Esempio n. 1
This script is used to fecth the details of teh indirect routes.
The script will first find out if the given address is walkable. The walkable is 
any distance that is lee than 500m.

if (isset($_GET['sourceStopName'])&&isset($_GET['destStopName'])&&isset($_GET['sourceOffset'])&&isset($_GET['destOffset']))
	// find out the buses that pass through these stops
Esempio n. 2
function getData($startStop, $endStop, $startDistance, $endDistance)
    $showOnlyIndirectRoutes = 1;
    // find out the buses that pass through these stops
    $checkString = findDistanceBetweenSourceDestination($startStop, $endStop);
    $arr = array();
    $arr = split(":", $checkString);
    $strRoute1 = '';
    $strRoute2 = '';
    $strRoute3 = '';
    $strRoute4 = '';
    $minimalDistanceOption7 = 10000;
    $minimalDistanceOption8 = 10000;
    if ($arr[4] < 0.7) {
        $strRoute = '';
        $routeDetails = htmlentities($startStop) . ":" . $arr[0] . ":" . $arr[1] . ":" . htmlentities($endStop) . ":" . $arr[2] . ":" . $arr[3] . ":" . $arr[4];
        $strRoute = '<Routes>';
        $strRoute = $strRoute . '<Route>';
        $strRoute = $strRoute . '<IsDirectRoute>N</IsDirectRoute>';
        $strRoute = $strRoute . '<ErrorCode>5</ErrorCode>';
        $strRoute = $strRoute . '<RouteDetails>' . $routeDetails . '</RouteDetails>';
        $strRoute = $strRoute . '</Route>';
        $strRoute = $strRoute . '</Routes>';
        return $strRoute;
        //echo "The distance is walkable";
    } else {
        $startBuses = explode(",", getBusesForStopWithFrequency($startStop));
        $endBuses = explode(",", getBusesForStopWithFrequency($endStop));
        // for now pick the first entry as the bus number but we need to do some optimization on choosing the buses based on their frequency, the stop number etc
        // print_r($arrCommonBuses);
        //echo getJunctionsForIndirectBuses($arrCommonBuses,$startStop,$endStop,$startDistance,$endDistance);
        $status = getJunctionsForIndirectBusesRevamp3($startStop, $endStop, $startBuses, $endBuses, $startDistance, $endDistance, 0);
        //echo "normal status".$status."<br/>";
        // this should not be the case now but just for the sake of eror handling
        if ($status == "404" || $status == "405") {
            list($endStopDepotName, $endStopDepotDistance) = explode(":", getDepotName($endStop));
            list($startStopDepotName, $startStopDepotDistance) = explode(":", getDepotName($startStop));
            $startStopStartDepotDistance = $startStopDepotDistance;
            $endDepotEndStopDistance = $endStopDepotDistance;
            // echo "StartStop=>".$startStop.":".$startStopDepotName.",".$startStopDepotDistance."<br/>EndStop=>".$endStop.":".$endStopDepotName.",".$endStopDepotDistance;
            $totalDistanceForCase1 = 10000;
            $totalDistanceForCase2 = 10000;
            // intension is that it is possible to take only one detour, starting from the start depot
            if ($startStopDepotDistance < (double) 7) {
                //get the direct buses between the startStop and depot
                //echo "first case";
                //find direct bus between start stop and start depot + distance
                $startStopStartDepotCommonBuses = getBusesCommonBetweenTwoStops($startStop, $startStopDepotName);
                if (sizeof($startStopStartDepotCommonBuses) > 0) {
                    $startStopStartDepotDistance = $startStopDepotDistance;
                    $startDepotEndStopCommonBuses = getBusesCommonBetweenTwoStops($startStopDepotName, $endStop);
                    //echo sizeof($startDepotEndStopCommonBuses);
                    if (sizeof($startDepotEndStopCommonBuses) > 0) {
                        $startDepotEndStopDistance = distanceBetweenStops($startStopDepotName, $endStop);
                        $totalDistanceForCase1 = $startDistance + $startStopStartDepotDistance + $startDepotEndStopDistance + $endDistance;
                        $routeInfoString = "There is no direct or indirect bus availalble between " . $startStop . " and " . $endStop . " We have tried to find a route that takes you to a stop where you can find a bus to your destination. However you might have to travel little offroute to reach to the intermediate stop";
                        $strRoute1 = '<Routes>';
                        $strRoute1 = $strRoute1 . '<Route>';
                        $strRoute1 = $strRoute1 . '<IsDirectRoute>N</IsDirectRoute>';
                        $strRoute1 = $strRoute1 . '<ErrorCode>7</ErrorCode>';
                        $strRoute1 = $strRoute1 . "<RouteInfo>" . $routeInfoString . "</RouteInfo>";
                        $routeDetail = "<StartStop>" . htmlentities($startStop) . "</StartStop>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<EndStop>" . htmlentities($endStop) . "</EndStop>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<Depot>" . htmlentities($startStopDepotName) . ":" . getLatitudeLongitude($startStopDepotName) . ":" . getBusesForStop($startStopDepotName) . "</Depot>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<BusesStartStopAndDepot>" . implode(",", $startStopStartDepotCommonBuses) . "</BusesStartStopAndDepot>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<BusesEndStopAndDepot>" . implode(",", $startDepotEndStopCommonBuses) . "</BusesEndStopAndDepot>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<DistanceBetweenDepotAndStartStop>" . $startStopStartDepotDistance . "</DistanceBetweenDepotAndStartStop>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<DistanceBetweenDepotAndEndStop>" . $startDepotEndStopDistance . "</DistanceBetweenDepotAndEndStop>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<TotalRouteDistance>" . $totalDistanceForCase1 . "</TotalRouteDistance>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<UseDepot>1</UseDepot>";
                        $strRoute1 = $strRoute1 . '<RouteDetails>' . $routeDetail . '</RouteDetails>';
                        $strRoute1 = $strRoute1 . '</Route>';
                        $strRoute1 = $strRoute1 . '</Routes>';
                        // echo $strRoute1;
            // check if the detour is from the endpoint side
            //2. possible to have startStop->EndDepot->endpoint using Bus1, Bus2
            if ($endStopDepotDistance < (double) 7) {
                //echo "second case";
                //find the direct bus between start stop and end depot +distance
                $startStopEndDepotCommonBuses = getBusesCommonBetweenTwoStops($startStop, $endStopDepotName);
                if (sizeof($startStopEndDepotCommonBuses) > 0) {
                    //echo "first condifition";
                    $startStopEndDepotDistance = distanceBetweenStops($startStop, $endStopDepotName);
                    $endDepotEndStopCommonBuses = getBusesCommonBetweenTwoStops($endStopDepotName, $endStop);
                    if (sizeof($endDepotEndStopCommonBuses) > 0) {
                        //find the direct bus between end depot and the end stop + distnace
                        $endDepotEndStopDistance = $endStopDepotDistance;
                        $totalDistanceForCase2 = $startDistance + $startStopEndDepotDistance + $endDepotEndStopDistance + $endDistance;
                        $routeInfoString = "There is no direct or indirect bus availalble between " . $startStop . " and " . $endStop . ". We have tried to find a route that takes you to a stop where you can find a bus to your destination. However you might have to travel little offroute to reach to the intermediate stop";
                        $strRoute2 = '<Routes>';
                        $strRoute2 = $strRoute2 . '<Route>';
                        $strRoute2 = $strRoute2 . '<IsDirectRoute>N</IsDirectRoute>';
                        $strRoute2 = $strRoute2 . '<ErrorCode>8</ErrorCode>';
                        $strRoute2 = $strRoute2 . "<RouteInfo>" . $routeInfoString . "</RouteInfo>";
                        $routeDetail = "<StartStop>" . htmlentities($startStop) . "</StartStop>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<EndStop>" . htmlentities($endStop) . "</EndStop>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<Depot>" . htmlentities($endStopDepotName) . ":" . getLatitudeLongitude($endStopDepotName) . ":" . getBusesForStop($endStopDepotName) . "</Depot>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<BusesStartStopAndDepot>" . implode(",", $startStopEndDepotCommonBuses) . "</BusesStartStopAndDepot>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<BusesEndStopAndDepot>" . implode(",", $endDepotEndStopCommonBuses) . "</BusesEndStopAndDepot>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<DistanceBetweenDepotAndStartStop>" . $startStopEndDepotDistance . "</DistanceBetweenDepotAndStartStop>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<DistanceBetweenDepotAndEndStop>" . $endDepotEndStopDistance . "</DistanceBetweenDepotAndEndStop>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<TotalRouteDistance>" . $totalDistanceForCase2 . "</TotalRouteDistance>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<UseDepot>1</UseDepot>";
                        $strRoute2 = $strRoute2 . '<RouteDetails>' . $routeDetail . '</RouteDetails>';
                        $strRoute2 = $strRoute2 . '</Route>';
                        $strRoute2 = $strRoute2 . '</Routes>';
            //echo "tt".$totalDistanceForCase1.",".$totalDistanceForCase2;
            if ($totalDistanceForCase1 > $totalDistanceForCase2) {
                return $strRoute2;
            } else {
                if ($totalDistanceForCase1 < $totalDistanceForCase2) {
                    return $strRoute1;
            // if both the start poit detour and the endpoint detour failed that means you dont have the buses either from the
            // detour to the endpoint or between the start point and the detour
            if ($totalDistanceForCase1 == 10000 && $totalDistanceForCase2 == 10000) {
                if ($startStopDepotDistance < (double) 7) {
                    //echo "hi";
                    $routeInfoString = "There is no direct or indirect bus availalble between " . $startStop . " and " . $endStop . ". We have tried to find a route that takes you to a stop where you can find a bus to your destination. However you might have to travel little offroute to reach to the intermediate stop";
                    $startStopStartDepotCommonBuses = getBusesCommonBetweenTwoStops($startStop, $startStopDepotName);
                    $strRoute3 = '<Routes>';
                    $strRoute3 = $strRoute3 . '<IsDirectRoute>N</IsDirectRoute>';
                    $strRoute3 = $strRoute3 . '<ErrorCode>9</ErrorCode>';
                    $strRoute3 = $strRoute3 . "<RouteInfo>" . $routeInfoString . "</RouteInfo>";
                    $routeDetail = "<StartStop>" . htmlentities($startStop) . "</StartStop>";
                    $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<EndStop>" . htmlentities($endStop) . "</EndStop>";
                    $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<Depot>" . htmlentities($startStopDepotName) . ":" . getLatitudeLongitude($startStopDepotName) . ":" . getBusesForStop($startStopDepotName) . "</Depot>";
                    $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<BusesBetweenStopAndDepot>" . implode(",", $startStopStartDepotCommonBuses) . "</BusesBetweenStopAndDepot>";
                    $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<DistanceBetweenDepotAndStop>" . $startStopStartDepotDistance . "</DistanceBetweenDepotAndStop>";
                    //  echo "==================";
                    $startDepotBuses = explode(",", getBusesForStopWithFrequency($startStopDepotName));
                    $totalDistanceBeforeReachingToDepot = $startDistance + $startStopStartDepotDistance;
                    $indirectRoutesDetails = getJunctionsForIndirectBusesRevamp3($startStopDepotName, $endStop, $startDepotBuses, $endBuses, 0, $endDistance, $showOnlyIndirectRoutes, 1, $totalDistanceBeforeReachingToDepot);
                    if ($indirectRoutesDetails != "404" && $indirectRoutesDetails != "405") {
                        list($indirectBusesBetweenDepotAndEndpoint, $minimalDistanceOption7) = explode("^", $indirectRoutesDetails);
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<indirectRoutes>" . $indirectBusesBetweenDepotAndEndpoint . "</indirectRoutes>";
                        $strRoute3 = $strRoute3 . '<RouteDetails>' . $routeDetail . '</RouteDetails>';
                        $strRoute3 = $strRoute3 . '</Routes>';
                        //echo $strRoute3;
                    } else {
                        $minimalDistanceOption7 = 10000;
                if ($endStopDepotDistance < (double) 7) {
                    $routeInfoString = "There is no direct or indirect bus availalble between " . $startStop . " and " . $endStop . ". We have tried to find a route that takes you to a stop where you can find a bus to your destination. However you might have to travel little offroute to reach to the intermediate stop";
                    $strRoute4 = '<Routes>';
                    $strRoute4 = $strRoute4 . '<IsDirectRoute>N</IsDirectRoute>';
                    $strRoute4 = $strRoute4 . '<ErrorCode>10</ErrorCode>';
                    $strRoute4 = $strRoute4 . "<RouteInfo>" . $routeInfoString . "</RouteInfo>";
                    $routeDetail = "<StartStop>" . htmlentities($startStop) . "</StartStop>";
                    $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<EndStop>" . htmlentities($endStop) . "</EndStop>";
                    $endDepotEndStopCommonBuses = getBusesCommonBetweenTwoStops($endStopDepotName, $endStop);
                    $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<Depot>" . htmlentities($endStopDepotName) . ":" . getLatitudeLongitude($endStopDepotName) . ":" . getBusesForStop($endStopDepotName) . "</Depot>";
                    $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<BusesBetweenStopAndDepot>" . implode(",", $endDepotEndStopCommonBuses) . "</BusesBetweenStopAndDepot>";
                    $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<DistanceBetweenDepotAndStop>" . $endDepotEndStopDistance . "</DistanceBetweenDepotAndStop>";
                    //  echo "==================";
                    $endDepotBuses = explode(",", getBusesForStopWithFrequency($endStopDepotName));
                    $totalDistanceBeforeReachingToDepot = $endDistance + $endDepotEndStopDistance;
                    $indirectRoutesDetails = getJunctionsForIndirectBusesRevamp3($startStop, $endStopDepotName, $startBuses, $endDepotBuses, $startDistance, 0, $showOnlyIndirectRoutes, 1, $totalDistanceBeforeReachingToDepot);
                    if ($indirectRoutesDetails != "404" && $indirectRoutesDetails != "405") {
                        list($indirectBusesBetweenDepotAndEndpoint, $minimalDistanceOption8) = explode("^", $indirectRoutesDetails);
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<indirectRoutes>" . $indirectBusesBetweenDepotAndEndpoint . "</indirectRoutes>";
                        $strRoute4 = $strRoute4 . '<RouteDetails>' . $routeDetail . '</RouteDetails>';
                        $strRoute4 = $strRoute4 . '</Routes>';
                        //echo $strRoute3;
                    } else {
                        $minimalDistanceOption8 = 10000;
                } else {
                    $minimalDistanceOption7 = 10000;
                    $minimalDistanceOption8 = 10000;
            //echo $minimalDistanceOption7.",".$minimalDistanceOption8;
            if ($minimalDistanceOption7 == 10000 && $minimalDistanceOption8 == 10000) {
                //the depots are too far away
                $strRoute = '<Routes>';
                $strRoute = $strRoute . '<Route>';
                $strRoute = $strRoute . '<IsDirectRoute>N</IsDirectRoute>';
                $strRoute = $strRoute . '<ErrorCode>411</ErrorCode>';
                $strRoute = $strRoute . '<StartStop>' . $startStop . '</StartStop>';
                $strRoute = $strRoute . '<EndStop>' . $endStop . '</EndStop>';
                $strRoute = $strRoute . '</Route>';
                $strRoute = $strRoute . '</Routes>';
                return $strRoute;
            } else {
                if ($minimalDistanceOption7 < $minimalDistanceOption8) {
                    return $strRoute3;
                } else {
                    return $strRoute4;
        } else {
            $strRoute = '<Routes>' . $status . '</Routes>';
            return $strRoute;
    //echo "<sample>hhhh</sample>";
Esempio n. 3
function getData($startStop, $endStop, $startDistance, $endDistance)
    // find out the buses that pass through these stops
    $checkString = findDistanceBetweenSourceDestination($startStop, $endStop);
    $arr = array();
    $arr = explode(":", $checkString);
    if ($arr[4] < 0.7) {
        $strRoute = '';
        $routeDetails = htmlentities($startStop) . ":" . $arr[0] . ":" . $arr[1] . ":" . htmlentities($endStop) . ":" . $arr[2] . ":" . $arr[3] . ":" . $arr[4];
        $strRoute = '<Routes>';
        $strRoute = $strRoute . '<Route>';
        $strRoute = $strRoute . '<IsDirectRoute>N</IsDirectRoute>';
        $strRoute = $strRoute . '<ErrorCode>5</ErrorCode>';
        $strRoute = $strRoute . '<RouteDetails>' . $routeDetails . '</RouteDetails>';
        $strRoute = $strRoute . '</Route>';
        $strRoute = $strRoute . '</Routes>';
        return $strRoute;
        //echo "The distance is walkable";
    } else {
        $startBuses = explode(",", getBusesForStopWithFrequency($startStop));
        $endBuses = explode(",", getBusesForStopWithFrequency($endStop));
        //removed the use of the showdirect buses form the helper
        $status = getJunctionsForIndirectBusesRevamp2($startStop, $endStop, $startBuses, $endBuses, $startDistance, $endDistance, 0);
        //echo "normal status".$status."<br/>";
        // this should not be the case now but just for the sake of eror handling
        if ($status == "404" || $status == "405") {
            list($endStopDepotName, $endStopDepotDistance) = explode(":", getDepotName($endStop));
            list($startStopDepotName, $startStopDepotDistance) = explode(":", getDepotName($startStop));
            $totalDistanceForCase1 = 10000;
            $totalDistanceForCase2 = 10000;
            if ($startStopDepotDistance < (double) 7) {
                //find direct bus between start stop and start depot + distance
                $startStopStartDepotCommonBuses = getBusesCommonBetweenTwoStops($startStop, $startStopDepotName);
                if (sizeof($startStopStartDepotCommonBuses) > 0) {
                    $startStopStartDepotDistance = $startStopDepotDistance;
                    $startDepotEndStopCommonBuses = getBusesCommonBetweenTwoStops($startStopDepotName, $endStop);
                    //echo sizeof($startDepotEndStopCommonBuses);
                    if (sizeof($startDepotEndStopCommonBuses) > 0) {
                        $startDepotEndStopDistance = distanceBetweenStops($startStopDepotName, $endStop);
                        $totalDistanceForCase1 = $startDistance + $startStopStartDepotDistance + $startDepotEndStopDistance + $endDistance;
                        $routeInfoString = "There is no direct or indirect bus availalble between " . $startStop . " and " . $endStop . " We have tried to find a route that takes you to a stop where you can find a bus to your destination. However you might have to travel little offroute to reach to the intermediate stop";
                        $strRoute1 = '<Routes>';
                        $strRoute1 = $strRoute1 . '<Route>';
                        $strRoute1 = $strRoute1 . '<IsDirectRoute>N</IsDirectRoute>';
                        $strRoute1 = $strRoute1 . '<ErrorCode>7</ErrorCode>';
                        $strRoute1 = $strRoute1 . "<RouteInfo>" . $routeInfoString . "</RouteInfo>";
                        $routeDetail = "<StartStop>" . htmlentities($startStop) . "</StartStop>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<EndStop>" . htmlentities($endStop) . "</EndStop>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<Depot>" . htmlentities($startStopDepotName) . ":" . getLatitudeLongitude($startStopDepotName) . "</Depot>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<BusesStartStopAndDepot>" . implode(",", $startStopStartDepotCommonBuses) . "</BusesStartStopAndDepot>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<BusesEndStopAndDepot>" . implode(",", $startDepotEndStopCommonBuses) . "</BusesEndStopAndDepot>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<DistanceBetweenDepotAndStartStop>" . $startStopStartDepotDistance . "</DistanceBetweenDepotAndStartStop>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<DistanceBetweenDepotAndEndStop>" . $startDepotEndStopDistance . "</DistanceBetweenDepotAndEndStop>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<TotalRouteDistance>" . $totalDistanceForCase1 . "</TotalRouteDistance>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<UseDepot>1</UseDepot>";
                        $strRoute1 = $strRoute1 . '<RouteDetails>' . $routeDetail . '</RouteDetails>';
                        $strRoute1 = $strRoute1 . '</Route>';
                        $strRoute1 = $strRoute1 . '</Routes>';
                        // echo $strRoute1;
            // check if the detour is from the endpoint side
            //2. possible to have startStop->EndDepot->endpoint using Bus1, Bus2
            if ($endStopDepotDistance < (double) 7) {
                //echo "second case";
                //find the direct bus between start stop and end depot +distance
                $startStopEndDepotCommonBuses = getBusesCommonBetweenTwoStops($startStop, $endStopDepotName);
                if (sizeof($startStopEndDepotCommonBuses) > 0) {
                    //echo "first condifition";
                    $startStopEndDepotDistance = distanceBetweenStops($startStop, $endStopDepotName);
                    $endDepotEndStopCommonBuses = getBusesCommonBetweenTwoStops($endStopDepotName, $endStop);
                    if (sizeof($endDepotEndStopCommonBuses) > 0) {
                        //find the direct bus between end depot and the end stop + distnace
                        $endDepotEndStopDistance = $endStopDepotDistance;
                        $totalDistanceForCase2 = $startDistance + $startStopEndDepotDistance + $endDepotEndStopDistance + $endDistance;
                        $routeInfoString = "There is no direct or indirect bus availalble between " . $startStop . " and " . $endStop . ". We have tried to find a route that takes you to a stop where you can find a bus to your destination. However you might have to travel little offroute to reach to the intermediate stop";
                        $strRoute2 = '<Routes>';
                        $strRoute2 = $strRoute2 . '<Route>';
                        $strRoute2 = $strRoute2 . '<IsDirectRoute>N</IsDirectRoute>';
                        $strRoute2 = $strRoute2 . '<ErrorCode>8</ErrorCode>';
                        $strRoute1 = $strRoute1 . "<RouteInfo>" . $routeInfoString . "</RouteInfo>";
                        $routeDetail = "<StartStop>" . htmlentities($startStop) . "</StartStop>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<EndStop>" . htmlentities($endStop) . "</EndStop>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<Depot>" . htmlentities($endStopDepotName) . ":" . getLatitudeLongitude($endStopDepotName) . "</Depot>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<BusesStartStopAndDepot>" . implode(",", $startStopEndDepotCommonBuses) . "</BusesStartStopAndDepot>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<BusesEndStopAndDepot>" . implode(",", $endDepotEndStopCommonBuses) . "</BusesEndStopAndDepot>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<DistanceBetweenDepotAndStartStop>" . $startStopEndDepotDistance . "</DistanceBetweenDepotAndStartStop>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<DistanceBetweenDepotAndEndStop>" . $endDepotEndStopDistance . "</DistanceBetweenDepotAndEndStop>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<TotalRouteDistance>" . $totalDistanceForCase2 . "</TotalRouteDistance>";
                        $routeDetail = $routeDetail . "<UseDepot>1</UseDepot>";
                        $strRoute2 = $strRoute2 . '<RouteDetails>' . $routeDetail . '</RouteDetails>';
                        $strRoute2 = $strRoute2 . '</Route>';
                        $strRoute2 = $strRoute2 . '</Routes>';
                        // echo $strRoute2;
            if ($totalDistanceForCase1 < 10000 && $totalDistanceForCase2 < 10000) {
                if ($totalDistanceForCase1 > $totalDistanceForCase2) {
                    return $strRoute2;
                } else {
                    return $strRoute1;
            } else {
                if ($totalDistanceForCase1 == 10000 && $totalDistanceForCase2 == 10000) {
                    if ($startStopDepotDistance < (double) 7 && $endStopDepotDistance < (double) 7) {
                        //find the direct bus between start stop and end depot +distance
                        $startStopStartDepotCommonBuses = getBusesCommonBetweenTwoStops($startStop, $startStopDepotName);
                        $endDepotEndStopCommonBuses = getBusesCommonBetweenTwoStops($endStopDepotName, $endStop);
                        if (sizeof($startStopStartDepotCommonBuses) > 0 && sizeof($endDepotEndStopCommonBuses) > 0) {
                            //echo "hhh";
                            //get the buses between the two depots
                            $busesForStartDepot = explode(",", getBusesForStopWithFrequency($startStopDepotName));
                            $busesForEndDepot = explode(",", getBusesForStopWithFrequency($endStopDepotName));
                            $startStopOffsetDistance = $startDistance;
                            $endStopOffsetDistance = $endDistance;
                            $startStopStartDepotCommonBusesString = implode(",", $startStopStartDepotCommonBuses);
                            $endDepotEndStopCommonBusesString = implode(",", $endDepotEndStopCommonBuses);
                            $interDepotStatus = getJunctionsForInterDepotTravel($startStop, $endStop, $startStopDepotName, $endStopDepotName, $busesForStartDepot, $busesForEndDepot, $startStopOffsetDistance, $endStopOffsetDistance, $startStopStartDepotCommonBusesString, $endDepotEndStopCommonBusesString, $startStopDepotDistance, $endStopDepotDistance, 0);
                            //need to add the bus info between the startstop and depot+last depot and end point
                            if ($interDepotStatus == "409" || $interDepotStatus == "410") {
                                // buses not found between the depots using a single or no hop
                                $strRoute = '<Routes>';
                                $strRoute = $strRoute . '<Route>';
                                $strRoute = $strRoute . '<IsDirectRoute>N</IsDirectRoute>';
                                $strRoute = $strRoute . '<ErrorCode>' . $interDepotStatus . '</ErrorCode>';
                                $strRoute = $strRoute . '</Route>';
                                $strRoute = $strRoute . '</Routes>';
                                return $strRoute;
                            } else {
                                $strRoute = $interDepotStatus;
                                return $strRoute;
                    } else {
                        //the depots are too far away
                        $strRoute = '<Routes>';
                        $strRoute = $strRoute . '<Route>';
                        $strRoute = $strRoute . '<IsDirectRoute>N</IsDirectRoute>';
                        $strRoute = $strRoute . '<ErrorCode>411</ErrorCode>';
                        $strRoute = $strRoute . '</Route>';
                        $strRoute = $strRoute . '</Routes>';
                        return $strRoute;
        } else {
            return $status;
    //echo "<sample>hhhh</sample>";