$b8->learn($text, b8::SPAM); $ratingAfter = $b8->classify($text); echo "<p>Saved the text as Spam</p>\n\n"; echo "<div><table>\n"; echo "<tr><td>Classification before learning:</td><td>" . formatRating($ratingBefore) . "</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td>Classification after learning:</td><td>" . formatRating($ratingAfter) . "</td></tr>\n"; echo "</table></div>\n\n"; break; case "Save as Ham": $ratingBefore = $b8->classify($text); $b8->learn($text, b8::HAM); $ratingAfter = $b8->classify($text); echo "<p>Saved the text as Ham</p>\n\n"; echo "<div><table>\n"; echo "<tr><td>Classification before learning:</td><td>" . formatRating($ratingBefore) . "</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td>Classification after learning:</td><td>" . formatRating($ratingAfter) . "</td></tr>\n"; echo "</table></div>\n\n"; break; case "Delete from Spam": $b8->unlearn($text, b8::SPAM); echo "<p style=\"color:green\">Deleted the text from Spam</p>\n\n"; break; case "Delete from Ham": $b8->unlearn($text, b8::HAM); echo "<p style=\"color:green\">Deleted the text from Ham</p>\n\n"; break; } $mem_used = round(memory_get_usage() / 1048576, 5); $peak_mem_used = round(memory_get_peak_usage() / 1048576, 5); $time_taken = round(microtimeFloat() - $time_start, 5); }
public function printMobileVideos($fp, $name = "", $cat = "") { global $settings_data, $lang_search_searchingFor; $searchContent = ""; if (isset($_POST['sname'])) { $searchContent = $_POST['sname']; } if ($fp == false) { if ($name != "") { echo '<div class="mobilesearch"><h3>' . $lang_search_searchingFor . ' "' . $searchContent . '"</h3></div>'; } else { if ($cat != "" && $name != "") { echo '<div class="pick">' . $lang_mobile_pickVideo . '</div>'; } } } $files = sortFileList(); $i = 1; foreach ($files as $entry) { $videodata = explode("\n", file_get_contents($entry)); $movie_rating = $videodata[5] * 10; if ($cat != "" && strstr($videodata[4], $cat) == false) { continue; } ?> <div style="width:100%;height:170px;"><a href="m_info.php?name=<?php echo urlencode($videodata[1]); ?> &raw=<?php echo urlencode(cleanWAMP($videodata[6])); ?> " style="text-decoration:none;"><div style="float:left;"><img src="<?php echo $this->printPoster($videodata[3]); ?> " border="0" width="100" height="150"></div><div class="mobile_video_title"><?php echo $videodata[1]; ?> <br> <div align="left"><div class="classification"><div class="cover"></div> <div class="progress" style="width:<?php echo $movie_rating; ?> %;"></div> <div class="mobile_rated">Rated: <?php echo formatRating($videodata[7]); ?> </div> <div class="mobile_plot"><?php echo $videodata[8]; ?> </div> </div></div></div></a></div> <?php if ($fp == true) { if ($i == $settings_data['m_display']) { break; } } $i++; } }