 * @param $task
 * @param $args
 * Arg[0] is one of "schema" (element set), "vocab" or "vocabulary"
 * arg[1] is the vocabulary name.
 *        The file type is determined by the extension and must be one of "json", "rdf", "csv", "xml"
 * arg[2] is the vocabulary id
 * arg[3] is the batch id
 * arg[4] [optional] is -d
 * @throws Exception
function run_import_vocabulary($task, $args)

    //check the argument counts
    if (count($args) < 1) {
        throw new Exception('You must provide a vocabulary type.');

    if (count($args) < 2) {
        throw new Exception('You must provide a file name.');

    if (count($args) < 3) {
        throw new Exception('You must provide a vocabulary id.');

    //set the arguments
    $type          = strtolower($args[0]);
    $filePath      = $args[1];
    $vocabId       = $args[2];
    $batchId       = isset($args[3]) ? $args[3] : "";
    $deleteMissing = (isset($args[4]) && ("-d" == $args[4]));

    //do some basic validity checks

    if (! in_array(
    ) {
        throw new Exception('You must import into a schema or a vocab');

    if ("vocabulary" == $type) {
        $type = "vocab";

    if (! is_numeric($vocabId)) {
        throw new Exception('You must provide a valid ID');

    //does the file exist?
    if (! file_exists($filePath)) {
        //default to the site upload path
        $filePath = $GLOBALS['uploadPath'] . $filePath;
        if (! file_exists($filePath)) {
        throw new Exception('You must supply a valid file to import: ' . $filePath);

    //is the file a valid type?
    if (preg_match('/^.+\.([[:alpha:]]{2,4})$/', $filePath, $matches)) {
        if (! in_array(
        ) {
            throw new Exception('You must provide a valid file type based on the extension');
    } else {
        throw new Exception("File type cannot be determined from the file extension");

    $fileType = $matches[1];

    //is the object a valid object?
    if ('vocab' == $type) {
        $vocabObj = VocabularyPeer::retrieveByPK($vocabId);
        if (is_null($vocabObj)) {
            throw new Exception('Invalid vocabulary ID');

        //set some defaults
        $baseDomain = $vocabObj->getBaseDomain();
        $language   = $vocabObj->getLanguage();
        $statusId   = $vocabObj->getStatusId();
        $userId     = $vocabObj->getCreatedUserId();
        $agentId    = $vocabObj->getAgentId();

        //get a skos property id map
        $skosMap = SkosPropertyPeer::getPropertyNames();

        //there has to be a hash or a slash
        $tSlash = preg_match('@(/$)@i', $vocabObj->getUri()) ? '' : '/';
        $tSlash = preg_match('/#$/', $vocabObj->getUri()) ? '' : $tSlash;
    } else {
        $import               = new ImportVocab($type, $filePath, $vocabId);

    /* From here on the process is the same regardless of UI */
    //     check to see if file has been uploaded before
    //          check import history for file name
    $importHistory = FileImportHistoryPeer::retrieveByLastFilePath($filePath);
    //          if reimport
    //               get last import history for filename
    //               unserialize column map
    //               match column names to AP based on map
    //     look for matches in unmatched field/column names to AP (ideal)
    //     csv table of data --
    //          row1: parsed field names/column headers
    //          row2: select dropdown with available fields from object AP (pre-select known matches)
    //                each select identified by column number
    //          row3: display datatype of selected field (updated dynamically when field selected)
    //          row4-13: first 10 rows of parsed data from file
    //     require a column that can match to 'URI' (maybe we'll allow an algorithm later)
    //     require columns that are required by AP
    //     on reimport there should be a flag to 'delete missing properties' from the current data
    //     note: at some point there will be a reimport process that allows URI changing
    //          this will require that there be an OMR identifier embedded in the incoming data

    switch ($fileType) {
        case "csv":
            if ('vocab' == $type) {
                // Get array of heading names found
                $headings = $reader->getHeadings();
                $fields   = ConceptPeer::getFieldNames();

                //set the map
                //      $map[] = array("property" => "Uri", "column" => "URILocal");
                //      $map[] = array("property" => "prefLabel", "column" => "skos:prefLabel");
                //      $map[] = array("property" => "definition", "column" => "skos:definition");
                //      $map[] = array("property" => "notation", "column" => "skos:notation");
                //      $map[] = array("property" => "scopeNote", "column" => "skos:scopeNote");

                $map = array(
                  "uri"        => "URILocal",
                  "prefLabel"  => "skos:prefLabel",
                  "definition" => "skos:definition",
                  "notation"   => "skos:notation",
                  "scopeNote"  => "skos:scopeNote"

                $rows = 0;


                //    serialize the column map
                try {
                    while ($row = $reader->getRow()) {
                        $rows ++;
                        //        lookup the URI (or the OMR ID if available) for a match
                        $uri        = $baseDomain . $row[$map["uri"]];
                        $concept    = ConceptPeer::getConceptByUri($uri);
                        $updateTime = time();
                        $language   = (isset($map['language'])) ? $row[$map['language']] : $vocabObj->getLanguage();

                        if (! $concept) {
                            //          create a new concept or element
                            $concept = new Concept();
                             * @todo Need to handle updates for topconcept here, just like language
                        } //don't update the concept if the preflabel matches
                        else if ($row[$map['prefLabel']] != $concept->getPrefLabel()) {
                            $concept->updateFromRequest($userId, fixEncoding(rtrim($row[$map['prefLabel']])));

                        //there needs to be a language to lookup the properties unless it's an objectProperty
                        $rowLanguage = (isset($map['language'])) ? $row[$map['language']] : $concept->getLanguage();

                        foreach ($map as $key => $value) {
                            //we skip because we already did them
                            if (! in_array(
                            ) {
                                $skosId = $skosMap[$key];
                                //check to see if the property already exists
                                $property =
                                  ConceptPropertyPeer::lookupProperty($concept->getId(), $skosId, $rowLanguage);

                                //create a new property for each unmatched column
                                if (! empty($row[$value])) {
                                    if (! $property) {
                                        $property = new ConceptProperty();

                                    if (($row[$value] != $property->getObject()) ||
                                        ($rowLanguage != $property->getLanguage())
                                    ) {
                                         * @todo We need a check here for skos objectproperties and handle differently
                                        if ($rowLanguage != $property->getLanguage()) {
                                        if ($row[$value] != $property->getObject()) {
                                } //the row value is empty
                                else if ($deleteMissing && $property) {

                        //          else
                        //               lookup and update concept or element
                        //               lookup and update each property
                        //          update the history for each property, action is 'import', should be a single timestamp for all (this should be automatic)
                        //          if 'delete missing properties' is true
                        //               delete each existing, non-required property that wasn't updated by the import
                } catch(Exception $e) {
                    //          catch
                    //            if there's an error of any kind, write to error log and continue
                    echo "Error on row: " . $rows . ", " . $uri . "\n" . $e . "\n";
                $objects = $vocabObj->countConcepts();
            } else //it's an element set
                //todo: $results should be a class
                $results[$vocabId] = $import->results;
                $bacthId = $import->saveResults($batchId);
        case "json":
        case "rdf":
        case "xml":

    /* output to stdout*/
    //          number of objects imported (link to history, filtered on timestamp of import)
    echo " Rows imported: " . count($results[$vocabId]['success']['rows']) . "\n From File:" . $filePath . "\nUse this ID for more in this batch: " . $bacthId;
    //          number of errors (link to error log)

Esempio n. 2
//add your app secret
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $consumerKey . ':' . $consumerSecret);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
$bearer_token = json_decode($result);
$bearer = $bearer_token->{'access_token'};
// this is your app token
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/search/tweets.json?geocode=" . $_GET["y"] . "," . $_GET["x"] . "," . $km . "km");
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Authorization: Bearer ' . $bearer));
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$result = curl_exec($curl);
$result = fixEncoding($result);
$result = json_decode($result, true);
$html = "<table class='lista4'>";
foreach ($result["statuses"] as $r) {
    $usuario = $r["user"];
    $html .= "<tr><td><img src='" . $usuario["profile_image_url"] . "' /></td>";
    $html .= "<td><a href='http://twitter.com/" . $usuario["screen_name"] . "' target=_blank '>" . $usuario["screen_name"] . "</a><br>";
    $html .= "<span style=color:gray >" . $r["created_at"] . "</span><br>";
    $html .= $r["text"] . "<br></td></tr>";
echo $html . "</table>";
function fixEncoding($in_str)
    $cur_encoding = mb_detect_encoding($in_str);
    if ($cur_encoding == "UTF-8" && mb_check_encoding($in_str, "UTF-8")) {
        return $in_str;
 if (strlen(trim($line[0])) > 0) {
     $booking_option_name = $line[0];
 $booking_option = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT * FROM {booking_options} WHERE institution LIKE :institution AND text LIKE :text AND bookingid = :bookingid AND coursestarttime = :coursestarttime', array('institution' => $line[3], 'text' => $booking_option_name, 'bookingid' => $booking->id, 'coursestarttime' => $startDate->getTimestamp()));
 if (empty($booking_option)) {
     $bookingObject = new stdClass();
     $bookingObject->bookingid = $booking->id;
     $bookingObject->text = fixEncoding($booking_option_name);
     $bookingObject->description = '';
     $bookingObject->maxanswers = 0;
     $bookingObject->maxoverbooking = 0;
     $bookingObject->courseid = $booking->course;
     $bookingObject->coursestarttime = $startDate->getTimestamp();
     $bookingObject->courseendtime = $endDate->getTimestamp();
     $bookingObject->institution = fixEncoding($line[3]);
     $bookingObject->address = fixEncoding($line[4]);
     $bid = $DB->insert_record('booking_options', $bookingObject, TRUE);
     $bookingObject->id = $bid;
     $booking_option = $bookingObject;
 if ($teacher) {
     $getUser = $DB->get_record('booking_teachers', array('bookingid' => $booking->id, 'userid' => $teacher->id, 'optionid' => $booking_option->id));
     if ($getUser === FALSE) {
         $newTeacher = new stdClass();
         $newTeacher->bookingid = $booking->id;
         $newTeacher->userid = $teacher->id;
         $newTeacher->optionid = $booking_option->id;
         $DB->insert_record('booking_teachers', $newTeacher, TRUE);
 } else {
     echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('noteacherfound', 'booking', $i) . $line[5]);
Esempio n. 4
 * The following code is the originally used to create the index, but is
 * run on the new dat file just created
 * Some variables have been renamed and comments have been thrown here and
 * there to make easier reading it
function rebuildIndex($newDatFile)
    global $newIdxFile;
    global $encoding;
    $newDatFHandle = fopen($newDatFile, "r");
    $newIdxFHandle = fopen($newIdxFile, "w");
    if ($newDatFHandle === FALSE || $newIdxFHandle === FALSE) {
        exit("Can't open new data and idx files");
    // Open the new dat file and load its full contents into $content
    $linesArray = array();
    $content = fread($newDatFHandle, filesize($newDatFile));
    $linesArray = preg_split("/\n/is", $content);
    // Read thesaurus line by line
    // First line of every block is an entry and meaning count
    $foffset = 0 + strlen($encoding);
    $i = 1;
    // Index to the current line and to linesArray
    $ne = 0;
    // Number of entries
    $tIndex = array();
    $uniqueWords = array();
    $warnings = 0;
    $maxWarnings = 100;
    $maxWarningsMsg = 0;
    while ($i < sizeof($linesArray)) {
        $rec = $linesArray[$i];
        $rl = strlen($rec) + 1;
        $parts = split("\\|", $rec);
        $entry = fixEncoding($parts[0]);
        if (!isset($parts[1])) {
        $nm = $parts[1];
        $p = 0;
        while ($p < $nm) {
            $meaning = $linesArray[$i];
            $rl = $rl + strlen($meaning) + 1;
        array_push($tIndex, "{$entry}|{$foffset}");
        $uniqueWords[$entry] = 1;
        $foffset = $foffset + $rl;
    # now we have all of the information
    # so sort it and then output the encoding, count and index data
    usort($tIndex, "cmp");
    fwrite($newIdxFHandle, $encoding);
    fwrite($newIdxFHandle, "{$ne}\n");
    foreach ($tIndex as $one) {
        fwrite($newIdxFHandle, "{$one}\n");
Esempio n. 5
    $mbrss = fetch_rss($microblogfeedurl);
    // Fixes the encoding to uf8
    function fixEncoding($in_str)
        $cur_encoding = mb_detect_encoding($in_str);
        if ($cur_encoding == "UTF-8" && mb_check_encoding($in_str, "UTF-8")) {
            return $in_str;
        } else {
            return utf8_encode($in_str);
    // fixEncoding
    $count = 1;
    foreach ($mbrss->items as $post) {
        if ($count <= 3) {
            $post['title'] = fixEncoding($post['title']);
            $post['dc']['date'] = str_replace("T", " @ ", $post['dc']['date']);
            $post['dc']['date'] = str_replace("+00:00", "", $post['dc']['date']);
            $post['title'] = str_replace("!sit", "<a href='http://identi.ca/group/sit'>!sit</a>", $post['title']);
            $post['title'] = preg_replace("/^(.*?):/s", "<a href='http://identi.ca/\$1'>\$1</a>:", $post['title']);
            $post['title'] = preg_replace("!([\n\t ]+)(http[s]?:/{2}[\\w\\.]{2,}[/\\w\\-\\.\\?\\&\\=\\#\$\\%|;|\\[|\\]~:]*)!e", "'\\1<a href=\"\\2\" title=\"\\2\">\\2</a>'", $post['title']);
            echo "<p>{$post['title']}<br />";
            echo "<small><a href='{$post['link']}'>{$post['dc']['date']}</a></small></p>";
echo "<h2>Translation Status</h2>";
echo translation_percent_bar('English (British), en-GB', 100);
echo translation_percent_bar('English (US), en-US', 99.5);
echo translation_percent_bar('Cymraeg, cy-GB', 99.5);
Esempio n. 6
function normalizeString($chaine)
    return fixEncoding($chaine);