/** * Display Field */ function _display_field($data, $field_name) { global $DSP; $this->prep_field_data($data); $r = form_hidden($field_name, 'n') . form_multiselect($field_name . '[]', $this->settings['options'], $data); return $r; }
function display_field($data) { $this->EE->load->helper('custom_field'); $values = decode_multi_field($data); $field_options = $this->_get_field_options($data); return form_multiselect($this->field_name . '[]', $field_options, $values, 'dir="' . $this->settings['field_text_direction'] . '" id="' . $this->field_id . '"'); }
/** * Получение данных фильтра для вставки в шаблон */ private function _get_tpl_filter($filter = false) { $this->load->model('servers'); if (!$filter) { $filter = $this->users->get_filter('servers_list'); } $this->servers->select_fields('game, server_ip'); $games_array = array(); $ip_array = array(); if ($servers_list = $this->servers->get_list()) { foreach ($servers_list as $server) { if (!in_array($server['game'], $games_array)) { $games_array[] = $server['game']; } if (!in_array($server['server_ip'], $ip_array)) { $ip_array[$server['server_ip']] = $server['server_ip']; } } } if (empty($this->games->games_list)) { $this->games->get_active_games_list(); } foreach ($this->games->games_list as &$game) { $games_option[$game['code']] = $game['name']; } $tpl_data['filter_name'] = isset($filter['name']) ? $filter['name'] : ''; $tpl_data['filter_ip'] = isset($filter['ip']) ? $filter['ip'] : ''; $tpl_data['filter_ip_dropdown'] = form_multiselect('filter_ip[]', $ip_array, $tpl_data['filter_ip']); $default = isset($filter['game']) ? $filter['game'] : null; $tpl_data['filter_games_dropdown'] = form_multiselect('filter_game[]', $games_option, $default); return $tpl_data; }
function display_field($data) { ee()->load->helper('custom_field'); $values = decode_multi_field($data); $field_options = $this->_get_field_options($data); $text_direction = isset($this->settings['field_text_direction']) ? $this->settings['field_text_direction'] : 'ltr'; return form_multiselect($this->field_name . '[]', $field_options, $values, 'dir="' . $text_direction . '" class="multiselect_input" id="field_id_' . $this->field_id . '"'); }
public function FilterArr() { $query = $this->Selectbd->query('FilterArr', $this->input->post('id')); foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) { $Temparr[] = $row[$this->Selectbd->ColTabel[$this->input->post('id')]]; } echo form_multiselect('select', $Temparr); }
/** * Display Field */ function _display_field($data, $field_name) { if (empty($this->settings['options'])) { return $this->no_options_set(); } $this->prep_field_data($data); $r = form_hidden($field_name, 'n') . form_multiselect($field_name . '[]', $this->settings['options'], $data); return $r; }
function display_field($data) { ee()->load->helper('custom_field'); $values = decode_multi_field($data); $field_options = $this->_get_field_options($data); $text_direction = isset($this->settings['field_text_direction']) ? $this->settings['field_text_direction'] : 'ltr'; if (REQ == 'CP') { return ee('View')->make('multi_select:publish')->render(array('field_name' => $this->field_name, 'values' => $values, 'options' => $field_options)); } return form_multiselect($this->field_name . '[]', $field_options, $values, 'dir="' . $text_direction . '" class="multiselect_input"'); }
function simbanic_multiselect($multiselect_name, $options = array(), $default_selectmulti = array(), $data = array()) { if (!empty($data)) { $static_data = ''; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $static_data .= $key . '=' . '"' . $value . '" '; } } else { $static_data = ''; } return form_multiselect($multiselect_name, $options, $default_selectmulti, $static_data) . simbanic_validation($multiselect_name); }
function print_input_multiselect($input) { $extra = 'class="multiselect" '; if (isset($input['id']) && $input['id'] != '') { $extra .= 'id="' . $input['id'] . '" '; } if (isset($input['tabindex']) && $input['tabindex'] != '') { $extra .= 'tabindex="' . $input['tabindex'] . '" '; } $html = form_multiselect($input['name'] . '[]', $input['options'], $input['value'], $extra); return $html; }
function input_multiselect($name, $options, $value, $opt = array()) { $opt['type'] = 'multiselect'; $input = input_merge_opt($name, $value, $opt); $attr = attr(array_diff_key(clean_opt($input), array_fill_keys(array('name', 'value'), 0))); foreach ($options as $val => $label) { $label = lang($val); if ($label) { $options[$val] = $label; } } $input['form_input'] = form_multiselect($input['name'], $options, explode('|', $input['value']), $attr); return input_markup($input); }
function form_multiselect_and_label($name, $options, $selected = array(), $extra = '', $div = 'pure-control-group') { $label_name = lang($name); if (empty($selected) && isset($_POST[$name])) { $selected = $_POST[$name]; } $oldname = $name; $name .= '[]'; // CodeIgniter POST array syntax $extra .= ' class="chosen-select" data-placeholder="' . $label_name . '"'; $div_start = empty($div) ? '' : '<div class="' . $div . '">'; $label = form_label($label_name, $name); $dropdown = form_multiselect($name, $options, $selected, 'id="' . $name . '"' . $extra); $error_box = form_error($oldname); $div_end = empty($div) ? '' : '</div>'; return $div_start . $label . $dropdown . $error_box . $div_end; }
function tes() { $options = array('small' => 'Small Shirt', 'med' => 'Medium Shirt', 'large' => 'Large Shirt', 'xlarge' => 'Extra Large Shirt'); echo '<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <form action="' . base_url() . 'index.php/dinas/tes_proses" method="post"> ' . form_multiselect('shirts[]', $options, 'large') . ' <input type="submit" /> </form> <p>Hold down the Ctrl (windows) / Command (Mac) button to select multiple options.</p> </body> </html> '; }
/** * Display settings sub-form for this variable type * * @param mixed $var_id The id of the variable: 'new' or numeric * @param array $var_settings The settings of the variable * @return array */ function display_settings($var_id, $var_settings) { // ------------------------------------- // Init return value // ------------------------------------- $r = array(); // ------------------------------------- // Check current value from settings // ------------------------------------- $folders = $this->get_setting('folders', $var_settings); // ------------------------------------- // Get all folders // ------------------------------------- $all_folders = low_flatten_results($this->_get_upload_preferences(), 'name', 'id'); // ------------------------------------- // Build options setting // ------------------------------------- $r[] = array($this->setting_label(lang('file_folders')), form_multiselect($this->input_name('folders', TRUE), $all_folders, $folders)); // ------------------------------------- // Build setting: Allow uploads? // ------------------------------------- $upload_folders = array('0' => lang('no_uploads')) + $all_folders; $upload = $this->get_setting('upload', $var_settings); $overwrite = $this->get_setting('overwrite', $var_settings) == 'y'; $r[] = array($this->setting_label(lang('upload_folder'), lang('upload_folder_help')), form_dropdown($this->input_name('upload'), $upload_folders, $upload, 'id="low-select-upload-folder"') . '<label class="low-checkbox low-inline" id="low-overwrite-files">' . form_checkbox($this->input_name('overwrite'), 'y', $overwrite) . lang('overwrite_existing_files_label') . '</label>'); // ------------------------------------- // Build setting: multiple? // ------------------------------------- $multiple = $this->get_setting('multiple', $var_settings) == 'y'; $r[] = array($this->setting_label(lang('allow_multiple_files')), '<label class="low-checkbox">' . form_checkbox($this->input_name('multiple'), 'y', $multiple, 'class="low-allow-multiple"') . lang('allow_multiple_files_label') . '</label>'); // ------------------------------------- // Build setting: separator // ------------------------------------- $separator = $this->get_setting('separator', $var_settings); $r[] = array($this->setting_label(lang('separator_character')), $this->separator_select($separator)); // ------------------------------------- // Build setting: multi interface // ------------------------------------- $multi_interface = $this->get_setting('multi_interface', $var_settings); $r[] = array($this->setting_label(lang('multi_interface')), $this->interface_select($multi_interface, array('drag-list-thumbs' => lang('drag-list-thumbs')))); // ------------------------------------- // Return output // ------------------------------------- return $r; }
/** * Display the settings form for each custom field * * @access public * @param $data mixed The field settings * @return string Override the field custom settings with custom html * * In this case we add an extra row to the table. Not sure how the table is built */ public function display_settings($data) { $this->EE->lang->loadfile('nsm_entry_select'); $this->EE->load->model('channel_model'); $data = array_merge(array("field_channels" => array(), "field_ui_mode" => FALSE, "field_size" => 1), $data); $entry_channels_query = $this->EE->channel_model->get_channels()->result(); $entry_channels = array(); foreach ($entry_channels_query as $channel) { $entry_channels[$channel->channel_id] = $channel->channel_title; } $this->EE->table->add_row(form_hidden($this->field_id . '_field_fmt', 'none') . form_hidden('field_show_fmt', 'n') . lang("Restrict entry selection to:", 'field_channels'), form_multiselect($this->field_id . '_field_settings[field_channels][]', $entry_channels, $data["field_channels"], "id='field_channels'")); $select_opts = array(); foreach (self::$ui_modes as $key) { $select_opts[$key] = lang($key); } $this->EE->table->add_row(lang("UI Mode:", 'field_ui_mode'), form_dropdown($this->field_id . '_field_settings[field_ui_mode]', $select_opts, $data["field_ui_mode"], "id='field_ui_mode'")); $this->EE->table->add_row(lang("Size", 'field_size') . "<br />Determines the multi-select height and number of results returned in the autocomplete", form_input($this->field_id . '_field_settings[field_size]', $data["field_size"], "id='field_size'")); }
/** * Display settings sub-form for this variable type * * @param mixed $var_id The id of the variable: 'new' or numeric * @param array $var_settings The settings of the variable * @return array */ function display_settings($var_id, $var_settings) { // ------------------------------------- // Init return value // ------------------------------------- $r = array(); // ------------------------------------- // Build setting: Channel ids // First, get all channels for this site // ------------------------------------- $query = $this->EE->db->query("SELECT channel_id, channel_title FROM exp_channels\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE site_id = '" . $this->EE->db->escape_str($this->EE->config->item('site_id')) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY channel_title ASC"); $all_channels = $this->flatten_results($query->result_array(), 'channel_id', 'channel_title'); // ------------------------------------- // Then, get current channel ids from settings // ------------------------------------- $current = $this->get_setting('channel_ids', $var_settings); $r[] = array($this->setting_label(lang('channel_ids')), form_multiselect($this->input_name('channel_ids', TRUE), $all_channels, $current)); // ------------------------------------- // Build setting: multiple? // ------------------------------------- $multiple = $this->get_setting('multiple', $var_settings); $r[] = array($this->setting_label(lang('allow_multiple_channels')), '<label class="low-checkbox">' . form_checkbox($this->input_name('multiple'), 'y', $multiple, 'class="low-allow-multiple"') . lang('allow_multiple_channels_label') . '</label>'); // ------------------------------------- // Build setting: separator // ------------------------------------- $separator = $this->get_setting('separator', $var_settings); $r[] = array($this->setting_label(lang('separator_character')), $this->separator_select($separator)); // ------------------------------------- // Build setting: multi interface // ------------------------------------- $multi_interface = $this->get_setting('multi_interface', $var_settings); $r[] = array($this->setting_label(lang('multi_interface')), $this->interface_select($multi_interface)); // ------------------------------------- // Return output // ------------------------------------- return $r; }
/** * Display settings sub-form for this variable type * * @param mixed $var_id The id of the variable: 'new' or numeric * @param array $var_settings The settings of the variable * @return array */ function display_settings($var_id, $var_settings) { // ------------------------------------- // Init return value // ------------------------------------- $r = array(); // ------------------------------------- // Build setting: category groups // First, get all groups for this site // ------------------------------------- $query = ee()->db->select('group_id, group_name')->from('category_groups')->where('site_id', ee()->config->item('site_id'))->order_by('group_name')->get(); $all_groups = $this->flatten_results($query->result_array(), 'group_id', 'group_name'); // ------------------------------------- // Then, get current groups from settings // ------------------------------------- $current = $this->get_setting('category_groups', $var_settings); $r[] = array($this->setting_label(lang('category_groups')), form_multiselect($this->input_name('category_groups', TRUE), $all_groups, $current)); // ------------------------------------- // Build setting: multiple? // ------------------------------------- $multiple = $this->get_setting('multiple', $var_settings); $r[] = array($this->setting_label(lang('allow_multiple_categories')), '<label class="low-checkbox">' . form_checkbox($this->input_name('multiple'), 'y', $multiple, 'class="low-allow-multiple"') . lang('allow_multiple_categories_label') . '</label>'); // ------------------------------------- // Build setting: separator // ------------------------------------- $separator = $this->get_setting('separator', $var_settings); $r[] = array($this->setting_label(lang('separator_character')), $this->separator_select($separator)); // ------------------------------------- // Build setting: multi interface // ------------------------------------- $multi_interface = $this->get_setting('multi_interface', $var_settings); $r[] = array($this->setting_label(lang('multi_interface')), $this->interface_select($multi_interface)); // ------------------------------------- // Return output // ------------------------------------- return $r; }
?> <?php echo form_error($input['name']); ?> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <div id="extender"> <?php echo form_multiselect('select1[]', $empleadosProyectos, '', 'id="select1"'); ?> <?php echo form_multiselect('empleados[]', $empleadosNotas, '', 'id="select2"'); ?> <br> <a href="#" id="add">Añadir <i class="icon-arrow-right"></i></a> <a href="#" id="remove"><i class="icon-arrow-left"></i> Eliminar </a> </div> <br> <div> <?php echo form_submit($boton, 'Guardar'); ?> </div> <?php echo form_close(); ?>
<div class="span6"> <div class="widget"> <div class="widget-title"> <h4><i class="icon-reorder"></i>系統管理者設置</h4> </div> <div class="widget-body form"> <form action="<?php echo site_url('/cash/config/update'); ?> " method="POST" class="form-horizontal"> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label">超級管理者</label> <div class="controls"> <?php echo form_multiselect("admin_ID[]", isset($admin_ID_select_options) ? $admin_ID_select_options : array(), isset($admin_ID) ? $admin_ID : array(), "class='span12 chosen'"); ?> </div> </div> <div class="form-actions"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">送出</button> </div> </form> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END PAGE CONTENT--> </div>
/** * Esta funcion arma el HTML de una tabla dinamica. * Tambien hace la funcion de tabla sumativa, para * mostrar totales en el footer de la tabla. * * @param $campos * @return string */ private function armar_tabla_dinamica($campos = array()) { if (empty($campos)) { return false; } $tipo_tabla = !empty($campos["tabla-dinamica"]) ? "tabla-dinamica" : "tabla-dinamica-sumativa"; $campos = !empty($campos["tabla-dinamica"]) ? $campos["tabla-dinamica"] : $campos["tabla-dinamica-sumativa"]; $tabla = '<div class="table-responsive"><table id="' . $campos[0]["agrupador"] . 'Table" class="table table-noline tabla-dinamica">'; /** * Armar los titulos <THEAD> */ $tabla .= '<thead><tr>'; $botones = false; foreach ($campos as $campo) { if (empty($campo["type"])) { continue; } if ($campo["type"] == "button") { if ($botones == false) { $tabla .= '<th colspan="2" > </th>'; $botones = true; } } else { //Si campo es hidden if ($campo['type'] == "hidden") { continue; } $requerido = !empty($campo["data-rule-required"]) ? '<span class="required">*</span>' : ''; $tabla .= '<th >' . $campo["label"] . ' ' . $requerido . '</th>'; } } $tabla .= '</tr></thead>'; /** * Armar las filas que van dentro de <TBODY> */ $tabla .= '<tbody>'; //Verificar si hay un valor que mostrar de la DB if (!empty(self::$values_from_DB[$campos[0]["agrupador"]])) { $j = 0; $button_load = false; foreach (self::$values_from_DB[$campos[0]["agrupador"]] as $data) { /** * Armar las filas que van dentro de <TBODY> */ $tabla .= '<tr id="' . $campos[0]["agrupador"] . $j . '">'; foreach ($campos as $campo) { $nombre_campo = !empty($campo["nombre_campo"]) ? str_replace("][", "", $campo["nombre_campo"]) : ""; //Verificar si hay valor que mostrar para este campo $valor = !empty($data[$nombre_campo]) ? $data[$nombre_campo] : ""; if ($campo["type"] == "text") { $campo['name'] = str_replace("[0]", '[' . $j . ']', $campo['name']); $campo["value"] = $valor; $campo["id"] = $campo["id"] . $j; unset($campo["label"]); unset($campo["agrupador"]); unset($campo["data-columns"]); unset($campo["nombre_campo"]); $tabla .= '<td>' . form_input($campo) . '</td>'; } if ($campo["type"] == "hidden") { $campo['name'] = str_replace("[0]", '[' . $j . ']', $campo['name']); $campo["value"] = $valor; unset($campo["label"]); unset($campo["agrupador"]); unset($campo["data-columns"]); unset($campo["nombre_campo"]); unset($campo["id"]); $tabla .= form_input($campo); } if ($campo["type"] == "fecha") { $campo['name'] = str_replace("[0]", '[' . $j . ']', $campo['name']); $campo["value"] = $valor; $campo["id"] = $campo["id"] . $j; unset($campo["label"]); unset($campo["agrupador"]); unset($campo["data-columns"]); unset($campo["nombre_campo"]); $tabla .= '<td>' . form_input($campo) . '</td>'; } if ($campo["type"] == "input-right-addon") { $campo['name'] = str_replace("[0]", '[' . $j . ']', $campo['name']); $campo["value"] = $valor; $campo["id"] = $campo["id"] . $j; unset($campo["label"]); unset($campo["agrupador"]); unset($campo["data-columns"]); unset($campo["nombre_campo"]); $button_text_icon = !empty($campo['data-addon-icon']) && $campo['data-addon-icon'] != "" ? '<i class="fa ' . $campo['data-addon-icon'] . '"></i>' : (!empty($campo['data-addon-text']) ? $campo['data-addon-text'] : ""); $tabla .= '<td>' . '<div class="input-group">' . form_input($campo) . '<span class="input-group-addon">' . $button_text_icon . '</span>' . '</div></td>'; } if ($campo["type"] == "input-left-addon") { $campo['name'] = str_replace("[0]", '[' . $j . ']', $campo['name']); $campo["value"] = $valor; $campo["id"] = $campo["id"] . $j; unset($campo["label"]); unset($campo["agrupador"]); unset($campo["data-columns"]); unset($campo["nombre_campo"]); $button_text_icon = !empty($campo['data-addon-icon']) && $campo['data-addon-icon'] != "" ? '<i class="fa ' . $campo['data-addon-icon'] . '"></i>' : (!empty($campo['data-addon-text']) ? $campo['data-addon-text'] : ""); $tabla .= '<td>' . '<div class="input-group">' . '<span class="input-group-addon">' . $button_text_icon . '</span>' . form_input($campo) . '</div></td>'; } else { if ($campo['type'] == 'select-right-button-addon') { $campo['name'] = str_replace("[0]", '[' . $j . ']', $campo['name']); preg_match('/\\[(.*?)\\]/i', $campo['name'], $matches); $id = !empty($matches) ? $matches[1] : ""; $id = str_replace("]", "", $id); $button_text_icon = !empty($campo['data-button-icon']) && $campo['data-button-icon'] != "" ? '<i class="fa ' . $campo['data-button-icon'] . '"></i>' : $campo['data-button-text']; $selected = !empty($valor) ? $valor : ""; $attrs = 'id="' . $campo["id"] . $j . '" class="' . $campo['class'] . ' chosen-select" data-placeholder="Seleccione" ' . (!empty($campo['multiple']) ? 'multiple="multiple" ' : "") . (!empty($campo['disabled']) ? 'disabled="disabled"' : ""); unset($campo['data-button-icon']); unset($campo['data-button-text']); unset($campo['label']); unset($campo['data-addon-icon']); unset($campo['data-addon-text']); unset($campo['data-columns']); unset($campo["nombre_campo"]); $tabla .= '<td>'; $tabla .= '<div class="input-group"> ' . form_dropdown($campo['name'], $campo['options'], $selected, $attrs) . ' <span class="input-group-btn"> <button id="' . $id . 'Btn" class="btn btn-default" type="button">' . $button_text_icon . '</button> </span> </div>'; $tabla .= '</td>'; } else { if ($campo['type'] == 'select-checkbox-addon') { $campo['name'] = str_replace("[0]", '[' . $j . ']', $campo['name']); preg_match('/\\[(.*?)\\]/i', $campo['name'], $matches); $id = !empty($matches) ? $matches[1] : ""; $id = str_replace("]", "", $id); $label = !empty($campo['label']) ? $campo['label'] . " " . $requerido : ""; $attrs = 'id="' . $campo["id"] . $j . '" class="' . $campo['class'] . ' chosen-select" data-placeholder="Seleccione" ' . (!empty($campo['multiple']) ? 'multiple="multiple" ' : "") . (!empty($campo['disabled']) ? 'disabled="disabled"' : ""); $selected = !empty($valor) ? $valor : ""; unset($campo['label']); unset($campo['data-button-icon']); unset($campo['data-button-text']); unset($campo['label']); unset($campo['data-addon-icon']); unset($campo['data-addon-text']); unset($campo['data-columns']); unset($campo["nombre_campo"]); $tabla .= '<td>'; $tabla .= '<div class="input-group"> <span class="input-group-addon"> <input type="checkbox" id="' . $id . 'Check"> </span>'; //Vertificar si es un select multiple if (!empty($campo['multiple'])) { $tabla .= form_multiselect($campo['name'], $campo['options'], $selected, $attrs); } else { $tabla .= form_dropdown($campo['name'], $campo['options'], $selected, $attrs); } $tabla .= '</div>'; $tabla .= '</td>'; } else { if ($campo['type'] == 'select') { $campo['name'] = str_replace("[0]", '[' . $j . ']', $campo['name']); $attrs = 'id="' . $campo["id"] . $j . '" class="' . $campo['class'] . '"'; $selected = !empty($valor) ? $valor : ""; $tabla .= '<td>' . form_dropdown($campo['name'], $campo['options'], $selected, $attrs) . '</td>'; $selected = ''; } else { if ($campo['type'] == 'radio') { $div = ''; if (!empty($campo['values'])) { foreach ($campo['values'] as $id_cat => $valor) { if (empty($valor)) { continue; } $campo["value"] = $id_cat; unset($campo['values']); $div .= '<label class="radio" style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;">'; $div .= form_radio($campo) . " " . $valor; $div .= '</label>'; } } $tabla .= '<td>' . $div . '</td>'; } else { if ($campo['type'] == 'relate') { $campo['name'] = str_replace("[0]", '[' . $j . ']', $campo['name']); $attrs = 'class="' . $campo['class'] . '" id="' . $campo["id"] . '0"'; $selected = !empty($valor) ? $valor : ""; $tabla .= '<td>'; $tabla .= form_dropdown($campo['name'], $campo['options'], $selected, $attrs); $tabla .= '</td>'; } else { if ($campo["type"] == "button") { //Si el boton es "Agregar", cargarlo solo UNA vez if (!preg_match("/eliminar/i", $campo["class"]) && $button_load == true) { continue; } if (!preg_match("/eliminar/i", $campo["class"]) && $button_load == false) { $button_load = true; $input_hidden = '<input type="hidden" name="" />'; } $campo["content"] = html_entity_decode($campo["content"]); $campo["data-index"] = $j; //Borrar atributos inecesarios unset($campo["name"]); unset($campo["data-columns"]); unset($campo["id"]); //Recorrer el arreglo para encontrar el //campo uuid_ y asignarlo como atributo foreach ($data as $indice => $valor) { if (preg_match("/id_/i", $indice)) { $campo["data-id"] = $valor; break; } } $tabla .= '<td>' . form_button($campo) . '</td>'; } } } } } } } } $j++; } } else { /** * Armar las filas que van dentro de <TBODY> */ $tabla .= '<tr id="' . $campos[0]["agrupador"] . '0">'; foreach ($campos as $campo) { $options = array("" => "Seleccione"); if (!empty($campo['options'])) { $options = $campo['options']; } if (empty($campo["type"])) { return false; } if ($campo["type"] == "text") { $campo["id"] = $campo["id"] . "0"; $tabla .= '<td>' . form_input($campo) . '</td>'; } if ($campo["type"] == "fecha") { $campo["id"] = $campo["id"] . "0"; $tabla .= '<td>' . form_input($campo) . '</td>'; } else { if ($campo['type'] == 'select') { $attrs = 'id="' . $campo["id"] . '0" class="' . $campo['class'] . '"'; $selected = !empty($campo['selected']) ? $campo['selected'] : ""; $tabla .= '<td>' . form_dropdown($campo['name'], $options, $selected, $attrs) . '</td>'; } else { if ($campo["type"] == "fecha") { $campo["id"] = $campo["id"] . "0"; $tabla .= '<td>' . form_input($campo) . '</td>'; } else { if ($campo['type'] == 'input-left-addon') { $campo["id"] = $campo["id"] . "0"; $button_text_icon = !empty($campo['data-addon-icon']) && $campo['data-addon-icon'] != "" ? '<i class="fa ' . $campo['data-addon-icon'] . '"></i>' : $campo['data-addon-text']; unset($campo['label']); unset($campo['data-addon-icon']); unset($campo['data-addon-text']); unset($campo['data-columns']); unset($campo["nombre_campo"]); $tabla .= '<td>'; $tabla .= '<div class="input-group"> <span class="input-group-addon">' . $button_text_icon . '</span> ' . form_input($campo) . ' </div>'; $tabla .= '</td>'; } else { if ($campo['type'] == 'input-right-addon') { $campo["id"] = $campo["id"] . "0"; $button_text_icon = !empty($campo['data-addon-icon']) && $campo['data-addon-icon'] != "" ? '<i class="fa ' . $campo['data-addon-icon'] . '"></i>' : (!empty($campo['data-addon-text']) ? $campo['data-addon-text'] : ""); unset($campo['label']); unset($campo['data-addon-icon']); unset($campo['data-addon-text']); unset($campo['data-columns']); unset($campo["nombre_campo"]); $tabla .= '<td>'; $tabla .= '<div class="input-group"> ' . form_input($campo) . ' <span class="input-group-addon">' . $button_text_icon . '</span> </div>'; $tabla .= '</td>'; } else { if ($campo['type'] == 'select-right-button-addon') { $attrs = 'class="' . $campo['class'] . ' chosen-select" data-placeholder="Seleccione" ' . (!empty($campo['multiple']) ? 'multiple="multiple" ' : "") . (!empty($campo['disabled']) ? 'disabled="disabled"' : ""); preg_match('/\\[(.*?)\\]/i', $campo['name'], $matches); $id = !empty($matches) ? $matches[1] : ""; $id = str_replace("]", "", $id); $button_text_icon = !empty($campo['data-button-icon']) && $campo['data-button-icon'] != "" ? '<i class="fa ' . $campo['data-button-icon'] . '"></i>' : $campo['data-button-text']; $selected = !empty($campo['selected']) ? $campo['selected'] : ""; unset($campo['data-button-icon']); unset($campo['data-button-text']); unset($campo['label']); unset($campo['data-addon-icon']); unset($campo['data-addon-text']); unset($campo['data-columns']); unset($campo["nombre_campo"]); $tabla .= '<td>'; $tabla .= '<div class="input-group"> ' . form_dropdown($campo['name'], $campo['options'], $selected, $attrs) . ' <span class="input-group-btn"> <button id="' . $id . 'Btn" class="btn btn-default" type="button">' . $button_text_icon . '</button> </span> </div>'; $tabla .= '</td>'; } else { if ($campo['type'] == 'select-checkbox-addon') { $attrs = 'class="' . $campo['class'] . ' chosen-select" data-placeholder="Seleccione" multiple="multiple" ' . (!empty($campo['disabled']) ? 'disabled="disabled"' : ""); $selected = !empty($campo['selected']) ? $campo['selected'] : ""; //$id = str_replace("campo[", "", $campo['name']); //$id = str_replace("]", "", $id); preg_match('/\\[(.*?)\\]/i', $campo['name'], $matches); $id = !empty($matches) ? $matches[1] : ""; $id = str_replace("]", "", $id); $label = !empty($campo['label']) ? $campo['label'] . " " . $requerido : ""; unset($campo['label']); unset($campo['data-button-icon']); unset($campo['data-button-text']); unset($campo['label']); unset($campo['data-addon-icon']); unset($campo['data-addon-text']); unset($campo['data-columns']); unset($campo["nombre_campo"]); $tabla .= '<td>'; $tabla .= '<div class="input-group"> <span class="input-group-addon"> <input type="checkbox" id="' . $id . 'Check"> </span> ' . form_dropdown($campo['name'], $campo['options'], $selected, $attrs) . ' </div>'; $tabla .= '</td>'; } else { if ($campo['type'] == 'relate') { $attrs = 'class="' . $campo['class'] . '" id="' . $campo["id"] . '0"'; $selected = !empty($campo['selected']) ? $campo['selected'] : ""; $tabla .= '<td>'; $tabla .= form_dropdown($campo['name'], $campo['options'], $selected, $attrs); $tabla .= '</td>'; } else { if ($campo['type'] == 'radio') { $div = ''; if (!empty($campo['values'])) { foreach ($campo['values'] as $id_cat => $valor) { if (empty($valor)) { continue; } $campo["value"] = $id_cat; unset($campo['values']); $div .= '<label class="radio" style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;">'; $div .= form_radio($campo) . " " . $valor; $div .= '</label>'; } } $tabla .= '<td>' . $div . '</td>'; } else { if ($campo["type"] == "button") { $campo["content"] = html_entity_decode($campo["content"]); //Borrar atributos inecesarios unset($campo["name"]); unset($campo["data-columns"]); unset($campo["id"]); unset($campo["nombre_campo"]); $tabla .= '<td>' . form_button($campo) . '</td>'; } } } } } } } } } } } } $tabla .= '</tr></tbody>'; /** * Si la tabla es sumativa y se necesitan * mostrar valores en el footer de la tabla * verificar los atributos de los campos. */ if (preg_match("/sumativa/i", $tipo_tabla)) { $tabla .= '<tfoot><tr>'; foreach ($campos as $campo) { if (!empty($campo["data-table-footer-sum-column"]) && $campo["data-table-footer-sum-column"] == true) { if ($campo["type"] != "button" || $campo["type"] != "hidden" || $campo["type"] != "submit") { $field = array("readonly" => "readonly", "id" => "total" . str_replace(" ", "", ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $campo["id"]))), "class" => "form-control"); if ($campo['type'] == 'input-left-addon') { $campo["id"] = $campo["id"] . "0"; $button_text_icon = !empty($campo['data-addon-icon']) && $campo['data-addon-icon'] != "" ? '<i class="fa ' . $campo['data-addon-icon'] . '"></i>' : $campo['data-addon-text']; $tabla .= '<td>'; $tabla .= '<div class="input-group"> <span class="input-group-addon">' . $button_text_icon . '</span> ' . form_input($field) . ' </div>'; $tabla .= '</td>'; } else { if ($campo['type'] == 'input-right-addon') { $campo["id"] = $campo["id"] . "0"; $button_text_icon = !empty($campo['data-addon-icon']) && $campo['data-addon-icon'] != "" ? '<i class="fa ' . $campo['data-addon-icon'] . '"></i>' : (!empty($campo['data-addon-text']) ? $campo['data-addon-text'] : ""); $tabla .= '<td>'; $tabla .= '<div class="input-group"> ' . form_input($field) . ' <span class="input-group-addon">' . $button_text_icon . '</span> </div>'; $tabla .= '</td>'; } else { $tabla .= '<td>' . form_input($field) . '</td>'; } } } } else { $text_or_empty = !empty($campo["data-table-footer-text"]) ? '<h3>' . $campo["data-table-footer-text"] . '</h3>' : " "; $tabla .= '<td>' . $text_or_empty . '</td>'; } } $tabla .= '</tr></tfoot>'; } $tabla .= '</table></div>'; return $tabla; }
</label> <?php echo form_dropdown('target', array('' => lang('nav:link_target_self'), '_blank' => lang('nav:link_target_blank')), $link->target); ?> </li> <li class="<?php echo alternator('even', ''); ?> "> <label for="restricted_to[]"><?php echo lang('nav:restricted_to'); ?> </label> <?php echo form_multiselect('restricted_to[]', array(0 => lang('global:select-any')) + $group_options, strpos($link->restricted_to, ",") ? explode(",", $link->restricted_to) : $link->restricted_to, 'size="' . (($count = count($group_options)) > 1 ? $count : 2) . '"'); ?> </li> <li class="<?php echo alternator('', 'even'); ?> "> <label for="class"><?php echo lang('nav:class_label'); ?> </label> <?php echo form_input('class', $link->class); ?> </li>
</div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="status">Member Status</label> <?php echo form_dropdown('status', $status_options, $info->status, 'id="status_select" class="form-control modal-form"'); ?> <p class="form_error status_error"> </p> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="privileges">Special Privileges</label> <?php echo form_multiselect('privileges[]', $privileges, explode(',', $info->privilege), 'id=privileges_select" class="form-control modal-form"'); ?> <p class="form_error privileges_error"> </p> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="initial_ob">Initial Balance</label> <input class="form-control modal-form" type="text" name="initial_ob" id="initial_ob" placeholder="Initial Balance" value="<?php echo $info->initial_ob; ?> "/> <p class="form_error initial_ob_error"> </p> </div>
<?php echo form_open('admin/settings/save_section', array('id' => 'saveSection')); ?> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="field-row"> <?php echo form_label(lang('Title'), 'title'); echo form_input(array('class' => 'form-control', 'name' => 'title', 'value' => isset($section->title) ? $section->title : '')); ?> </div> <div class="field-row"> <?php echo form_label(lang('Access'), 'access[]'); echo form_multiselect('access[]', access_A(), isset($section->access) ? explode(',', $section->access) : array(1), 'class="form-control"'); ?> </div> </div> <div class="panel-footer text-right"> <?php echo isset($section->id) ? form_hidden('id', $section->id) : ''; ?> <a href="<?php _u('admin/settings'); ?> " class="btn btn-default btn-sm"> <i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-left"></i> <?php __('Cancel'); ?>
} ?> name="access" type="radio" id="access_4" value="user"/></td> <td> <?php echo __('Selected Users'); ?> <br/> <?php $users = array(); foreach ($user as $g) { $users[$g['user_id']] = $g['firstname'] . ' ' . $g['lastname'] . ' (' . $g['email'] . ')'; } echo form_multiselect('user[]', $users, set_value('user[]'), 'class="txtFld"'); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <p class="clear"> </p> <label> </label><input class="btn btn-primary" name="create" type="submit" id="create" value="Upload"/> <?php echo anchor('admin/file/manage-file', __('BACK')); ?> <p class="clear"> </p> </div>
/** * Template Preferences Manager * * @access public * @return type */ function template_preferences_manager($message = '') { if (!$this->cp->allowed_group('can_access_design') or !$this->cp->allowed_group('can_admin_templates')) { show_error($this->lang->line('unauthorized_access')); } if ($this->input->get_post('id') !== '') { $group_id = $this->input->get_post('id'); } $vars['message'] = $message; $vars['show_template_manager'] = TRUE; // in an error condition, this will go false if ($this->session->userdata['group_id'] != 1 && (count($this->session->userdata['assigned_template_groups']) == 0 or $this->cp->allowed_group('can_admin_templates') == FALSE)) { $vars['message'] = $this->lang->line('no_templates_assigned'); $vars['show_template_manager'] = FALSE; return $this->load->view('design/template_preferences_manager', $vars); } $this->load->helper('form'); $this->load->library('table'); $this->javascript->output(' // select all options for template access restrictions $("input.select_all").click(function(){ $("input[class="+$(this).val()+"]").each(function() { this.checked = true; }); }); var the_templates = $(\'div[id^="template_group_div_"]\'); $("#template_groups").change(function() { the_templates.hide(); var openDivs = $(this).val().toString() var ids = new Array(); ids = openDivs.split(","); for(i=0;i<ids.length;i++) { $("#template_group_div_"+ids[i]).show(); } return false; }); '); // Retrieve Valid Template Groups and Templates $this->db->from('template_groups tg, templates t'); $this->db->select('tg.group_id, tg.group_name, t.template_id, t.template_name'); $this->db->where('tg.group_id = t.group_id'); $this->db->where('tg.site_id', $this->config->item('site_id')); if ($this->session->userdata['group_id'] != 1) { $this->db->where_in('t.group_id', array_keys($this->session->userdata['assigned_template_groups'])); } $this->db->order_by('tg.group_order, t.group_id, t.template_name'); $query = $this->db->get(); if ($query->num_rows() == 0) { $vars['message'] = $this->lang->line('no_templates_available'); $vars['show_template_manager'] = FALSE; return $this->load->view('design/template_preferences_manager', $vars); } // Create MultiSelect Lists $current_group = 0; $groups = array(); $tmpl = array(); $vars['templates'] = array(); foreach ($query->result_array() as $i => $row) { if ($row['group_id'] != $current_group) { $groups[$row['group_id']] = form_prep($row['group_name']); if ($current_group != 0) { $vars['templates']['template_group_div_' . $current_group]['select'] = form_multiselect('template_group_' . $row['group_id'] . '[]', $tmpl, '', "size='8' class='multiselect' style='width:45%'"); $vars['templates']['template_group_div_' . $current_group]['active'] = $current_group == $group_id ? TRUE : FALSE; $tmpl = array(); } } $tmpl[$row['template_id']] = form_prep($row['template_name']); $current_group = $row['group_id']; } $groups = form_multiselect('template_groups', $groups, $group_id, "id='template_groups' size='10' class='multiselect' style='width:160px'"); $vars['templates']['template_group_div_' . $current_group]['select'] = form_multiselect('template_group_' . $row['group_id'] . '[]', $tmpl, '', "size='8' class='multiselect' style='width:45%'"); $vars['templates']['template_group_div_' . $current_group]['active'] = $current_group == $group_id ? TRUE : FALSE; $vars['groups'] = $groups; if ($this->input->get_post('U')) { $vars['message'] = $this->lang->line('preferences_updated'); } // Template Preference Headings $headings = array(array('template_type', $this->lang->line('type')), array('cache', $this->lang->line('cache_enable')), array('refresh', $this->lang->line('refresh_interval') . ' <small>(' . $this->lang->line('refresh_in_minutes') . ')</small>')); if ($this->session->userdata['group_id'] == 1) { $headings[] = array('allow_php', $this->lang->line('enable_php') . ' <span class="notice">*</span>'); $headings[] = array('php_parse_location', $this->lang->line('parse_stage')); } if ($this->config->item('save_tmpl_files') == 'y' and $this->config->item('tmpl_file_basepath') != '') { $headings[] = array('save_template_file', $this->lang->line('save_template_file')); } $headings[] = array('hits', $this->lang->line('hit_counter')); $vars['headings'] = $headings; // Template Preference Options $vars['template_prefs'] = array(); $template_type_options = array('null' => $this->lang->line('do_not_change'), 'css' => $this->lang->line('css_stylesheet'), 'js' => $this->lang->line('js'), 'feed' => $this->lang->line('rss'), 'static' => $this->lang->line('static'), 'webpage' => $this->lang->line('webpage'), 'xml' => $this->lang->line('xml')); $vars['template_prefs']['template_type'] = form_dropdown('template_type', $template_type_options, 'null', 'id="template_type"'); $yes_no_options = array('null' => $this->lang->line('do_not_change'), 'y' => $this->lang->line('yes'), 'n' => $this->lang->line('no')); $vars['template_prefs']['cache'] = form_dropdown('cache', $yes_no_options, 'null', 'id="cache"'); $vars['template_prefs']['refresh'] = form_input(array('name' => 'refresh', 'value' => '0', 'size' => 5)); if ($this->session->userdata['group_id'] == 1) { $php_i_o_options = array('null' => $this->lang->line('do_not_change'), 'i' => $this->lang->line('input'), 'o' => $this->lang->line('output')); $vars['template_prefs']['allow_php'] = form_dropdown('allow_php', $yes_no_options, 'null', 'id="allow_php"'); $vars['template_prefs']['php_parse_location'] = form_dropdown('php_parse_location', $php_i_o_options, 'null', 'id="php_parse_location"'); } if ($this->config->item('save_tmpl_files') == 'y' and $this->config->item('tmpl_file_basepath') != '') { $vars['template_prefs']['save_template_file'] = form_dropdown('save_template_file', $yes_no_options, 'null', 'id="save_template_file"'); } $vars['template_prefs']['hits'] = form_input(array('name' => 'hits', 'value' => '', 'size' => 5)); // Template Access Restrictions $this->db->select('group_id, group_title'); $this->db->where('site_id', $this->config->item('site_id')); $this->db->where('group_id !=', '1'); $this->db->order_by('group_title'); $query = $this->db->get('member_groups'); $vars['template_access'] = array(); foreach ($query->result() as $row) { $vars['template_access'][$row->group_id][] = $row->group_title; $radio_options = ''; foreach ($yes_no_options as $key => $lang) { $radio_options .= '<label>' . form_radio('access_' . $row->group_id, $key, '', 'class="access_' . $key . '"') . NBS . $lang . '</label>' . NBS . NBS . NBS . NBS . NBS . NBS . NBS; } $vars['template_access'][$row->group_id][] = $radio_options; } $vars['template_access']['select_all'][] = $this->lang->line('select_all'); $select_all_radios = '<label>' . form_radio('select_all', 'access_null', '', 'class="select_all"') . NBS . $this->lang->line('do_not_change') . '</label>' . NBS . NBS . NBS . NBS . NBS . NBS . NBS; $select_all_radios .= '<label>' . form_radio('select_all', 'access_y', '', 'class="select_all"') . NBS . $this->lang->line('yes') . '</label>' . NBS . NBS . NBS . NBS . NBS . NBS . NBS; $select_all_radios .= '<label>' . form_radio('select_all', 'access_n', '', 'class="select_all"') . NBS . $this->lang->line('no') . '</label>'; $vars['template_access']['select_all'][] = $select_all_radios; $this->db->select('template_groups.group_name, templates.template_name, templates.template_id'); $this->db->where('template_groups.group_id = ' . $this->db->dbprefix('templates.group_id')); $this->db->where('template_groups.site_id', $this->config->item('site_id')); $this->db->order_by('template_groups.group_name, templates.template_name'); $query = $this->db->get(array('template_groups', 'templates')); $vars['no_auth_bounce_options']['null'] = $this->lang->line('do_not_change'); foreach ($query->result() as $row) { $vars['no_auth_bounce_options'][$row->template_id] = $row->group_name . '/' . $row->template_name; } $vars['enable_http_auth_options'] = $yes_no_options; $this->cp->set_variable('cp_page_title', $this->lang->line('template_preferences_manager')); $this->cp->set_breadcrumb(BASE . AMP . 'C=design' . AMP . 'M=manager', $this->lang->line('template_manager')); $this->javascript->compile(); $this->load->view('design/template_preferences_manager', $vars); }
<input type="radio" name="vwm_surveys_allowed_groups" value="NULL" <?php echo $allowed_groups === NULL ? 'checked="checked"' : NULL; ?> /> None </label> <label> <input type="radio" name="vwm_surveys_allowed_groups" value="SELECT" <?php echo is_array($allowed_groups) ? 'checked="checked"' : NULL; ?> /> Select </label> <div> <?php echo form_multiselect('vwm_surveys_select_allowed_groups[]', $member_groups, $allowed_groups); ?> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Pages (<?php echo count($pages); ?> )</legend> <ol id="vwm_surveys_pages"> <?php foreach ($pages as $page_number => $page) { ?> <li id="vwm_surveys_page_<?php echo $page_number;
</div> <div class="form-group"> <?php echo form_label('Content <span class="red">*</span>', 'content'); ?> <?php echo form_textarea('content', set_value('content'), 'class="form-control" id="post-content" cols="30" rows="10"'); ?> </div> <div class="form-group"> <?php echo form_label('Tags <span class="red">*</span>', 'tag[]'); ?> <?php echo form_multiselect('tag[]', $tags, set_value('tag'), 'class="form-control" id="tag-field"'); ?> </div> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Create</button> </div><!--context--> </div><!--thread--> </div><!--content--> <div class="col-md-3" id="sidebar"> <button type="submit" class="create-btn btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-disk"></span> Update </button> <button onclick="window.history.back()" type="button" class="create-btn btn btn-warning btn-lg btn-block"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-left"></span> Back </button>
function form_build_field($field, $html_type = NULL, $data = NULL, $extra = '') { $field_name = $field['field']; $field_type = $field['type']; $field_value = $field['value']; $extra = $extra . ' id="' . $field_name . '"'; // Define the HTML type to use from DB field // Limited, as the DB types cannot be translated to HTML form types if (is_null($html_type)) { switch ($field_type) { case 'tinyint': case 'smallint': // Checkbox (on / off) if ($field['length'] == 1) { $html_type = "checkbox"; } else { $html_type = "input"; } break; case 'float': case 'int': case 'char': case 'tinytext': $html_type = "input"; break; case 'varchar': case 'text': case 'longtext': if ($field_type == 'varchar' && $field['length'] < 255) { $html_type = "input"; } elseif ($field_type == 'varchar' && $field['length'] < 3000) { $html_type = "textarea"; } else { $html_type = "html"; } break; case 'enum': $html_type = "radio"; break; case 'date': case 'datetime': $html_type = "date"; break; default: $html_type = "input"; } } // No data provided if (!is_array($data)) { $data = array(); // Try to get the ENUM possible values if ($field_type == 'enum') { foreach ($field['length'] as $enum) { $data[$enum] = $enum; } } } switch ($html_type) { // Select // $data is supposed to be an array of keys => displayed labels case 'select': $extra .= ' class="select"'; return form_dropdown($field_name, $data, $field_value, $extra); break; case 'multiselect': $extra .= ' class="select multiselect"'; $selected = explode(',', $field_value); $field_name = $field_name . '[]'; return form_multiselect($field_name, $data, $selected, $extra); break; case 'input': $extra .= ' class="inputtext"'; return form_input($field_name, $field_value, $extra); break; case 'textarea': $extra .= ' class="textarea"'; return form_textarea($field_name, $field_value, $extra); break; // Text Editing textarea (tinyMCE in this case) // Text Editing textarea (tinyMCE in this case) case 'html': $extra .= ' class="tinyTextarea"'; return form_textarea($field_name, $field_value, $extra); break; case 'checkbox': $extra = ' class="checkbox"'; $str = ''; $print_label = TRUE; // We consider the checkbox only validate one data, which should be set at 1 or 0. if (empty($data)) { $data = array(1 => ''); $print_label = FALSE; } foreach ($data as $value => $label) { $id = 'c_' . uniqid(); $extra2 = $extra . ' id="' . $id . '"'; $checked = $field_value == $value ? TRUE : FALSE; if ($print_label === TRUE) { $str .= form_label($label, $id); } $str .= form_checkbox($field_name, $value, $checked, $extra2); } return $str; break; case 'radio': $extra = ' class="radio"'; $str = ''; $print_label = TRUE; // We consider the checkbox only validate one data, which should be set at 1 or 0. if (empty($data)) { $data = array(1 => ''); $print_label = FALSE; } foreach ($data as $value => $label) { $id = 'r_' . uniqid(); $extra2 = $extra . ' id="' . $id . '"'; $checked = $field_value == $value ? TRUE : FALSE; if ($print_label === TRUE) { $str .= form_label($label, $id); } $str .= form_radio($field_name, $value, $checked, $extra2); } return $str; break; case 'date': $extra .= ' class="inputtext date"'; if ($field['type'] == 'datetime') { $field_value = humanize_mdate($field_value, Settings::get('date_format') . ' %H:%i:%s'); } else { $field_value = humanize_mdate($field_value, Settings::get('date_format')); } return form_input($field_name, $field_value, $extra); break; default: $extra .= ' class="inputtext"'; return form_input($field_name, $field_value, $extra); } }
function dropMultiselect_tpl($params = array()) { if (!empty($params)) { $data = isset($params['data']) ? $params['data'] : false; $data_seleted = isset($params['data_seleted']) ? $params['data_seleted'] : array(); $selected = isset($params['selected']) ? $params['selected'] : ''; $value = isset($params['value']) ? $params['value'] : false; $text = isset($params['text']) ? $params['text'] : false; $name = isset($params['name']) ? $params['name'] : false; $name2 = isset($params['name2']) ? $params['name2'] : 'list'; $class = isset($params['class']) ? $params['class'] : ''; $event = isset($params['event']) ? $params['event'] : ''; $prev = isset($params['prev']) ? $params['prev'] : ''; $next = isset($params['next']) ? $params['next'] : ''; $disabled = isset($params['disabled']) ? $params['disabled'] : ''; } $name = $name == "" ? "selected" : $name; $count = 0; $options_selected = array(); if ($data && $name && $value && $text) { if (!empty($data_seleted)) { foreach ($data_seleted as $option => $item) { $option_selected = ""; if (is_array($text)) { foreach ($text as $string) { $option_selected .= $item[$string] . '-'; } $options_selected[$item[$value]] = trim($option_selected, '-'); } else { $options_selected[$item[$value]] = $item[$text]; } } } $options = array(); foreach ($data as $option => $item) { $option_value = ""; if (is_array($text)) { if (!array_key_exists($item[$value], $options_selected)) { foreach ($text as $string) { $option_value .= $item[$string] . '-'; } $options[$item[$value]] = trim($option_value, '-'); } } else { if (!array_key_exists($item[$value], $options_selected)) { $options[$item[$value]] = $item[$text]; } } $count++; } $multiple = form_multiselect($name2, $options_selected, $selected, "multiple='multiple' class='multiple_selected {$class}' size='10'"); $selected = "<span id='dualselected' class='dualselect'>" . form_multiselect($name, $options, $selected, "multiple='multiple' class='uniformselect' size='10'") . "<span class='ds_arrow'>\r\n <button onclick='{$prev}' class='btn ds_prev'>\r\n <i class='iconfa-chevron-left'>\r\n </i>\r\n </button>\r\n <br>\r\n <button onclick='{$next}' class='btn ds_next'>\r\n <i class='iconfa-chevron-right'>\r\n </i>\r\n </button>\r\n </span>" . $multiple . "</span>"; return $selected; } return false; }
<h3 class="page-title">儀器預約系統<small>儀器與門禁管理</small></h3> <!-- BEGIN EXAMPLE TABLE widget--> <div class="widget"> <div class="widget-title"> <h4><i class="icon-reorder"></i>批次儀器設定</h4> </div> <div class="widget-body form"> <form action="<?php echo site_url(); ?> /facility/admin/facility/update/batch" id="form_facility_config" class="form-horizontal" method="POST"> <div class="control-group "> <label class="control-label">選擇儀器</label> <div class="controls"> <?php echo form_multiselect("facility_SN[]", $facility_ID_select_options, "", "class='chosen span12'"); ?> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label">停機時間</label> <div class="controls"> <input name="outage_start_date" type="text" value="<?php echo date("Y-m-d"); ?> " class="date-picker input-medium" /> <input name="outage_start_time" type="text" value="<?php echo date("H:i"); ?> " class="timepicker-24 input-medium" /> ~
?> </td> </tr> <tr class="ui-helper-reset"> <th>Manager</th> <td><?php echo form_dropdown('user_manager', $users, $user->user_manager); ?> </td> </tr> <tr class="ui-helper-reset"> <th>Available Accounts</th> <td><?php echo form_multiselect('accounts[]', $accounts, unserialize(base64_decode($user->accounts)), 'size=10'); ?> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p> <?php echo form_submit('submit_user', 'Update User'); ?> </p> <?php echo form_hidden('update_user', true); ?> <?php