echo 'allow_url_fopen: ' . (@ini_get('allow_url_fopen') == '1' || strtolower(@ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) == 'on' ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled') . '<br />'; // Check if some PHP extensions are available $loaded_ext = get_loaded_extensions(); $modules_maybe = array('curl', 'ftp', 'pcre', 'zlib', 'mbstring', 'libxml', 'gd', 'mysqli', 'imagick', 'json'); $compared = array_diff($modules_maybe, $loaded_ext); foreach ($compared as $not_loaded) { echo $not_loaded . ' PHP extension not available<br />'; } unset($not_loaded); // Quick check if ImageMagick "convert" program exists. function exec_enabled() { $disabled = explode(',', ini_get('disable_functions')); return !in_array('exec', $disabled); } if (exec_enabled() == true) { exec("convert -version", $out, $rvar); if ($rvar == 0) { echo 'ImageMagick: exists<br />'; } else { echo 'ImageMagick: not found<br />'; } } else { echo 'Check if ImageMagick operating not made, exec() disabled on server<br />'; } // A check to see if getimagesize is working on remote file $dimensions = ''; $getimage = ''; $image1 = ""; $getheaders = @get_headers($image1); if (preg_match("|200|", $getheaders[0])) {
<?php } ?> <?php break; case 2: if (exec_enabled()) { $pdf2swf = pdf2swfEnabled($path_to_pdf2swf . $pdf2swf_exec); $pdf2json = pdf2jsonEnabled($path_to_pdf2json . $pdf2json_exec); } else { $pdf2swf = false; $pdf2json = false; } $gdinfo = null; $tests = array(1 => array("desc" => "exec() enabled", "test" => exec_enabled(), "failmsg" => "FlexPaper requires exec() to be enabled in order to be able to execute SWFTools and PDF2JSON on the fly. You will have to convert your documents manually if this is not enabled.", "sev" => 0), 2 => array("desc" => "Max upload size > 10 mb", "test" => max_upload_gt_10(), "failmsg" => "Your max upload size for your server is restricted to less than 10 megabytes. You can still use FlexPaper but will be unable to upload large files through the admin interface. To allow larger files, please increase 'upload_max_filesize' and 'post_max_size' in your php.ini file. For more information on this please see <a href=''>the PHP documentation</a>", "sev" => 0)); if ($configManager->getConfig('test_pdf2swf')) { $test = array("desc" => "SWFTools support", "test" => $pdf2swf, "failmsg" => "Without SWFTools installed, documents will have to be published manually. Please see <a href=''></a> on how to install SWFTools.<br/><br/>Have you installed SWFTools at a different location? Please enter the full path to your SWFTools installation below<br/><form class='devaldi'><div class='text' style='width:400px;float:left;'><input type='text' name='PDF2SWF_PATH' id='PDF2SWF_PATH' value='" . $path_to_pdf2swf . "' onkeydown='updatepdf2swfpath()'/><div class='effects'></div><div class='loader'></div></div></form><br/>", "sev" => 0); array_push($tests, $test); } if ($configManager->getConfig('test_pdf2json')) { $test = array("desc" => "PDF2JSON support", "test" => $pdf2json, "failmsg" => "Without PDF2JSON installed, FlexPaper won't be able to publish documents to HTML format. Please see its homepage on <a href=''>Google Code</a> on how to download and install PDF2JSON<br/><br/>Have you installed PDF2JSON at a different location? Please enter the full path to your PDF2JSON installation below<br/><form class='devaldi'><div class='text' style='width:400px;float:left;'><input type='text' name='PDF2JSON_PATH' id='PDF2JSON_PATH' value='" . $path_to_pdf2json . "' onkeydown='updatepdf2jsonpath()'/><div class='effects'></div><div class='loader'></div></div></form><br/>", "sev" => 0); array_push($tests, $test); } exec_tests($tests); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function updatepdf2jsonpath(){ $('#bttn_final').hide(); $('#bttn_updatepath_pdf2json').show(); }
echo "<li>{$msg}</li>"; } ?> </ul> <?php } ?> <?php break; case 2: $pdf2swf = pdf2swfEnabled($path_to_pdf2swf . $pdf2swf_exec); $pdf2json = pdf2jsonEnabled($path_to_pdf2json . $pdf2json_exec); $pdftk = pdftkEnabled($path_to_pdftk . $pdftk_exec); $gdinfo = null; $tests = array(0 => array("desc" => "SWFTools support", "test" => $pdf2swf, "failmsg" => "Without SWFTools installed, documents will have to be published manually. Please see <a href=''></a> on how to install SWFTools.<br/><br/>Have you installed SWFTools at a different location? Please enter the full path to your SWFTools installation below<br/><form class='devaldi'><div class='text' style='width:400px;float:left;'><input type='text' name='PDF2SWF_PATH' id='PDF2SWF_PATH' value='" . $path_to_pdf2swf . "' onkeydown='updatepdf2swfpath()'/><div class='effects'></div><div class='loader'></div></div></form><br/>", "sev" => 0), 1 => array("desc" => "PDF2JSON support", "test" => $pdf2json, "failmsg" => "Without PDF2JSON installed, FlexPaper won't be able to publish documents to HTML format. Please see its homepage on <a href=''>Google Code</a> on how to download and install PDF2JSON<br/><br/>Have you installed PDF2JSON at a different location? Please enter the full path to your PDF2JSON installation below<br/><form class='devaldi'><div class='text' style='width:400px;float:left;'><input type='text' name='PDF2JSON_PATH' id='PDF2JSON_PATH' value='" . $path_to_pdf2json . "' onkeydown='updatepdf2jsonpath()'/><div class='effects'></div><div class='loader'></div></div></form><br/>", "sev" => 0), 2 => array("desc" => "exec() enabled", "test" => exec_enabled(), "failmsg" => "FlexPaper requires exec() to be enabled in order to be able to execute SWFTools and PDF2JSON on the fly. You will have to convert your documents manually if this is not enabled.", "sev" => 0), 3 => array("desc" => "Max upload size > 10 mb", "test" => max_upload_gt_10(), "failmsg" => "Your max upload size for your server is restricted to less than 10 megabytes. You can still use FlexPaper but will be unable to upload large files through the admin interface. To allow larger files, please increase 'upload_max_filesize' and 'post_max_size' in your php.ini file. For more information on this please see <a href=''>the PHP documentation</a>", "sev" => 0), 4 => array("desc" => "PDFTK support", "test" => $pdftk, "failmsg" => "The HTML5 mode cannot be used in split mode without PDFTK installed. <br/><br/>Have you installed PDFTK at a different location? Please enter the full path to your PDFTK installation below<br/><form class='devaldi'><div class='text' style='width:400px;float:left;'><input type='text' name='PDFTK_PATH' id='PDFTK_PATH' value='" . $path_to_pdftk . "' onkeydown='updatepdftkpath()'/><div class='effects'></div><div class='loader'></div></div></form><br/>", "sev" => 1)); exec_tests($tests); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function updatepdf2jsonpath(){ $('#bttn_final').hide(); $('#bttn_updatepath_pdf2json').show(); } function updatepdf2swfpath(){ $('#bttn_final').hide(); $('#bttn_updatepath_pdf2swf').show(); } function updatepdftkpath(){ $('#bttn_final').hide();