Esempio n. 1
 * process attachments by saving into media directory and optionally creating image tag in post
 * @param string message content that is optionally manipulated by adding image tags (by reference)
 * @param  array $mailAttachments array containing path to attachment files
 * @param  string $mediadir path to media directory of blog as seen by file system
 * @param  string $media_url url to media directory as seen by user
 * @param  bool $add_img_tags should img tags be added to the post (instead of linking through the file manager)
 * @param  string $type defines attachment type: 'attach' or 'related'
function pbm_process_attachments(&$content, $mailAttachments, $mediadir, $media_url, $add_img_tags = true, $type = 'attach')
    global $Settings, $pbm_item_files, $filename_max_length;
    pbm_msg('<h4>Processing attachments</h4>');
    foreach ($mailAttachments as $attachment) {
        if (isset($attachment['FileName'])) {
            $filename = trim(evo_strtolower($attachment['FileName']));
        } else {
            // Related attachments may not have file name, we'll generate one below
            $filename = '';
        if ($filename == '') {
            $filename = 'upload_' . uniqid() . '.' . $attachment['SubType'];
            pbm_msg(sprintf('Attachment without name. Using "%s".', htmlspecialchars($filename)));
        // Check valid filename/extension: (includes check for locked filenames)
        if ($error_filename = process_filename($filename, true)) {
            pbm_msg('Invalid filename: ' . $error_filename);
        // If file exists count up a number
        $cnt = 0;
        $prename = substr($filename, 0, strrpos($filename, '.')) . '-';
        $sufname = strrchr($filename, '.');
        $error_in_filename = false;
        while (file_exists($mediadir . $filename)) {
            $filename = $prename . $cnt . $sufname;
            if (strlen($filename) > $filename_max_length) {
                // This is a special case, when the filename is longer then the maximum allowed
                // Cut as many characters as required before the counter on the file name
                $filename = fix_filename_length($filename, strlen($prename) - 1);
                if ($error_in_filename = process_filename($filename, true)) {
                    // The file name is not valid, this is an unexpected situation, because the file name was already validated before
                    pbm_msg('Invalid filename: ' . $error_filename);
        if ($error_in_filename) {
            // Don't create file with invalid file name
        pbm_msg(sprintf('New file name is <b>%s</b>', $filename));
        $imginfo = NULL;
        if (!$Settings->get('eblog_test_mode')) {
            pbm_msg('Saving file to: ' . htmlspecialchars($mediadir . $filename));
            if (!copy($attachment['DataFile'], $mediadir . $filename)) {
                pbm_msg('Unable to copy uploaded file to ' . htmlspecialchars($mediadir . $filename));
            // chmod uploaded file:
            $chmod = $Settings->get('fm_default_chmod_file');
            @chmod($mediadir . $filename, octdec($chmod));
            $imginfo = @getimagesize($mediadir . $filename);
            pbm_msg('Is this an image?: ' . (is_array($imginfo) ? 'yes' : 'no'));
        if ($type == 'attach') {
            $content .= "\n";
            if (is_array($imginfo) && $add_img_tags) {
                $content .= '<img src="' . $media_url . $filename . '" ' . $imginfo[3] . ' />';
            } else {
                pbm_msg(sprintf('The file <b>%s</b> will be attached to the post later, after we save the post in the database.', $filename));
                $pbm_item_files[] = $filename;
            $content .= "\n";
        } elseif (!empty($attachment['ContentID'])) {
            // Replace relative "cid:xxxxx" URIs with absolute URLs to media files
            $content = str_replace('cid:' . $attachment['ContentID'], $media_url . $filename, $content);
Esempio n. 2
 * Check if file exists in the target location with the given name. Used during file upload.
 * @param FileRoot target file Root
 * @param string target path
 * @param string file name
 * @param array the new file image_info
 * @return array contains two elements
 * 			first elements is a new File object
 * 			second element is the existing file thumb, or empty string, if the file doesn't exists
function check_file_exists($fm_FileRoot, $path, $newName, $image_info = NULL)
    global $filename_max_length;
    // Get File object for requested target location:
    $FileCache =& get_FileCache();
    $newFile =& $FileCache->get_by_root_and_path($fm_FileRoot->type, $fm_FileRoot->in_type_ID, trailing_slash($path) . $newName, true);
    $num_ext = 0;
    $oldName = $newName;
    $oldFile_thumb = "";
    while ($newFile->exists()) {
        // The file already exists in the target location!
        $ext_pos = strrpos($newName, '.');
        if ($num_ext == 1) {
            if ($image_info == NULL) {
                $image_info = getimagesize($newFile->get_full_path());
            $newName = substr_replace($newName, '-' . $num_ext . '.', $ext_pos, 1);
            if ($image_info) {
                $oldFile_thumb = $newFile->get_preview_thumb('fulltype');
            } else {
                $oldFile_thumb = $newFile->get_size_formatted();
        } else {
            $replace_length = strlen('-' . ($num_ext - 1));
            $newName = substr_replace($newName, '-' . $num_ext, $ext_pos - $replace_length, $replace_length);
        if (strlen($newName) > $filename_max_length) {
            $newName = fix_filename_length($newName, strrpos($newName, '-'));
            if ($error_filename = process_filename($newName, true)) {
                // The file name is still not valid
                debug_die('Invalid file name has found during file exists check: ' . $error_filename);
        $newFile =& $FileCache->get_by_root_and_path($fm_FileRoot->type, $fm_FileRoot->in_type_ID, trailing_slash($path) . $newName, true);
    return array($newFile, $oldFile_thumb);