function loadTemplate($file, $rec = null)
    global $scart;
    $file = PATHTOTEMPLATESEDIT . "/" . $file;
    $lines = file($file);
    foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line_value) {
        if ($line_num > 0) {
            $working .= $line_value;
    $read = $working;
    preg_match_all('([[a-z|_]+])', $read, $matches);
    if (is_array($matches)) {
        foreach ($matches[0] as $key => $value) {
            $findme = $value;
            $rec_value = substr(trim($value, "]"), 1);
            $replacewith = $rec[$rec_value];
            if ($value == "[date]") {
                $replacewith = fixDate($rec[$rec_value]);
            if ($value == "[phone]") {
                $replacewith = fixPhone($rec[$rec_value]);
            if ($value == "[buyers_name]") {
                $replacewith = stripslashes($_SESSION[SHOPPING_SESSION_ID]["field"]["fname"]) . " " . stripslashes($_SESSION[SHOPPING_SESSION_ID]["field"]["lname"]);
            if ($value == "[company_name]") {
                $replacewith = COMPANYNAME;
            if ($value == "[company_phone]") {
                $replacewith = fixPhone(CONTACTPHONE);
            if ($value == "[company_email]") {
                $replacewith = COMPANYEMAIL;
            if ($value == "[admin_email]") {
                $replacewith = SEND_SMTP_TO;
            if ($value == "[invoice_amount]") {
                $replacewith = "\$" . number_format($rec["amount"], 2);
            if ($value == "[invoice_number]") {
                $replacewith = $rec["inv_numb"];
            if ($value == "[approval_code]") {
                $replacewith = $rec["trans_numb"];
            if ($value == "[last_four]") {
                $replacewith = $rec["last_four"];
            if ($value == "[giftcard_program]") {
                $replacewith = GIFTCARD_PROGRAM;
            $read = str_replace($findme, stripslashes($replacewith), $read);
    return $read;
function assignLocalI($row, $is4cOps, $updated)
    global $dbConn2;
    // table-arrays.
    // in core_op
    // Card#, Person#, Name
    global $custdata;
    // Contact points for Card#
    global $meminfo;
    // Whether/how to contact.
    global $memContact;
    // Membership start, i.e. join date
    global $memDates;
    // Member Card barcode lookup.
    global $memberCards;
    // in core_trans
    global $stockpurchases;
    // DML arrays.
    global $insertCustdata;
    global $insertMeminfo;
    global $insertMemContact;
    global $insertMemDates;
    global $insertMemberCards;
    global $insertStockpurchases;
    global $updateCustdata;
    global $updateMeminfo;
    global $updateMemContact;
    global $updateMemDates;
    global $updateMemberCards;
    global $updateStockpurchases;
    /* custdata
    $custdata[CardNo] = $row[member_id];
    // This lets autoincrement of do its thing.
    $custdata[id] = "";
    // Fields that are the same for all.
    $custdata[CashBack] = 999.99;
    // double
    $custdata[Type] = "PC";
    $custdata[memType] = $row[mti];
    // int
    $firstNames = array();
    $lastNames = array();
    $insertCustdata = array();
    // Organization
    if ($row[organization_name] != "") {
        $lastNames[] = $row[organization_name];
        $firstNames[] = $row[first_name];
        //echo "Names 0 >",$lastNames[0],"<  >$row[first_name]<\n";
    } else {
        if ($row[middle_name] != "") {
            $firstNames[] = "{$row[first_name]}|{$row[middle_name]}";
        } else {
            $firstNames[] = $row[first_name];
        $lastNames[] = $row[last_name];
    // Make a custdata record for each person.
    for ($personNum = 1; $personNum <= count($firstNames); $personNum++) {
        $custdata[personNum] = $personNum;
        // Index to names arrays.
        $i = $personNum - 1;
        $custdata[FirstName] = fixName($firstNames[$i]);
        $custdata[LastName] = fixName($lastNames[$i]);
        $custdata[blueLine] = "\"{$custdata['CardNo']} {$custdata['LastName']}";
        $custdata[LastChange] = $updated;
        if ($is4cOps[custdata] == "insert") {
            // $insertCustdata is an array of statements to execute later.
            $insertCustdata[$i] = "INSERT INTO custdata (\nCardNo,\npersonNum,\nLastName,\nFirstName,\nCashBack,\nType,\nmemType,\nblueLine,\nLastChange,\nid)\nVALUES (\n{$custdata['CardNo']},\n{$custdata['personNum']},\n{$dbConn2->escape($custdata[LastName])},\n{$dbConn2->escape($custdata[FirstName])},\n{$custdata['CashBack']},\n{$dbConn2->escape($custdata[Type])},\n{$custdata['memType']},\n{$dbConn2->escape($custdata[blueLine])},\n{$dbConn2->escape($custdata[LastChange])},\n{$dbConn2->escape($custdata[id])}\n);";
        } elseif ($is4cOps[custdata] == "update") {
            // $updateCustdata is an array of statements to execute later.
            $updateCustdata[$i] = "UPDATE custdata SET \nLastName = {$dbConn2->escape($custdata[LastName])}\n, FirstName = {$dbConn2->escape($custdata[FirstName])}\n, LastChange = {$dbConn2->escape($custdata[LastChange])}\n, blueLine = {$dbConn2->escape($custdata[blueLine])}\nWHERE CardNo = {$custdata['CardNo']}\nAND\npersonNum = {$custdata['personNum']}\n;";
        } else {
            echo "Bad is4cOps, personNum: {$personNum} >{$is4cOps[custdata]}<\n";
        // each person on the card
    /* meminfo
    $meminfo[card_no] = $custdata[CardNo];
    // Need fixAddress to capitalize first letter of each word.
    $meminfo[street] = fixAddress($row[street_address]);
    if ($row[supplemental_address_1] != "") {
        $meminfo[street] .= ", {$row['supplemental_address_1']}";
    if ($row[supplemental_address_2] != "") {
        $meminfo[street] .= ", {$row['supplemental_address_2']}";
    $meminfo[city] = fixCity($row[city]);
    $meminfo[zip] = fixPostalCode($row[postal_code]);
    $meminfo[state] = fixProvince($row[state_province_id], $row[province], $meminfo[city], $meminfo[zip]);
    $meminfo[phone] = fixPhone($row[phone]);
    $meminfo[email_1] = $row[email];
    // Use for 2nd phone if there is one. None I know of.
    $meminfo[email_2] = "";
    // What should the source for this be? contact.is_opt_out == 1 -> ads_OK = 0.
    //$meminfo[ads_OK] = "1";
    $meminfo[ads_OK] = $row[is_opt_out] == "1" ? "0" : "1";
    if ($is4cOps[meminfo] == "insert") {
        // Compose the insert statement.
        $insertMeminfo = "INSERT INTO meminfo (\ncard_no\n,street\n,city\n,state\n,zip\n,phone\n,email_1\n,email_2\n,ads_OK\n)\nVALUES (\n{$meminfo['card_no']}\n, {$dbConn2->escape($meminfo[street])}\n, {$dbConn2->escape($meminfo[city])}\n, {$dbConn2->escape($meminfo[state])}\n, {$dbConn2->escape($meminfo[zip])}\n, {$dbConn2->escape($meminfo[phone])}\n, {$dbConn2->escape($meminfo[email_1])}\n, {$dbConn2->escape($meminfo[email_2])}\n, {$meminfo['ads_OK']}\n);";
        // update
    } else {
        $updateMeminfo = "UPDATE meminfo SET\nstreet =  {$dbConn2->escape($meminfo[street])}\n,city = {$dbConn2->escape($meminfo[city])}\n,state = {$dbConn2->escape($meminfo[state])}\n,zip = {$dbConn2->escape($meminfo[zip])}\n,phone = {$dbConn2->escape($meminfo[phone])}\n,email_1 = {$dbConn2->escape($meminfo[email_1])}\n,email_2 = {$dbConn2->escape($meminfo[email_2])}\n,ads_OK = {$meminfo['ads_OK']}\nWHERE card_no = {$meminfo['card_no']}\n;";
    /* memDates
            Date the person became a member.
            May change if expiry implemented, so code.
    if ($row[start_date] != "") {
        $memDates[card_no] = $custdata[CardNo];
        // Civi is date, IS4C is datetime
        //   The time part is set to 00:00:00
        // Is conversion needed? Seems OK without.
        $memDates[start_date] = $row[start_date];
        if ($row[end_date] != "") {
            $memDates[end_date] = $row[end_date];
        if ($is4cOps[memDates] == "insert") {
            // Compose the insert statement.
            $insertMemDates = "INSERT INTO memDates (\ncard_no\n,start_date\n,end_date\n)\nVALUES (\n{$memDates['card_no']}\n, '{$memDates['start_date']}'\n, '{$memDates['end_date']}'\n);";
        } else {
            // Compose the update statement.
            $updateMemDates = "UPDATE memDates SET\nstart_date = '{$memDates['start_date']}'\n, end_date = '{$memDates['end_date']}'\nWHERE card_no = {$memDates['card_no']}\n;";
        // memDates, if anything to record.
    /* memContact
            Preference about being contacted.
               0 => no contact
               1 => postal mail only  # WEFC doesn't do, so not used.
               2 => email only    # Default.
               3 => both    # Not used.
            May want to do only if "no".
    $memContact[card_no] = $custdata[CardNo];
    // 29Nov12 WEFC_Toronto really only does email at this point, so ingore the other do_not*
    if ($row[do_not_email] == 1) {
        // no contact
        $memContact[pref] = 0;
    } else {
        // email
        $memContact[pref] = 2;
    if ($is4cOps[memContact] == "insert") {
        // Compose the insert statement.
        $insertMemContact = "INSERT INTO memContact (\ncard_no\n,pref\n)\nVALUES (\n{$memContact['card_no']}\n, {$memContact['pref']}\n);";
    } else {
        // Compose the update statement.
        $updateMemContact = "UPDATE memContact SET\npref = '{$memContact['pref']}'\nWHERE card_no = {$memContact['card_no']}\n;";
    /* #'m memberCards
    if ($row[mcard] != "" && $row[mcard] != "0") {
        $memberCards[card_no] = $custdata[CardNo];
        $memberCards[upc] = sprintf("00401229%05d", $row[mcard]);
        if ($is4cOps[memberCards] == "insert") {
            // Compose the insert statement.
            $insertMemberCards = "INSERT INTO memberCards (\ncard_no\n,upc\n)\nVALUES (\n{$memberCards['card_no']}\n, '{$memberCards['upc']}'\n);";
        } else {
            // Compose the update statement.
            $updateMemberCards = "UPDATE memberCards SET\nupc = '{$memberCards['upc']}'\nWHERE card_no = {$memberCards['card_no']}\n;";
        // memberCards, if anything to record.
    /* stockpurchases
    // assignLocalI
 /* meminfo
 $meminfo[card_no] = $custdata[CardNo];
 // Need fixAddress to capitalize first letter of each word.
 $meminfo[street] = fixAddress($row[street_address]);
 if ($row[supplemental_address_1] != "") {
     $meminfo[street] .= ", {$row['supplemental_address_1']}";
 if ($row[supplemental_address_2] != "") {
     $meminfo[street] .= ", {$row['supplemental_address_2']}";
 // Need fixCity to capitalize first letter.
 $meminfo[city] = fixCity($row[city]);
 $meminfo[state] = getProvince($row[state_province_id], 1);
 $meminfo[zip] = fixPostalCode($row[postal_code]);
 $meminfo[phone] = fixPhone($row[phone]);
 $meminfo[email_1] = $row[email];
 // Use for 2nd phone is there is one. None I know of.
 $meminfo[email_2] = "";
 // What should the source for this be?
 $meminfo[ads_OK] = "1";
 if ($is4cOp[meminfo] == "insert") {
     // Compose the insert statement.
     $insertMeminfo = "INSERT INTO meminfo (\ncard_no\n,street\n,city\n,state\n,zip\n,phone\n,email_1\n,email_2\n,ads_OK\n)\nVALUES (\n{$meminfo['card_no']}\n, '{$meminfo['street']}'\n, '{$meminfo['city']}'\n, '{$meminfo['state']}'\n, '{$meminfo['zip']}'\n, '{$meminfo['phone']}'\n, '{$meminfo['email_1']}'\n, '{$meminfo['email_2']}'\n, {$meminfo['ads_OK']}\n);";
     // update
 } else {
     $updateMeminfo = "UPDATE meminfo SET\nstreet =  '{$meminfo['street']}'\n,city = '{$meminfo['city']}'\n,state = '{$meminfo['state']}'\n,zip = '{$meminfo['zip']}'\n,phone = '{$meminfo['phone']}'\n,email_1 = '{$meminfo['email_1']}'\n,email_2 = '{$meminfo['email_2']}'\n,ads_OK = {$meminfo['ads_OK']}\nWHERE card_no = {$meminfo['card_no']}\n;";
 /* memDates
         Date the person became a member.
         May change if expiry implemented, so code.
 function cardSericeDirectory($rec)
     $result = "";
     if ($rec["sponsor_flag"] == "1") {
         $result .= "<img src=\"" . IMAGEDIR . "/sponsor_logo.jpg\" style=\"display: block; float: left; border:0; margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;;\">\r\n";
     $bold = "";
     if ($rec["bold_flag"] == "1") {
         $bold = " bold";
     $result .= "<span class=\"large black" . $bold . "\">" . stripslashes($rec["business_name"]) . "</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;\r\n";
     $result .= "<span class=\"medium blue\">";
     if ($rec["phone"] != "") {
         $result .= fixPhone($rec["phone"]) . "\r\n";
     if (trim($rec["web_address"]) != "") {
         $result .= " | <a href=\"goto.php?id=" . $rec['record_id'] . "&t=w\" class=\"medium blue underline\" target=\"_blank\">Visit Web Site</a>\r\n";
     $result .= "</span>";
     $result .= "<span class=\"medium blue\">";
     if (trim($rec["full_address"]) != "") {
         $result .= "<br/>" . stripslashes($rec["full_address"]) . ", \r\n";
     if (trim($rec["city_name"]) != "") {
         $result .= stripslashes($rec["city_name"]) . ", ";
     if (trim($rec["state_code"]) != "") {
         $result .= $rec["state_code"] . " ";
     if (trim($rec["zip"]) != "" && trim($rec["zip"]) != 0) {
         $result .= $rec["zip"] . "\r\n";
     if ($rec["sd_profile"] != "") {
         $result .= "</span><span class='medium black'><br/><i>" . $rec["sd_profile"] . "</i>\r\n";
     if ($rec["sponsor_flag"] == "1") {
         $result .= "<br/><a href=\"goto.php?id=" . $rec["record_id"] . "&t=d\" class='medium blue'>Click for Profile</a>\r\n";
     $result .= "</span><br/>\r\n";
     return $result;
Esempio n. 5
        mail(SEND_SMTP_TO, $subject, $build, SMTP_HEADERS, "-f" . SMTP_FROM_EMAIL);


echo buildMessage($message);

<p class="medium">For all corrections, updates, and advertising opportunities, contact our sales department at
echo fixPhone(CONTACTPHONE);
 or use the form below.</p>

<form action="<?php 
echo $PHP_SELF;
" method="post">
<div class="form-row">
	<div class="field-name">Your Name:</div>
	<div class="field-value"><input type="text" name="name" value="<?php 
echo stripslashes($_POST["name"]);
" class="form"></div>
if ($biz->rec["state_code"] != "") {
    $build .= $biz->rec["state_code"] . " ";
if ($biz->rec["zip"] != "") {
    $build .= $biz->rec["zip"] . " &nbsp;&nbsp;";
if ($biz->rec["phone"] != "") {
    $build .= fixPhone($biz->rec["phone"]) . " &nbsp;&nbsp;";
if (trim($biz->rec["web_address"]) != "") {
    $build .= "<a href=\"goto.php?id=" . $biz->rec["record_id"] . "&t=w\" class=\"medium blue underline\" target=\"_blank\">Visit Web Site</a> &nbsp;&nbsp;\r\n";
if ($biz->rec["sponsor_flag"] != "") {
    $build .= "<br/><b><i>Sponsored Listing</i></b>\r\n";
$page_title = PAGETITLE . ": " . $biz->rec["business_name"] . " " . fixPhone($biz->rec["phone"]);
$page_keywords = $biz->rec["search_terms"] . " " . $biz->rec["full_address"] . " " . $biz->rec["city_name"] . " " . $biz->rec["state_code"] . " " . $biz->rec["zip"];
$page_description = $biz->rec["profile_text"] . " " . PAGE_DESCRIPTION;

getHeader("public", "yes");

echo $biz->buildBreadTrail("cat");
	<div style="display: block; float: right; width: 300px;">
		<div id="map" style="height:300px;margin-bottom:20px;"></div>
		<div class="coupon-box"><?php 
echo $ads->buildAd(300);
 function buildCompanyList()
     $query_statement = "SELECT * FROM `" . MP_TABLE_NAME . "` WHERE `" . MP_TABLE_NAME . "`.`record_id` = '" . $_GET["company"] . "';";
     $query1 = mysql_query($query_statement);
     $rec1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query1);
     $logo = PATHTODATADIR . "/" . $rec1["record_id"] . "/bizlogo.jpg";
     $build .= "<div class=\"gift-company\">";
     if (is_file($logo)) {
         $build .= "<img src=\"" . HTMLTODATADIR . "/" . $rec1["record_id"] . "/bizlogo.jpg\" border=1><br/>";
     $build .= "<b>" . htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($rec1["business_name"])) . "</b><br/>";
     if ($rec1["full_address"] != "") {
         $build .= htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($rec1["full_address"])) . "\r\n";
     if ($rec1["city_name"] != "") {
         $build .= $rec1["city_name"] . " ";
     if ($rec1["state_code"] != "") {
         $build .= $rec1["state_code"] . " ";
     if ($rec1["zip"] != "") {
         $build .= $rec1["zip"] . "<br/>\r\n";
     if ($rec1["phone"] != "") {
         $build .= fixPhone($rec1["phone"]) . "\r\n";
     $build .= "<br/><a href=\"business_detail.php?id=" . $rec1["record_id"] . "\" class=\"small blue bold\">MAP</a>\r\n";
     $build .= "</div>";
     $query_statement = "SELECT * FROM `" . GC_TABLE_NAME . "` WHERE `" . GC_TABLE_NAME . "`.`marketplace_id` = '" . $rec1["record_id"] . "';";
     $query = mysql_query($query_statement);
     while ($rec = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
         $query_statement = "SELECT * FROM `" . GC_CARDS_NAME . "` WHERE `giftcard_id` = '" . $rec["id"] . "' AND `status` = '1';";
         $queryA = mysql_query($query_statement);
         $quantity = mysql_num_rows($queryA);
         if ($quantity > "0") {
             $recA = mysql_fetch_assoc($queryA);
             $cards .= "<div class=\"gift-company\">\r\n";
             $cards .= "<span class=\"black\">List Price: </span><span class=\"gc-special\"><strike>\$" . number_format($rec["value"], 2) . "</strike></span><br/>\r\n";
             $cards .= "<span class=\"black\">Sales Price: </span><span class=\"gc-special\">\$" . number_format($rec["price"], 2) . "</span><br/>\r\n";
             $cards .= "<span class=\"black\">Qty. Available: </span><span class=\"gc-special\">" . $quantity . "</span><br/>\r\n";
             $cards .= "<span class=\"extra-small black\">See Restriction List #" . $i . "</span><br/>\r\n";
             $cards .= "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?company=" . $_GET["company"] . "&add=" . $rec["id"] . "\" class=\"add-to-cart\">Add To Cart</a>\r\n";
             $cards .= "</div>\r\n";
             $restriction_box .= "<div class=\"gift-restrictions\"><u>Restriction List #" . $i . "</u><br/>" . $rec["restrictions"] . "</div>";
     $build .= $cards;
     $build .= "<div class=\"gift-list\">" . $rec1["profile_text"] . "</div>";
     $build .= $restriction_box;
     return $build;