function conv_ringtone($infile, $outbase) { /* $outfile = $outbase .'.wav'; */ $outfile = $outbase . '.mp3'; if (strToLower(subStr($infile, -4, 4)) === '.mp3') { if (fileSize($infile) <= 1000000) { # 1 MB if (!@copy($infile, $outfile)) { return false; } return $outfile; } } /* if (is_executable( '/usr/local/bin/mpg123' )) $mpg123 = '/usr/local/bin/mpg123'; elseif (is_executable( '/usr/bin/mpg123' )) $mpg123 = '/usr/bin/mpg123'; elseif (is_executable( '/bin/mpg123' )) $mpg123 = '/bin/mpg123'; else $mpg123 = 'mpg123'; if (strToLower(subStr($infile, -4, 4)) === '.mp3') { # convert mp3 to wav first $wavfile = $infile .'.wav'; $cmd = $mpg123 .' -m -w - -n 1000 -q '. qsa($infile) .' > '. qsa($wavfile) .' 2>>/dev/null'; # cuts file after 1000 frames (around 2.3 MB, depending on the rate) # don't use -r 8000 as that doesn't really work for VBR encoded MP3s @exec($cmd, $out, $err); if ($err != 0) { if (is_file($wavfile)) @unlink( $wavfile ); return false; } $infile = $wavfile; $rm_tmp = $wavfile; } else $rm_tmp = false; $cmd = 'sox '. qsa($infile) .' -r 8000 -c 1 -w '. qsa($outfile) .' trim 0 125000s 2>>/dev/null'; # WAV, PCM, 8 kHz, 16 bit, mono # "The time for loading the file should not be longer then 3 seconds. # Size < 250 KByte." # cuts file after 125000 samples (around 245 kB, 15 secs) @exec($cmd, $out, $err); if ($err != 0) { # $err == 2 would be unknown format if (is_file($outfile)) @unlink( $outfile ); if ($rm_tmp && is_file($rm_tmp)) @unlink($rm_tmp); return false; } return $outfile; */ //return false; return null; # not implemented }
function drawScores() { $scoresFile = fopen("highscores.txt", "r") or die("Unable to open file!"); $lines = explode("\n", fread($scoresFile, fileSize("highscores.txt"))); fclose($scoresFile); echo "<ol style='color:white;'>"; foreach ($lines as $line) { echo "<li>"; echo $line; echo "</li>"; } echo "</ol>"; }
private function uploadCreate($file_name) { $fileSize = fileSize($file_name); $url = 'http://' . $this->upload_server_ip . '/gupload/create_file'; $param = array('upload_token' => $this->upload_token, 'file_size' => $fileSize, 'slice_length' => 1024, 'ext' => $this->getFileExt($file_name)); try { $result = json_decode(Http::post($url, $param)); if (isset($result->error)) { $error = $result->error; throw new UploadException($error->description, $error->code); } } catch (UploadException $e) { echo $e->getError(); exit; } return $result; }
function addScore($score, $name) { $maxScores = 10; // Open the scores file for reading $scoresFile = fopen("highscores.txt", "r") or die("Unable to open file!"); // Read in the scores $lines = explode("\n", fread($scoresFile, fileSize("highscores.txt"))); // Close the file fclose($scoresFile); // Sort the scores $scores = array($name => intval($score)); //array_push($scores, intval($score)); foreach ($lines as $line) { $data = explode(" ", $line); $name = $data[0]; $score = intval($data[1]); if (empty($scores[$name]) || $score > $scores[$name]) { $scores[$name] = $score; } } arsort($scores); // Remove excess scores while (count($scores) > $maxScores) { array_pop($scores); } // Open the scores file for reading $scoresFile = fopen("highscores.txt", "w") or die("Unable to open file!"); // Write the scores $i; $len = count($scores); foreach ($scores as $name => $score) { fwrite($scoresFile, $name . " " . strval($score)); if ($i < $len - 1) { fwrite($scoresFile, "\n"); } $i += 1; } // Close the file fclose($scoresFile); }
public function __construct($path, $name = null) { // Make sure error logs are ready. if ($this->logging === TRUE) { $this->prepareLogs(); } // See what kind of file we should be working with // If path is simply a pointer to directory we will look to create a new file with name // Otherwise if it is pointing to file, let's open that file. if (is_dir($path) && $name) { // Create a file with that name in this path $this->file = fopen($path . $name, 'w'); $this->path = $path . $name; } else { if (is_file($path) && is_writable($path)) { // Then let's go ahead and read it. $this->file = fopen($path, 'a+'); $this->path = $path; } } // If by this point no file is set, error out. if (!$this->file) { return $this->processError($this->error[100]); die; } // Set some member variables. $this->isOpen = TRUE; $this->fileSize = fileSize($path) . ' bytes'; $this->type = substr(strrchr($path, '.'), 1); $this->contentString = file_get_contents($path); }
function getSize($a) { if (file_exists($a)) { return fileSize($a); } }
/** * Download file * * @param int $id * * @return Response */ public function downloadFile($id) { $file = FmFile::where('status', Constants::$COMMON_STATUSES['public'])->find($id); if (empty($file)) { App::abort('404'); } $filePath = Utilities::getFileUploadPath() . $file->name; $content = file_get_contents($filePath); $contentLength = fileSize($filePath); $headers = array('Content-Length' => $contentLength, 'Content-disposition' => 'attachment; filename=' . $file->original_name); $finfo = new \finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); $contentType = $finfo->buffer($content); if ($contentType == 'audio/mpeg') { $headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'; } $response = Response::make($content); foreach ($headers as $headerName => $headerValue) { $response->header($headerName, $headerValue); } return $response; }
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Course list</title> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <link href="courses.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /> </head> <body> <div id="header"> <h1>Courses at CSE</h1> <!-- Ex. 1: File of Courses --> <p> <?php $courses = file("courses.tsv"); $fileSize = fileSize("courses.tsv"); ?> Course list has <?php echo count($courses); ?> total courses and size of <?php echo $fileSize; ?> bytes. </p> </div> <div class="article"> <div class="section"> <h2>Today's Courses</h2> <!-- Ex. 2: Today’s Courses & Ex 6: Query Parameters -->
<?php echo "Hold on, opening files...\n"; $fh = fopen("version.txt", "r"); $version = fread($fh, fileSize("version.txt")); fclose($fh); echo "Calculating stuffs..."; $version = $version++; echo "You are committing version r{$version}."; $fh = fopen("version.txt", "w"); fwrite($fh, $version); fclose($fh); // loop through each element in the $argv array $i = 0; foreach ($argv as $value) { if (!$i == 0) { $commitdata = $commitdata . $value; } $i++; } system("git commit -a -m 'r{$version} - {$commitdata}'"); echo "Done! Run git push to see it on GitHub.";
return; } sleep(4); clearStatCache(); } # download in progress? # if (file_exists('/tmp/') || (int) @shell_exec('sudo ps ax 2>>/dev/null | grep gpbx-upgrade-download | grep -v grep | wc -l') > 0) { echo '<br /><p>', 'Momentan wird ein Upgrade heruntergeladen.', '</p>', "\n"; $upgrade_info = @gs_file_get_contents($gpbx_userdata . 'upgrades/upgrade-info'); //$upgrade_info = ' gpbx_upgrade_size = 250420000 '; if (preg_match('/^\\s*gpbx_upgrade_size\\s*=\\s*([^\\s]*)/m', $upgrade_info, $m)) { $upgrade_size = (int) _upgrade_info_decode_val($m[1]); if ($upgrade_size > 50) { if (file_exists($gpbx_userdata . 'upgrades/dl/download')) { $download_size = @fileSize($gpbx_userdata . 'upgrades/dl/download'); //$download_size = 210420000; if ($download_size !== false) { echo '<p>', 'Fortschritt', ': <b>', number_format($download_size / $upgrade_size * 100, 1, ',', ''), ' %</b>'; if ($upgrade_size > 1000000) { $factor = 1000000; $units = 'MB'; } elseif ($upgrade_size > 1000) { $factor = 1000; $units = 'kB'; } else { $factor = 1; $units = 'B'; } echo ' (', round($download_size / $factor), ' / ', round($upgrade_size / $factor), ' ', $units, ')</p>', "\n"; echo '<pre>';
<html> <head> <title>Candace's Phonebook</title> <link href="css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="css/indexStylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <div id="contactList" class="container"> <?php //This will generate the list of phonebook entries on this page $phonesFile = fopen("phones.dat", "r") or die("Unable to open file"); if (fileSize("phones.dat") > 0) { $allEntries = fread($phonesFile, filesize("phones.dat")); $entries = explode("\r\n", $allEntries); foreach ($entries as $entry) { if ($entry != $entries[count($entries) - 1]) { echo '<a href="' . "update.php?entry={$entry}" . '">' . $entry . '</a> (<a href="' . "delete.php?entry={$entry}" . '">x</a>)<br />'; } } } else { $allEntries = "No entries"; echo $allEntries . "\r\n"; } ?> <br /><button id="addButton">Add a Phone Number</button> </div>
public function Test_of_binary_data_on_database() { $ar_path = AK_FRAMEWORK_DIR . DS . 'active_record' . DS . 'base.php'; $long_string = file_get_contents($ar_path); $_tmp_file = fopen($ar_path, "rb"); $binary_data = fread($_tmp_file, fileSize($ar_path)); $i = 1; $details = array('varchar_field' => "{$i} string ", 'longtext_field' => $long_string, 'text_field' => "{$i} text", 'logblob_field' => $binary_data, 'date_field' => "2005/05/{$i}", 'datetime_field' => "2005/05/{$i}", 'tinyint_field' => $i, 'integer_field' => $i, 'smallint_field' => $i, 'bigint_field' => $i, 'double_field' => "{$i}.{$i}", 'numeric_field' => $i, 'bytea_field' => $binary_data, 'timestamp_field' => "2005/05/{$i} {$i}:{$i}:{$i}", 'boolean_field' => !($i % 2), 'int2_field' => "{$i}", 'int4_field' => $i, 'int8_field' => $i, 'foat_field' => "{$i}.{$i}", 'varchar4000_field' => "{$i} text", 'clob_field' => "{$i} text", 'nvarchar2000_field' => "{$i} text", 'blob_field' => $binary_data, 'nvarchar_field' => "{$i}", 'decimal1_field' => "{$i}", 'decimal3_field' => $i, 'decimal5_field' => $i, 'decimal10_field' => "{$i}", 'decimal20_field' => $i, 'decimal_field' => $i); $AkTestField = new AkTestField($details); $this->assertEqual($long_string, $binary_data); $this->assertTrue($AkTestField->save()); $AkTestField = new AkTestField($AkTestField->getId()); $this->assertEqual($AkTestField->longtext_field, $long_string); $this->assertEqual($AkTestField->bytea_field, $binary_data); $this->assertEqual($AkTestField->blob_field, $binary_data); $this->assertEqual($AkTestField->logblob_field, $binary_data); }
private function isVaild($file ,$validate) { if($validate === []) return true ; if(array_key_exists("isVaildSize" , $validate)) { $size = strtolower($validate["isVaildSize"]); $sizes = [ "b"=> 1, "kb" => 1024 , "mb" => 1024*1024 , "gb" => 1024*1024*1024, "tb" => 1024*1024*1024*1024, ]; if(preg_match("/kb|mb|gb|tb|byte/" , $validate["isVaildSize"] , $output)) { if(preg_match("/[\>\<\:\=]{1,2}/" ,$validate["isVaildSize"] , $x)) { $validate["isVaildSize"] = str_replace($x[0] , "" , $validate["isVaildSize"]) ; } $size = (int) str_replace($output[0] , "" ,$validate["isVaildSize"]) ; $size*=$sizes[$output[0]] ; if(!$this->isVaildRange(fileSize($file) , $x[0].$size)) { $this->latestValidateError = "inVaildSize" ; return false ; } } } if(in_array("isVaildImage" , $validate) || array_key_exists("isVaildDim" , $validate)) { if($d = getimagesize($file)) { if(array_key_exists("isVaildDim" , $validate)) { $dims = explode("x" , strtolower($validate["isVaildDim"])); if(isset($dims[0])) { if(!$this->isVaildRange($d[0] , $dims[0])) { $this->latestValidateError = "notVaildWidth" ; return false ; } } if(isset($dims[1])) { if(!$this->isVaildRange($d[1] , $dims[1])) { $this->latestValidateError = "notVaildHeight" ; return false ; } } } } else { $this->latestValidateError = "notVaildImage" ; return false ; } } return true ; }
function imagecreatefromblp($fileName, $imgId = 0) { if (!CLISetup::fileExists($fileName)) { CLISetup::log('file ' . $fileName . ' could not be found', CLISetup::LOG_ERROR); return; } $file = fopen($fileName, 'rb'); if (!$file) { CLISetup::log('could not open file ' . $fileName, CLISetup::LOG_ERROR); return; } $fileSize = fileSize($fileName); if ($fileSize < 16) { CLISetup::log('file ' . $fileName . ' is too small for a BLP file', CLISetup::LOG_ERROR); return; } $data = fread($file, $fileSize); fclose($file); // predict replacement patch files // ref: if (substr($data, 0x0, 0x4) == "PTCH") { // strip patch header if (substr($data, 0x40, 0x43) == "COPY") { $data = substr($data, 0x44); } else { CLISetup::log('file ' . $fileName . ' is an incremental patch file and cannot be used by this script.', CLISetup::LOG_ERROR); return; } } if (substr($data, 0, 4) != "BLP2") { CLISetup::log('file ' . $fileName . ' has incorrect/unsupported magic bytes', CLISetup::LOG_ERROR); return; } $header = unpack("Vformat/Ctype/CalphaBits/CalphaType/Cmips/Vwidth/Vheight", substr($data, 4, 16)); $header['mipsOffs'] = unpack("V16", substr($data, 20, 64)); $header['mipsSize'] = unpack("V16", substr($data, 84, 64)); $debugStr = ' header = ' . print_r($header, true); if ($header['format'] != 1) { CLISetup::log('file ' . $fileName . ' has unsupported format' . $debugStr, CLISetup::LOG_ERROR); return; } $offs = $header['mipsOffs'][$imgId + 1]; $size = $header['mipsSize'][$imgId + 1]; while ($imgId > 0) { $header['width'] /= 2; $header['height'] /= 2; $imgId--; } if ($size == 0) { CLISetup::log('file ' . $fileName . ' contains zeroes in a mips table' . $debugStr, CLISetup::LOG_ERROR); return; } if ($offs + $size > $fileSize) { CLISetup::log('file ' . $fileName . ' is corrupted/incomplete' . $debugStr, CLISetup::LOG_ERROR); return; } if ($header['type'] == 1) { $img = icfb1($header['width'], $header['height'], substr($data, 148, 1024), substr($data, $offs, $size)); } else { if ($header['type'] == 2) { $img = icfb2($header['width'], $header['height'], substr($data, $offs, $size), $header['alphaBits'], $header['alphaType']); } else { if ($header['type'] == 3) { $img = icfb3($header['width'], $header['height'], substr($data, $offs, $size)); } else { CLISetup::log('file ' . $fileName . ' has unsupported type' . $debugStr, CLISetup::LOG_ERROR); return; } } } return $img; }
function tAdventure($start = 0, $pts = 0, $items = array(), $said = false, $name) { if ($start == 0) { $rdat["locname"] = "Grand Hallway"; $rdat["locdesc"] = "The grandest hallway of the entire mansion."; $rdat["isItems"] = false; $rdat["connectsLeft"] = true; $rdat["connectsLeftId"] = 1; $rdat["connectsRight"] = true; $rdat["connectsRightId"] = 5; $rdat["connectsStraight"] = false; $rdat["connectsBack"] = false; } elseif ($start == 1) { $rdat["locname"] = "Bedroom Hallway"; $rdat["locdesc"] = "The hall with all of the bedrooms."; $rdat["isItems"] = true; $rdat["items"] = 1; $rdat["connectsLeft"] = true; $rdat["connectsLeftId"] = 2; $rdat["connectsRight"] = false; $rdat["connectsStraight"] = true; $rdat["connectsStraightId"] = 3; $rdat["connectsBack"] = true; $rdat["connectsBackId"] = 0; } elseif ($start == 2) { $rdat["locname"] = "TDLive's Room"; $rdat["locdesc"] = "TDLive's bedroom."; $rdat["isItems"] = true; $rdat["items"] = 2; $rdat["connectsLeft"] = false; $rdat["connectsRight"] = false; $rdat["connectsStraight"] = false; $rdat["connectsBack"] = true; $rdat["connectsBackId"] = 1; } elseif ($start == 3) { $rdat["locname"] = "{$name}'s Room"; $rdat["locdesc"] = "Your room!"; $rdat["isItems"] = false; $rdat["connectsLeft"] = true; $rdat["connectsLeftId"] = 4; $rdat["connectsRight"] = false; $rdat["connectsStraight"] = false; $rdat["connectsBack"] = true; $rdat["connectsBackId"] = 1; } elseif ($start == 4) { $rdat["locname"] = "{$name}'s Bathroom"; $rdat["locdesc"] = "Your bathroom!"; $rdat["isItems"] = true; $rdat["items"] = 3; $rdat["connectsLeft"] = true; $rdat["connectsLeftId"] = 2; $rdat["connectsRight"] = false; $rdat["connectsStraight"] = false; $rdat["connectsBack"] = true; $rdat["connectsBackId"] = 3; } elseif ($start == 5) { $rdat["locname"] = "The Main Hallway"; $rdat["locdesc"] = "Turn 'left' to start the real game."; $rdat["isItems"] = false; $rdat["items"] = null; $rdat["connectsLeft"] = true; $rdat["connectsLeftId"] = 6; $rdat["connectsRight"] = false; $rdat["connectsStraight"] = false; $rdat["connectsBack"] = true; $rdat["connectsBackId"] = 0; } elseif ($start == 6) { if (!$said) { echo "\n\nAs you close the door, you realize that \nyou are at the point of no return.\n\n"; } $rdat["locname"] = "The Dungeon"; $rdat["locdesc"] = "A very dark and dank room. You swear\nthat you can hear breathing in the distance."; $rdat["isItems"] = true; $rdat["items"] = 4; $rdat["connectsLeft"] = false; $rdat["connectsRight"] = false; $rdat["connectsStraight"] = true; $rdat["connectsStraightId"] = 7; $rdat["connectsBack"] = false; } elseif ($start == 7) { $rdat["locname"] = "Cell 1"; $rdat["locdesc"] = "The first cell in the dungeon. You hear\nmany barks."; $rdat["isItems"] = true; $rdat["items"] = 5; $rdat["connectsLeft"] = false; $rdat["connectsRight"] = false; $rdat["connectsStraight"] = true; $rdat["connectsStraightId"] = 8; $rdat["connectsBack"] = true; $rdat["connectsBackId"] = 6; } elseif ($start == 8) { $rdat["locname"] = "Cell 2"; $rdat["locdesc"] = "The second cell in the dungeon. You hear\nmany barks."; $rdat["isItems"] = false; $rdat["connectsLeft"] = false; $rdat["connectsRight"] = false; $rdat["connectsStraight"] = false; $rdat["connectsBack"] = true; $rdat["connectsBackId"] = 7; } else { die("Error in your save file; the location in it\nwas not found. If you are using a greater version\nof tAdventure than before (or, ahem, cheaters), you\nmay need to delete your save file (sorry) and start\nagain."); } $darkrooms = array(8); if (!$said) { echo $rdat["locname"] . "\n\n"; echo $rdat["locdesc"] . "\n\n"; if (!$rdat["isItems"]) { echo "There are no items in this room.\n"; } else { if ($rdat['isItems']) { $itemdata = items($rdat["items"]); $taken = false; foreach ($itemus as $value) { if ($value == $rdat["items"]) { $taken = true; } } if (!$taken) { $name2 = $itemdata["name"]; $desc = $itemdata["desc"]; echo "There is a {$name2} in here!\n{$desc}\n"; } else { echo "There are no items in this room."; } } } } $cmd = cmd(); if (!@isset($cmd) || $cmd == "") { tadventure($start, $pts, $items, true, $name); } elseif ($cmd == 'quit') { if (file_exists(".shocked.tmp")) { unlink(".shocked.tmp"); } if (file_exists(".torch.tmp")) { unlink(".torch.tmp"); } echo "Thanks for playing!\n"; exit; } elseif ($cmd == 'save') { echo "Saving...\n"; $fh = fopen("tadventure_save.txt", 'w') or tAdventure($start, $pts, $items, true, $name); fwrite($fh, "{$start}/{$pts}"); foreach ($items as $value) { fwrite($fh, "/{$value}"); } echo "Game saved!\n"; tAdventure($start, $pts, $items, true, $name); } elseif ($cmd == "update") { system("wget --version > /dev/null", $wgetv); if (!$wgetv == 0) { echo "Error! wget is not installed!\n"; tAdventure($start, $pts, $items, true); } echo "Checking the version...\n"; system("wget -q -O version.txt"); $fh = fopen("version.txt", "r"); $version = fread($fh, fileSize("version.txt")); fclose($fh); if ($version == VERSION || $version < VERSION) { echo "Your version is too new/the latest!\n"; tAdventure($start, $pts, $items, true, $name); } else { echo "Getting tAdventure...\n"; system("wget -q -O adventure.php"); echo "Starting tAdventure...\n\n"; system("php adventure.php", $exitcode); exit($exitcode); } } elseif ($cmd == "room") { echo "\n"; tAdventure($start, $pts, $items); } elseif ($cmd == "left") { if ($rdat["connectsLeft"]) { foreach ($darkrooms as $value) { if ($rdat["connectsLeftId"] == $value) { if (!file_exists(".torch.tmp")) { echo "It's too dark to go down this way!\n"; tAdventure($start, $pts, $items, true, $name); } } } tAdventure($rdat["connectsLeftId"], $pts, $items, false, $name); } else { echo "You can't go left.\n"; tAdventure($start, $pts, $items, true, $name); } } elseif ($cmd == "right") { if ($rdat["connectsRight"]) { foreach ($darkrooms as $value) { if ($rdat["connectsRightId"] == $value) { if (!file_exists(".torch.tmp")) { echo "It's too dark to go down this way!\n"; tAdventure($start, $pts, $items, true, $name); } } } tAdventure($rdat["connectsRightId"], $pts, $items, false, $name); } else { echo "You can't go right.\n"; tAdventure($start, $pts, $items, true, $name); } } elseif ($cmd == "back") { if ($rdat["connectsBack"]) { foreach ($darkrooms as $value) { if ($rdat["connectsBackId"] == $value) { if (!file_exists(".torch.tmp")) { echo "It's too dark to go down this way!\n"; tAdventure($start, $pts, $items, true, $name); } } } tAdventure($rdat["connectsBackId"], $pts, $items, false, $name); } else { echo "You can't go back.\n"; tAdventure($start, $pts, $items, true, $name); } } elseif ($cmd == "straight") { if ($rdat["connectsStraight"]) { foreach ($darkrooms as $value) { if ($rdat["connectsStraightId"] == $value) { if (!file_exists(".torch.tmp")) { echo "It's too dark to go down this way!\n"; tAdventure($start, $pts, $items, true, $name); } } } tAdventure($rdat["connectsStraightId"], $pts, $items, false, $name); } else { echo "You can't go straight.\n"; tAdventure($start, $pts, $items, true, $name); } } elseif ($cmd == "pickup") { if (!$rdat['isItems']) { echo "There isn't anything I can pick up here.\n"; tAdventure($start, $pts, $items, true, $name); } else { if ($rdat["items"] == 2) { if (!file_exists(".shocked.tmp")) { echo "The moment you pick the computer up,\nit shocks you, and TDLive runs in to put it\nback on his desk.\n"; $fh = fopen(".shocked.tmp", 'w'); fclose($fh); } else { echo "TDLive: SO YOU DIDN'T LEARN, HUH?!?\n"; echo "You: AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH\n"; echo "YOU ARE DEAD!\n"; unlink(".shocked.tmp"); sleep(5); tAdventure(null, null, null, null, $name); } tAdventure($start, $pts, $items, true, $name); } foreach ($items as $value) { if ($value == $rdat["items"]) { echo "You can't have two {$value}.\n"; tAdventure($start, $pts, $items, true, $name); } } $itemdata = items($rdat["items"]); $name1 = $itemdata["name"]; $desc = $itemdata["desc"]; echo "You picked up a {$name1}!\n"; $items[] = $rdat["items"]; tAdventure($start, $pts, $items, true, $name); } } elseif ($cmd == "version") { echo "This is TDLive tAdventure.\n"; tAdventure($start, $pts, $items, true, $name); } elseif ($cmd == "inventory") { foreach ($items as $value) { $itemdat = items($value); $name2 = $itemdat["name"]; $desc = $itemdat["desc"]; echo "{$name2} - {$desc}\n"; } tAdventure($start, $pts, $items, true, $name); } elseif ($cmd == "brush") { foreach ($items as $value) { if ($value == 3) { $can = true; } } if ($can && $start == 4) { echo "You brush your teeth. Your teeth feel minty.\n"; tAdventure($start, $pts, $items, true, $name); } else { echo "You must posess the toothbrush and toothpaste\nand be in a bathroom to do this.\n"; tAdventure($start, $pts, $items, true, $name); } } elseif ($cmd == "torch") { foreach ($items as $value) { if ($value == 4) { $can1 = true; } elseif ($value == 5) { $can2 = true; } } if (@$can1 && @$can2 && !file_exists(".torch.tmp")) { echo "You light up the torch and savor its\nlight.\n"; $fh = fopen(".torch.tmp", "w"); fclose($fh); tAdventure($start, $pts, $items, true, $name); } elseif (!@$can1 || !@$can2) { echo "You need the Torch and Matches to do this.\n"; tAdventure($start, $pts, $items, true, $name); } elseif (file_exists('.torch.tmp')) { echo "Your torch is already lit.\n"; tAdventure($start, $pts, $items, true, $name); } } elseif ($cmd == "laugh") { if (!$start == 2) { echo "There isn't anything to laugh at.\n"; } else { echo "Haha. Octocats.\n"; } tAdventure($start, $pts, $items, true, $name); } else { echo "I don't know what '{$cmd}' is!\n"; tAdventure($start, $pts, $items, true, $name); } }
$raw_file = realPath('/tmp/' . $file); if (empty($raw_file) || subStr($raw_file, 0, 5) !== '/tmp/') { header('HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error', true, 500); header('Status: 500 Internal Server Error', true, 500); header('Content-Type: text/plain'); die('Error. Bad filename.'); } if ($raw) { # TIFF header('Content-Type: image/tiff'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $file . '"'); header('Content-Length: ' . (int) @fileSize('/tmp/' . $file)); @readFile('/tmp/' . $file); @unlink('/tmp/' . $file); } else { #PDF $pdf_file = basename($file, '.tif') . '.pdf'; @system('cd /var/spool/hylafax/ && /var/spool/hylafax/bin/tiff2pdf -o ' . qsa('/tmp/' . $pdf_file) . ' ' . qsa('/tmp/' . $file)); unlink('/tmp/' . $file); if (!file_exists('/tmp/' . $pdf_file)) { header('HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error', true, 500); header('Status: 500 Internal Server Error', true, 500); header('Content-Type: text/plain'); die('Error. Failed to convert fax to PDF.'); } header('Content-Type: application/pdf'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $pdf_file . '"'); header('Content-Length: ' . (int) @fileSize('/tmp/' . $pdf_file)); @readFile('/tmp/' . $pdf_file); @unlink('/tmp/' . $pdf_file); }
return; } if (file_exists('/var/lib/dhcp3/dhcpd.leases')) { # Debian 4 $leases_file = '/var/lib/dhcp3/dhcpd.leases'; } elseif (file_exists('/var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases')) { # Debian 5? $leases_file = '/var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases'; } elseif (file_exists('/var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases')) { # RedHat $leases_file = '/var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases'; } else { echo 'dhcpd.leases not found.'; return; } if (@fileSize($leases_file) > 1000000) { # around 4000 leases echo 'Leases file too large to read.'; return; } function un_octal_escape($str) { return preg_replace_callback('/\\\\([0-7]{1,3})/S', create_function('$m', 'return chr(octDec($m[1]));'), $str); } function binary_to_hex($str) { $ret = ''; $c = strLen($str); for ($i = 0; $i < $c; ++$i) { if ($i !== 0) { $ret .= '-';
function Test_of_binary_data_on_database() { $long_string = file_get_contents(AK_LIB_DIR . DS . 'AkActiveRecord.php'); $_tmp_file = fopen(AK_LIB_DIR . DS . 'AkActiveRecord.php', "rb"); $binary_data = fread($_tmp_file, fileSize(AK_LIB_DIR . DS . 'AkActiveRecord.php')); $i = 1; $details = array('varchar_field' => "{$i} string ", 'longtext_field' => $long_string, 'text_field' => "{$i} text", 'logblob_field' => $binary_data, 'date_field' => "2005/05/{$i}", 'datetime_field' => "2005/05/{$i}", 'tinyint_field' => $i, 'integer_field' => $i, 'smallint_field' => $i, 'bigint_field' => $i, 'double_field' => "{$i}.{$i}", 'numeric_field' => $i, 'bytea_field' => $binary_data, 'timestamp_field' => "2005/05/{$i} {$i}:{$i}:{$i}", 'boolean_field' => !($i % 2), 'int2_field' => "{$i}", 'int4_field' => $i, 'int8_field' => $i, 'foat_field' => "{$i}.{$i}", 'varchar4000_field' => "{$i} text", 'clob_field' => "{$i} text", 'nvarchar2000_field' => "{$i} text", 'blob_field' => $binary_data, 'nvarchar_field' => "{$i}", 'decimal1_field' => "{$i}", 'decimal3_field' => $i, 'decimal5_field' => $i, 'decimal10_field' => "{$i}", 'decimal20_field' => $i, 'decimal_field' => $i); $AkTestField = new AkTestField($details); $this->assertEqual($long_string, $binary_data); $this->assertTrue($AkTestField->save()); $AkTestField = new AkTestField($AkTestField->getId()); $this->assertEqual($AkTestField->longtext_field, $long_string); $this->assertEqual($AkTestField->bytea_field, $binary_data); $this->assertEqual($AkTestField->blob_field, $binary_data); $this->assertEqual($AkTestField->logblob_field, $binary_data); //Now we add some more records for next tests foreach (range(2, 10) as $i) { $details = array('varchar_field' => "{$i} string", 'text_field' => "{$i} text", 'date_field' => "2005/05/{$i}", 'datetime_field' => "2005/05/{$i}", 'tinyint_field' => $i, 'integer_field' => $i, 'smallint_field' => $i, 'bigint_field' => $i, 'double_field' => "{$i}.{$i}", 'numeric_field' => $i, 'timestamp_field' => "2005/05/{$i} {$i}:{$i}:{$i}", 'boolean_field' => !($i % 2), 'int2_field' => "{$i}", 'int4_field' => $i, 'int8_field' => $i, 'foat_field' => "{$i}.{$i}", 'varchar4000_field' => "{$i} text", 'clob_field' => "{$i} text", 'nvarchar2000_field' => "{$i} text", 'nvarchar_field' => "{$i}", 'decimal3_field' => $i, 'decimal5_field' => $i, 'decimal10_field' => "{$i}", 'decimal20_field' => $i, 'decimal_field' => $i); $AkTestField = new AkTestField($details); $this->assertTrue($AkTestField->save()); } }
function getSize($lpszFileName, &$width, &$height) { if (!($fh = @fOpen($lpszFileName, "rb"))) { return false; } $data = @fRead($fh, @fileSize($lpszFileName)); @fClose($fh); }
function readDataFile($data_file) { global $node; $datafilep = @fOpen($data_file, 'rb'); if (!$datafilep) { write_log("Cannot open {$data_file} for reading! Using cluster data from configuration. This will reset *all* states!"); return 1; } $datafilesize = fileSize($data_file); $save_struct = @fRead($datafilep, $datafilesize); $node = unSerialize($save_struct); fClose($datafilep); }
static function CompleteStructure() { define("PAGE_ID", isset($_GET['PageID']) ? $_GET['PageID'] : ""); switch (PAGE_ID) { case 'FileEditor': define("DIRECTORY", !is_file($_GET['directory']) ? Others::redirect("?") : realpath(urldecode($_GET['directory']))); define("EDIRECTORY", urlencode(DIRECTORY)); define("ODIRECTORY", dirname(DIRECTORY)); unset($dirName); define("FILEINODE", fileinode(DIRECTORY)); define("FILENAME", basename(DIRECTORY)); define("FILEBYTE", filesize(DIRECTORY)); define("FILECTIME", filectime(DIRECTORY)); define("FILEATIME", fileatime(DIRECTORY)); define("FILEOWNER", fileowner(DIRECTORY)); define("FILETYPE", strtolower(substr(strrchr(FILENAME, "."), 1))); if (FILEBYTE / 1024 > 1024) { die('Dosya çok büyük <button onClick="javascript:window.close();">Kapat</button>'); } if (isset($_POST['fileContents']) && is_string($_POST['fileContents'])) { file_put_contents(DIRECTORY, urldecode($_POST['fileContents'])); Others::redirect(URLm::url("fileEditor", array("file" => DIRECTORY))); } Page::write("editor", array("Title" => "Dosya.Düzenle \"" . FILENAME . "\"", "CSSFile" => Settings::get("CSSFilePath"), "File" => DIRECTORY)); break; default: if (isset($_GET['directory']) && !is_dir($_GET['directory'])) { Others::redirect("?"); } if (isset($_GET['directory']) && is_dir($_GET['directory'])) { $directoryPath = (string) $_GET['directory']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) && is_dir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])) { $directoryPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; } else { $directory = "."; } define("DIRECTORY", realpath($directoryPath)); define("EDIRECTORY", urlencode(DIRECTORY)); if (isset($_REQUEST['procName']) && isset($_REQUEST['filesArray'])) { $filesExp = explode("{}", $_REQUEST['filesArray']); $var = (string) $_REQUEST['variable']; switch ($_REQUEST['procName']) { case 'Move': foreach ($filesExp as $dd) { if (is_dir(DIRECTORY . "/" . $dd) || is_file(DIRECTORY . "/" . $dd)) { rename(DIRECTORY . "/" . $dd, $var . "/" . $dd); } } break; case 'Copy': foreach ($filesExp as $dd) { if (is_dir(DIRECTORY . "/" . $dd)) { File::copyDirectory(DIRECTORY . "/" . $dd, $var . "/" . $dd); } elseif (is_file(DIRECTORY . "/" . $dd)) { copy(DIRECTORY . "/" . $dd, $var . "/" . $dd); } } break; case 'CHMOD': foreach ($filesExp as $dd) { if ($var >= 0 && $var <= 777) { chmod(DIRECTORY . "/" . $dd, $var); } } break; case 'Delete': foreach ($filesExp as $dd) { if (is_dir(DIRECTORY . "/" . $dd)) { File::deleteDirectory(DIRECTORY . "/" . $dd); } elseif (is_file(DIRECTORY . "/" . $dd)) { unlink(DIRECTORY . "/" . $dd); } } } Others::redirect(URLm::url("folderView", array("dir" => DIRECTORY))); } if (isset($_GET['proc'])) { switch ($_GET['proc']) { case 'move': if ($_GET['var'] != "") { rename(DIRECTORY, $_GET['var']); Others::redirect(URLm::url("folderView", array("dir" => $_GET['var']))); } break; case 'copy': if ($_GET['var'] != "") { File::copyDirectory(DIRECTORY, $_GET['var']); Others::redirect(URLm::url("folderView", array("dir" => $_GET['var']))); } break; case 'create': if ($_GET['var'] != "") { $exp = explode(":", $_GET['var']); switch ($exp['0']) { case 'f': File::makeFile(DIRECTORY . "/" . $exp[1]); break; case 'd': if ($exp[1] != 0 && $exp[1] != null) { File::makeDir(DIRECTORY . "/" . $exp[1], intval($exp[2])); } else { File::forceDirectory(DIRECTORY . "/" . $exp[1]); } } Others::redirect(URLm::url("folderView", array("dir" => DIRECTORY))); } break; case 'jump': if ((string) $_GET['var'] != "") { $var = $_GET['var']; if (is_file($var)) { Others::redirect(URLm::url("fileView", array("filePath" => realpath($var)))); } elseif (is_dir($var)) { Others::redirect(URLm::url("folderView", array("dir" => realpath($var)))); } } break; case 'delete': if (DIRECTORY != realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])) { File::deleteDirectory(DIRECTORY); } $dirName = explode("/", DIRECTORY); array_pop($dirName); $dirName = implode("/", $dirName); Others::redirect(URLm::url("folderView", array("dir" => $dirName))); break; case 'addFav': if ((string) $_GET['var'] != "") { DBLite::addFavorite($_GET['var'], DIRECTORY); } Others::redirect(URLm::url("folderView", array("dir" => DIRECTORY))); break; case 'deleteFav': DBLite::deleteFavorite(DIRECTORY); Others::redirect(URLm::url("folderView", array("dir" => DIRECTORY))); break; case 'compress': if ((string) $_GET['var'] != "") { $zip = new ZipArchive(); if (!$zip->open($_GET['var'], ZipArchive::OVERWRITE)) { Others::redirect(URLm::url("folderView", array("dir" => DIRECTORY))); exit; } foreach (File::getFileList(DIRECTORY, array("method" => "explode")) as $File) { $FullPath = str_replace(dirname(DIRECTORY) . "/", "", $File); $zip->addFile($File, $FullPath); } $zip->addFromString("CreatedBy", "This zip file created by OOP File Manager\n\n\t- vtWebApp ®\n\t-"); $zip->close(); Others::redirect(URLm::url("fileView", array("filePath" => $_GET['var']))); } break; case 'iFile': $var = (string) $_REQUEST['var']; if ($var != "") { set_time_limit(5000); $url = parse_url($var); $fName = $url['path'] == "" ? $url['host'] . "_file_" . time() : $url['path']; $fName = preg_replace("/([^a-zA-Z0-9._-])/si", "", $fName); touch(DIRECTORY . "/" . $fName); // $write = fopen(DIRECTORY."/".$fName); $dt = fopen(urldecode($var), "rb"); if (is_file(DIRECTORY . "/" . $fName)) { fseek($dt, filesize(DIRECTORY . "/" . $fName)); } if ($dt) { while (!feof($dt)) { file_put_contents(DIRECTORY . "/" . $fName, fread($dt, 8192), FILE_APPEND); } fclose($dt); } // $source = Others::quickCurl(urldecode($var)); Others::redirect(URLm::url("fileView", array("filePath" => DIRECTORY . "/" . $fName))); } unset($var); } } if (DBLite::isFavorite(DIRECTORY)) { $Shortcuts = '<a href="' . URLm::url("proc", array("dir" => DIRECTORY, "procName" => "deleteFav")) . '">Fav. Çıkart</a>'; } else { $Shortcuts = '<a href="javascript:sendPrompt(\'Favori Adı Belirleyin\', \'' . URLm::url("procVar", array("dir" => DIRECTORY, "variable" => "%s", "procName" => "addFav")) . '\', {value: \'' . basename(DIRECTORY) . '\'});">Fav. Ekle</a>'; } $Shortcuts .= ' <a href="' . URLm::url("upload", array("dir" => DIRECTORY)) . '">Yükle</a> <a href="javascript:sendPrompt(\'Bir dosya belirtin.\\n* Kısır döngüleri önlemek için aynı klasörler ile çakıştırmayın\\n\\nDosya: /sdcard/\\nSıkıştır: /sdcard \\nYukarıdaki gibi bir durum kısır döngüye yol açabilir\', \'' . URLm::url("procVar", array("dir" => DIRECTORY, "variable" => "%s", "procName" => "compress")) . '\', {value: \'' . DIRECTORY . '.zip' . '\'});">Sıkıştır</a> <a href="javascript:sendPrompt(\'Başka sunuculardan dosya indirin\', \'' . URLm::url("procVar", array("dir" => DIRECTORY, "variable" => "%s", "procName" => "iFile")) . '\', {value:\'http://\', urlEncode: true});">i-Dosya</a> <a href="javascript:sendPrompt(\'Şu Dosya Yoluna Atla\', \'' . URLm::url("procVar", array("dir" => DIRECTORY, "variable" => "%s", "procName" => "jump")) . '\', {value: \'' . DIRECTORY . '\', urlEncode: true});">Atla</a> <a href="javascript:checkConfirm(\'Bu klasörü silmek üzeresiniz\\n' . DIRECTORY . '\', \'' . URLm::url("proc", array("dir" => DIRECTORY, "procName" => "delete")) . '\');">Sil</a> <a href="javascript:sendPrompt(\'Kopyala\', \'' . URLm::url("procVar", array("dir" => DIRECTORY, "variable" => "%s", "procName" => "copy")) . '\', {value: \'' . DIRECTORY . '-Copy\', urlEncode: true});">Kopyala</a> <a href="javascript:sendPrompt(\'Taşı: \\nYeni tam klasör yolunu girin\', \'' . URLm::url("procVar", array("dir" => DIRECTORY, "variable" => "%s", "procName" => "move")) . '\', {value: \'' . DIRECTORY . '\', urlEncode: true});">Taşı</a> <a href="javascript:sendPrompt(\'f - Dosya , d - Klasör\\nÖrnek: f:dosya_adi\', \'' . URLm::url("procVar", array("dir" => DIRECTORY, "variable" => "%s", "procName" => "create")) . '\', {value: \'\'});">Oluştur</a> '; $favsRes = DBLite::query("SELECT * FROM `favorites`"); if (DBLite::querySingle("SELECT * FROM `favorites`", TRUE)) { $Favorites = null; while ($Favs = $favsRes->fetchArray()) { $Favorites .= Html::writef("DirListSC", array("dir" => $Favs['value'], "dirname" => $Favs['name'])); } } else { $Favorites = Html::export("NoFavMsg"); } Page::write("Top", array("Title" => "Klasör \"" . basename(DIRECTORY) . "\"", "CSSFile" => Settings::get("CSSFilePath"), "BodyTop" => Page::returnPage("Shortcuts", array("SiteName" => "FileManager v1.0", "ShortcutsLinks" => $Shortcuts, "Contents" => Html::writef("Title", array("Title" => "Aygıt Listesi")) . $Favorites . Html::writef("Title", array("Title" => "Disk Özeti")) . Html::writef("DirInfo", array("info" => "Toplam", "value" => File::sizeExpression(File::diskSpace(DIRECTORY, TOTAL)))) . Html::writef("DirInfo", array("info" => "Kullanılan", "value" => File::sizeExpression(File::diskSpace(DIRECTORY, USED)))) . Html::writef("DirInfo", array("info" => "Kullanılabilir", "value" => File::sizeExpression(File::diskSpace(DIRECTORY, FREE)))) . Html::writef("DirInfo", array("info" => "Dol. Oranı", "value" => ceil(File::diskSpace(DIRECTORY, PER_USED)) . "%")) . Html::writef("DirInfo", array("info" => "Boş. Oranı", "value" => ceil(File::diskSpace(DIRECTORY, PER_FREE)) . "%")))))); $files = array(); $folders = array(); if (is_readable(DIRECTORY)) { $openDir = opendir(DIRECTORY); while ($Name = readdir($openDir)) { $fName = DIRECTORY . "/" . $Name; if ($Name == "." || $Name == "..") { continue; } if (is_file($fName)) { $files[] = $Name; } if (is_dir($fName)) { $folders[] = $Name; } } } $Counter = array("files" => count($files), "folders" => count($folders)); $Counter['total'] = $Counter['files'] + $Counter['folders']; if ($Counter['total'] == "") { Html::write("Info", "Bu klasörde içerik bulunmuyor"); } else { echo Html::writef("Title", array("Title" => basename(DIRECTORY) != "" ? strtoupper(basename(DIRECTORY)) : "İsim Yok")); } echo ' <script>Selector.PRO_FOLDER = "' . DIRECTORY . '";</script> <form name="multiProc" action="' . URLm::url("folderView", array("dir" => DIRECTORY)) . '" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="variable" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="procName" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="filesArray" value="" /> '; if ($Counter['folders'] > 0) { sort($folders); foreach ($folders as $folder) { $fDir = DIRECTORY . "/" . $folder; Html::cloneObject("DirList", "currDirItem"); Html::editObject("currDirItem", array("id" => $folder), ARG); if (!is_readable($fDir)) { Html::editObject("currDirItem", array("onMouseOver" => "", "onMouseOut" => ""), ARG); } echo Html::writef("currDirItem", array("dir" => $fDir, "dirname" => $folder, "extras" => '<input type="checkbox" id="input' . $folder . '" name="selected" value="' . $folder . '" onClick="\'' . $folder . '\', Selector.SELECT_AUTO)"/> ')); } } if ($Counter['files'] > 0) { sort($files); foreach ($files as $file) { $fFile = DIRECTORY . "/" . $file; $fileSize = File::sizeExpression(fileSize($fFile)); $fileinfo = pathinfo($fFile); if (isset($fileinfo['extension']) && ($fileinfo['extension'] == "jpg" || $fileinfo['extension'] == "png" || $fileinfo['extension'] == "gif")) { Html::editObject("FileListImg", array("id" => $file), ARG); $isize = getimagesize($fFile); echo Html::writef("FileListImg", array("resolution" => $isize[0] . "x" . $isize[1], "img" => URLm::url("imgCache", array("file" => urlencode($fFile))), "size" => $fileSize, "filename" => $file, "filePath" => $fFile, "extras" => '<input type="checkbox" id="input' . $file . '" name="selected" value="' . $file . '" onClick="\'' . $file . '\', Selector.SELECT_AUTO)"/> ')); } else { Html::editObject("FileList", array("id" => $file), ARG); echo Html::writef("FileList", array("size" => $fileSize, "filename" => $file, "filePath" => $fFile, "extras" => '<input type="checkbox" id="input' . $file . '" name="selected" value="' . $file . '" onClick="\'' . $file . '\', Selector.SELECT_AUTO)"/> ')); } } } $NavigateDir = null; if (is_dir(DIRECTORY)) { if (DIRECTORY == "/") { $NavigateDir .= '<a href="' . URLm::url("folderView", array("dir" => "/")) . '">/ {Kök} </a>'; } else { $directoryPath = File::pathListing(DIRECTORY); $countDP = 0; foreach ($directoryPath as $dP) { $dP[0] = $dP[0] == "" ? '<span style="color: green;">/</span>' : $dP[0]; $dP[1] = $dP[1] == "" ? '/' : $dP[1]; if ($countDP > 0) { $NavigateDir .= ' <b>></b> '; } $NavigateDir .= '<a href="' . URLm::url("folderView", array("dir" => $dP[1])) . '">' . $dP[0] . '</a>'; $countDP++; } } } Page::write("Bottom", array("Extras" => '</form>', "DirNavigation" => $NavigateDir)); break; case 'file': define("DIRECTORY", !is_file($_GET['directory']) ? Others::redirect("?") : realpath(urldecode($_GET['directory']))); define("EDIRECTORY", urlencode(DIRECTORY)); $dirName = explode("/", DIRECTORY); array_pop($dirName); define("ODIRECTORY", implode("/", $dirName)); unset($dirName); define("FILEINODE", fileinode(DIRECTORY)); define("FILENAME", basename(DIRECTORY)); define("FILEBYTE", filesize(DIRECTORY)); define("FILECTIME", filectime(DIRECTORY)); define("FILEATIME", fileatime(DIRECTORY)); define("FILEOWNER", fileowner(DIRECTORY)); define("FILETYPE", strtolower(substr(strrchr(FILENAME, "."), 1))); if (isset($_GET['proc'])) { switch ($_GET['proc']) { case 'move': if ($_GET['var'] != "") { rename(DIRECTORY, $_GET['var']); Others::redirect(URLm::url("fileView", array("filePath" => $_GET['var']))); } break; case 'copy': if ($_GET['var'] != "") { copy(DIRECTORY, $_GET['var']); Others::redirect(URLm::url("fileView", array("filePath" => $_GET['var']))); } break; case 'delete': unlink(DIRECTORY); Others::redirect(URLm::url("folderView", array("dir" => ODIRECTORY))); break; case 'download': Others::redirect(URLm::url("imgCache", array("file" => DIRECTORY))); break; case 'makeApart': if ($_GET['var'] != "") { $currentKB = FILEBYTE / 1024; $var = (int) $_GET['var']; if ($currentKB > $var && $var > 1) { $parts = array(); $dt = fopen(DIRECTORY, "rd"); $partInfoFile = DIRECTORY . ".partInfo"; touch($partInfoFile); file_put_contents($partInfoFile, "Aparted file notifier. Use this file when unaparting"); for ($i = 0; $i < $currentKB; $i += $var) { if ($i + $var > $currentKB) { $parts[] = $currentKB * 1024; } else { $parts[] = ($i + $var) * 1024; } } foreach ($parts as $pNum => $currSize) { $partFile = DIRECTORY . ".part" . $pNum; touch($partFile); if ($dt) { while (ftell($dt) <= $currSize && !feof($dt)) { file_put_contents($partFile, fread($dt, 8192), FILE_APPEND); } } } fclose($dt); } Others::redirect(URLm::url("fileView", array("filePath" => $partInfoFile))); } break; case 'unapart': $fileInfo = pathinfo(DIRECTORY); $pref = $fileInfo['dirname'] . "/" . $fileInfo['filename']; $presearch = glob($pref . ".part*"); if (is_file($pref)) { rename($pref, $pref . "_moved"); } else { touch($pref); } for ($i = 0; $i <= count($presearch); $i++) { $tf = $pref . ".part" . $i; if (!is_file($tf)) { break; } $dt = fopen($tf, "rd"); if ($dt) { while (!feof($dt)) { file_put_contents($pref, fread($dt, 8192), FILE_APPEND); } fclose($dt); } } Others::redirect(URLm::url("fileView", array("filePath" => $pref))); break; case 'deleteParts': $fileInfo = pathinfo(DIRECTORY); $pref = $fileInfo['dirname'] . "/" . $fileInfo['filename'] . ".part"; $presearch = glob($pref . "*"); foreach ($presearch as $path) { if (is_file($path)) { @unlink($path); } } Others::redirect(URLm::url("folderView", array("dir" => ODIRECTORY))); break; case 'uncompress': if ($_GET['var'] != "" && is_dir($_GET['var'])) { $Zip = new ZipArchive(); $isZip = $Zip->open(DIRECTORY); if ($isZip) { $l = $Zip->extractTo(realpath($_GET['var'])); if ($l) { Others::redirect(URLm::url("folderView", array("dir" => $_GET['var']))); } } } } } $Shortcuts = ' <a href="javascript:sendPrompt(\'Şu Dosya Yoluna Atla\', \'' . URLm::url("procVar", array("dir" => DIRECTORY, "variable" => "%s", "procName" => "jump")) . '\', {value: \'' . DIRECTORY . '\'});">Atla</a> <a href="javascript:checkConfirm(\'Bu dosyayı silmek üzeresiniz\\n' . DIRECTORY . '\', \'' . URLm::url("procFile", array("dir" => DIRECTORY, "procName" => "delete")) . '\');">Sil</a> <a href="javascript:sendPrompt(\'Kopyala\', \'' . URLm::url("procFileVar", array("dir" => DIRECTORY, "variable" => "%s", "procName" => "copy")) . '\', {value: \'' . DIRECTORY . '-Copy\'});">Kopyala</a> <a href="javascript:sendPrompt(\'Taşı: \\nYeni tam dosya yolunu girin\', \'' . URLm::url("procFileVar", array("dir" => DIRECTORY, "variable" => "%s", "procName" => "move")) . '\', {value: \'' . DIRECTORY . '\'});">Taşı</a> <a href="' . URLm::url("procFile", array("dir" => DIRECTORY, "procName" => "download")) . '">İndir</a> <a href="#" onClick="\'' . URLm::url("fileEditor", array("file" => DIRECTORY)) . '\');">Düzenle</a> <a href="javascript:sendPrompt(\'Dosyayı parçalara ayırın (kB cinsinden boyut girin)\', \'' . URLm::url("procFileVar", array("dir" => DIRECTORY, "variable" => "%s", "procName" => "makeApart")) . '\', {value: \'20000\'});">Ayır</a> '; if (FILETYPE == "zip") { $Shortcuts .= ' <a href="javascript:sendPrompt(\'Klasöre Çıkart\', \'' . URLm::url("procFileVar", array("dir" => DIRECTORY, "variable" => "%s", "procName" => "uncompress")) . '\', {value: \'' . DIRECTORY . '\'});">Çıkart</a> '; } if (FILETYPE == "partinfo") { $Shortcuts .= ' <a href="' . URLm::url("procFile", array("dir" => DIRECTORY, "procName" => "unapart")) . '">Birleştir</a> <a href="javascript:checkConfirm(\'Parçalanmış dosyayı parçaları ile birlikte silmek üzeresiniz\', \'' . URLm::url("procFile", array("dir" => DIRECTORY, "procName" => "deleteParts")) . '\');">Parçaları Sil</a> '; } $favsRes = DBLite::query("SELECT * FROM `favorites`"); $Favorites = null; if (DBLite::querySingle("SELECT * FROM `favorites`", TRUE)) { while ($Favs = $favsRes->fetchArray()) { $Favorites .= Html::writef("DirListSC", array("dir" => $Favs['value'], "dirname" => $Favs['name'])); } } else { $Favorites = Html::export("NoFavMsg"); } Page::write("Top", array("Title" => "Dosya \"" . FILENAME . "\"", "CSSFile" => Settings::get("CSSFilePath"), "BodyTop" => Page::returnPage("Shortcuts", array("SiteName" => "Dosyayı Görüntüle", "ShortcutsLinks" => $Shortcuts, "Contents" => Html::writef("Title", array("Title" => "Aygıt Listesi")) . $Favorites . Html::writef("Title", array("Title" => "Disk Özeti")) . Html::writef("DirInfo", array("info" => "Toplam", "value" => File::sizeExpression(File::diskSpace(ODIRECTORY, TOTAL)))) . Html::writef("DirInfo", array("info" => "Kullanılan", "value" => File::sizeExpression(File::diskSpace(ODIRECTORY, USED)))) . Html::writef("DirInfo", array("info" => "Kullanılabilir", "value" => File::sizeExpression(File::diskSpace(ODIRECTORY, FREE)))) . Html::writef("DirInfo", array("info" => "Dol. Oranı", "value" => ceil(File::diskSpace(ODIRECTORY, PER_USED)) . "%")) . Html::writef("DirInfo", array("info" => "Boş. Oranı", "value" => ceil(File::diskSpace(ODIRECTORY, PER_FREE)) . "%")))))); if (is_file(DIRECTORY)) { if (DIRECTORY == "/") { $NavigateDir .= '<a href="' . URLm::url("folderView", array("dir" => "/")) . '">/ {Kök} </a>'; } else { $directoryPath = File::pathListing(DIRECTORY); $countDP = 0; $NavigateDir = null; foreach ($directoryPath as $dP) { $dP[0] = $dP[0] == "" ? '<span style="color: green;">/</span>' : $dP[0]; $dP[1] = $dP[1] == "" ? '/' : $dP[1]; if ($countDP > 0) { $NavigateDir .= ' <b>></b> '; } $NavigateDir .= '<a href="' . URLm::url("folderView", array("dir" => $dP[1])) . '">' . $dP[0] . '</a>'; $countDP++; } } } if (FILETYPE == "partinfo") { echo Html::write("Info", "Parçalanmış Dosya Bilgi Dosyası (*.partInfo)"); } echo Html::writef("Title", array("Title" => basename(DIRECTORY) != "" ? strtoupper(basename(DIRECTORY)) : "İsim Yok")); echo Html::writef("FileInfo", array("info" => "Dosya Boyutu", "value" => File::sizeExpression(FILEBYTE))); echo Html::writef("FileInfo", array("info" => "Değiştirilme Tarihi", "value" => date("Y/m/d H:i", FILECTIME))); echo Html::writef("FileInfo", array("info" => "Son Erişim Tarihi", "value" => date("Y/m/d H:i", FILEATIME))); echo Html::writef("FileInfo", array("info" => "Düğüm Numarası", "value" => FILEINODE)); echo Html::writef("FileInfo", array("info" => "Dosya Sahibi", "value" => FILEOWNER)); if (FILETYPE == "partinfo") { $fileInfo = pathinfo(DIRECTORY); $pref = $fileInfo['dirname'] . "/" . $fileInfo['filename']; $presearch = glob($pref . ".part*"); Html::cloneObject("List", "FileM"); Html::editObject("FileM", array(), '<a href="%eval{return URLm::url("fileView", array("filePath" => "%{file}%"));}%">%{(basename)file}% </a> <small>%{size}%</small>'); if (count($presearch) > 0) { echo "<br />\n" . Html::writef("Title", array("Title" => "İlişkili Olabilecek Dosyalar")); foreach ($presearch as $fid) { echo Html::writef("FileM", array("file" => $fid, "size" => filesize($fid) . " B")); } } } if (FILEBYTE < 102400 && (FILETYPE == "php" || FILETYPE == "txt" || FILETYPE == "html" || FILETYPE == "js" || FILETYPE == "xml" || FILETYPE == "dump")) { echo Html::writef("List", array("Content" => str_replace(array("\n", "\t"), array('<br />', " "), String::escapeHTML(file_get_contents(DIRECTORY))))); } if (FILETYPE == "jpg" || FILETYPE == "png" || FILETYPE == "gif") { Html::cloneObject("List", "Img"); Html::editObject("Img", array("style" => "text-align: center;"), '<img src="%{img}%" style="width: 250px;" /> '); echo Html::writef("Img", array("img" => URLm::url("imgCache", array("file" => DIRECTORY)))); } if (FILETYPE == "mp3" || FILETYPE == "m4a" || FILETYPE == "aac" || FILETYPE == "ogg") { Html::cloneObject("List", "MP3"); Html::editObject("MP3", array("style" => "text-align: center;"), '<audio style="width: 90%;" controls> <source src="%{src}%"> </audio> '); echo Html::writef("MP3", array("src" => URLm::url("imgCache", array("file" => DIRECTORY)))); } if (FILETYPE == "mp4" || FILETYPE == "avi" || FILETYPE == "m4a") { Html::cloneObject("List", "VideoArea"); Html::editObject("VideoArea", array("style" => "text-align: center;"), '<video style="width: 90%;" controls> <source src="%{src}%"> </video> '); echo Html::writef("VideoArea", array("src" => URLm::url("imgCache", array("file" => DIRECTORY)))); } Page::write("Bottom", array("DirNavigation" => $NavigateDir)); break; case 'upload': define("DIRECTORY", !is_dir($_GET['directory']) ? Others::redirect("?") : realpath($_GET['directory'])); // define ( "DIRECTORY", ((! is_dir ( $_GET ['directory'] )) ? realpath ( $_SERVER ['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] ) : realpath ( $_GET ['directory'] )) ); define("EDIRECTORY", urlencode(DIRECTORY)); $Shortcuts = ' <a href="' . URLm::url("folderView", array("dir" => DIRECTORY)) . '">Geri Dön</a> <a href="javascript:alert(\'Yükleyeceğiniz dosyayı seçin. Ardından yükle butonuna basın ve sabırlı olun dosya yüklendikten sonra yönlendirileceksiniz\');">Nasıl Yüklerim?</a> '; $favsRes = DBLite::query("SELECT * FROM `favorites`"); $Favorites = null; if (DBLite::querySingle("SELECT * FROM `favorites`", TRUE)) { while ($Favs = $favsRes->fetchArray()) { $Favorites .= Html::writef("DirListSC", array("dir" => $Favs['value'], "dirname" => $Favs['name'])); } } else { $Favorites = Html::export("NoFavMsg"); } if (isset($_FILES['file'])) { $baseName = str_replace(array("\"", "'", "{", "}", "^", "<", ">"), "", $_FILES['file']['name']); $tp = DIRECTORY . "/" . $baseName; if (is_file($tp)) { rename($tp, $tp . "_old"); } move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $tp); Others::redirect(URLm::url("folderView", array("dir" => DIRECTORY))); } Page::write("Top", array("Title" => "Klasör.Upload \"" . basename(DIRECTORY) . "\"", "CSSFile" => Settings::get("CSSFilePath"), "BodyTop" => Page::returnPage("Shortcuts", array("SiteName" => "FileManager.Upload", "ShortcutsLinks" => $Shortcuts, "Contents" => Html::writef("Title", array("Title" => "Aygıt Listesi")) . $Favorites . Html::writef("Title", array("Title" => "Disk Özeti")) . Html::writef("DirInfo", array("info" => "Toplam", "value" => File::sizeExpression(File::diskSpace(DIRECTORY, TOTAL)))) . Html::writef("DirInfo", array("info" => "Kullanılan", "value" => File::sizeExpression(File::diskSpace(DIRECTORY, USED)))) . Html::writef("DirInfo", array("info" => "Kullanılabilir", "value" => File::sizeExpression(File::diskSpace(DIRECTORY, FREE)))) . Html::writef("DirInfo", array("info" => "Dol. Oranı", "value" => ceil(File::diskSpace(DIRECTORY, PER_USED)) . "%")) . Html::writef("DirInfo", array("info" => "Boş. Oranı", "value" => ceil(File::diskSpace(DIRECTORY, PER_FREE)) . "%")))))); echo Html::writef("Title", array("Title" => "Dosya Yükleyin")) . ' <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="' . URLm::url("upload", array("dir" => DIRECTORY)) . '" method="POST"> ' . Html::export("List", ' <input name="file" type="file" style="width: 80%; margin-bottom: 8px;" /> ', array("style" => "text-align: center;")) . Html::writef("ListSubmit", array("Content" => ' <input type="submit" value="Yükle" /> ')) . ' </form> <br /> ' . Html::writef("Title", array("Title" => "i-Dosya ile Karşı Sunucudan Yükle")) . ' <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="' . URLm::url("procVar", array("dir" => DIRECTORY, "variable" => "%s", "procName" => "iFile")) . '" method="POST"> ' . Html::export("List", ' <input name="var" type="text" style="width: 80%; margin-bottom: 8px;" value="http://" /> ', array("style" => "text-align: center;")) . Html::writef("ListSubmit", array("Content" => ' <input type="submit" value="Bağlan ve İndir" /> ')) . ' </form> '; $NavigateDir = null; if (is_dir(DIRECTORY)) { if (DIRECTORY == "/") { $NavigateDir = '<a href="' . URLy::url("folderView", array("dir" => "/")) . '">/ {Kök} </a>'; } else { $directoryPath = File::pathListing(DIRECTORY); $countDP = 0; foreach ($directoryPath as $dP) { $dP[0] = $dP[0] == "" ? '<span style="color: green;">/</span>' : $dP[0]; $dP[1] = $dP[1] == "" ? '/' : $dP[1]; if ($countDP > 0) { $NavigateDir .= ' <b>></b> '; } $NavigateDir .= '<a href="' . URLm::url("folderView", array("dir" => $dP[1])) . '">' . $dP[0] . '</a>'; $countDP++; } } } Page::write("Bottom", array("DirNavigation" => $NavigateDir)); } }
/** * カテゴリを削除する * @return boolean 削除できたかどうか */ private function _deleteCat() { $path = $this->getPath(); if (!is_file($path) || fileSize($path)) { //todoが残っている場合は削除させない return false; } $this->cat = null; return unlink($path); }
public static function setExistingFileInfo($fileId) { static $smartCounter = 0; //Populates the class array $existingFiles with their old file size and the size of file that's being replaced self::$existingFiles["name"][$smartCounter] = $_FILES["docs"]["name"][$fileId]; //Old file size self::$existingFiles["oldFileSize"][$smartCounter] = fileSize(self::$subDir . $_FILES["docs"]["name"][$fileId]); //New file size self::$existingFiles["newFileSize"][$smartCounter] = $_FILES["docs"]["size"][$fileId]; $smartCounter++; }
if (!file_exists($outfile)) { gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to convert voicemail file.'); _server_error('Failed to convert file.'); } @header('Content-Type: ' . $formats[$fmt]['mime']); $fake_filename = preg_replace('/[^0-9a-z\\-_.]/i', '', 'vm_' . $ext . '_' . date('Ymd_Hi', $info['orig_time']) . '_' . subStr(md5(date('s', $info['orig_time']) . $info['cidnum']), 0, 4) . '.' . $formats[$fmt]['ext']); @header('Content-Disposition: ' . ($attach ? 'attachment' : 'inline') . '; filename="' . $fake_filename . '"'); @header('ETag: ' . $etag); # set Content-Length to prevent Apache(/PHP?) from using # "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" which makes the sound file appear too # short in QuickTime and maybe other players @header('Transfer-Encoding: identity'); if ($fmt === 'wav-pcma') { @header('Content-Length: ' . ((int) strLen($wav_alaw_header) + (int) @fileSize($origfile))); echo $wav_alaw_header; @readFile($origfile); } else { @header('Content-Length: ' . (int) @fileSize($outfile)); @readFile($outfile); } @ob_start(); # so there's no output after the content if (!@$info['listened_to']) { @$DB->execute('UPDATE `vm_msgs` SET `listened_to`=1 WHERE `user_id`=\'' . $user_id . '\' AND `folder`=\'' . $DB->escape($fld) . '\' AND `file`=\'' . $DB->escape($file) . '\''); } //@exec( 'sudo rm -rf '. qsa($outfile) .' 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null' ); @ob_clean();
//toilet -f mono12 Linux $boxes = '|boxes -d santa'; //boxes -d <boxid> $cusfuncshell = 'echo "Your Message here"|boxes'; //justom function what you want. JUST TERMINAL CODES like echo "some think" or "cd /somedir" etc. ############################################################### $cusfunc = " " . $cusfuncshell; ############################################################### //PocketControl $control1 = shell_exec("dpkg -s figlet"); if (strstr($control1, "install ok installed")) { $control2 = shell_exec("dpkg -s boxes"); if (strstr($control2, "install ok installed")) { //Bashrc Control $dosya_ici = fOpen("/root/.bashrc", "r"); $dosya_oku = fRead($dosya_ici, fileSize("/root/.bashrc")); fClose($dosya_ici); //somecommands $whoami = shell_exec("whoami"); $say = count($_SERVER['argv']); $argum = $_SERVER['argv']; if (strstr($dosya_oku, "php CusTerm.php", true)) { ############################################################### if (@$argum[1] == "--help") { echo "yardım mı lazımdır?"; exit; } if ($ne == "standard") { $nick = exec("whoami"); echo $figlet = shell_exec($figlet . " " . $nick . $boxes); echo $customch = shell_exec($cusfunc);
function getSize($lpszFileName, &$width, &$height) { if (!($fh = @fOpen($lpszFileName, "rb"))) { return false; } $data = @fRead($fh, @fileSize($lpszFileName)); @fClose($fh); $gfh = new CGIFFILEHEADER(); if (!$gfh->load($data, $len = 0)) { return false; } $width = $gfh->m_nWidth; $height = $gfh->m_nHeight; return true; }
/** * This function returns the HTML(or other) template from the given file * * @param string $file_name the file we wanna load * @param string $part non-required param, it specifies the part of the given file, if there is not set, the first will be selected * @return string the file (also part of it) we wanted */ function getTpl($file_name, $part = 'main') { $file_name = $this->getFilePath($file_name); if (!in_array($file_name, self::$cache)) { $file_handle = fopen($file_name, 'r'); $file_content = fread($file_handle, fileSize($file_name)); fclose($file_handle); self::$cache[$file_name] = $file_content; } else { $file_content = self::$cache[$file_name]; } $template = new SimpleXMLElement($file_content); if (!$part) { $part = $template['defaultPart']; } $result = $template->xpath("/template/part[@id='" . strtolower($part) . "']"); return substr($result[0], 0, 1) == "\n" ? substr($result[0], 1) : $result[0]; }