function ShowChartFC($xml, $scroll = FALSE, $drilldown = FALSE) { global $ReportLanguage; $typ = $this->ChartType; // Chart type (1/2/3/4/...) $id = $this->ID; // Chart ID $parms = $this->Parms; // "bgcolor=FFFFFF|..." $trends = $this->Trends; // Trend lines $data = $this->Data; $series = $this->Series; $width = $this->ChartWidth; $height = $this->ChartHeight; $align = $this->ChartAlign; if (empty($typ)) { $typ = 1; } // Get chart path / swf $fcfchart = $this->IsFCFChart(); $showgrid = $this->UseGridComponent; if ($typ > 8 && $typ != 104 && $typ != 22 && $typ != 101) { $showgrid = FALSE; } $charttype = ""; switch ($typ) { // Single Series case 1: $charttype = $scroll ? "scrollcolumn2d" : "column2d"; break; // Column 2D // Column 2D case 2: $charttype = "pie2d"; break; // Pie 2D // Pie 2D case 3: $charttype = "bar2d"; break; // Bar 2D // Bar 2D case 4: $charttype = $scroll ? "scrollline2d" : "line"; break; // Line 2D // Line 2D case 5: $charttype = "column3d"; break; // Column 3D // Column 3D case 6: $charttype = "pie3d"; break; // Pie 3D // Pie 3D case 7: $charttype = $scroll ? "scrollarea2d" : "area2d"; break; // Area 2D // Area 2D case 8: $charttype = "doughnut2d"; break; // Doughnut 2D // Multi Series // Doughnut 2D // Multi Series case 9: $charttype = $scroll ? "scrollcolumn2d" : "mscolumn2d"; break; // Multi-series Column 2D // Multi-series Column 2D case 10: $charttype = "mscolumn3d"; break; // Multi-series Column 3D // Multi-series Column 3D case 11: $charttype = $scroll ? "scrollline2d" : "msline"; break; // Multi-series Line 2D // Multi-series Line 2D case 12: $charttype = $scroll ? "scrollarea2d" : "msarea"; break; // Multi-series Area 2D // Multi-series Area 2D case 13: $charttype = "msbar2d"; break; // Multi-series Bar 2D // Stacked // Multi-series Bar 2D // Stacked case 14: $charttype = $scroll ? "scrollstackedcolumn2d" : ($charttype = "stackedcolumn2d"); break; // Stacked Column 2D // Stacked Column 2D case 15: $charttype = "stackedcolumn3d"; break; // Stacked Column 3D // Stacked Column 3D case 16: $charttype = "stackedarea2d"; break; // Stacked Area 2D // Stacked Area 2D case 17: $charttype = "stackedbar2d"; break; // Stacked Bar 2D // Combination // Stacked Bar 2D // Combination case 18: $charttype = $scroll ? "scrollcombidy2d" : "mscombidy2d"; break; // Multi-series Column 2D Line Dual Y Chart // Multi-series Column 2D Line Dual Y Chart case 19: $charttype = "mscolumn3dlinedy"; break; // Multi-series Column 3D Line Dual Y Chart // Financial // Multi-series Column 3D Line Dual Y Chart // Financial case 20: $charttype = EWR_FUSIONCHARTS_FREE ? EWR_FUSIONCHARTS_FREE_CHART_PATH . "FCF_Candlestick.swf" : "candlestick"; break; // Candlestick // Other // Candlestick // Other case 21: $charttype = EWR_FUSIONCHARTS_FREE ? EWR_FUSIONCHARTS_FREE_CHART_PATH . "FCF_Gantt.swf" : "gantt"; break; // Gantt // Gantt case 22: $charttype = EWR_FUSIONCHARTS_FREE ? EWR_FUSIONCHARTS_FREE_CHART_PATH . "FCF_Funnel.swf" : "funnel"; break; // Funnel // Additional FusionCharts // Funnel // Additional FusionCharts case 101: $charttype = "doughnut3d"; break; // Doughnut 3D // Doughnut 3D case 102: $charttype = "msbar3d"; break; // Multi-series Bar 3D // Multi-series Bar 3D case 103: $charttype = "stackedbar3d"; break; // Stacked Bar 3D // Stacked Bar 3D case 104: $charttype = "msbar3d"; break; // Bar 3D (using Multi-series Bar 3D for single series) // Default // Bar 3D (using Multi-series Bar 3D for single series) // Default default: $charttype = "column2d"; // Default = Column 2D } // Set width, height and align if (is_numeric($width) && is_numeric($height)) { $wrkwidth = $width; $wrkheight = $height; } else { // Default $wrkwidth = EWR_CHART_WIDTH; $wrkheight = EWR_CHART_HEIGHT; } // Output JavaScript for FC $chartxml = $xml; if ($chartxml == "") { $chartxml = $fcfchart ? "<graph/>" : ""; } // Empty chart $chartid = "chart_" . $id; if ($drilldown) { $chartid .= "_" . ewr_Random(); } if ($fcfchart && ewr_IsMobile()) { $wrk = "<div>" . $ReportLanguage->Phrase("BrowserNoFlashSupport") . "</div>"; } else { $wrk = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"; $wrk .= "var chartoptions = { \"width\": " . $wrkwidth . ", \"height\": " . $wrkheight . ",\n" . "\t\"id\": \"" . $chartid . "\", \"type\": \"" . $charttype . "\" };\n"; $wrk .= "var chartxml = \"" . ewr_EscapeJs($chartxml) . "\";\n"; if ($fcfchart) { $wrk .= "var cht_{$id} = new FusionChartsFree(chartoptions.type,, chartoptions.width, chartoptions.height);\n"; $wrk .= "cht_{$id}.addParam(\"wmode\", \"transparent\");\n"; $wrk .= "cht_{$id}.setDataXML(chartxml);\n"; } else { $wrk .= "var cht_{$id} = new FusionCharts(chartoptions);\n"; $wrk .= "cht_{$id}.setXMLData(chartxml);\n"; $wrk .= $drilldown ? "ewrDrillCharts[ewrDrillCharts.length] = cht_{$id}.id;\n" : "ewrExportCharts[ewrExportCharts.length] = cht_{$id}.id;\n"; // Export chart } $wrk .= "var f = " . CurrentPage()->PageObjName . ".Chart_Rendering;\n"; $wrk .= "if (typeof f == \"function\") f(cht_{$id}, 'chart_{$id}');\n"; $wrk .= "cht_{$id}.render(\"div_" . $id . "\");\n"; $wrk .= "f = " . CurrentPage()->PageObjName . ".Chart_Rendered;\n"; $wrk .= "if (typeof f == \"function\") f(cht_{$id}, 'chart_{$id}');\n"; // Grid component if ($showgrid && $chartxml != "") { // Load Bar2D XML for Bar3D if ($typ == 104) { $this->SetChartParm("type", "3", FALSE); // Reset to 2D $this->XmlDoc = new DOMDocument("1.0", "utf-8"); $chartxml = $this->ChartXml(); $this->SetChartParm("type", "104", FALSE); // Restore chart type } // Remove clickurl first $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadXML($chartxml); $doc->documentElement->setAttribute("clickurl", ""); $chartgridxml = $doc->saveXML(); $gridid = $id . "_grid"; $chartid = "chart_" . $gridid; if ($drilldown) { $chartid .= "_" . ewr_Random(); } $wrkgridheight = $this->ChartGridHeight; $wrk .= "chartxml = \"" . ewr_EscapeJs($chartgridxml) . "\";\n"; $wrk .= "chartoptions = { \"width\": " . $wrkwidth . ", \"height\": " . $wrkgridheight . ",\n" . "\t\"id\": \"" . $chartid . "\", \"type\": \"ssgrid\" };\n"; $wrk .= "var cht_{$gridid} = new FusionCharts(chartoptions);\n"; $wrk .= "cht_{$gridid}.setXMLData(chartxml);\n"; $wrk .= $drilldown ? "ewrDrillCharts[ewrDrillCharts.length] = cht_{$gridid}.id;\n" : "ewrExportCharts[ewrExportCharts.length] = cht_{$gridid}.id;\n"; // Export chart // Set Grid specific parameters if ($this->ChartGridConfig) { $wrk .= "cht_{$gridid}.configure(" . $this->ChartGridConfig . ");\n"; } $wrk .= "cht_{$gridid}.render(\"div_" . $gridid . "\");\n"; } // Debug mode if (!$fcfchart && EWR_DEBUG_ENABLED) { $wrk .= "FusionCharts[\"debugger\"].enable(true, function(message) { console.log(message); });\n"; } $wrk .= "</script>\n"; } // Show XML for debug if (EWR_DEBUG_ENABLED) { $wrk .= "<p>(Chart XML): " . ewr_HtmlEncode($chartxml) . "</p>"; } return $wrk; }
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