
        // SUMMARY:
        //   Delete assignments to any DHCP servers
        //   Delete any DHCP pools on the current subnet
        //   Delete any DHCP options associated with this subnet
        //   Delete any interfaces belonging to hosts with more than one interface
        //   Delete any hosts (and all their associated info) that have only one interface
        //   Delete subnet Record
        //   Delete custom attributes
        //   FIXME: display a warning if there are no more subnets that a dhcp server is serving dhcp for?
        // Delete DHCP server assignments
        list($status, $rows) = db_delete_records($onadb, 'dhcp_server_subnets', array('subnet_id' => $subnet['id']));
        if ($status) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => DHCP server assignment delete failed: {$self['error']}";
            return array(5, $self['error'] . "\n");
        // Delete DHCP pools
        list($status, $rows) = db_delete_records($onadb, 'dhcp_pools', array('subnet_id' => $subnet['id']));
        if ($status) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => DHCP pool delete failed: {$self['error']}";
            return array(5, $self['error'] . "\n");
        // Delete DHCP options
        list($status, $rows) = db_delete_records($onadb, 'dhcp_option_entries', array('subnet_id' => $subnet['id']));
        if ($status) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => DHCP parameter delete failed: {$self['error']}";
            return array(5, $self['error'] . "\n");
        // Delete tag entries
        list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'tags', array('type' => 'subnet', 'reference' => $subnet['id']));
        $log = array();
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($records as $record) {
            $log[$i] = "INFO => Tag DELETED: {$record['name']} from {$subnet['name']}";
        //do the delete
        list($status, $rows) = db_delete_records($onadb, 'tags', array('type' => 'subnet', 'reference' => $subnet['id']));
        if ($status) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => subnet_del() Tag delete SQL Query failed: {$self['error']}";
            printmsg($self['error'], 0);
            return array(5, $add_to_error . $self['error'] . "\n");
        //log deletions
        foreach ($log as $log_msg) {
            printmsg($log_msg, 0);
            $add_to_error .= $log_msg . "\n";
        // Delete custom attribute entries
        // get list for logging
        list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'custom_attributes', array('table_name_ref' => 'subnets', 'table_id_ref' => $subnet['id']));
        $log = array();
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($records as $record) {
            list($status, $rows, $ca) = ona_get_custom_attribute_record(array('id' => $record['id']));
            $log[$i] = "INFO => Custom Attribute DELETED: {$ca['name']} ({$ca['value']}) from {$subnet['name']}";
        //do the delete
        list($status, $rows) = db_delete_records($onadb, 'custom_attributes', array('table_name_ref' => 'subnets', 'table_id_ref' => $subnet['id']));
        if ($status) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => subnet_del() Custom attribute delete SQL Query failed: {$self['error']}";
            printmsg($self['error'], 0);
            return array(5, $self['error'] . "\n");
        //log deletions
        foreach ($log as $log_msg) {
            printmsg($log_msg, 0);
            //$add_to_error .= $log_msg . "\n";
        // Delete associated host / interface records that need to be deleted
        // BUSINESS RULE: We delete hosts that have only one interface (and it's on this subnet)
        // BUSINESS RULE: We delete interfaces from hosts that have multiple interfaces
        list($status, $rows, $interfaces) = db_get_records($onadb, 'interfaces', array('subnet_id' => $subnet['id']));
        $hosts_to_delete = array();
        $interfaces_to_delete = array();
        foreach ($interfaces as $interface) {
            // Select all  interfaces for the associated host where the subnet ID is not our subnet ID
            $where = "host_id = {$interface['host_id']} AND subnet_id != {$subnet['id']}";
            list($status, $rows, $tmp) = db_get_records($onadb, 'interfaces', $where, '', 0);
            // We'll delete hosts that have only one interface (i.e. no interfaces on any other subnets)
            if ($rows == 0) {
                array_push($hosts_to_delete, $interface['host_id']);
            } else {
                array_push($interfaces_to_delete, $interface['id']);
        // make sure we only have one reference for each host and interface
        $interfaces_to_delete = array_unique($interfaces_to_delete);
        $hosts_to_delete = array_unique($hosts_to_delete);
        // Delete interfaces we have selected
        foreach ($interfaces_to_delete as $interface_id) {
            list($status, $output) = run_module('interface_del', array('interface' => $interface_id, 'commit' => 'Y'));
            if ($status) {
                return array(5, $output);
        // Delete hosts we have selected
        foreach ($hosts_to_delete as $host_id) {
            list($status, $output) = run_module('host_del', array('host' => $host_id, 'commit' => 'Y'));
            if ($status) {
                return array(5, $output);
        // Delete the subnet
        list($status, $rows) = db_delete_records($onadb, 'subnets', array('id' => $subnet['id']));
        if ($status or !$rows) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => Subnet delete failed: {$self['error']}";
            return array(5, $self['error'] . "\n");
        // Return the success notice
        $ip = ip_mangle($subnet['ip_addr'], 'dotted');
        $cidr = ip_mangle($subnet['ip_mask'], 'cidr');
        $self['error'] = "INFO => Subnet DELETED: {$subnet['name']} IP: {$ip}/{$cidr}";
        printmsg($self['error'], 0);
        return array(0, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // We are just displaying records that would have been deleted
    // SUMMARY:
    //   Display assignments to any DHCP servers
    //   Display any DHCP pools on the current subnet
    //   Display any DHCP parameters associated with this subnet
    //   Display subnet Record
    //   Display Host records (and all their sub-records)
    //   Display custom attributes
    // Otherwise just display the host record for the host we would have deleted
    $text = "Record(s) NOT DELETED (see \"commit\" option)\n" . "Displaying record(s) that would have been deleted:\n";
    // Display the Subnet's complete record
    list($status, $tmp) = subnet_display("subnet={$subnet['id']}&verbose=N");
    $text .= "\n" . $tmp;
    // Display assignments to any DHCP servers
    list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dhcp_server_subnets', array('subnet_id' => $subnet['id']));
    if ($rows) {
        $text .= "\nASSOCIATED DHCP SERVER ASSIGNMENT RECORDS ({$rows}):\n";
    foreach ($records as $record) {
        $text .= format_array($record);
    // Display any DHCP pools on the current subnet
    list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dhcp_pools', array('subnet_id' => $subnet['id']));
    if ($rows) {
        $text .= "\nASSOCIATED DHCP POOL RECORDS ({$rows}):\n";
    foreach ($records as $record) {
        $text .= format_array($record);
    // Display associated DHCP entries
    list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dhcp_option_entries', array('subnet_id' => $subnet['id']));
    if ($rows) {
        $text .= "\nASSOCIATED DHCP ENTRY RECORDS ({$rows}):\n";
    foreach ($records as $record) {
        list($status, $rows, $dhcp) = ona_get_dhcp_option_entry_record(array('id' => $record['id']));
        $text .= "  {$dhcp['display_name']} => {$dhcp['value']}\n";
    // Display associated tags
    list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'tags', array('type' => 'subnet', 'reference' => $subnet['id']));
    if ($rows) {
        $text .= "\nASSOCIATED TAG RECORDS ({$rows}):\n";
    foreach ($records as $record) {
        $text .= "  {$record['name']}\n";
    // Display associated custom attributes
    list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'custom_attributes', array('table_name_ref' => 'subnets', 'table_id_ref' => $subnet['id']));
    if ($rows) {
        $text .= "\nASSOCIATED CUSTOM ATTRIBUTE RECORDS ({$rows}):\n";
    foreach ($records as $record) {
        list($status, $rows, $ca) = ona_get_custom_attribute_record(array('id' => $record['id']));
        $text .= "  {$ca['name']} => {$ca['value']}\n";
    // Display associated host  / interface records that would be deleted
    // BUSINESS RULE: We delete hosts that have only one interface (and it's on this subnet)
    // BUSINESS RULE: We delete interfaces from hosts that have multiple interfaces (including at least one on a different subnet)
    list($status, $rows, $interfaces) = db_get_records($onadb, 'interfaces', array('subnet_id' => $subnet['id']));
    $hosts_to_delete = array();
    $interfaces_to_delete = array();
    foreach ($interfaces as $interface) {
        // Select all  interfaces for the associated host where the subnet ID is not our subnet ID
        $where = "host_id = {$interface['host_id']} AND subnet_id != {$subnet['id']}";
        list($status, $rows, $tmp) = db_get_records($onadb, 'interfaces', $where, '', 0);
        // We'll delete hosts that have only one interface (i.e. no interfaces on any other subnets)
        if ($rows == 0) {
            array_push($hosts_to_delete, $interface['host_id']);
        } else {
            array_push($interfaces_to_delete, $interface['id']);
    // make sure we only have one reference for each host and interface
    $interfaces_to_delete = array_unique($interfaces_to_delete);
    $hosts_to_delete = array_unique($hosts_to_delete);
    // Display interfaces we would have deleted
    $rows = count($interfaces_to_delete);
    if ($rows) {
        $text .= "\n----- ASSOCIATED HOST INTERFACE RECORDS ({$rows}) -----\n";
    foreach ($interfaces_to_delete as $interface_id) {
        list($status, $output) = run_module('interface_del', array('interface' => $interface_id), false);
        $output = preg_replace('/^(.*)?\\n(.*)?\\n/', '', $output);
        $text .= $output;
    // Display hosts we would have deleted
    $rows = count($hosts_to_delete);
    if ($rows) {
        $text .= "\n-----ASSOCIATED HOSTS ({$rows}) -----\n";
    foreach ($hosts_to_delete as $host_id) {
        list($status, $output) = run_module('host_del', array('host' => $host_id), false);
        $output = preg_replace('/^(.*)?\\n(.*)?\\n/', '', $output);
        $text .= $output;
    return array(7, $text);
Esempio n. 11
function vlan_campus_display($options = "")
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.00';
    printmsg("DEBUG => vlan_campus_display({$options}) called", 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Sanitize options[verbose] (default is yes)
    $options['verbose'] = sanitize_YN($options['verbose'], 'Y');
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['campus']) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Displays a vlan campus record from the database

  Synopsis: vlan_campus_display [KEY=VALUE] ...

    campus=NAME or ID      Campus name or ID of the campus display

    verbose=[yes|no]       Display additional info (DEFAULT: yes)

    // The formatting rule on campus names is all upper and trim it
    $options['campus'] = strtoupper(trim($options['campus']));
    // If the campus provided is numeric, check to see if it's valid
    if (is_numeric($options['campus'])) {
        // See if it's an vlan_campus_id
        list($status, $rows, $campus) = ona_get_vlan_campus_record(array('id' => $options['campus']));
        if (!$campus['id']) {
            printmsg("DEBUG => Unable to find campus using the ID {$options['campus']}!", 3);
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unable to find campus using the ID {$options['campus']}!";
            return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
    } else {
        list($status, $rows, $campus) = ona_get_vlan_campus_record(array('name' => $options['campus']));
        if (!$campus['id']) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unable to find campus using the name {$options['campus']}!";
            printmsg("DEBUG => Unable to find campus using the name {$options['campus']}!", 3);
            return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
    printmsg("DEBUG => Found campus: {$campus['name']}", 3);
    // Build text to return
    $text = "VLAN CAMPUS RECORD\n";
    $text .= format_array($campus);
    // If 'verbose' is enabled, grab some additional info to display
    if ($options['verbose'] == 'Y') {
        // vlan record(s)
        $i = 0;
        do {
            list($status, $rows, $vlan) = ona_get_vlan_record(array('vlan_campus_id' => $campus['id']));
            if ($rows == 0) {
            $text .= "\nASSOCIATED VLAN RECORD ({$i} of {$rows})\n";
            $text .= format_array($vlan);
        } while ($i < $rows);
    // Return the success notice
    return array(0, $text);
Esempio n. 12
function setState($newstate)
    global $ourcallid;
    global $partycallid;
    global $state;
    global $uploaded_prompts;
    global $keys;
    global $wait_time;
    global $caller;
    global $hold_keys;
    global $destination;
    global $called;
    global $ev;
    // are we exiting?
    if ($state == "") {
    debug("setState('{$newstate}') state: {$state}");
    $state = $newstate;
    // always obey a return to prompt
    switch ($newstate) {
        case "greeting":
            // check what prompt to use for this time of day
            //$query = "select prompts.prompt_id, prompts.file as prompt from time_frames, prompts /*where numeric_day=extract(dow from now()) and cast(start_hour as integer)<=extract(HOUR FROM now()) AND cast(end_hour as integer)>extract(HOUR FROM now()) and time_frames.prompt_id=prompts.prompt_id*/ UNION select prompt_id,  file as prompt from prompts where status='online'";
            $status = 'offline';
            $query = "select prompt_id, day, start_hour, end_hour, numeric_day FROM time_frames";
            $res = query_to_array($query);
            if (count($res)) {
                $day_week = date('w');
                $hour = date('H') * 1;
                debug("Current week index '{$day_week}' : hour '{$hour}'");
                //$day_week = 2;
                //$hour 	  = 12;
                $status = 'offline';
                foreach ($res as $row) {
                    if ($row["numeric_day"] == $day_week && $row["start_hour"] <= $hour && $hour < $row["end_hour"]) {
                        $hold_keys = '';
                        // Reset default key
                        $status = 'online';
            $query = "select prompts.prompt_id, prompts.file as prompt from prompts where status='{$status}'";
            $res = query_to_array($query);
            debug('greeting:' . format_array($res));
            if (!count($res)) {
                debug("Auto-Attendant is not configured!!");
            $prompt_id = $res[0]["prompt_id"];
            $prompt = $res[0]["prompt"];
            // here we must have ".au"
            //$prompt = str_ireplace(".mp3", ".slin", $prompt);
            $query = "SELECT keys.key, destination FROM `keys` WHERE prompt_id={$prompt_id}";
            $keys = query_to_array($query);
            debug('keys:' . format_array($keys));
            $m = new Yate("chan.attach");
            // ------------------------
            /* prompt based on called */
            $prompt_file = "{$uploaded_prompts}/auto_attendant/{$prompt}";
            //debug('source[called]:<' . $prompt_file.".".$called.">");
            if (file_exists($prompt_file . "." . $called)) {
                $prompt_file = $prompt_file . "." . $called;
            $m->params["source"] = "wave/play/{$prompt_file}";
            debug('source:' . "wave/play/{$prompt_file}");
            // ------------------------
             $m->params["source"] = "wave/play/$uploaded_prompts/auto_attendant/$prompt";
             debug('source:' . "wave/play/$uploaded_prompts/auto_attendant/$prompt");
            $m->params["notify"] = $ourcallid;
        case "prolong_greeting":
            $m = new Yate("chan.attach");
            $m->params["consumer"] = "wave/record/-";
            $m->params["notify"] = $ourcallid;
            $m->params["maxlen"] = $wait_time * 10000;
        case "goodbye":
            $m = new Yate("chan.attach");
            $m->params["source"] = "tone/congestion";
            $m->params["consumer"] = "wave/record/-";
            $m->params["maxlen"] = 32000;
            $m->params["notify"] = $ourcallid;
        case "call.route":
            $to_call = null;
            debug('$keys = ' . $keys);
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($keys); $i++) {
                if ($keys[$i]["key"] == $hold_keys) {
                    $to_call = $keys[$i]["destination"];
                    //$hold_keys = null;
            if ($hold_keys == '') {
                debug('$called = ' . $called);
                $query = "SELECT (CASE WHEN extension_id IS NOT NULL THEN (SELECT extension FROM extensions WHERE extensions.extension_id=dids.extension_id) ELSE (SELECT extension FROM groups WHERE groups.group_id=dids.group_id) END) as called FROM dids WHERE number='{$called}'";
                $res = query_to_array($query);
                if (!count($res) || !strlen($res[0]["called"])) {
                    // this should never happen
                $to_call = $res[0]["called"];
            if (!$to_call) {
                $to_call = $hold_keys;
            $m = new Yate("call.route");
            $m->params["caller"] = $caller;
            $m->params["called"] = $to_call;
            $m->params["id"] = $ourcallid;
            $m->params["already-auth"] = "yes";
            $m->params["call_type"] = "from outside";
        case "send_call":
            $m = new Yate("chan.masquerade");
            $m->params = $ev->params;
            $m->params["message"] = "call.execute";
            $m->params["id"] = $partycallid;
            $m->params["callto"] = $destination;
Esempio n. 13
function dhcp_entry_display($options = "")
    // The important globals
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.00';
    printmsg("DEBUG => dhcp_entry_display({$options}) called", 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['host'] and !$options['server'] and !$options['subnet']) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Displays an dhcp_entry record from the database

  Synopsis: dhcp_entry_display [KEY=VALUE] ...

    host=NAME[.DOMAIN] or id      hostname or id of the host to display
    subnet=NAME or id            description or id of the subnet to display
    server=NAME[.DOMAIN] or id    hostname or id of the server to display

    * DOMAIN will default to {$conf['dns_defaultdomain']} if not specified

    if ($options['host']) {
        // Determine the host is valid
        list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_find_host($options['host']);
        if (!$host['id']) {
            printmsg("DEBUG => The host specified, {$options['host']}, does not exist!", 3);
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => The host specified, {$options['host']}, does not exist!";
            return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
        $anchor = 'host';
        $desc = $host['FQDN'];
        $where = array('HOST_id' => $host['id']);
    } elseif ($options['subnet']) {
        // Determine the subnet is valid
        list($status, $rows, $subnet) = ona_find_subnet($options['subnet']);
        if (!$subnet['id']) {
            printmsg("DEBUG => The subnet specified, {$options['subnet']}, does not exist!", 3);
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => The subnet specified, {$options['subnet']}, does not exist!";
            return array(3, $self['error'] . "\n");
        $anchor = 'subnet';
        $desc = "{$subnet['DESCRIPTION']} (" . ip_mangle($subnet['IP_ADDRESS']) . ")";
        $where = array('NETWORK_id' => $subnet['id']);
    } elseif ($options['server']) {
        // Determine the server is valid
        list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_find_host($options['server']);
        if (!$host['id']) {
            printmsg("DEBUG => The server specified, {$options['server']}, does not exist!", 3);
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => The server specified, {$options['server']}, does not exist!";
            return array(4, $self['error'] . "\n");
        // Determine the host that was found is actually a server
        list($status, $rows, $server) = ona_get_server_record(array('HOST_id' => $host['id']));
        if (!$server['id']) {
            printmsg("DEBUG => The host specified, {$host['FQDN']}, is not a server!", 3);
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => The host specified, {$host['FQDN']}, is not a server!";
            return array(5, $self['error'] . "\n");
        $anchor = 'server';
        $desc = $host['FQDN'];
        $where = array('SERVER_id' => $server['id']);
    // Debugging
    printmsg("DEBUG => dhcp_entry_display(): Found {$anchor}: {$desc}", 3);
    // Build text to return
    $text = strtoupper($anchor) . " RECORD ({$desc})\n";
    // Display the record(s)
    $i = 0;
    do {
        list($status, $rows, $entry) = ona_get_dhcp_entry_record($where);
        if ($rows == 0) {
            $text .= "\nNO ASSOCIATED DHCP ENTRY RECORDS\n";
        $text .= "\nASSOCIATED DHCP ENTRY RECORD ({$i} of {$rows})\n";
        $text .= format_array($entry);
    } while ($i < $rows);
    // Return the success notice
    return array(0, $text);
Esempio n. 14
function dhcp_failover_group_display($options = "")
    // The important globals
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.00';
    printmsg("DEBUG => dhcp_failover_group_display({$options}) called", 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !($options['id'] or $options['pri_server'] and $options['sec_server'])) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Displays an DHCP failover group record from the database

  Synopsis: dhcp_failover_group_display [KEY=VALUE] ...

    id=id                              id of the DHCP failover group to display
    pri_server=NAME[.DOMAIN] or id     identifier of the primary server
    sec_server=NAME[.DOMAIN] or id     identifier of the secondary server

    $search = array();
    if ($options['pri_server'] and $options['sec_server']) {
        // Determine the server is valid
        list($status, $rows, $pri_host) = ona_find_host($options['pri_server']);
        if (!$pri_host['id']) {
            printmsg("DEBUG => The server specified, {$options['pri_server']}, does not exist!", 3);
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => The server specified, {$options['pri_server']}, does not exist!";
            return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
        // Determine the host that was found is actually a server
        // MP: FIXME: dont think I'm going to pursue doing a seperate server table.. lets remove
        //         list($status, $rows, $pri_server) = ona_get_server_record(array('host_id' => $pri_host['id']));
        //         if (!$pri_server['id']) {
        //             printmsg("DEBUG => The host specified, {$pri_host['FQDN']}, is not a server!",3);
        //             $self['error'] = "ERROR => The host specified, {$pri_host['FQDN']}, is not a server!";
        //             return(array(5, $self['error'] . "\n"));
        //         }
        // Determine the server is valid
        list($status, $rows, $sec_host) = ona_find_host($options['sec_server']);
        if (!$sec_host['id']) {
            printmsg("DEBUG => The server specified, {$options['sec_server']}, does not exist!", 3);
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => The server specified, {$options['sec_server']}, does not exist!";
            return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
        // Determine the host that was found is actually a server
        // MP: FIXME: dont think I'm going to pursue doing a seperate server table.. lets remove
        //         list($status, $rows, $sec_server) = ona_get_server_record(array('HOST_id' => $sec_host['id']));
        //         if (!$sec_server['id']) {
        //             printmsg("DEBUG => The host specified, {$sec_host['fqdn']}, is not a server!",3);
        //             $self['error'] = "ERROR => The host specified, {$sec_host['fqdn']}, is not a server!";
        //             return(array(5, $self['error'] . "\n"));
        //         }
        $search['primary_server_id'] = $pri_server['id'];
        $search['secondary_server_id'] = $sec_server['id'];
    if ($options['id']) {
        $search['id'] = $options['id'];
    // Determine the entry itself exists
    list($status, $rows, $failovergroup) = ona_get_dhcp_failover_group_record($search);
    // Test to see that we were able to find the specified record
    if (!$failovergroup['id']) {
        printmsg("DEBUG => Unable to find the DHCP failover group record using {$options['id']}!", 3);
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => Unable to find the DHCP failover group record using {$options['id']}!";
        return array(4, $self['error'] . "\n");
    list($status, $rows, $pri_server) = ona_find_host($failovergroup['primary_server_id']);
    list($status, $rows, $sec_server) = ona_find_host($failovergroup['secondary_server_id']);
    $failovergroup['pri_server_name'] = $pri_server['fqdn'];
    $failovergroup['sec_server_name'] = $sec_server['fqdn'];
    // Debugging
    printmsg("DEBUG => dhcp_failover_group_display(): Found id:{$failovergroup['id']}", 3);
    // Build text to return
    $text .= format_array($failovergroup);
    // Return the success notice
    return array(0, $text);
Esempio n. 15
function location_del($options = "")
    // The important globals
    global $conf, $self, $onadb;
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.01';
    printmsg("DEBUG => location_del({$options}) called", 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['reference']) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Deletes a location from the database

  Synopsis: location_del [KEY=VALUE] ...

    reference=NAME or ID      Reference or ID of the location to delete

    commit=[yes|no]           commit db transaction (no)

    // Sanitize options[commit] (default is no)
    $options['commit'] = sanitize_YN($options['commit'], 'N');
    // Find the Location to use
    list($status, $rows, $loc) = ona_find_location($options['reference']);
    if ($status or !$rows) {
        printmsg("DEBUG => The location specified, {$options['reference']}, does not exist!", 3);
        return array(2, "ERROR => The location specified, {$options['reference']}, does not exist!\n");
    printmsg("DEBUG => Location selected: {$loc['reference']}, location name: {$loc['name']}", 3);
    list($status, $rows, $usage) = db_get_records($onadb, 'devices', array('location_id' => $loc['id']), '', 0);
    if ($rows != 0) {
        printmsg("DEBUG => The location ({$loc['reference']}) is in use by {$rows} devices(s)!", 3);
        $self['error'] = "ERROR => The location ({$loc['reference']}) is in use by {$rows} devices(s)!";
        return array(6, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // If "commit" is yes, delete the record
    if ($options['commit'] == 'Y') {
        // Check permissions
        if (!auth('location_del')) {
            $self['error'] = "Permission denied!";
            printmsg($self['error'], 0);
            return array(10, $self['error'] . "\n");
        list($status, $rows) = db_delete_records($onadb, 'locations', array('id' => $loc['id']));
        if ($status or !$rows) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => location_del() SQL Query failed: " . $self['error'];
            printmsg($self['error'], 0);
            return array(4, $self['error'] . "\n");
        // Return the success notice
        $self['error'] = "INFO => Location DELETED: {$loc['reference']} ({$loc['name']})";
        printmsg($self['error'], 0);
        return array(0, $self['error'] . "\n");
    // Otherwise display the record that would have been deleted
    $text = <<<EOL
Record(s) NOT DELETED (see "commit" option)
Displaying record(s) that would have been deleted:

    $text .= format_array($loc);
    $text .= "\n";
    return array(6, $text);
Esempio n. 16
function interface_display($options = "")
    global $conf, $self;
    $text_array = array();
    // Version - UPDATE on every edit!
    $version = '1.03';
    printmsg("DEBUG => interface_display({$options}) called", 3);
    // Parse incoming options string to an array
    $options = parse_options($options);
    // Return the usage summary if we need to
    if ($options['help'] or !$options['host'] and !$options['interface']) {
        // NOTE: Help message lines should not exceed 80 characters for proper display on a console
        $self['error'] = 'ERROR => Insufficient parameters';
        return array(1, <<<EOM

Displays an interface record from the database

  Synopsis: interface_display [KEY=VALUE] ...

    interface=[ID|IP|MAC]         display interface by search string
    host=NAME[.DOMAIN] or ID      display interface by hostname or host_id

    verbose=[yes|no]              display additional info (yes)

    * If search returns more than one interface, an error is displayed
    * DOMAIN will default to {$conf['dns_defaultdomain']} if not specified

    // Sanitize "options[verbose]" (yes is the default)
    $options['verbose'] = sanitize_YN($options['verbose'], 'Y');
    // They provided a interface ID, IP address, interface name, or MAC address
    if ($options['interface']) {
        // Find an interface record by something in that interface's record
        list($status, $rows, $interface) = ona_find_interface($options['interface']);
    } else {
        if ($options['host']) {
            // Find a host by the user's input
            list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_find_host($options['host']);
            if (!$host['id']) {
                printmsg("DEBUG => Host not found ({$options['host']})!", 3);
                $self['error'] = "ERROR => Host not found ({$options['host']})";
                return array(2, $self['error'] . "\n");
            // If we got one, load an associated interface
            list($status, $rows, $interface) = ona_get_interface_record(array('host_id' => $host['id']));
    // If we didn't get a record then exit
    if (!$interface['id']) {
        if ($rows > 1) {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => More than one interface matches";
        } else {
            $self['error'] = "ERROR => Interface not found ({$options['interface']})";
        return array(4, $self['error'] . "\n");
    $text_array = $interface;
    // Build text to return
    $text = "INTERFACE RECORD\n";
    $text .= format_array($interface);
    // If 'verbose' is enabled, grab some additional info to display
    if ($options['verbose'] == 'Y') {
        // Host record
        list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_get_host_record(array('ID' => $interface['host_id']));
        if ($rows >= 1) {
            $text .= "\nASSOCIATED HOST RECORD\n";
            $text .= format_array($host);
        // Subnet record
        list($status, $rows, $subnet) = ona_get_subnet_record(array('ID' => $interface['subnet_id']));
        if ($rows >= 1) {
            $text .= "\nASSOCIATED SUBNET RECORD\n";
            $text .= format_array($subnet);
        // Device record
        list($status, $rows, $device) = ona_get_device_record(array('id' => $host['device_id']));
        if ($rows >= 1) {
            $text .= "\nASSOCIATED DEVICE RECORD\n";
            $text .= format_array($device);
    // change the output format if other than default
    if ($options['format'] == 'json') {
        $text = $text_array;
    if ($options['format'] == 'yaml') {
        $text = $text_array;
    // Return the success notice
    return array(0, $text);