<?php include "../include/init.php"; loadlib("god"); features_ensure_enabled("flickr_push"); loadlib("flickr_push"); loadlib("flickr_backups"); loadlib("flickr_push_photos"); loadlib("flickr_push_subscriptions"); $id = get_int32("id"); $sub = flickr_push_subscriptions_get_by_id($id); if (!$sub) { error_404(); } $crumb_key = "delete_feed"; $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("crumb_key", $crumb_key); if (post_str("delete") && crumb_check($crumb_key)) { $feed_rsp = flickr_push_unsubscribe($sub); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("delete_feed", $feed_rsp); if ($feed_rsp['ok']) { $sub_rsp = flickr_push_subscriptions_delete($sub); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("delete_sub", $sub_rsp); if ($sub_rsp['ok']) { $redir = "{$GLOBALS['cfg']['abs_root_url']}god/push/subscriptions/{$sub['user_id']}/"; header("location: {$redir}"); exit; } } } $topic_map = flickr_push_topic_map(); $sub['str_topic'] = $topic_map[$sub['topic_id']];
<?php include "include/init.php"; features_ensure_enabled(array("api", "api_documentation")); $default = $GLOBALS['cfg']['api']['default_format']; $formats = $GLOBALS['cfg']['api']['formats']; $format = get_str("format"); if (!$format) { error_404(); } if (!in_array($format, $formats)) { error_404(); } $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("default", $default); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("format", $format); $GLOBALS['smarty']->display("page_api_format.txt"); exit;
<?php include "include/init.php"; loadlib("api_keys"); loadlib("api_keys_utils"); features_ensure_enabled("api"); features_ensure_enabled("api_register_keys"); login_ensure_loggedin(); $crumb_key = 'api_key'; $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("crumb_key", $crumb_key); $step = 1; if (post_isset('done') && crumb_check($crumb_key)) { $ok = 1; $title = filter_strict(post_str("title")); $description = filter_strict(post_str("description")); $callback = filter_strict(post_str("callback")); $conf = post_str("confirm"); if ($ok && !$title) { $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("error", "no_title"); $ok = 0; } else { $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("title", $title); } if ($ok && !$description) { $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("error", "no_description"); $ok = 0; } else { $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("description", $description); } if ($ok && $callback) { if (!api_keys_utils_is_valid_callback($callback)) {
<?php include "include/init.php"; loadlib("api"); features_ensure_enabled("api"); $GLOBALS['smarty']->display("page_api.txt"); exit;
loadlib("invite_codes"); $backups = flickr_backups_for_user($GLOBALS['cfg']['user']); $registered = count($backups) ? 1 : 0; if (!$registered && !$GLOBALS['cfg']['backups_enable_registrations']) { error_disabled(); } if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['enable_feature_invite_codes']) { if (!$registered && !invite_codes_get_by_cookie()) { $cookie = login_get_cookie('invite'); if (!$cookie) { header("location: /invite/?redir=" . urlencode("account/flickr/backups")); exit; } } } features_ensure_enabled("backups"); $map = flickr_backups_type_map('string keys'); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign_by_ref("map", $map); $crumb_key = 'backups'; $smarty->assign("crumb_key", $crumb_key); $crumb_ok = crumb_check($crumb_key); if ($crumb_ok) { if (post_str("setup")) { $created = array(); $details = array(); foreach ($map as $ignore => $type_id) { $rsp = flickr_backups_create($GLOBALS['cfg']['user'], $type_id); $created[$type_id] = $rsp['ok'] || $rsp['error_code'] == 1062 ? 1 : 0; $rsp['type_id'] = $type_id; $details[] = $rsp; }
<?php # sad face... # http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6749.txt include "include/init.php"; features_ensure_enabled("api"); features_ensure_enabled("api_delegated_auth"); loadlib("api_keys"); loadlib("api_keys_utils"); loadlib("api_oauth2_grant_tokens"); loadlib("api_oauth2_access_tokens"); # function local_send_json($json, $is_error = 0) { if (!$is_error && isset($json['error'])) { $is_error = 1; } if ($is_error) { header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request"); } header("Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8"); header("Cache-Control: no-store"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); echo json_encode($json); exit; } # $key_more = array('ensure_isown' => 0); $key_row = api_keys_utils_get_from_url($key_more); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign_by_ref("key", $key_row); $ok = 1;
# This is a little piece of syntactic sugar for logged-in users. # It is predicated on using OAuth2 which itself is mostly just a # lot of syntactic sugar around the same old api key + auth token # dance which is itself wrapped up in a big ol' blanket of HTTPS. # # So all this page does is mint a brand new key and access token # for a user in one go. It doesn't set a callback URL or do anything # fancy. It just gives them an access_token so they can start # using the API. (20121026/straup) # sad face... # http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6749.txt include "include/init.php"; features_ensure_enabled("api"); features_ensure_enabled("api_delegated_auth"); features_ensure_enabled("api_authenticate_self"); login_ensure_loggedin(); loadlib("api_keys"); loadlib("api_oauth2_access_tokens"); $crumb_key = 'access_token_authenticate_like_magic'; $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign("crumb_key", $crumb_key); $perms_map = api_oauth2_access_tokens_permissions_map(); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign_by_ref("permissions", $perms_map); $ttl_map = api_oauth2_access_tokens_ttl_map(); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign_by_ref("ttl_map", $ttl_map); $step = 1; if (post_isset("done") && crumb_check($crumb_key)) { $ok = 1; $title = post_str("title"); $perms = post_str("perms"); $ttl = post_int32("ttl");
<?php include "include/init.php"; features_ensure_enabled("signup"); login_ensure_loggedout(); # # carry this argument through # $smarty->assign('redir', request_str('redir')); # # are we signing up? # if (post_str('signup')) { $ok = 1; $email = post_str('email'); $password = post_str('password'); $username = post_str('username'); $redir = post_str('redir'); $smarty->assign('email', $email); $smarty->assign('password', $password); $smarty->assign('username', $username); $smarty->assign('redir', $redir); # # all fields are in order? # if (!strlen($email) || !strlen($password) || !strlen($username)) { $smarty->assign('error_missing', 1); $ok = 0; } # # email available?
<? # # $Id$ # include("include/init.php"); features_ensure_enabled("signin"); login_ensure_loggedout(); # # pass through # $redir = request_str('redir'); $smarty->assign('redir', $redir); # # try and sign in? # if (post_str('signin')){ $email = post_str('email'); $password = post_str('password'); $smarty->assign('email', $email);