function open_zip_archive($id) { /* * No longer necessary since files are already on the filesystem $req = "SELECT contenu FROM fichierDonne WHERE idFichierDonne=?"; $row = DB::request_one_row($req, array($id)); $result = array(); $tmpname = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "phprendu"); $tmp = fopen($tmpname, "w+"); fwrite($tmp, $row->contenu); fclose($tmp); */ fileIdToPath($id, $fspath, $fsname); if (is_numeric($zip = zip_open($fspath . $fsname))) { return false; } return array("handle" => $zip); }
DB::request($req, array($idRenduDonne, $nom, $prenom, $email)); } } // traitement fichiers //print_r($_FILES); foreach ($_FILES as $formFileId => $file) { if ($file['size'] > 0) { $fileName = $file['name']; $tmpName = $file['tmp_name']; $fileSize = $file['size']; $fileType = $file['type']; $idFichier = substr($formFileId, 7); $req = "INSERT INTO fichierDonne (idRenduDonne, nom, type, idFichier) " . "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"; //echo "<!-- $req -->"; $idFichierDonne = DB::insert_autoinc($req, array($idRenduDonne, $fileName, $fileType, $idFichier)); fileIdToPath($idFichierDonne, $fspath, $fsname); createFilePath($fspath); // déplace à son emplacement final dans le data store move_uploaded_file($tmpName, $fspath . $fsname); /* $fp = fopen($tmpName, 'r'); $content = fread($fp, filesize($tmpName)); #$content = addslashes($content); No longer needed with PDO fclose($fp); * */ // Ajout à l'e-mail $mail->AddAttachment($fspath . $fsname, $fileName); if (true) { echo "<p>Fichier {$fileName} téléchargé</p>"; } } else {
/* This file is part of Envoi. Envoi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Envoi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Envoi. If not, see <>. (c) Christophe Jacquet, 2009-2011. */ require "tools.php"; $res = DB::request("SELECT idFichierDonne, contenu FROM fichierDonne"); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { fileIdToPath($row->idFichierDonne, $path, $name); createFilePath($path); echo "{$path} {$name}: "; if (file_put_contents($path . $name, $row->contenu) === FALSE) { echo "FAILED!\n"; break; } else { echo "OK\n"; } }
This file is part of Envoi. Envoi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Envoi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Envoi. If not, see <>. (c) Christophe Jacquet, 2009-2011. */ session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION["role"]) || $_SESSION["role"] != "PROF") { die("Vous devez être connecté."); } if (!isset($_GET["id"])) { die("Vous devez donner un identifiant."); } $id = $_GET["id"]; $req = "SELECT type, nom FROM fichierDonne WHERE idFichierDonne=" . $id; $row = DB::request_one_row($req); header("Content-type: " . $row->type); header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"" . $row->nom . "\""); fileIdToPath($id, $fspath, $fsname); readfile($fspath . $fsname);
function supprimeLivraison($idRendu, $code = FALSE) { echo "<p>Suppression de la livraison #" . $idRendu . "</p>"; if ($code) { $res = DB::request("DELETE FROM rendu WHERE idRendu=? AND idEnseignant=? AND code=?", array($idRendu, $_SESSION["login"], $_POST['code'])); } else { $res = DB::request("DELETE FROM rendu WHERE idRendu=? AND idEnseignant=?", array($idRendu, $_SESSION["login"])); } if ($res->rowCount() < 1) { die(<<<END <p>{$idRendu} : livraison inexistante, ou n'appartenant pas à l'utilisateur {$_SESSION["login"]}, ou mauvais code.</p> <p><a href="voirrendu.php?id={$idRendu}">Retour au rendu</a></p> END ); } else { echo "<p>Supprimé la spécification de livraison.</p>"; } # fichiers sur le disque $res = DB::request("SELECT idFichierDonne FROM fichierDonne NATURAL JOIN renduDonne WHERE renduDonne.idRendu = ?", array($idRendu)); $supprCount = 0; $supprCountDB = 0; while ($row = $res->fetch()) { fileIdToPath($row->idFichierDonne, $p, $n); $fn = $p . $n; $r = unlink($fn); #echo "<p>DEBUG: deleted $fn</p>"; if ($r) { $supprCount++; } else { echo "<p>ATTENTION : échec de la suppression du fichier {$fn}. Veuillez contacter le mainteneur.</p>"; } # fichierDonne $r = DB::request("DELETE FROM fichierDonne WHERE idFichierDonne = ?", array($row->idFichierDonne)); if ($r->rowCount() === 1) { $supprCountDB++; } else { echo "<p>ATTENTION : échec de la suppression du fichier {$row->idFichierDonne} dans la base. Veuillez contacter le mainteneur.</p>"; } } echo "<p>Supprimé {$supprCount} sur disque et {$supprCountDB} dans la base</p>"; # participant $res = DB::request("DELETE FROM participant WHERE idRenduDonne IN (SELECT idRenduDonne FROM renduDonne WHERE idRendu=?)", array($idRendu)); echo "<p>Supprimé " . $res->rowCount() . " participants</p>"; # renduDonne $res = DB::request("DELETE FROM renduDonne WHERE idRendu=?", array($idRendu)); echo "<p>Supprimé " . $res->rowCount() . " livraisons</p>"; # fichier $res = DB::request("DELETE FROM fichier WHERE idRendu=?", array($idRendu)); echo "<p>Supprimé " . $res->rowCount() . " spécifications de fichiers"; }
/* This file is part of Envoi. Envoi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Envoi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Envoi. If not, see <>. (c) Christophe Jacquet, 2009-2014. */ include "tools.php"; echo "*** fileIdToPath ***\n"; $ids = array(0x12, 0x1212, 0x12345, 0x78654312); foreach ($ids as $i) { fileIdToPath($i, $p, $d); echo sprintf("%8x: ", $i); echo "{$p} {$d}\n"; } echo "*** create dirs ***\n"; //Local::$basedir echo mkdir("/tmp/a/b", 0777, true); echo mkdir("/tmp/a/c", 0777, true); echo mkdir("/tmp/a/c/d", 0777, true);
} } } buildfilelist(""); echo "Checking whether the filesystem is consistent with the database...\n"; $delete = isset($argv[1]) && $argv[1] === "delete_orphans"; if ($delete) { echo "Will be deleting orphans.\n"; } $res = DB::request("SELECT idFichierDonne, idFichier, idRenduDonne, idRendu FROM fichierDonne NATURAL JOIN renduDonne"); #var_dump($filelist); $countOk = 0; $countMissing = 0; $countOrphaned = 0; while ($row = $res->fetch()) { fileIdToPath($row->idFichierDonne, $p, $n); $fn = $p . $n; if (isset($filelist[$fn])) { unset($filelist[$fn]); $countOk++; } else { echo "Missing file: " . $fn . " idRendu=" . $row->idRendu . ", idFichier=" . $row->idFichier . ", idRenduDonne=" . $row->idRenduDonne . " \n"; $countMissing++; } } # At this point, the only remaining files are orphans foreach ($filelist as $k => $v) { echo "Orphaned file: " . $k . "\n"; if ($delete) { if (unlink($k)) { echo "Deleted {$k}\n";