Esempio n. 1
                $HTTP_VARS['op'] = 'edit-lookups';
if ($HTTP_VARS['op'] == 'new' || $HTTP_VARS['op'] == 'edit') {
    echo get_javascript("admin/s_attribute_type/widgettooltips.js");
    echo get_widget_tooltip_array();
    echo "<p>[<a href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?type={$ADMIN_TYPE}&active_tab=" . $HTTP_VARS['active_tab'] . "\">Back to Main</a>]</p>";
    if ($HTTP_VARS['op'] == 'edit') {
        $attribute_type_r = fetch_s_attribute_type_r($HTTP_VARS['s_attribute_type']);
        if ($attribute_type_r === FALSE) {
            $errors[] = 'Attribute type (' . $HTTP_VARS['s_attribute_type'] . ') not found';
        echo "\n<h3>Edit Attribute type</h3>";
        $save_op = 'update';
        $save_button = 'Update';
    } else {
        echo "\n<h3>New Attribute type</h3>";
        $save_op = 'insert';
        $save_button = 'Insert';
    if (is_not_empty_array($errors)) {
        echo format_error_block($errors);
    echo "\n<form name=\"s_attribute_type\" action=\"{$PHP_SELF}\" method=\"POST\">";
Esempio n. 2
 * Generate a complete s_item_type script.
 * Data generated:
 * 	s_item_type
 * 	s_attribute_type's (Those not included in $_ATTRIBUTE_TYPES['core'])
 * 	s_item_attribute_type's
 * 	s_item_attribute_type_lookup (Those not included in $_ATTRIBUTE_TYPES['core'])
function generate_s_item_type_sql($s_item_type)
    $CRLF = get_user_browser_crlf();
    $s_item_type_r = fetch_s_item_type_r($s_item_type);
    if ($s_item_type_r !== FALSE) {
        $type_sql = $CRLF . '#' . $CRLF . '# Item Type' . $CRLF . '#' . $CRLF . 'INSERT INTO s_item_type ( s_item_type, description, image ) VALUES ( \'' . $s_item_type . '\', \'' . addslashes($s_item_type_r['description']) . '\', \'' . addslashes($s_item_type_r['image']) . '\' );' . $CRLF;
        $results = fetch_item_type_group_rlshp_rs(NULL, $s_item_type);
        if ($results) {
            $type_sql .= $CRLF . '#' . $CRLF . '# Item Type Group Relationships' . $CRLF . '#' . $CRLF;
            while ($item_type_group_rlshp_r = db_fetch_assoc($results)) {
                $type_sql .= 'INSERT INTO s_item_type_group_rltshp ( s_item_type_group, s_item_type ) VALUES ( \'' . $item_type_group_rlshp_r['s_item_type_group'] . '\', \'' . $item_type_group_rlshp_r['s_item_type'] . '\' );' . $CRLF;
        $attr_sql = '';
        $item_attr_sql = $CRLF . '#' . $CRLF . '# Item Attribute Relationships' . $CRLF . '#';
        $attr_lookup_sql = '';
        $result = fetch_s_item_attribute_type_rs($s_item_type);
        if ($result) {
            $attr_added = array();
            while ($s_item_attribute_type_r = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                // Ensure to also check that the attribute has not already been encountered, in case we have duplicates
                // in s_item_attribute_type structure (such as CDTRACK for instance)
                if (strlen($s_item_attribute_type_r['site_type']) == 0 && (!is_array($_CORE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPES) || !in_array($s_item_attribute_type_r['s_attribute_type'], $_CORE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPES)) && !in_array($s_item_attribute_type_r['s_attribute_type'], $attr_added)) {
                    // Add s_attribute_type, so we do not insert it twice.
                    $attr_added[] = $s_item_attribute_type_r['s_attribute_type'];
                    $s_attribute_type_r = fetch_s_attribute_type_r($s_item_attribute_type_r['s_attribute_type']);
                    $attr_sql .= $CRLF . "INSERT INTO s_attribute_type ( s_attribute_type, description, prompt, input_type, input_type_arg1, input_type_arg2, input_type_arg3, input_type_arg4, input_type_arg5, display_type, display_type_arg1, display_type_arg2, display_type_arg3, display_type_arg4, display_type_arg5, listing_link_ind, file_attribute_ind, lookup_attribute_ind, multi_attribute_ind, s_field_type, site_type ) " . "VALUES ( '" . $s_attribute_type_r['s_attribute_type'] . "', " . "'" . addslashes($s_attribute_type_r['description']) . "', " . "'" . addslashes($s_attribute_type_r['prompt']) . "', " . "'" . $s_attribute_type_r['input_type'] . "', " . (strlen($s_attribute_type_r['input_type_arg1']) > 0 ? "'" . addslashes($s_attribute_type_r['input_type_arg1']) . "'" : "NULL") . ", " . (strlen($s_attribute_type_r['input_type_arg2']) > 0 ? "'" . addslashes($s_attribute_type_r['input_type_arg2']) . "'" : "NULL") . ", " . (strlen($s_attribute_type_r['input_type_arg3']) > 0 ? "'" . addslashes($s_attribute_type_r['input_type_arg3']) . "'" : "NULL") . ", " . (strlen($s_attribute_type_r['input_type_arg4']) > 0 ? "'" . addslashes($s_attribute_type_r['input_type_arg4']) . "'" : "NULL") . ", " . (strlen($s_attribute_type_r['input_type_arg5']) > 0 ? "'" . addslashes($s_attribute_type_r['input_type_arg5']) . "'" : "NULL") . ", " . "'" . $s_attribute_type_r['display_type'] . "'," . (strlen($s_attribute_type_r['display_type_arg1']) > 0 ? "'" . addslashes($s_attribute_type_r['display_type_arg1']) . "'" : "NULL") . ", " . (strlen($s_attribute_type_r['display_type_arg2']) > 0 ? "'" . addslashes($s_attribute_type_r['display_type_arg2']) . "'" : "NULL") . ", " . (strlen($s_attribute_type_r['display_type_arg3']) > 0 ? "'" . addslashes($s_attribute_type_r['display_type_arg3']) . "'" : "NULL") . ", " . (strlen($s_attribute_type_r['display_type_arg4']) > 0 ? "'" . addslashes($s_attribute_type_r['display_type_arg4']) . "'" : "NULL") . ", " . (strlen($s_attribute_type_r['display_type_arg5']) > 0 ? "'" . addslashes($s_attribute_type_r['display_type_arg5']) . "'" : "NULL") . ", " . "'" . $s_attribute_type_r['listing_link_ind'] . "', " . "'" . $s_attribute_type_r['file_attribute_ind'] . "', " . "'" . $s_attribute_type_r['lookup_attribute_ind'] . "', " . "'" . $s_attribute_type_r['multi_attribute_ind'] . "', " . (strlen($s_attribute_type_r['s_field_type']) > 0 ? "'" . $s_attribute_type_r['s_field_type'] . "'" : "NULL") . ", " . (strlen($s_attribute_type_r['site_type']) > 0 ? "'" . $s_attribute_type_r['s_field_type'] . "'" : "NULL") . ");";
                    $result2 = fetch_attribute_type_lookup_rs($s_item_attribute_type_r['s_attribute_type'], 'value ASC', FALSE);
                    if ($result2) {
                        $attr_lookup_sql .= $CRLF . '#' . $CRLF . '# Attribute Type Lookup (' . $s_item_attribute_type_r['s_attribute_type'] . ')' . $CRLF . '#';
                        while ($s_attribute_type_lookup_r = db_fetch_assoc($result2)) {
                            $attr_lookup_sql .= $CRLF . 'INSERT INTO s_attribute_type_lookup ( s_attribute_type, order_no, value, display, img, checked_ind ) VALUES ( \'' . $s_item_attribute_type_r['s_attribute_type'] . '\', ' . (is_numeric($s_attribute_type_lookup_r['order_no']) ? $s_attribute_type_lookup_r['order_no'] : 'NULL') . ', \'' . addslashes($s_attribute_type_lookup_r['value']) . '\', \'' . addslashes($s_attribute_type_lookup_r['display']) . '\', \'' . addslashes($s_attribute_type_lookup_r['img']) . '\', \'' . $s_attribute_type_lookup_r['checked_ind'] . '\' );';
                        $attr_lookup_sql .= $CRLF;
                $item_attr_sql .= $CRLF . 'INSERT INTO s_item_attribute_type ( s_item_type, s_attribute_type, order_no, prompt, instance_attribute_ind, compulsory_ind, printable_ind, rss_ind ) VALUES ( \'' . $s_item_type . '\', \'' . $s_item_attribute_type_r['s_attribute_type'] . '\', ' . $s_item_attribute_type_r['order_no'] . ', ' . (strlen($s_item_attribute_type_r['prompt']) > 0 ? '\'' . $s_item_attribute_type_r['prompt'] . '\'' : 'NULL') . ', \'' . $s_item_attribute_type_r['instance_attribute_ind'] . '\', \'' . $s_item_attribute_type_r['compulsory_ind'] . '\', \'' . $s_item_attribute_type_r['printable_ind'] . '\', \'' . $s_item_attribute_type_r['rss_ind'] . '\' );';
        if (strlen($attr_sql) > 0) {
            $attr_sql = $CRLF . '#' . $CRLF . '# Attributes (non-core)' . $CRLF . '#' . $attr_sql;
        $sqlscript = '#########################################################' . $CRLF . '# OpenDb ' . get_opendb_version() . ' \'' . $s_item_type . '\' Item Type' . $CRLF . '#########################################################' . $CRLF . $type_sql . $attr_sql . $CRLF . $item_attr_sql . $CRLF . $attr_lookup_sql;
        return $sqlscript;
    } else {
        return NULL;