function youtube_search($query) { $agent = ICEWEASEL_UA; $host = ""; $uri = "/results"; $port = 443; $params = array(); $params["search_query"] = $query; $response = wpost($host, $uri, $port, $agent, $params); $html = strip_headers($response); strip_all_tag($html, "head"); strip_all_tag($html, "script"); strip_all_tag($html, "style"); $delim1 = "class=\"item-section\">"; $delim2 = "</ol>"; $html = extract_text_nofalse($html, $delim1, $delim2); $results = explode("<li><div class=\"yt-lockup yt-lockup-tile yt-lockup-video vve-check clearfix yt-uix-tile\"", $html); array_shift($results); if (count($results) == 0) { return False; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($results); $i++) { $parts = explode(">", $results[$i]); array_shift($parts); $results[$i] = implode(">", $parts); $delim1 = "<h3 class=\"yt-lockup-title \">"; $delim2 = "</h3>"; $results[$i] = extract_text_nofalse($results[$i], $delim1, $delim2); $delim1 = "<a href=\""; $delim2 = "\" "; $url = "" . extract_text_nofalse($results[$i], $delim1, $delim2); $delim1 = "dir=\"ltr\">"; $delim2 = "</a>"; $title = extract_text_nofalse($results[$i], $delim1, $delim2); $title = html_decode($title); $title = html_decode($title); $delim1 = "> - Duration: "; $delim2 = ".</span>"; $time = extract_text_nofalse($results[$i], $delim1, $delim2); $results[$i] = $url . " - " . $title . " - " . $time; } return $results; }
function wiki_autospamctl($nick, $trailing) { $spam_user_list = array(); $safe_user_list = array(); $spam_rule_list = array(); if (file_exists(DATA_PATH . "wiki_spam_users") == True) { $spam_user_list = explode(PHP_EOL, file_get_contents(DATA_PATH . "wiki_spam_users")); delete_empty_elements($spam_user_list, True); } if (file_exists(DATA_PATH . "wiki_safe_users") == True) { $safe_user_list = explode(PHP_EOL, file_get_contents(DATA_PATH . "wiki_safe_users")); delete_empty_elements($safe_user_list, True); } if (file_exists(DATA_PATH . "wiki_spam_rules") == True) { $spam_rule_list = explode(PHP_EOL, file_get_contents(DATA_PATH . "wiki_spam_rules")); delete_empty_elements($spam_rule_list, True); } $test_title = trim(extract_text_nofalse($trailing, "14[[07", "14]]")); $test_nick = trim(extract_text_nofalse($trailing, " 5* 03", " 5*")); if ($test_title == "" or $test_nick == "") { return; } if (in_array($test_nick, $safe_user_list) == True) { return; } $prefix = "Special:"; if (substr($test_title, 0, strlen($prefix)) == $prefix) { return; } $rule_match = False; for ($i = 0; $i < count($spam_rule_list); $i++) { if (preg_match($spam_rule_list[$i], $test_nick) == 1) { $rule_match = True; break; } } if ($rule_match == False) { if (in_array($test_nick, $spam_user_list) == False) { return; } } privmsg("auto-spamctl for article \"{$test_title}\" by spam user \"{$test_nick}\""); wiki_spamctl($nick, ".spamctl {$test_title}"); }
$amount = $parts[0]; $from_unit = $parts[1]; $to_unit = $parts[2]; $func_name = "convert_" . strtolower($from_unit) . "_" . strtolower($to_unit); if (function_exists($func_name) == True) { call_user_func($func_name, $amount); } $func_name = "convert_" . strtolower($to_unit) . "_" . strtolower($from_unit); if (function_exists($func_name) == True) { call_user_func($func_name, $amount, True); } $response = wget("", "/finance/converter?a=" . $amount . "&from=" . $from_unit . "&to=" . $to_unit, 80); $html = strip_headers($response); $delim1 = "<div id=currency_converter_result>"; $delim2 = "</div>"; $result = extract_text_nofalse($html, $delim1, $delim2); $result = trim(strip_tags($result)); if ($result == "") { convert_privmsg($syntax); } convert_privmsg($result); ##################################################################################################### function convert_privmsg($msg) { privmsg(chr(3) . "03" . $msg); die; } ##################################################################################################### function convert_result($amount, $result, $from_unit, $to_unit, $space = True) { if ($space == True) {
$delim1 = "<h2 "; $delim2 = "</h2>"; $name = extract_text_nofalse($html, $delim1, $delim2); $name = strip_tags("<" . $name); $name = clean_text($name); $name = html_decode($name); $name = html_decode($name); $delim1 = "<div class=\"highlight\"><pre>"; $delim2 = "</pre></div>"; $example = extract_text_nofalse($html, $delim1, $delim2); $example = strip_tags($example); $example = clean_text($example); $example = html_decode($example); $example = html_decode($example); $delim1 = "</pre></div>"; $delim2 = "</p>"; $description = extract_text_nofalse($html, $delim1, $delim2); $description = strip_tags($description); $description = clean_text($description); $description = html_decode($description); $description = html_decode($description); if ($name != "" and $example != "" and $description != "") { privmsg(chr(3) . "07" . $name); privmsg(chr(3) . "07" . $description); privmsg(chr(3) . "07" . $example); privmsg(chr(3) . "07" . "" . urlencode($trailing)); } else { privmsg(chr(3) . "07" . "error/not found"); privmsg(chr(3) . "07" . "" . urlencode($trailing)); } #####################################################################################################
function process_weather(&$location, $nick, $getdata = False) { $loc = get_location($location, $nick); term_echo("*** WEATHER LOCATION LOOKUP: {$loc}"); if ($loc === False) { if ($location == "") { return False; } $loc = $location; } $location = $loc; $loc_query = filter($loc, VALID_UPPERCASE . VALID_LOWERCASE . VALID_NUMERIC . " "); $prefs = get_prefs($nick); $fheit = "1"; $use_unit_pref = False; if (isset($prefs["unit"]) == True and $getdata == False) { if ($prefs["unit"] == "metric") { $use_unit_pref = True; $fheit = "0"; } if ($prefs["unit"] == "imperial") { $use_unit_pref = True; } } # $url = "{$fheit}&q=weather+" . urlencode($loc_query); term_echo($url); $response = wget("", "/search?gbv=1&fheit={$fheit}&q=weather+" . urlencode($loc_query), 80, ICEWEASEL_UA, "", 60); $html = strip_headers($response); $delim1 = "<div class=\"e\">"; $delim2 = "</table>"; $html = extract_text($html, $delim1, $delim2); if ($html === False) { return False; } $html = replace_ctrl_chars($html, " "); $html = str_replace(" ", " ", $html); $html = html_decode($html); $html = html_decode($html); $location = trim(strip_tags(extract_raw_tag($html, "h3"))); if (substr($location, 0, 12) == "Weather for ") { $location = substr($location, 12); } $wind = trim(strip_tags(extract_text_nofalse($html, "style=\"white-space:nowrap;padding-right:15px;color:#666\">Wind: ", "</span>"))); $humidity = extract_text($html, "style=\"white-space:nowrap;padding-right:0px;vertical-align:top;color:#666\">Humidity: ", "</td>"); $parts = explode("<td", $html); $temps = array(); $tempsC = array(); $conds = array(); $days = array(); for ($i = 1; $i < count($parts); $i++) { $cond = extract_text($parts[$i], "alt=\"", "\""); $temp = extract_text($parts[$i], "<span class=\"wob_t\" style=\"display:inline\">", "</span>"); $day = extract_text($parts[$i], "colspan=\"2\" style=\"vertical-align:top;text-align:center\">", "</td>"); if ($cond !== False) { $conds[] = strtolower($cond); } if ($temp !== False) { $temps[] = $temp; $tempsC[] = sprintf("%.0f", (substr($temp, 0, strlen($temp) - 2) - 32) * 5 / 9) . "°C"; } if ($day !== False) { $days[] = $day; } } $offset = 0; $wind_caption = ", wind " . $wind; if ($wind == "") { $offset = 1; $wind_caption = ""; } if (count($conds) != 5 or count($temps) != 10 - $offset or count($tempsC) != 10 - $offset or count($days) != 4) { return False; } if ($use_unit_pref == False) { $result = $location . " - currently " . $temps[0] . " / " . $tempsC[0] . ", " . $conds[0] . $wind_caption . ", humidity " . $humidity . " - "; } else { $result = $location . " - currently " . $temps[0] . ", " . $conds[0] . $wind_caption . ", humidity " . $humidity . " - "; } $fulldays = array("Sun." => "Sunday", "Mon." => "Monday", "Tue." => "Tuesday", "Wed." => "Wednesday", "Thu." => "Thursday", "Fri." => "Friday", "Sat." => "Saturday"); for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) { $day = $days[$i - 1]; $day = $fulldays[$day]; if ($use_unit_pref == False) { $result = $result . $day . " " . $conds[$i] . " (" . $temps[$i * 2 + 1 - $offset] . ":" . $temps[$i * 2 - $offset] . " / " . $tempsC[$i * 2 + 1 - $offset] . ":" . $tempsC[$i * 2 - $offset] . ")"; } else { $result = $result . $day . " " . $conds[$i] . " (" . $temps[$i * 2 + 1 - $offset] . ":" . $temps[$i * 2 - $offset] . ")"; } if ($i < 4) { $result = $result . ", "; } } $color = "10"; if (isset($prefs["color"]) == True) { $color = $prefs["color"]; } $result = chr(3) . $color . $result; if ($getdata != False) { $data = array(); $data["tempF"] = $temps[0]; $data["tempC"] = $tempsC[0]; $data["cond"] = $conds[0]; $data["wind"] = $wind_caption; $data["humidity"] = $humidity; $data["location"] = $location; return $data; } return $result; }