private function _crawl() { $this->_init(); //preload existing json $files = array(); if (is_dir($this->cache_path)) { $jsons = scandir($this->cache_path); foreach ($jsons as $json_filename) { if (substr($json_filename, -5) != '.json') { continue; } list($file, $type) = explode('.', substr($json_filename, 0, -5)); if ($type != 'updated' && $type != 'log') { continue; } list($project, $lang, $id) = explode('-', $file); $files[$project][$lang][$id][$type] = file_get_json($this->cache_path . $json_filename); unset($file, $type, $project, $lang, $id); } } unset($jsons, $json_filename); //crawl repos and build update $devices_path = $this->repo_path; $devices = @scandir($devices_path); if (!empty($devices)) { foreach ($devices as $device_index => $device) { if (substr($device, 0, 1) == '.' || !is_dir($devices_path . $device . '/')) { unset($devices[$device_index]); continue; } $projects_path = $devices_path . $device . '/'; $projects = scandir($projects_path); if (!empty($projects)) { foreach ($projects as $project_index => $project_filename) { if (substr($project_filename, 0, 3) != 'uw-' || !is_dir($projects_path . $project_filename . '/')) { unset($projects[$project_index]); continue; } list($project, $lang) = explode('-', substr($project_filename, 3)); $ids_path = $projects_path . $project_filename . '/'; $ids = scandir($ids_path); if (!empty($ids)) { foreach ($ids as $id_index => $id) { if (substr($id, 0, 1) == '.' || !is_dir($ids_path . $id . '/')) { unset($ids[$id_index]); continue; } $data =& $files[$project][$lang][$id]; $frames_path = $ids_path . $id . '/'; $frames = scandir($frames_path); if (!empty($frames)) { foreach ($frames as $frame_index => $frame_filename) { if (substr($frame_filename, -4) != '.txt') { unset($frames[$frame_index]); continue; } $frame = substr($frame_filename, 0, -4); $updated = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', filemtime($frames_path . $frame_filename)); if ($data['log'][$device][$frame]['time'] < $updated) { $data['updated']['devices'][$device][$frame] = $updated; $data['updated']['frames'][$frame][] = $device; $data['log'][$device][$frame] = array('time' => $updated, 'action' => 'updated'); } } } unset($frame_index, $frame_filename, $frame, $updated); } } unset($id_index, $id); } } unset($project_index, $project); } } unset($device_index, $device); //update json foreach ($files as $project => $langs) { foreach ($langs as $lang => $ids) { foreach ($ids as $id => $content) { file_put_json($this->cache_path . $this->_get_log_filename($project, $lang, $id, 'updated'), $content['updated']); file_put_json($this->cache_path . $this->_get_log_filename($project, $lang, $id, 'log'), $content['log']); } } } unset($files, $project, $langs, $lang, $ids, $id, $content); }
<?php /** * Generates the address_format_changes.json file. */ set_time_limit(0); date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); // Create a list of changes between the new and the old definitions. $addressFormats = load_definitions('address_format'); $previousAddressFormats = load_definitions('../resources/address_format'); $addressFormatChanges = load_change_listing('address_format'); $addressFormatChanges[] = generate_address_format_changes($previousAddressFormats, $addressFormats); file_put_json('address_format_changes.json', $addressFormatChanges); echo "Generated a list of changes.\n"; /** * Converts the provided data into json and writes it to the disk. */ function file_put_json($filename, $data) { $data = json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); file_put_contents($filename, $data); } /** * Loads all definitions of the provided type (address_format or subdivision). */ function load_definitions($path) { $data = []; if ($handle = opendir($path)) { while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) { if (substr($entry, 0, 1) != '.') {
if (strpos($locale, '-') !== false) { $localeParts = explode('-', $locale); array_pop($localeParts); $parentLocale = implode('-', $localeParts); $diff = array_diff_assoc($formatData, $numberFormats[$parentLocale]); if (empty($diff)) { // The duplicates are not removed right away because they might // still be needed for other duplicate checks (for example, // when there are locales like bs-Latn-BA, bs-Latn, bs). $duplicates[] = $locale; } } } // Remove the duplicates. foreach ($duplicates as $locale) { unset($numberFormats[$locale]); } // Write out the data. foreach ($numberFormats as $locale => $numberFormat) { file_put_json($locale . '.json', $numberFormat); } /** * Converts the provided data into json and writes it to the disk. */ function file_put_json($filename, $data) { $data = json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); // Indenting with tabs instead of 4 spaces gives us 20% smaller files. $data = str_replace(' ', "\t", $data); file_put_contents($filename, $data); }
$a->content(h::{'button[type=submit]'}($L->{$check_dependencies ? $L->yes : 'force_update_not_recommended'})); break; } if (!file_exists(MODULES . "/{$module_name}") && !mkdir(MODULES . "/{$module_name}", 0700)) { $Page->warning($L->cant_unpack_module_no_write_permissions); unlink($tmp_file); break; } $fs = file_get_json("{$tmp_dir}/fs.json"); $extract = array_product(array_map(function ($index, $file) use($tmp_dir, $module_name) { if (!file_exists(dirname(MODULES . "/{$module_name}/{$file}")) && !mkdir(dirname(MODULES . "/{$module_name}/{$file}"), 0700, true)) { return 0; } return (int) copy("{$tmp_dir}/fs/{$index}", MODULES . "/{$module_name}/{$file}"); }, $fs, array_keys($fs))); file_put_json(MODULES . "/{$module_name}/fs.json", array_keys($fs)); unlink($tmp_file); unset($tmp_file, $tmp_dir); if (!$extract) { $Page->warning($L->module_files_unpacking_error); break; } $Config->components['modules'][$module_name] = ['active' => -1, 'db' => [], 'storage' => []]; unset($module_name); ksort($Config->components['modules'], SORT_STRING | SORT_FLAG_CASE); $Config->save(); } elseif ($rc[3] == 'upload') { break; } $show_modules = false; $Page->title($L->installation_of_module($rc[3]));
array_shift($languages); } if (isset($definition['sub_keys'])) { $subdivisionPaths = []; $subdivisionKeys = explode('~', $definition['sub_keys']); foreach ($subdivisionKeys as $subdivisionKey) { $subdivisionPaths[] = $countryCode . '_' . $subdivisionKey; } $groupedSubdivisions += generate_subdivisions($countryCode, [$countryCode], $subdivisionPaths, $languages); } $addressFormats[$countryCode] = $addressFormat; } echo "Writing the final definitions to disk.\n"; // Subdivisions are stored in JSON. foreach ($groupedSubdivisions as $parentId => $subdivisions) { file_put_json('subdivision/' . $parentId . '.json', $subdivisions); } // Generate the subdivision depths for each country. $depths = generate_subdivision_depths($foundCountries); foreach ($depths as $countryCode => $depth) { $addressFormats[$countryCode]['subdivision_depth'] = $depth; } // Address formats are stored in PHP, then manually transferred to // AddressFormatRepository. file_put_php('address_formats.php', $addressFormats); echo "Done.\n"; /** * Converts the provided data into json and writes it to the disk. */ function file_put_json($filename, $data) {
$extract = array_product(array_map(function ($index, $file) use($tmp_dir, $module_dir) { if (!file_exists(dirname(DIR . "/{$file}")) && !mkdir(dirname(DIR . "/{$file}"), 0700, true)) { return 0; } return (int) copy("{$tmp_dir}/fs/{$index}", DIR . "/{$file}"); }, $fs, array_keys($fs))); unlink($tmp_file); unset($tmp_file, $tmp_dir); if (!$extract) { $Page->warning($L->system_files_unpacking_error); unlink(DIR . '/core/fs_old.json'); unlink("{$module_dir}/meta_old.json"); break; } unset($extract); file_put_json(DIR . '/core/fs.json', $fs = array_keys($fs)); /** * Removing of old unnecessary files and directories */ foreach (array_diff(file_get_json(DIR . '/core/fs_old.json'), $fs) as $file) { $file = DIR . "/{$file}"; if (file_exists($file) && is_writable($file)) { unlink($file); if (!get_files_list($dir = dirname($file))) { rmdir($dir); } } } unset($fs, $file, $dir); /** * Updating of System
} $groupedSubdivisions += generate_subdivisions($countryCode, $countryCode, $subdivisionPaths, $languages); } $addressFormats[$countryCode] = $addressFormat; } echo "Writing the final definitions to disk.\n"; // Write the new definitions to disk. foreach ($addressFormats as $countryCode => $addressFormat) { file_put_json('address_format/' . $countryCode . '.json', $addressFormat); } foreach ($groupedSubdivisions as $parentId => $subdivisions) { file_put_json('subdivision/' . $parentId . '.json', $subdivisions); } // Generate the subdivision depths for each country. $depths = generate_subdivision_depths($foundCountries); file_put_json('subdivision/depths.json', $depths); echo "Done. You can now apply the library customizations by running 'patch -p2 < ../resources/library_customizations.patch'.\n"; /** * Converts the provided data into json and writes it to the disk. */ function file_put_json($filename, $data) { $data = json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); // Indenting with tabs instead of 4 spaces gives us 20% smaller files. $data = str_replace(' ', "\t", $data); file_put_contents($filename, $data); } /** * Generates a list of all urls that need to be downloaded using aria2. */ function generate_url_list()
$extract = array_product(array_map(function ($index, $file) use($tmp_dir, $theme_dir) { if (!file_exists(dirname("{$theme_dir}/{$file}")) && !mkdir(dirname("{$theme_dir}/{$file}"), 0700, true)) { return 0; } return (int) copy("{$tmp_dir}/fs/{$index}", "{$theme_dir}/{$file}"); }, $fs, array_keys($fs))); unlink($tmp_file); unset($tmp_file, $tmp_dir); if (!$extract) { $Page->warning($L->theme_files_unpacking_error); unlink("{$theme_dir}/fs_old.json"); unlink("{$theme_dir}/meta_old.json"); break; } unset($extract); file_put_json("{$theme_dir}/fs.json", $fs = array_keys($fs)); /** * Removing of old unnecessary files and directories */ foreach (array_diff(file_get_json("{$theme_dir}/fs_old.json"), $fs) as $file) { $file = "{$theme_dir}/{$file}"; if (file_exists($file) && is_writable($file)) { unlink($file); if (!get_files_list($dir = dirname($file))) { rmdir($dir); } } } unset($fs, $file, $dir); unlink("{$theme_dir}/fs_old.json"); unlink("{$theme_dir}/meta_old.json");
$a->content(h::{'button[type=submit]'}($L->{$check_dependencies ? $L->yes : 'force_update_not_recommended'})); return; } if (!file_exists(PLUGINS . "/{$plugin}") && !mkdir(PLUGINS . "/{$plugin}", 0700)) { $Page->warning($L->cant_unpack_plugin_no_write_permissions); unlink($tmp_file); break; } $fs = file_get_json("{$tmp_dir}/fs.json"); $extract = array_product(array_map(function ($index, $file) use($tmp_dir, $plugin) { if (!file_exists(dirname(PLUGINS . "/{$plugin}/{$file}")) && !mkdir(dirname(PLUGINS . "/{$plugin}/{$file}"), 0700, true)) { return 0; } return (int) copy("{$tmp_dir}/fs/{$index}", PLUGINS . "/{$plugin}/{$file}"); }, $fs, array_keys($fs))); file_put_json(PLUGINS . "/{$plugin}/fs.json", array_keys($fs)); unset($tmp_dir); if (!$extract) { $Page->warning($L->plugin_files_unpacking_error); break; } unlink($tmp_file); $plugins[] = $plugin; unset($tmp_file, $plugin); } if (!in_array($rc[3], $Config->components['plugins']) && in_array($rc[3], $plugins)) { $Page->title($L->enabling_of_plugin($rc[3])); $a->content(h::{'p.lead.cs-center'}($L->enabling_of_plugin($rc[3]))); $check_dependencies = check_dependencies($rc[3], 'plugin'); if (!$check_dependencies && $Config->core['simple_admin_mode']) { break;
}); if (empty($diff)) { // The duplicates are not removed right away because they might // still be needed for other duplicate checks (for example, // when there are locales like bs-Latn-BA, bs-Latn, bs). $duplicates[] = $locale; } } } // Remove the duplicates. foreach ($duplicates as $locale) { unset($languages[$locale]); } // Write out the localizations. foreach ($languages as $locale => $localizedLanguages) { $collator = collator_create($locale); uasort($localizedLanguages, function ($a, $b) use($collator) { return collator_compare($collator, $a['name'], $b['name']); }); file_put_json($locale . '.json', $localizedLanguages); } /** * Converts the provided data into json and writes it to the disk. */ function file_put_json($filename, $data) { $data = json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); // Indenting with tabs instead of 4 spaces gives us 20% smaller files. $data = str_replace(' ', "\t", $data); file_put_contents($filename, $data); }
/** * Rebuilding of JavaScript and CSS cache * * @return Page */ protected function rebuild_cache() { $this->includes_dependencies_and_map($dependencies, $includes_map); $structure = []; foreach ($includes_map as $filename_prefix => $includes) { $filename_prefix = str_replace('/', '+', $filename_prefix); $structure[$filename_prefix] = $this->create_cached_includes_files($filename_prefix, $includes); } unset($includes_map, $filename_prefix, $includes); file_put_json(PCACHE . "/{$this->pcache_basename}.json", ['dependencies' => $dependencies, 'structure' => $structure]); unset($structure); Trigger::instance()->run('System/Page/rebuild_cache'); return $this; }
}); if (empty($diff)) { // The duplicates are not removed right away because they might // still be needed for other duplicate checks (for example, // when there are locales like bs-Latn-BA, bs-Latn, bs). $duplicates[] = $locale; } } } // Remove the duplicates. foreach ($duplicates as $locale) { unset($currencies[$locale]); } // Write out the localizations. foreach ($currencies as $locale => $localizedCurrencies) { $collator = collator_create($locale); uasort($localizedCurrencies, function ($a, $b) use($collator) { return collator_compare($collator, $a['name'], $b['name']); }); file_put_json($locale . '.json', $localizedCurrencies); } /** * Converts the provided data into json and writes it to the disk. */ function file_put_json($filename, $data) { $data = json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); // Indenting with tabs instead of 4 spaces gives us 20% smaller files. $data = str_replace(' ', "\t", $data); file_put_contents($filename, $data); }
// when there are locales like bs-Latn-BA, bs-Latn, bs). $duplicates[] = $locale; } } } // Remove the duplicates. foreach ($duplicates as $locale) { unset($countries[$locale]); } // Write out the localizations. foreach ($countries as $locale => $localizedCountries) { $collator = collator_create($locale); uasort($localizedCountries, function ($a, $b) use($collator) { return collator_compare($collator, $a['name'], $b['name']); }); file_put_json($locale . '.json', $localizedCountries); } /** * Converts the provided data into json and writes it to the disk. */ function file_put_json($filename, $data) { $data = json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); // Indenting with tabs instead of 4 spaces gives us 20% smaller files. $data = str_replace(' ', "\t", $data); file_put_contents($filename, $data); } /** * Prepares the currencies for a specific country. */ function prepare_currencies($currencies)
$extract = array_product(array_map(function ($index, $file) use($tmp_dir, $plugin_dir) { if (!file_exists(dirname("{$plugin_dir}/{$file}")) && !mkdir(dirname("{$plugin_dir}/{$file}"), 0700, true)) { return 0; } return (int) copy("{$tmp_dir}/fs/{$index}", "{$plugin_dir}/{$file}"); }, $fs, array_keys($fs))); unlink($tmp_file); unset($tmp_file, $tmp_dir); if (!$extract) { $Page->warning($L->plugin_files_unpacking_error); unlink("{$plugin_dir}/fs_old.json"); unlink("{$plugin_dir}/meta_old.json"); break; } unset($extract); file_put_json("{$plugin_dir}/fs.json", $fs = array_keys($fs)); /** * Removing of old unnecessary files and directories */ foreach (array_diff(file_get_json("{$plugin_dir}/fs_old.json"), $fs) as $file) { $file = "{$plugin_dir}/{$file}"; if (file_exists($file) && is_writable($file)) { unlink($file); if (!get_files_list($dir = dirname($file))) { rmdir($dir); } } } unset($fs, $file, $dir); /** * Updating of plugin
if (isset($cache[$class])) { return require_once $cache[$class]; } $prepared_class_name = ltrim($class, '\\'); if (substr($prepared_class_name, 0, 3) == 'cs\\') { $prepared_class_name = substr($prepared_class_name, 3); } $prepared_class_name = explode('\\', $prepared_class_name); $namespace = count($prepared_class_name) > 1 ? implode('/', array_slice($prepared_class_name, 0, -1)) : ''; $class_name = array_pop($prepared_class_name); /** * Try to load classes from different places. If not found in one place - try in another. */ if (_require_once($file = CLASSES . "/{$namespace}/{$class_name}.php", false) || _require_once($file = THIRDPARTY . "/{$namespace}/{$class_name}.php", false) || _require_once($file = TRAITS . "/{$namespace}/{$class_name}.php", false) || _require_once($file = ENGINES . "/{$namespace}/{$class_name}.php", false) || _require_once($file = MODULES . "/../{$namespace}/{$class_name}.php", false)) { $cache[$class] = realpath($file); file_put_json(CACHE . '/classes_autoloading', $cache); return true; } return false; }, true, true); /** * Correct termination */ register_shutdown_function(function () { if (!class_exists('\\cs\\Core', false)) { return; } Index::instance(true)->__finish(); Page::instance()->__finish(); User::instance(true)->__finish(); });
<?php /** * @package Download * @category modules * @author Nazar Mokrynskyi <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2014, Nazar Mokrynskyi * @license MIT License, see license.txt */ namespace cs; if (!file_exists(DIR . '/downloads')) { $downloads = 0; } else { $downloads = file_get_json(DIR . '/downloads'); } $downloads++; file_put_json(DIR . '/downloads', $downloads); header('Location:', true, 301); interface_off(); Index::instance()->stop = true;