Esempio n. 1
 *Generates a form definition file (fdf)
 *@note error message is dumped into syslog if supported
 *@todo Expand support not only to fdf_data_strings (I don't need this feature)
 *@param String $pdf_url
 *@param Array $pdf_data the array that holds fields datas (field_name => field_value
 *@param String $output_mode 
 *	'D' : WARNING!! By default, THIS FUNCTION SENDS HTTP HEADERS! It MUST be called before 
 *   any content is spooled to the browser, or the function will fail!
 *	'S' : Return the fdf file generated as a string
 *	<fdf_file> fullpathname to where the fdf file content has to be saved.
 *@return mixed ret the return value which can be:
 *	-a boolean true when output_mode is set to 'D'
 *	-a text the fdf content when output_mode is set to 'S'
 *	-an array holding success flag with either the fdf size or the error message
function output_fdf($pdf_url, $pdf_data, $output_mode = 'D')
    // Ensures pdf path is absolute
    $pdf_form_url = resolve_pdf_url($pdf_url);
    // string data, used for text fields, combo boxes and list boxes
    $fdf_data_strings = $pdf_data;
    // name data, used for checkboxes and radio buttons
    // (e.g., /Yes and /Off for true and false)
    $fdf_data_names = array();
    //fields security and accessibility attributes
    $fields_hidden = array();
    $fields_readonly = array();
    $fdf = forge_fdf($pdf_form_url, $fdf_data_strings, $fdf_data_names, $fields_hidden, $fields_readonly);
    switch ($output_mode) {
        case "D":
            //Send the fdf header so acrobat recognize it.
            header("Content-Type: application/vnd.fdf");
            print $fdf;
            $ret = true;
        case "S":
            $ret = $fdf;
            // write the file out
            $error_fdf_access = '';
            $fdf_file = $output_mode;
            $fdf_dir = dirname($fdf_file);
            //Paranoïd access mode with syslog in background as watchdog for errors
            if (file_exists($fdf_dir)) {
                if (is_writable($fdf_dir)) {
                    if (!is_writable($fdf_file) && false) {
                        $error_fdf_access = "can not write fdf file ({$fdf_file}), disk full or missing rights?";
                } else {
                    $error_fdf_access = "can not write into fdf's directory ({$fdf_dir})";
            } else {
                $error_fdf_access = "can not access to fdf's directory ({$fdf_dir})";
            $success = false;
            if ($error_fdf_access != "") {
                $err = "output_fdf : Unable to create fdf file '" . $fdf_file . "'<br> because {$error_fdf_access}.";
            } else {
                if ($fp = fopen($fdf_file, 'w')) {
                    $err = fwrite($fp, $fdf, strlen($fdf));
                    if (function_exists('syslog')) {
                        syslog(LOG_WARNING, "FDF file '" . $output_mode . "' written successfully ({$err} bytes)");
                    $success = true;
                } else {
                    $err = "output_fdf : Unable to generate file '" . $output_mode . "', disk full or corrupted?.";
            $ret = array("success" => $success, "return" => $err);
    return $ret;
Esempio n. 2
 function invoiceToFDF($invoice, $extra_vars = array())
     $fdf_array = array('CompanyName' => $invoice['Customer']['company_name'], 'DateOfSupply' => gmstrftime('%d %b %Y', strtotime($invoice['Invoice']['created'])), 'InvoiceNo' => $invoice['Invoice']['reference'], 'VATTotal' => $this->getVatTotal($invoice), 'SubTotal' => $this->getSubTotal($invoice), 'GrandTotal' => $this->getGrandTotal($invoice));
     $address = $invoice['Customer']['address'];
     $address .= !empty($invoice['Customer']['town']) ? "\n{$invoice['Customer']['town']}" : '';
     $address .= !empty($invoice['Customer']['county']) ? "\n{$invoice['Customer']['county']}" : '';
     $address .= !empty($invoice['Customer']['post_code']) ? "\n{$invoice['Customer']['post_code']}" : '';
     if (!empty($invoice['Customer']['country']) && $invoice['Customer']['country'] != 'UK') {
         $address .= "\n{$invoice['Customer']['country']}";
     $fdf_array['CompanyAddress'] = $address;
     if (!empty($extra_vars)) {
         foreach ($extra_vars as $var_key => $var_val) {
             $fdf_array[$var_key] = $var_val;
     //ServiceList, ServicePrices
     $service_list = array();
     $service_prices = array();
     $breakdown = explode("\n", $invoice['Invoice']['description']);
     if (!empty($breakdown)) {
         foreach ($breakdown as $breakdown_item) {
             if (preg_match('/,/', $breakdown_item)) {
                 list($service_list[], $service_prices[]) = explode(",", $breakdown_item);
             } else {
                 $service_list[] = $breakdown_item;
                 $service_prices[] = '';
         $fdf_array['ServiceList'] = implode("\n", $service_list);
         $fdf_array['ServicePrices'] = implode("\n", $service_prices);
     foreach ($fdf_array as $i => $fdfa) {
         $fdf_array[$i] = iconv('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1//TRANSLIT', $fdfa);
     $fdf_data_names = array();
     $fields_hidden = array();
     $fields_readonly = array();
     $forge_fdf = forge_fdf('', $fdf_array, $fdf_data_names, $fields_hidden, $fields_readonly);
     return $forge_fdf;
Esempio n. 3
 $_4ur_data_strings['Fall'] = '15';
 $_4ur_data_strings['Subject Code'] = 'CSCI';
 $_4ur_data_strings['Print Instructors Name'] = 'Goldschmidt, David';
 $_4ur_data_strings['specific role of student in the project 1'] = 'Please see attached';
 $_4ur_data_strings['indicate expected weekly time commitments 1'] = 'Please see attached';
 $_4ur_data_strings['determined 1'] = 'Please see attached';
 //Split name by last space to turn "Jane Doe" to "Doe, Jane" as required by the name field of the 4UR.
 list($_4ur_first_name, $_4ur_last_name) = preg_split("/\\s+(?=\\S*+\$)/", $_POST['name']);
 $_4ur_data_strings['Name'] = $_4ur_last_name . ', ' . $_4ur_first_name;
 $_4ur_data_strings['Rensselaer ID'] = $_POST['rin'];
 $_4ur_data_strings['Email'] = $_POST['email'];
 $_4ur_data_strings['Day phone'] = $_POST['phone'];
 $_4ur_data_strings['Credit Hours'] = $_POST['creditamount'];
 $_4ur_data_strings['Transcript Course Title'] = 'RCOS - ' . $_POST['title'];
 $fdf4ur = forge_fdf("", $_4ur_data_strings, $_4ur_data_names, $_4ur_hidden, $_4ur_readonly);
 file_put_contents($formfile4ur, $fdf4ur);
 exec('pdftk ' . escapeshellcmd($infile4ur) . ' fill_form ' . escapeshellcmd($formfile4ur) . ' output ' . escapeshellcmd($outfile4ur) . ' flatten');
 $outfilemerge = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/urp-4ur-rcos-' . $clean_name . '-' . $clean_title . uniqid() . '.pdf';
 exec('pdftk ' . escapeshellcmd($outfileurp) . ' ' . escapeshellcmd($outfile4ur) . ' cat output ' . escapeshellcmd($outfilemerge));
 if (file_exists($outfilemerge)) {
     header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
     header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
     header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . basename($outfilemerge));
     header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
     header('Expires: 0');
     header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
     header('Pragma: public');
     header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($outfilemerge));
Esempio n. 4

require_once 'forge_fdf.php';
// use this array for text fields, combo box, and list box form field values
$fdf_data_strings = array('city' => 'San Francisco', 'state' => 'California');
// use this array for check box and radio button values
$fdf_data_names = array();
// these aren't used in this example
$fields_hidden = array();
$fields_readonly = array();
$fdf = forge_fdf('', $fdf_data_strings, $fdf_data_names, $fields_hidden, $fields_readonly);
$fdf_fn = tempnam('.', 'fdf');
$fp = fopen($fdf_fn, 'w');
if ($fp) {
    fwrite($fp, $fdf);
    // serve PDF, but prompt the user to save it to disk
    header('Content-type: application/pdf');
    header('Content-disposition: attachment; ' . 'filename=filled_form.pdf');
    // our pdftk magic; "flatten" merges data with the page
    passthru('pdftk form.pdf fill_form ' . $fdf_fn . ' output - flatten');
    // delete temp file
} else {
    // error
    echo 'Error: unable to write temp fdf file: ' . $fdf_fn;