Esempio n. 1
function ewiki_action_image_append($id, $data, $action)
    #-- invalid $id value
    if (empty($data) || !$data["version"] || EWIKI_DB_F_TEXT != ($data["flags"] & EWIKI_DB_F_TYPE)) {
        $o = ewiki_t("CANNOTCHANGEPAGE");
    } elseif ($fa = $_FILES["imagefile"]) {
        #-- guess HTTP meta data
        $meta = array("X-Content-Type" => $fa["type"]);
        if ($s = $fa["name"]) {
            $meta["Content-Location"] = $s;
            $p = 0 or $p = strrpos($s, "/") and $p++ or $p = strrpos($s, '\\') and $p++;
            $meta["Content-Disposition"] = 'inline; filename="' . urlencode(substr($s, $p)) . '"';
        #-- proceed an image (reject binary, resize if too large)
        $result = ewiki_binary_save_image($fa["tmp_name"], "", "RETURN", $meta, 0, 1);
        #-- database rejected file
        if (!$result) {
            $o = ewiki_t("BIN_NOIMG");
        } else {
            $loop = 3;
            while ($loop--) {
                $data = ewiki_db::GET($id);
                $data["content"] = rtrim($data["content"], "\n") . "\n\n" . "[\"AppendedPicture\"{$result}]\n\n\n";
                $result = ewiki_db::WRITE($data);
                if ($result) {
            if ($result) {
                $o = ewiki_page("view/{$id}");
                ewiki_log("image appended to '{$id}'");
            } else {
                $o .= ewiki_t("NO_IMAGEAPPEND");
    } else {
        $o .= ewiki_t("BIN_NOIMG");
        #"You did not select an image, or something went really wrong during tansmission. Plase go back to the previous page.";
    return $o;
Esempio n. 2
function ewiki_binary($break = 0)
    global $ewiki_plugins;
    global $USER;
    // MOODLE
    $id = optional_param(EWIKI_UP_BINARY, '');
    #-- reject calls
    if (!strlen($id) || !EWIKI_IDF_INTERNAL) {
        return false;
    if (headers_sent()) {
        die("ewiki-binary configuration error");
    #-- upload requests
    $upload_file = @$_FILES[EWIKI_UP_UPLOAD];
    $add_meta = array();
    if ($orig_name = @$upload_file["name"]) {
        $add_meta["Content-Location"] = urlencode($orig_name);
        $add_meta["Content-Disposition"] = 'inline; filename="' . urlencode(basename("remote://{$orig_name}")) . '"';
    #-- what are we doing here?
    if ($id == EWIKI_IDF_INTERNAL && $upload_file) {
        $do = "upload";
    } else {
        $data = ewiki_database("GET", array("id" => $id));
        $flags = @$data["flags"];
        if (EWIKI_DB_F_BINARY == ($flags & EWIKI_DB_F_TYPE)) {
            $do = "get";
        } elseif (empty($data["version"]) and EWIKI_CACHE_IMAGES) {
            $do = "cache";
        } else {
            $do = "nop";
    #-- auth only happens when enforced with _PROTECTED_MODE_XXL setting
    #   (authentication for inline images in violation of the WWW spirit)
    if (EWIKI_PROTECTED_MODE >= 5 && !ewiki_auth($id, $data, "binary-{$do}")) {
        $_REQUEST['id'] = $_POST['id'] = $_GET['id'] = "view/BinaryPermissionError";
        return "view/BinaryPermissionError";
    #-- upload an image
    if ($do == "upload") {
        $id = ewiki_binary_save_image($upload_file["tmp_name"], "", $return = 0, $add_meta);
        ($title = trim($orig_name, "/")) && ($title = preg_replace("/[^-._\\w\\d]+/", "_", substr(substr($orig_name, strrpos($title, "/")), 0, 20))) && ($title = '"' . $title . '"') || ($title = "");
        if ($id) {
            echo <<<EOF
<html><head><title>File/Picture Upload</title><script type="text/javascript"><!--
 opener.document.forms["ewiki"].elements["content"].value += "\\nUPLOADED PICTURE: [{$id}{$title}]\\n";
 window.setTimeout("self.close()", 5000);
//--></script></head><body bgcolor="#440707" text="#FFFFFF">Your uploaded file was saved as<br /><big><b>
</b></big>.<br /><br /><noscript>Please copy this &uarr; into the text input box:<br />select/mark it with your mouse, press [Ctrl]+[Insert], go back<br />to the previous screen and paste it into the textbox by pressing<br />[Shift]+[Insert] inside there.</noscript></body></html>
    } elseif ($do == "get") {
        if (EWIKI_HIT_COUNTING) {
            $tmp["id"] = $id;
            ewiki_database("HIT", $tmp);
        #-- send http_headers from meta
        if (is_array($data["meta"])) {
            foreach ($data["meta"] as $hdr => $val) {
                if ($hdr[0] >= "A" && $hdr[0] <= "Z") {
                    header("{$hdr}: {$val}");
        #-- fetch from binary store
        if ($pf_a = $ewiki_plugins["binary_get"]) {
            #### CHANGED FOR MOODLE
            foreach ($pf_a as $pf) {
                $pf($id, $data["meta"]);
            #### END CHANGED FOR MOODLE
        #-- else fpassthru
        echo $data["content"];
    } elseif ($do == "cache") {
        #-- check for standard protocol names, to prevent us from serving
        #   evil requests for '/etc/passwd.jpeg' or '../.htaccess.gif'
        if (preg_match('@^\\w?(http|ftp|https|ftps|sftp)\\w?://@', $id)) {
            #-- generate local copy
            $filename = tempnam(EWIKI_TMP, "ewiki.local.temp.");
            if (($i = fopen($id, "rb")) && ($o = fopen($filename, "wb"))) {
                while (!feof($i)) {
                    fwrite($o, fread($i, 65536));
                $add_meta = array("Content-Location" => urlencode($id), "Content-Disposition" => 'inline; filename="' . urlencode(basename($id)) . '"');
                $result = ewiki_binary_save_image($filename, $id, "RETURN", $add_meta);
        #-- deliver
        if ($result && !$break) {
            ewiki_binary($break = 1);
        } else {
            $data = array("id" => $id, "version" => 1, "flags" => EWIKI_DB_F_DISABLED, "lastmodified" => time(), "created" => time(), "author" => ewiki_author("ewiki_binary_cache"), "userid" => $USER->id, "content" => "", "meta" => array("Status" => "404 Absent"));
            ewiki_database("WRITE", $data);
            header("Location: {$id}");
            ewiki_log("imgcache: did not find '{$id}', and marked it now in database as DISABLED", 2);
    } else {
        if (strpos($id, EWIKI_IDF_INTERNAL) === false) {
            header("Status: 301 Located SomeWhere Else");
            header("Location: {$id}");
        } else {
            header("Status: 404 Absent");
            header("X-Broken-URI: {$id}");
    // you should not remove this one, it is really a good idea to use it!
Esempio n. 3
function ewiki_page_fileupload($id, $data, $action, $def_sec = "")
    global $ewiki_upload_sections, $ewiki_plugins;
    $o = ewiki_make_title($id, $id, 2);
    $upload_file = $_FILES[EWIKI_UP_UPLOAD];
    if (empty($upload_file)) {
        $o .= ewiki_t("UPLOAD0");
        $o .= '<div class="upload">' . '<form action="' . ewiki_script($action != "view" ? $action : "", $id) . '" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">' . '<b>' . ewiki_t("file") . '</b><br /><input type="file" name="' . EWIKI_UP_UPLOAD . '"><br /><br />' . '<input type="submit" value="' . EWIKI_PAGE_UPLOAD . '"><br /><br />';
        $o .= '<b>' . ewiki_t("comment") . '</b><br /><textarea name="comment" cols="35" rows="3"></textarea><br /><br />';
        if (empty($ewiki_upload_sections[$def_sec])) {
            $ewiki_upload_sections[$def_sec] = $def_sec;
        if (count($ewiki_upload_sections) > 1) {
            if (empty($def_sec)) {
                $def_sec = $_REQUEST["section"];
            $o .= '<b>' . ewiki_t("UPL_INSECT") . '</b><br /><select name="section">';
            foreach ($ewiki_upload_sections as $id => $title) {
                $o .= '<option value="' . $id . '"' . ($id == $def_sec ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . $title . '</option>';
            $o .= '</select><br /><br />';
        $o .= '<b>' . ewiki_t("UPL_NEWNAM") . '</b><br /><input type="text" name="new_filename" size="20"><br /><br />';
        $o .= '</form></div>';
    } elseif ($upload_file["size"] > EWIKI_UPLOAD_MAXSIZE) {
        $o .= ewiki_t("UPL_TOOLARGE");
    } else {
        $meta = array("X-Content-Type" => $upload_file["type"], "Cache-control" => "private");
        if (($s = $upload_file["name"]) && strlen($s) >= 3 || ($s = substr(md5(time() + microtime()), 0, 8) . ".dat")) {
            if (strlen($uu = trim($_REQUEST["new_filename"])) >= 3) {
                if ($uu != $s) {
                    $meta["Original-Filename"] = $s;
                $s = $uu;
            $meta["Content-Location"] = $s;
            $p = 0 or $p = strrpos($s, "/") and $p++ or $p = strrpos($s, '\\') and $p++;
            $meta["Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="' . urlencode(substr($s, $p)) . '"';
        if (strlen($sect = $_REQUEST["section"])) {
            if ($ewiki_upload_sections[$sect] || $action == EWIKI_ACTION_ATTACHMENTS && $data["content"] && strlen($ewiki_plugins["action"][EWIKI_ACTION_ATTACHMENTS])) {
                $meta["section"] = $sect;
            } else {
                $o .= ewiki_t("UPL_REJSECT", array('sect' => $sect));
                return $o;
        if (strlen($s = trim($_REQUEST["comment"]))) {
            $meta["comment"] = $s;
        $result = ewiki_binary_save_image($upload_file["tmp_name"], "", "RETURN", $meta, "ACCEPT_ALL", $care_for_images = 0);
        if ($result) {
            $o .= ewiki_t("UPL_OK", array('$script' => ewiki_script(EWIKI_PAGE_DOWNLOAD)));
            ewiki_log("file uploaded to section '{$sect}'");
        } else {
            $o .= ewiki_t("UPL_ERROR");
    return $o;