function generateTDHistory($tdID) { $td = new TD(); $td->selectRecord($tdID); $afsID = $td->getAfsID(); // echo("afsID=$afsID<br>"); $afs = new AFS(); $afs->selectRecord($afsID); $odID = $afs->getOdID(); // echo("odID=$odID<br>"); $condition = sprintf(" WHERE presentODID='%s' ", fixQuotes($odID)); $odHistoryRecords = new ODHistoryRecords(); $odHistoryRecords->selectRecords($condition); if (count($odHistoryRecords->arrayList) > 0) { // echo("count>0<br>"); foreach ($odHistoryRecords->arrayList as $key => $odHistory) { $previousODID = $odHistory->getPreviousODID(); $presentODID = $odHistory->getPresentODID(); $previousAFS = new AFS(); $previousAFS->selectRecord($afsID = "", $limit = "", $previousODID); $previousAFSID = $previousAFS->getAfsID(); $previousTD = new TD(); $previousTD->selectRecord($tdID = "", $previousAFSID); $previousTDID = $previousTD->getTdID(); $this->tdHistory[] = $previousTD; $this->generateTDHistory($previousTDID); } } else { //echo("count==0<br>"); return false; } }
function selectRecordsForList($condition = "") { // $sql = sprintf("select * from %s order by tdID desc %s;",TD_TABLE, $condition); $sql = "SELECT " . TD_TABLE . ".tdID as tdID, " . TD_TABLE . ".afsID, " . AFS_TABLE . ".odID, " . TD_TABLE . ".taxDeclarationNumber as taxDeclarationNumber, " . "(" . TD_TABLE . ".ceasesWithTheYear - " . TD_TABLE . ".taxBeginsWithTheYear) as year, " . "CONCAT(" . PERSON_TABLE . ".lastName," . PERSON_TABLE . ".firstName," . PERSON_TABLE . ".middleName) as PersonFullName, " . COMPANY_TABLE . ".companyName " . "FROM " . TD_TABLE . " " . "LEFT JOIN " . AFS_TABLE . " " . "ON " . TD_TABLE . ".afsID = " . AFS_TABLE . ".afsID " . "LEFT JOIN " . OWNER_TABLE . " " . "ON " . AFS_TABLE . ".odID = " . OWNER_TABLE . ".odID " . "LEFT JOIN " . OWNER_PERSON_TABLE . " " . "ON " . OWNER_TABLE . ".ownerID = " . OWNER_PERSON_TABLE . ".ownerID " . "LEFT JOIN " . PERSON_TABLE . " " . "ON " . OWNER_PERSON_TABLE . ".personID = " . PERSON_TABLE . ".personID " . "LEFT JOIN " . OWNER_COMPANY_TABLE . " " . "ON " . OWNER_TABLE . ".ownerID = " . OWNER_COMPANY_TABLE . ".ownerID " . "LEFT JOIN " . COMPANY_TABLE . " " . "ON " . OWNER_COMPANY_TABLE . ".companyID = " . COMPANY_TABLE . ".companyID "; $sql = $sql . " " . $condition; $this->setDB(); $dummySQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO dummySQL(queryString) VALUES('%s');", fixQuotes($sql)); $this->db->query($dummySQL); $this->db->query($sql); while ($this->db->next_record()) { $idArray[] = $this->db->f("tdID"); } $idArray = array_unique($idArray); foreach ($idArray as $key => $tdID) { $td = new TD(); $td->selectRecord($tdID); $this->arrayList[] = $td; } if (count($this->arrayList) > 0) { $this->setDomDocument(); return true; } else { return false; } /* $this->setDB(); $this->db->query($sql); while ($this->db->next_record()) { $td = new TD; $td->selectRecord($this->db->f("tdID")); $this->arrayList[] = $td; } if(count($this->arrayList) > 0){ $this->setDomDocument(); return true; } else { return false; } */ }
function updateRecord() { if (is_numeric($this->barangay)) { $this->barangayID = $this->barangay; } if (is_numeric($this->district)) { $this->districtID = $this->district; } if (is_numeric($this->municipalityCity)) { $this->municipalityCityID = $this->municipalityCity; } if (is_numeric($this->province)) { $this->provinceID = $this->province; } $sql = sprintf("update %s set " . "number = '%s'" . ", street = '%s'" . ", barangayID = '%s'" . ", district = '%s'" . ", municipalityCity = '%s'" . ", province = '%s'" . " where locationAddressID = %s", LOCATIONADDRESS_TABLE, fixQuotes($this->number), fixQuotes($this->street), fixQuotes($this->barangayID), fixQuotes($this->districtID), fixQuotes($this->municipalityCityID), fixQuotes($this->provinceID), $this->locationAddressID); //echo $sql; $this->setDB(); $this->db->beginTransaction(); $this->db->query($sql); $locationAddressID = $this->db->insert_id(); if ($this->db->Errno != 0) { $this->db->rollbackTransaction(); $this->db->resetErrors(); $ret = false; } else { $this->db->endTransaction(); $ret = $this->locationAddressID; } return $ret; }
function updateRecord() { $sql = sprintf("update %s set" . " penaltyLUT = '%s'" . ", annualDueDate = '%s'" . ", pctRPTax = '%s'" . ", pctSEF = '%s'" . ", pctIdle = '%s'" . ", discountPercentage = '%s'" . ", discountPeriod = '%s'" . ", advancedDiscountPercentage = '%s'" . ", q1AdvancedDiscountPercentage = '%s'" . ";", TREASURY_SETTINGS_TABLE, fixQuotes($this->penaltyLUT), fixQuotes($this->annualDueDate), fixQuotes($this->pctRPTax), fixQuotes($this->pctSEF), fixQuotes($this->pctIdle), fixQuotes($this->discountPercentage), fixQuotes($this->discountPeriod), fixQuotes($this->advancedDiscountPercentage), fixQuotes($this->q1AdvancedDiscountPercentage)); //echo $sql; $this->setDB(); $this->db->beginTransaction(); $this->db->query($sql); if ($this->db->Errno != 0) { $this->db->rollbackTransaction(); $this->db->resetErrors(); $ret = false; } else { $this->db->endTransaction(); $ret = true; } return $ret; }
function updateRecord() { $sql = sprintf("update %s set" . " companyName = '%s'" . ", tin = '%s'" . ", telephone = '%s'" . ", fax = '%s'" . ", email = '%s'" . ", website = '%s'" . " where companyID = '%s'" . ";", COMPANY_TABLE, fixQuotes($this->companyName), fixQuotes($this->tin), fixQuotes($this->telephone), fixQuotes($this->fax), fixQuotes($this->email), fixQuotes($this->website), $this->companyID); //echo $sql; $this->setDB(); $this->db->beginTransaction(); $this->db->query($sql); if ($this->db->Errno != 0) { $this->db->rollbackTransaction(); $this->db->resetErrors(); $ret = false; } else { $this->db->endTransaction(); foreach ($this->addressArray as $key => $value) { $addressID = $value->updateRecord(); } $ret = $this->companyID; } return $ret; }
function updateRecord() { $sql = sprintf("update %s set" . " presentODID = '%s'" . ", previousODID = '%s'" . ", transactionCode = '%s'" . " where odHistoryID = '%s';", ODHISTORY_TABLE, fixQuotes($this->presentODID), fixQuotes($this->previousODID), fixQuotes($this->transactionCode), $this->odHistoryID); //echo $sql; $this->setDB(); $this->db->beginTransaction(); $this->db->query($sql); if ($this->db->Errno != 0) { $this->db->rollbackTransaction(); $this->db->resetErrors(); $ret = false; } else { $this->db->endTransaction(); $ret = $this->eRPTSSettingsID; } return $ret; }
function updateRecord() { $sql = sprintf("update %s set" . " code = '%s'" . ", description = '%s'" . ", value = '%s'" . ", status = '%s'" . " where propAssessUsesID = '%s';", PROPASSESSUSES_TABLE, fixQuotes($this->code), fixQuotes($this->description), fixQuotes($this->value), fixQuotes($this->status), $this->propAssessUsesID); //echo $sql; $this->setDB(); $this->db->beginTransaction(); $this->db->query($sql); if ($this->db->Errno != 0) { $this->db->rollbackTransaction(); $this->db->resetErrors(); $ret = false; } else { $this->db->endTransaction(); $ret = $this->propAssessUsesID; } return $ret; }
function updateRecord() { $sql = sprintf("update %s set" . " personType = '%s'" . ", lastName = '%s'" . ", firstName = '%s'" . ", middleName = '%s'" . ", gender = '%s'" . ", birthday = '%s'" . ", maritalStatus = '%s'" . ", tin = '%s'" . ", telephone = '%s'" . ", mobileNumber = '%s'" . ", email = '%s'" . " where personID = '%s';", PERSON_TABLE, fixQuotes($this->personType), fixQuotes($this->lastName), fixQuotes($this->firstName), fixQuotes($this->middleName), fixQuotes($this->gender), toMysqlDate($this->birthday), fixQuotes($this->maritalStatus), fixQuotes($this->tin), fixQuotes($this->telephone), fixQuotes($this->mobileNumber), fixQuotes($this->email), $this->personID); //echo $sql; $this->setDB(); $this->db->beginTransaction(); $this->db->query($sql); if ($this->db->Errno != 0) { $this->db->rollbackTransaction(); $this->db->resetErrors(); $ret = false; } else { $this->db->endTransaction(); foreach ($this->addressArray as $key => $value) { //$value = $this->addressArray; if ($value->addressID) { $addressID = $value->updateRecord(); } else { $addressID = $value->insertRecord(); $sql = sprintf("insert into %s (" . "personID" . ", addressID" . ")" . " values (%s, %s);", PERSON_ADDRESS_TABLE, $this->personID, $addressID); $this->db->beginTransaction(); $this->db->query($sql); if ($this->db->Errno != 0) { $this->db->rollbackTransaction(); $this->db->resetErrors(); $ret = false; } else { $this->db->endTransaction(); } } } $ret = $this->personID; } return $ret; }
function archiveRecord($odID, $archiveValue, $userID) { $sql = sprintf("update %s " . " set " . " archive = '%s'" . ", modifiedBy = '%s'" . ", dateModified = '%s'" . " where odID = '%s';", OD_TABLE, fixQuotes($archiveValue), fixQuotes($userID), fixQuotes(time()), fixQuotes($odID)); $this->setDB(); //$dummySQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO dummySQL(queryString) VALUES('%s');",fixQuotes($sql)); //$this->db->query($dummySQL); $this->db->beginTransaction(); $this->db->query($sql); if ($this->db->Errno != 0) { $this->db->rollbackTransaction(); $this->db->resetErrors(); $ret = false; } else { $this->db->endTransaction(); $ret = true; } return $ret; }
function updateStorey() { $sql = sprintf("update %s set " . "improvementsBuildingsID = '%s', floorNumber = '%s', " . "area = '%s', materials = '%s', " . "value = '%s', foundation = '%s', " . "columnsBeams = '%s', trussFraming = '%s', " . "roof = '%s', exteriorWall = '%s', " . "flooring = '%s', doors = '%s', " . "windows = '%s', stairs = '%s', " . "wallFinish = '%s', electrical = '%s', " . "toiletAndBath = '%s', plumbingSewer = '%s', " . "fixtures = '%s'" . "where storeyID = '%s';", STOREY_TABLE, fixQuotes($this->improvementsBuildingsID), fixQuotes($this->floorNumber), fixQuotes($this->area), fixQuotes($this->materials), fixQuotes($this->value), fixQuotes($this->foundation), fixQuotes($this->columnsBeams), fixQuotes($this->trussFraming), fixQuotes($this->roof), fixQuotes($this->exteriorWall), fixQuotes($this->flooring), fixQuotes($this->doors), fixQuotes($this->windows), fixQuotes($this->stairs), fixQuotes($this->wallFinish), fixQuotes($this->electrical), fixQuotes($this->toiletAndBath), fixQuotes($this->plumbingSewer), fixQuotes($this->fixtures), $this->storeyID); //echo $sql; $this->setDB(); $this->db->beginTransaction(); $this->db->query($sql); if ($this->db->Errno != 0) { $this->db->rollbackTransaction(); $this->db->resetErrors(); $ret = false; } else { $this->db->endTransaction(); $ret = $this->storeyID; } return $ret; }
function countSearchRecords($searchKey, $fields) { $condition = "where ("; foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { if ($key == 0) { $condition = $condition . $value . " like '%" . $searchKey . "%'"; } else { $condition = $condition . " or " . $value . " like '%" . $searchKey . "%' "; } } $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(" . RPTOP_TABLE . ".rptopID) as count \r\n FROM " . RPTOP_TABLE . "\r\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . OWNER_TABLE . "\r\n\t\t\t\tON " . RPTOP_TABLE . ".rptopID = " . OWNER_TABLE . ".rptopID\r\n LEFT JOIN " . OWNER_COMPANY_TABLE . "\r\n ON " . OWNER_TABLE . ".ownerID = " . OWNER_COMPANY_TABLE . ".ownerID\r\n LEFT JOIN " . COMPANY_TABLE . "\r\n ON " . OWNER_COMPANY_TABLE . ".companyID = " . COMPANY_TABLE . ".companyID\r\n LEFT JOIN " . OWNER_PERSON_TABLE . "\r\n ON " . OWNER_TABLE . ".ownerID = " . OWNER_PERSON_TABLE . ".ownerID\r\n LEFT JOIN " . PERSON_TABLE . "\r\n ON " . OWNER_PERSON_TABLE . ".personID = " . PERSON_TABLE . ".personID\r\n LEFT JOIN " . RPTOPTD_TABLE . "\r\n ON " . RPTOP_TABLE . ".rptopID = " . RPTOPTD_TABLE . ".rptopID\r\n LEFT JOIN " . TD_TABLE . "\r\n ON " . RPTOPTD_TABLE . ".tdID = " . TD_TABLE . ".tdID "; $sql = $sql . $condition . ")" . $limit; $this->setDB(); $dummySql = sprintf("INSERT INTO dummySQL(queryString) VALUES('%s');", fixQuotes($sql)); $this->db->query($dummySql); $this->db->query($sql); if ($this->db->next_record()) { $ret = $this->db->f("count"); } else { $ret = false; } return $ret; }
function updateRecord() { $sql = sprintf("update %s set" . " userType = '%s'" . ", username = '******'" . ", password = '******'" . ", personID = '%s'" . ", dateModified = '%s'" . ", status = '%s'" . " where userID = '%s';", AUTH_USER_MD5_TABLE, fixQuotes($this->userType), fixQuotes($this->username), fixQuotes($this->password), fixQuotes($this->personID), fixQuotes(time()), fixQuotes($this->status), $this->userID); //echo $sql; $this->setDB(); $this->db->beginTransaction(); $this->db->query($sql); if ($this->db->Errno != 0) { $this->db->rollbackTransaction(); $this->db->resetErrors(); $ret = false; } else { $this->db->endTransaction(); $ret = $this->userID; } return $ret; }
function selectRecords($condition = "") { $sql = "SELECT distinct (" . OD_TABLE . ".odID) as odID\r\n\t\t\t\t , CONCAT(" . PERSON_TABLE . ".lastName," . PERSON_TABLE . ".firstName," . PERSON_TABLE . ".middleName) as PersonFullName\r\n\t\t\t\t FROM " . OD_TABLE . "\r\n\t\t\t\t LEFT JOIN " . LOCATION_TABLE . "\r\n\t\t\t\t ON " . OD_TABLE . ".odID = " . LOCATION_TABLE . ".odID\r\n\t\t\t\t LEFT JOIN " . OWNER_TABLE . "\r\n\t\t\t\t ON " . LOCATION_TABLE . ".odID = " . OWNER_TABLE . ".odID\r\n LEFT JOIN " . OWNER_COMPANY_TABLE . "\r\n ON " . OWNER_TABLE . ".ownerID = " . OWNER_COMPANY_TABLE . ".ownerID\r\n LEFT JOIN " . COMPANY_TABLE . "\r\n ON " . OWNER_COMPANY_TABLE . ".companyID = " . COMPANY_TABLE . ".companyID\r\n LEFT JOIN " . OWNER_PERSON_TABLE . "\r\n ON " . OWNER_TABLE . ".ownerID = " . OWNER_PERSON_TABLE . ".ownerID\r\n LEFT JOIN " . PERSON_TABLE . "\r\n ON " . OWNER_PERSON_TABLE . ".personID = " . PERSON_TABLE . ".personID\r\n\r\n LEFT JOIN " . LOCATIONADDRESS_TABLE . "\r\n ON " . LOCATION_TABLE . ".locationAddressID=" . LOCATIONADDRESS_TABLE . ".locationAddressID\r\n\r\n LEFT JOIN " . BARANGAY_TABLE . "\r\n ON " . BARANGAY_TABLE . ".barangayID=" . LOCATIONADDRESS_TABLE . ".barangayID \r\n\r\n\t\t\t\t LEFT JOIN " . DISTRICT_TABLE . "\r\n\t\t\t\t ON " . DISTRICT_TABLE . ".districtID=" . LOCATIONADDRESS_TABLE . ".district \r\n\t\t\t\t LEFT JOIN " . MUNICIPALITYCITY_TABLE . "\r\n\t\t\t\t ON " . MUNICIPALITYCITY_TABLE . ".municipalityCityID=" . LOCATIONADDRESS_TABLE . ".municipalityCity \r\n\t\t\t\t LEFT JOIN " . PROVINCE_TABLE . "\r\n\t\t\t\t ON " . PROVINCE_TABLE . ".provinceID=" . LOCATIONADDRESS_TABLE . ".province"; $sql = $sql . $condition; $this->setDB(); $dummySql = sprintf("INSERT INTO dummySQL(queryString) VALUES('%s');", fixQuotes($sql)); $this->db->query($dummySql); $this->db->query($sql); while ($this->db->next_record()) { $tmpArray[] = $this->db->f("odID"); } if (is_array($tmpArray)) { $idArray = array_unique($tmpArray); foreach ($idArray as $key => $odID) { $od = new OD(); $od->selectRecord($odID); $this->arrayList[] = $od; } } if (count($this->arrayList) > 0) { $this->setDomDocument(); return true; } else { return false; } }
function update() { //create a DB object $rptsDB = new DB_RPTS(); // prepare an SQL update statement // programming option: it is decided to use direct access to attributes // when saving and creating the object from database $strUpDate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); // changed from $this->updateDate $sqlupdate = sprintf("update %s set " . " basic = '%s'" . ", penalty = '%s'" . ", sef = '%s'" . ", idle = '%s'" . ", tdID = '%s'" . ", currentDate = '%s'" . ", paidBasic = '%s'" . ", paidSEF = '%s'" . ", paidPenalty = '%s'" . ", paidIdle = '%s'" . ", paidQuarters = '%s'" . ", paymentMode = '%s'" . ", amnesty = '%s'" . " where dueID = %s", dues, fixQuotes($this->basic), fixQuotes($this->penalty), fixQuotes($this->sef), fixQuotes($this->idle), fixQuotes($this->tdID), fixQuotes($strUpDate), fixQuotes($this->paidBasic), fixQuotes($this->paidSEF), fixQuotes($this->paidPenalty), fixQuotes($this->paidIdle), fixQuotes($this->paidQuarters), fixQuotes($this->paymentMode), $this->amnesty, $this->dueID); //query the database //echo("$sqlupdate<br>"); $queryID = $rptsDB->query($sqlupdate); if ($queryID) { return true; } else { return false; } }
function updateRecord() { $sql = sprintf("update %s set" . " code = '%s'" . ", reportCode = '%s'" . ", description = '%s'" . ", rangeLowerBound = '%s'" . ", rangeUpperBound = '%s'" . ", value = '%s'" . ", status = '%s'" . " where improvementsBuildingsActualUsesID = '%s';", IMPROVEMENTSBUILDINGS_ACTUALUSES_TABLE, fixQuotes($this->code), fixQuotes($this->reportCode), fixQuotes($this->description), fixQuotes($this->rangeLowerBound), fixQuotes($this->rangeUpperBound), fixQuotes($this->value), fixQuotes($this->status), $this->improvementsBuildingsActualUsesID); //echo $sql; $this->setDB(); $this->db->beginTransaction(); $this->db->query($sql); if ($this->db->Errno != 0) { $this->db->rollbackTransaction(); $this->db->resetErrors(); $ret = false; } else { $this->db->endTransaction(); $ret = $this->improvementsBuildingsActualUsesID; } return $ret; }
function Main() { $this->setPageDetailPerms(); switch ($this->formArray["formAction"]) { case "search": $condition = " (" . COMPANY_TABLE . ".companyName LIKE '%" . fixQuotes($this->formArray["searchKey"]) . "%') "; $searchCount = $this->countRecords($condition); if ($searchCount == 0 || $searchCount == false) { $this->displayPageNavigation(); $this->displayRecords(); $this->formArray["listType"] = "All"; $this->formArray["resultsMessage"] = "| 0 results found for \"<b>" . $this->formArray["searchKey"] . "</b>\""; } else { $this->displayPageNavigation($condition); $this->displayRecords($condition); $this->formArray["listType"] = "Search Results"; if ($searchCount > 1) { $s = "s"; } else { $s = ""; } $this->formArray["resultsMessage"] = "| " . $searchCount . " result" . $s . " found for \"<b>" . $this->formArray["searchKey"] . "</b>\""; } break; case "list": default: $this->displayPageNavigation(); $this->displayRecords(); $this->formArray["listType"] = "All"; $this->formArray["resultsMessage"] = ""; break; } $this->setForm(); $this->tpl->set_var("uname", $this->user["uname"]); $this->tpl->set_var("today", date("F j, Y")); $this->tpl->set_var("sessionID", $this->sess->id); $this->tpl->set_var("Session", $this->sess->url("")); $this->tpl->parse("templatePage", "rptsTemplate"); $this->tpl->finish("templatePage"); $this->tpl->p("templatePage"); }
$key = '123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890'; $vpwd = mcrypt_cbc(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, substr($key, 0, 32), $vpwd, MCRYPT_ENCRYPT, substr($key, 32, 16)); $vpwd = bin2hex($vpwd); if ($vnif != "") { $sql = "select max(id_login) as max_id_login from LOGIN"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); if (!isset($row['max_id_login'])) { $vid_login = 1; } else { $vid_login = $row['max_id_login'] + 1; } $sqlstring = "INSERT INTO LOGIN "; $sqlstring .= "(id_login,NIF,nom,cognoms,login,clau,direccio,CP,poblacio,telefon,mobil,mail) values ("; $sqlstring .= $vid_login . ",'" . $vnif . "','" . fixQuotes($vnom) . "','" . fixQuotes($vcognoms) . "','" . fixQuotes($vlogin) . "','" . $vpwd . "',"; $sqlstring .= "'" . fixQuotes($vdireccio) . "','" . $vcp . "','" . fixQuotes($vpoblacio) . "','" . $vtelefon . "','" . $vmobil . "','" . $vmail . "')"; //echo $sqlstring; $result = mysql_query($sqlstring); echo "<p><b>El usuario '" . $vnom . "' se ha registrado correctamente</b></p>"; } } include "close_db.php"; } else { echo "<p><b>Debes rellenar todos los campos en negrita!</b></p>"; } } ?> <form name="form_registre" method="post" action="registre.php" > <fieldset>
function updateRecord() { $sql = sprintf("update %s set" . " LGUName = '%s'" . ", LGUBiz = '%s'" . ", LGUDB = '%s'" . ", LGUusername = '******'" . ", LGUpassword = '******'" . " where LGUID = '%s';", AFS_TABLE, fixQuotes($this->LGUName), fixQuotes($this->LGUBiz), fixQuotes($this->LGUDB), fixQuotes($this->LGUusername), fixQuotes($this->LGUpassword), $this->LGUID); //echo $sql; //* $db = new DB_Records(); $db->beginTransaction(); $db->query($sql); if ($db->Errno != 0) { $db->rollbackTransaction(); $db->resetErrors(); $ret = false; } else { $db->endTransaction(); $ret = $this->afsID; } //*/ return $ret; }
function displayPostingSummary($afs) { // previous $presentODID = $afs->odID; $condition = sprintf("WHERE presentODID='%s'", fixQuotes($presentODID)); $odHistoryRecords = new ODHistoryRecords(); if ($odHistoryRecords->selectRecords($condition)) { $odHistory = $odHistoryRecords->arrayList[0]; $previousODID = $odHistory->previousODID; $previousAFS = new AFS(); if ($previousAFS->selectRecord("", "", $previousODID, "")) { $this->formArray["previous1"] = $previousAFS->propertyIndexNumber; $this->formArray["previous2"] = $previousAFS->arpNumber; $this->formArray["prevPIN"] = $previousAFS->propertyIndexNumber; $this->formArray["prevTD"] = $previousAFS->arpNumber; } } // present $this->formArray["present1"] = $afs->propertyIndexNumber; $this->formArray["present2"] = $afs->arpNumber; $this->formArray["presPIN"] = $afs->propertyIndexNumber; $this->formArray["presTD"] = $afs->arpNumber; }
function getSucceedingODList($previousODID) { $condition = sprintf("WHERE previousODID='%s'", fixQuotes($previousODID)); return $this->getODHistoryList($condition); }
function updateRecord() { if ($this->propertyAdministrator->personID == "") { $this->propertyAdministrator->personID = $this->propertyAdministrator->insertRecord(); } else { $this->propertyAdministrator->personID = $this->propertyAdministrator->updateRecord(); } $sql = sprintf("update %s set" . " afsID = '%s'" . ", arpNumber = '%s'" . ", propertyIndexNumber = '%s'" . ", propertyAdministrator = '%s'" . ", verifiedBy = '%s'" . ", plottingsBy = '%s'" . ", notedBy = '%s'" . ", marketValue = '%s'" . ", kind = '%s'" . ", actualUse = '%s'" . ", adjustedMarketValue = '%s'" . ", assessmentLevel = '%s'" . ", assessedValue = '%s'" . ", previousOwner = '%s'" . ", previousAssessedValue = '%s'" . ", taxability = '%s'" . ", effectivity = '%s'" . ", appraisedBy = '%s'" . ", appraisedByDate = '%s'" . ", recommendingApproval = '%s'" . ", recommendingApprovalDate = '%s'" . ", approvedBy = '%s'" . ", approvedByDate = '%s'" . ", memoranda = '%s'" . ", postingDate = '%s'" . ", landPin = '%s'" . ", foundation = '%s'" . ", columnsBldg = '%s'" . ", beams = '%s'" . ", trussFraming = '%s'" . ", roof = '%s'" . ", exteriorWalls = '%s'" . ", flooring = '%s'" . ", doors = '%s'" . ", ceiling = '%s'" . ", structuralTypes = '%s'" . ", buildingClassification = '%s'" . ", buildingPermit = '%s'" . ", buildingAge = '%s'" . ", cctNumber = '%s'" . ", numberOfStoreys = '%s'" . ", windows = '%s'" . ", stairs = '%s'" . ", partition = '%s'" . ", wallFinish = '%s'" . ", electrical = '%s'" . ", toiletAndBath = '%s'" . ", plumbingSewer = '%s'" . ", fixtures = '%s'" . ", dateConstructed = '%s'" . ", dateOccupied = '%s'" . ", dateCompleted = '%s'" . ", areaOfGroundFloor = '%s'" . ", totalBuildingArea = '%s'" . ", unitValue = '%s'" . ", buildingCoreAndAdditionalItems = '%s'" . ", addItems = '%s'" . ", depreciationRate = '%s'" . ", accumulatedDepreciation = '%s'" . ", depreciatedMarketValue = '%s'" . ", dateModified = '%s'" . ", modifiedBy = '%s'" . "where propertyID = '%s';", IMPROVEMENTSBUILDINGS_TABLE, fixQuotes($this->afsID), fixQuotes($this->arpNumber), fixQuotes($this->propertyIndexNumber), fixQuotes($this->propertyAdministrator->personID), fixQuotes($this->verifiedBy), fixQuotes($this->plottingsBy), fixQuotes($this->notedBy), fixQuotes($this->marketValue), fixQuotes($this->kind), fixQuotes($this->actualUse), fixQuotes($this->adjustedMarketValue), fixQuotes($this->assessmentLevel), fixQuotes($this->assessedValue), fixQuotes($this->previousOwner), fixQuotes($this->previousAssessedValue), fixQuotes($this->taxability), fixQuotes($this->effectivity), fixQuotes($this->appraisedBy), fixQuotes($this->appraisedByDate), fixQuotes($this->recommendingApproval), fixQuotes($this->recommendingApprovalDate), fixQuotes($this->approvedBy), fixQuotes($this->approvedByDate), fixQuotes($this->memoranda), fixQuotes($this->postingDate), fixQuotes($this->landPin), fixQuotes($this->foundation), fixQuotes($this->columnsBldg), fixQuotes($this->beams), fixQuotes($this->trussFraming), fixQuotes($this->roof), fixQuotes($this->exteriorWalls), fixQuotes($this->flooring), fixQuotes($this->doors), fixQuotes($this->ceiling), fixQuotes($this->structuralTypes), fixQuotes($this->buildingClassification), fixQuotes($this->buildingPermit), fixQuotes($this->buildingAge), fixQuotes($this->cctNumber), fixQuotes($this->numberOfStoreys), fixQuotes($this->windows), fixQuotes($this->stairs), fixQuotes($this->partition), fixQuotes($this->wallFinish), fixQuotes($this->electrical), fixQuotes($this->toiletAndBath), fixQuotes($this->plumbingSewer), fixQuotes($this->fixtures), fixQuotes($this->dateConstructed), fixQuotes($this->dateOccupied), fixQuotes($this->dateCompleted), fixQuotes($this->areaOfGroundFloor), fixQuotes($this->totalBuildingArea), fixQuotes($this->unitValue), fixQuotes($this->buildingCoreAndAdditionalItems), fixQuotes($this->addItems), fixQuotes($this->depreciationRate), fixQuotes($this->accumulatedDepreciation), fixQuotes($this->depreciatedMarketValue), fixQuotes(time()), fixQuotes($this->modifiedBy), $this->propertyID); //echo $sql; $this->setDB(); $dummySql = sprintf("INSERT INTO dummySQL(queryString) VALUES('%s');", fixQuotes($sql)); $this->db->query($dummySql); $this->db->beginTransaction(); $this->db->query($sql); if ($this->db->Errno != 0) { $this->db->rollbackTransaction(); $this->db->resetErrors(); $ret = false; } else { $this->db->endTransaction(); $ret = $this->propertyID; $this->setDomDocument(); } return $ret; }
function updateRecord() { $sql = sprintf("update %s set" . " code = '%s'" . ", reportCode = '%s'" . ", description = '%s'" . ", value = '%s'" . ", status = '%s'" . " where machineriesDepreciationID = '%s';", MACHINERIES_DEPRECIATION_TABLE, fixQuotes($this->code), fixQuotes($this->reportCode), fixQuotes($this->description), fixQuotes($this->value), fixQuotes($this->status), $this->machineriesDepreciationID); //echo $sql; $this->setDB(); $this->db->beginTransaction(); $this->db->query($sql); if ($this->db->Errno != 0) { $this->db->rollbackTransaction(); $this->db->resetErrors(); $ret = false; } else { $this->db->endTransaction(); $ret = $this->machineriesDepreciationID; } return $ret; }
function updateRecord() { $sql = sprintf("update %s set" . " paymentID = '%s'" . ", tdID = '%s'" . ", dueID = '%s'" . ", dueType = '%s'" . ", backtaxTDID = '%s'" . ", taxDue = '%s'" . ", earlyPaymentDiscount = '%s'" . ", advancedPaymentDiscount = '%s'" . ", penalty = '%s'" . ", amnesty = '%s'" . ", balanceDue = '%s'" . ", amountPaid = '%s'" . ", dueDate = '%s'" . ", paymentDate = '%s'" . ", ownerID = '%s'" . ", status = '%s'" . " where paymentID = '%s'", PAYMENT_TABLE, fixQuotes($this->paymentID), fixQuotes($this->tdID), fixQuotes($this->dueID), fixQuotes($this->dueType), fixQuotes($this->backtaxTDID), fixQuotes($this->taxDue), fixQuotes($this->earlyPaymentDiscount), fixQuotes($this->advancedPaymentDiscount), fixQuotes($this->penalty), fixQuotes($this->amnesty), fixQuotes($this->balanceDue), fixQuotes($this->amountPaid), fixQuotes($this->dueDate), fixQuotes($this->paymentDate), fixQuotes($this->ownerID), fixQuotes($this->status), fixQuotes($this->paymentID)); $this->setDB(); $this->db->beginTransaction(); $this->db->query($sql); if ($this->db->Errno != 0) { $this->db->rollbackTransaction(); $this->db->resetErrors(); $ret = false; } else { $this->db->endTransaction(); $ret = $this->paymentID; } return $ret; }
function run($barangayID) { // get od list by barangay $this->formArray["progressLog"] = "gathering RPUs..."; $db = new DB_RPTS(); $sql = "SELECT " . OD_TABLE . ".odID as odID " . "FROM " . OD_TABLE . " " . "LEFT JOIN " . LOCATION_TABLE . " " . "ON " . OD_TABLE . ".odID = " . LOCATION_TABLE . ".odID " . "LEFT JOIN " . LOCATIONADDRESS_TABLE . " " . "ON " . LOCATION_TABLE . ".locationAddressID=" . LOCATIONADDRESS_TABLE . ".locationAddressID " . "LEFT JOIN " . BARANGAY_TABLE . " " . "ON " . BARANGAY_TABLE . ".barangayID=" . LOCATIONADDRESS_TABLE . ".barangayID " . "LEFT JOIN " . ODHISTORY_TABLE . " " . "ON " . OD_TABLE . ".odID = " . ODHISTORY_TABLE . ".previousODID " . "WHERE " . BARANGAY_TABLE . ".barangayID='" . fixQuotes($barangayID) . "' " . "AND " . ODHISTORY_TABLE . ".previousODID IS NULL " . "AND ((" . OD_TABLE . ".transactionCode='GR' AND " . OD_TABLE . ".dateCreated <= " . fixQuotes($this->formArray["countBackDaysTimeStr"]) . ") " . "OR (" . OD_TABLE . ".transactionCode!='GR'))"; $db->query($sql); $this->formArray["totalCreated"] = 0; $ctr = 0; $this->formArray["progressLog"] = "RPUs gathered..."; $total = $db->nf(); while ($db->next_record()) { $ctr++; // NCC Modification checked and implemented by K2 : November 17, 2005 // details: // commented out link 659 that uses $this->RunGeneralRevision(); // added line 660 that uses $this->RunGeneralRevisionBrgy(); //$newODID = $this->RunGeneralRevision($db->f("odID"),$this->userID,"GR"); $newODID = $this->RunGeneralRevisionBrgy($db->f("odID"), $this->userID, "GR"); if ($newODID == "" || $newODID == false || is_numeric($newODID) == false) { // skipped $this->formArray["progressLog"] = "[" . $ctr . "/" . $total . "]...[skipped odID:" . $db->f("odID") . "]" . "\n" . $this->formArray["progressLog"]; } else { // ran $this->formArray["progressLog"] = "[" . $ctr . "/" . $total . "]...[archived odID:" . $db->f("odID") . " | created odID:" . $newODID . "]" . "\n" . $this->formArray["progressLog"]; $this->formArray["totalCreated"]++; } } $this->formArray["totalArchived"] = $db->num_rows(); }
function updateRecordTotals() { $sql = sprintf("update %s set" . " landTotalMarketValue = '%s'" . ", landTotalAssessedValue = '%s'" . ", plantTotalMarketValue = '%s'" . ", plantTotalAssessedValue = '%s'" . ", bldgTotalMarketValue = '%s'" . ", bldgTotalAssessedValue = '%s'" . ", machTotalMarketValue = '%s'" . ", machTotalAssessedValue = '%s'" . ", totalMarketValue = '%s'" . ", totalAssessedValue = '%s'" . ", dateModified = '%s'" . ", modifiedBy = '%s'" . ", archive = '%s'" . " where rptopID = '%s';", RPTOP_TABLE, fixQuotes($this->landTotalMarketValue), fixQuotes($this->landTotalAssessedValue), fixQuotes($this->plantTotalMarketValue), fixQuotes($this->plantTotalAssessedValue), fixQuotes($this->bldgTotalMarketValue), fixQuotes($this->bldgTotalAssessedValue), fixQuotes($this->machTotalMarketValue), fixQuotes($this->machTotalAssessedValue), fixQuotes($this->totalMarketValue), fixQuotes($this->totalAssessedValue), fixQuotes(time()), fixQuotes($this->modifiedBy), fixQuotes($this->archive), $this->rptopID); //echo $sql; //* $this->setDB(); $this->db->beginTransaction(); $this->db->query($sql); if ($this->db->Errno != 0) { $this->db->rollbackTransaction(); $this->db->resetErrors(); $ret = false; } else { $this->db->endTransaction(); $ret = $this->rptopID; } //*/ return $ret; }
function updateRecord() { $sql = sprintf("update %s set" . " provincialCityShare = '%s'" . ", municipalShare = '%s'" . ", barangayShare = '%s'" . ";", SHARES_TABLE, fixQuotes($this->provincialCityShare), fixQuotes($this->municipalShare), fixQuotes($this->barangayShare)); //echo $sql; $this->setDB(); $this->db->beginTransaction(); $this->db->query($sql); if ($this->db->Errno != 0) { $this->db->rollbackTransaction(); $this->db->resetErrors(); $ret = false; } else { $this->db->endTransaction(); $ret = true; } return $ret; }
function updateRecord() { $sql = sprintf("update %s set" . " code = '%s'" . ", districtID = '%s'" . ", description = '%s'" . ", status = '%s'" . " where barangayID = '%s';", BARANGAY_TABLE, fixQuotes($this->code), fixQuotes($this->districtID), fixQuotes($this->description), fixQuotes($this->status), $this->barangayID); //echo $sql; $this->setDB(); $this->db->beginTransaction(); $this->db->query($sql); if ($this->db->Errno != 0) { $this->db->rollbackTransaction(); $this->db->resetErrors(); $ret = false; } else { $this->db->endTransaction(); $ret = $this->barangayID; } return $ret; }
function updateRecord() { if ($this->propertyAdministrator->personID == "") { $this->propertyAdministrator->setPersonType("propertyAdmin"); $this->propertyAdministrator->personID = $this->propertyAdministrator->insertRecord(); } else { $this->propertyAdministrator->setPersonType("propertyAdmin"); $this->propertyAdministrator->personID = $this->propertyAdministrator->updateRecord(); } $sql = sprintf("update %s set" . " afsID = '%s'" . ", arpNumber = '%s'" . ", propertyIndexNumber = '%s'" . ", propertyAdministrator = '%s'" . ", verifiedBy = '%s'" . ", plottingsBy = '%s'" . ", notedBy = '%s'" . ", marketValue = '%s'" . ", kind = '%s'" . ", actualUse = '%s'" . ", adjustedMarketValue = '%s'" . ", assessmentLevel = '%s'" . ", assessedValue = '%s'" . ", previousOwner = '%s'" . ", previousAssessedValue = '%s'" . ", taxability = '%s'" . ", effectivity = '%s'" . ", appraisedBy = '%s'" . ", appraisedByDate = '%s'" . ", recommendingApproval = '%s'" . ", recommendingApprovalDate = '%s'" . ", approvedBy = '%s'" . ", approvedByDate = '%s'" . ", memoranda = '%s'" . ", postingDate = '%s'" . ", octTctNumber = '%s'" . ", surveyNumber = '%s'" . ", north = '%s'" . ", east = '%s'" . ", south = '%s'" . ", west = '%s'" . ", boundaryDescription = '%s'" . ", classification = '%s'" . ", subClass = '%s'" . ", area = '%s'" . ", unit = '%s'" . ", unitValue = '%s'" . ", adjustmentFactor = '%s'" . ", percentAdjustment = '%s'" . ", valueAdjustment = '%s'" . ", idle = '%s'" . ", contested = '%s'" . ", dateModified = '%s'" . ", modifiedBy = '%s'" . "where propertyID = '%s';", LAND_TABLE, fixQuotes($this->afsID), fixQuotes($this->arpNumber), fixQuotes($this->propertyIndexNumber), fixQuotes($this->propertyAdministrator->personID), fixQuotes($this->verifiedBy), fixQuotes($this->plottingsBy), fixQuotes($this->notedBy), fixQuotes($this->marketValue), fixQuotes($this->kind), fixQuotes($this->actualUse), fixQuotes($this->adjustedMarketValue), fixQuotes($this->assessmentLevel), fixQuotes($this->assessedValue), fixQuotes($this->previousOwner), fixQuotes($this->previousAssessedValue), fixQuotes($this->taxability), fixQuotes($this->effectivity), fixQuotes($this->appraisedBy), fixQuotes($this->appraisedByDate), fixQuotes($this->recommendingApproval), fixQuotes($this->recommendingApprovalDate), fixQuotes($this->approvedBy), fixQuotes($this->approvedByDate), fixQuotes($this->memoranda), fixQuotes($this->postingDate), fixQuotes($this->octTctNumber), fixQuotes($this->surveyNumber), fixQuotes($this->north), fixQuotes($this->east), fixQuotes($this->south), fixQuotes($this->west), fixQuotes($this->boundaryDescription), fixQuotes($this->classification), fixQuotes($this->subClass), fixQuotes($this->area), fixQuotes($this->unit), fixQuotes($this->unitValue), fixQuotes($this->adjustmentFactor), fixQuotes($this->percentAdjustment), fixQuotes($this->valueAdjustment), fixQuotes($this->idle), fixQuotes($this->contested), fixQuotes(time()), fixQuotes($this->modifiedBy), $this->propertyID); //echo $sql; $this->setDB(); $this->db->beginTransaction(); $this->db->query($sql); if ($this->db->Errno != 0) { $this->db->rollbackTransaction(); $this->db->resetErrors(); $ret = false; } else { $this->db->endTransaction(); $ret = $this->propertyID; $this->setDomDocument(); } return $ret; }
function updateRecord() { $sql = sprintf("update %s set" . " basicReceiptAmount = '%s'" . ", basicReceiptNumber = '%s'" . ", basicPreviousReceiptNumber = '%s'" . ", basicPreviousReceiptDate = '%s'" . ", basicReceiptIDCSV = '%s'" . ", sefReceiptAmount = '%s'" . ", sefReceiptNumber = '%s'" . ", sefPreviousReceiptNumber = '%s'" . ", sefPreviousReceiptDate = '%s'" . ", sefReceiptIDCSV = '%s'" . ", idleReceiptAmount = '%s'" . ", idleReceiptNumber = '%s'" . ", idlePreviousReceiptNumber = '%s'" . ", idlePreviousReceiptDate = '%s'" . ", idleReceiptIDCSV = '%s'" . ", paymentMode = '%s'" . ", checkNumber = '%s'" . ", dateOfCheck = '%s'" . ", draweeBank = '%s'" . ", cityTreasurer = '%s'" . ", deputyTreasurer = '%s'" . ", receiptDate = '%s'" . ", receivedFrom = '%s'" . ", receivedFromName = '%s'" . ", status = '%s'" . ", dateModified = NOW()" . ", modifiedBy = '%s'" . " WHERE mergedReceiptID='%s' " . ";", $this->MERGEDRECEIPT_TABLE, fixQuotes($this->basicReceiptAmount), fixQuotes($this->basicReceiptNumber), fixQuotes($this->basicPreviousReceiptNumber), fixQuotes($this->basicPreviousReceiptDate), fixQuotes($this->basicReceiptIDCSV), fixQuotes($this->sefReceiptAmount), fixQuotes($this->sefReceiptNumber), fixQuotes($this->sefPreviousReceiptNumber), fixQuotes($this->sefPreviousReceiptDate), fixQuotes($this->sefReceiptIDCSV), fixQuotes($this->idleReceiptAmount), fixQuotes($this->idleReceiptNumber), fixQuotes($this->idlePreviousReceiptNumber), fixQuotes($this->idlePreviousReceiptDate), fixQuotes($this->idleReceiptIDCSV), fixQuotes($this->paymentMode), fixQuotes($this->checkNumber), fixQuotes($this->dateOfCheck), fixQuotes($this->draweeBank), fixQuotes($this->cityTreasurer), fixQuotes($this->deputyTreasurer), fixQuotes($this->receiptDate), fixQuotes($this->receivedFrom), fixQuotes($this->receivedFromName), fixQuotes($this->status), fixQuotes($this->modifiedBy), fixQuotes($this->mergedReceiptID)); //echo $sql; $this->setDB(); $this->db->beginTransaction(); $this->db->query($sql); if ($this->db->Errno != 0) { $this->db->rollbackTransaction(); $this->db->resetErrors(); $ret = false; } else { $this->db->endTransaction(); $ret = true; } return $ret; }
function updateRecord() { $sql = sprintf("update %s set" . " dueID = '%s'" . ", tdID = '%s'" . ", dueType = '%s'" . ", dueDate = '%s'" . ", basicTax = '%s'" . ", basicTaxRate = '%s'" . ", sefTax = '%s'" . ", sefTaxRate = '%s'" . ", idleTax = '%s'" . ", idleTaxRate = '%s'" . " where dueID = '%s';", DUE_TABLE, fixQuotes($this->dueID), fixQuotes($this->tdID), fixQuotes($this->dueType), toMysqlDate($this->dueDate), fixQuotes($this->basicTax), fixQuotes($this->basicTaxRate), fixQuotes($this->sefTax), fixQuotes($this->sefTaxRate), fixQuotes($this->idleTax), fixQuotes($this->idleTaxRate), fixQuotes($this->dueID)); $this->setDB(); $this->db->beginTransaction(); $this->db->query($sql); if ($this->db->Errno != 0) { $this->db->rollbackTransaction(); $this->db->resetErrors(); $ret = false; } else { $this->db->endTransaction(); $ret = $this->dueID; } return $ret; }