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Vous vous apprêtez à déplacer <b><?php echo $fileName; ?> </b>, dans quel répertoire souhaitez-vous le placer ? </p> <form method='POST' enctype="multipart/form-data"> <?php echo $formList; ?> <label> Existant : <select name="select"> <?php foreach ($dirs as $dirPath) { echo '<option value="' . htmlentities($dirPath) . '">' . fileName($dirPath) . '</option>'; } ?> </select> </label> <input type="submit" value="Déplacer"/> </form> <form method='POST' enctype="multipart/form-data"> <?php echo $formList; ?> <label> Nouveau : <input type="text" name="new" /> </label> <input type="submit" value="Déplacer"/> </form>
function getMethod($args) { $base = fileName(PACKAGEDIR, str_replace('.', '/', $args->methodName)); return array('body' => $this->trimContents($base)); }
function generateClass($package, $class, $language = 'PHP') { $languageClass = 'PHOS_' . $language; $language = new $languageClass(); //make sure class exists $classDir = fileName(PACKAGEDIR, $package, CLASSDIR, $class); if (!file_exists($classDir)) { throw new Exception("{$classDir} does not appear to exist"); } $definition = array('extend' => false, 'implement' => false, 'mixin' => false); foreach ($definition as $dname => $val) { $dfile = fileName($classDir, $dname); if (file_exists($dfile)) { $definition[$dname] = array_map('trim', explode(',', trim(file_get_contents($dfile)))); } } //get the properties, based on type build constructor $properties = loadProperties($classDir); //get the methods $methods = loadMethods($classDir); //start the file $file = $language->startClass($class, $definition); if ($definition['mixin']) { //load mixin methods and properties foreach ($definition['mixin'] as $module) { $moduleDir = fileName(PACKAGEDIR, $package, MODULEDIR, $module); $properties = array_merge($properties, loadProperties($moduleDir)); $methods = array_merge($methods, loadMethods($moduleDir)); } } //build the construct method based on the private propeties $constructor = ''; foreach ($properties as $property) { $file .= $language->addProperty($property); $constructor .= $language->selfAssign($property, $language->newObject($property->type, $property->default)); } $file .= "\n"; $methods[$language->constructorName] = (object) array('name' => $language->constructorName, 'scope' => 'public', 'args' => '()', 'body' => $constructor); foreach ($methods as $method) { $file .= $language->method($method); } //write file file_put_contents(fileName(GENERATEDIR, "class.{$class}.php"), $file . '}'); }
} else { $fileIds = array(); if (isset($_GET["grouped"])) { if (isset($_POST['selection'])) { foreach ($_POST['selection'] as $md5) { $fileIds[] = $md5; } } else { throw new Exception("No selection provided."); } } else { $fileIds[] = $_GET['md5']; } $fileName = ""; foreach ($fileIds as $md5) { $fileName .= fileName(getPathForMD5Chain(DOWNLOADS_DIR, $md5)) . ' + '; } $fileName = substr($fileName, 0, strlen($fileName) - 3); $title = TITLE . " - Supprimer " . $fileName; $formList = ""; foreach ($fileIds as $md5) { $formList .= '<input type="hidden" name="ids[]" value="' . $md5 . '"/>'; } $formList .= '<input type="hidden" name="confirmed"/>'; $formList .= '<input type="hidden" name="referer" value="' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . '"/>'; ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <title><?php
var schematicId = <?php id(); ?> ; var noRedirect = <?php noRedirect(); ?> ; if (!noRedirect) { window.location.href = './?noRedirect=true&downloadId=' + schematicId; } } </script> <img src="../images/icons/download-2.png" /> <p>You are downloading <b><?php fileName(); ?> </b> which was uploaded by <b><?php author(); ?> </b> using <a href="../">Mordritch's Javascript Redstone Simulator</a>.</p> <p>If the download does not start automatically, click <a href="./?downloadId=<?php id(); ?> ">here</a>.</p> <p>You can also view/edit the schematic online <a href="../#<?php id(); ?> ">here</a> from inside your web browser.</p> </div> <?php
function getMD5ChainForPath($filePath, $originPath) { $filePath = realpath($filePath); $originPath = realpath($originPath); if (strpos($filePath, $originPath) === false) { debug_print_backtrace(); die("Les chemins ne correspondent pas : <i>" . $filePath . "</i> n'a pas l'origine <i>" . $originPath . "</i>"); } if ($filePath == $originPath) { return ""; } else { $dirPath = dirname($filePath); $file = fileName($filePath); $md5Chain = getMD5ChainForPath($dirPath, $originPath); $md5Parts = explode("-", $md5Chain); array_push($md5Parts, md5($file)); $md5Parts = array_filter($md5Parts, "notNull"); return count($md5Parts) > 1 ? implode("-", $md5Parts) : array_pop($md5Parts); } }