Esempio n. 1
 function PageUrl()
     $PageUrl = ew_CurrentPage() . "?";
     if ($this->UseTokenInUrl) {
         $PageUrl .= "t=" . $this->TableVar . "&";
     // Add page token
     return $PageUrl;
 function PageUrl()
     $PageUrl = ew_CurrentPage() . "?";
     global $Ingredients;
     if ($Ingredients->UseTokenInUrl) {
         $PageUrl .= "t=" . $Ingredients->TableVar . "&";
     // add page token
     return $PageUrl;
 function SortUrl(&$fld)
     if ($this->CurrentAction != "" || $this->Export != "" || $fld->FldType == 205) {
         // Unsortable data type
         return "";
     } else {
         $sUrlParm = $this->UrlParm("order=" . urlencode($fld->FldName) . "&ordertype=" . $fld->ReverseSort());
         return ew_CurrentPage() . "?" . $sUrlParm;
 function PageUrl()
     $PageUrl = ew_CurrentPage() . "?";
     global $GiftCertificates;
     if ($GiftCertificates->UseTokenInUrl) {
         $PageUrl .= "t=" . $GiftCertificates->TableVar . "&";
     // add page token
     return $PageUrl;
Esempio n. 5
 function PageUrl()
     $PageUrl = ew_CurrentPage() . "?";
     global $ButtonText;
     if ($ButtonText->UseTokenInUrl) {
         $PageUrl .= "t=" . $ButtonText->TableVar . "&";
     // add page token
     return $PageUrl;
Esempio n. 6
 function PageUrl()
     $PageUrl = ew_CurrentPage() . "?";
     global $tbl_user_level;
     if ($tbl_user_level->UseTokenInUrl) {
         $PageUrl .= "t=" . $tbl_user_level->TableVar . "&";
     // Add page token
     return $PageUrl;
Esempio n. 7
 function PageUrl()
     $PageUrl = ew_CurrentPage() . "?";
     return $PageUrl;
Esempio n. 8
 function PageUrl()
     $PageUrl = ew_CurrentPage() . "?";
     global $institution;
     if ($institution->UseTokenInUrl) {
         $PageUrl .= "t=" . $institution->TableVar . "&";
     // add page token
     return $PageUrl;
Esempio n. 9
 function PageUrl()
     $PageUrl = ew_CurrentPage() . "?";
     global $AdminInfo;
     if ($AdminInfo->UseTokenInUrl) {
         $PageUrl .= "t=" . $AdminInfo->TableVar . "&";
     // add page token
     return $PageUrl;
Esempio n. 10
 function PageUrl()
     $PageUrl = ew_CurrentPage() . "?";
     global $CustomView1;
     if ($CustomView1->UseTokenInUrl) {
         $PageUrl .= "t=" . $CustomView1->TableVar . "&";
     // add page token
     return $PageUrl;
Esempio n. 11
 function PageUrl()
     return ew_CurrentPage() . "?";
 function PageUrl()
     $PageUrl = ew_CurrentPage() . "?";
     global $Subscriptions2;
     if ($Subscriptions2->UseTokenInUrl) {
         $PageUrl .= "t=" . $Subscriptions2->TableVar . "&";
     // add page token
     return $PageUrl;
Esempio n. 13
 function ExportReturnUrl()
     $url = @$_SESSION[EW_PROJECT_NAME . "_" . $this->TableVar . "_" . EW_TABLE_EXPORT_RETURN_URL];
     return $url != "" ? $url : ew_CurrentPage();
 function PageUrl()
     $PageUrl = ew_CurrentPage() . "?";
     global $t_super_categories;
     if ($t_super_categories->UseTokenInUrl) {
         $PageUrl .= "t=" . $t_super_categories->TableVar . "&";
     // Add page token
     return $PageUrl;
 function GetInlineCopyUrl()
     return $this->KeyUrl(ew_CurrentPage(), $this->UrlParm("a=copy"));
Esempio n. 16
<div class="bd">
<form action="<?php 
echo ew_CurrentPage();
<input type="hidden" name="export" id="export" value="email">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
		<td><span class="phpmaker"><?php 
echo $Language->Phrase("EmailFormSender");
		<td><span class="phpmaker"><input type="text" name="sender" id="sender" size="30"></span></td>
		<td><span class="phpmaker"><?php 
echo $Language->Phrase("EmailFormRecipient");
		<td><span class="phpmaker"><input type="text" name="recipient" id="recipient" size="30"></span></td>
		<td><span class="phpmaker"><?php 
echo $Language->Phrase("EmailFormCc");
		<td><span class="phpmaker"><input type="text" name="cc" id="cc" size="30"></span></td>
		<td><span class="phpmaker"><?php 
echo $Language->Phrase("EmailFormBcc");
 function Page_Main()
     global $Language;
     // Load current record
     $bLoadCurrentRecord = FALSE;
     $sReturnUrl = "";
     $bMatchRecord = FALSE;
     if ($this->IsPageRequest()) {
         // Validate request
         if (@$_GET["realmid"] != "") {
             $this->RecKey["realmid"] = $this->realmid->QueryStringValue;
         } else {
             $sReturnUrl = "realmcharacterslist.php";
             // Return to list
         if (@$_GET["acctid"] != "") {
             $this->RecKey["acctid"] = $this->acctid->QueryStringValue;
         } else {
             $sReturnUrl = "realmcharacterslist.php";
             // Return to list
         // Get action
         $this->CurrentAction = "I";
         // Display form
         switch ($this->CurrentAction) {
             case "I":
                 // Get a record to display
                 if (!$this->LoadRow()) {
                     // Load record based on key
                     if ($this->getSuccessMessage() == "" && $this->getFailureMessage() == "") {
                     // Set no record message
                     $sReturnUrl = "realmcharacterslist.php";
                     // No matching record, return to list
         // Export data only
         if (in_array($this->Export, array("html", "word", "excel", "xml", "csv", "email", "pdf"))) {
             if ($this->Export == "email" && $this->ExportReturnUrl() == ew_CurrentPage()) {
                 // Default return page
             // Add key
             if ($this->Export == "email") {
             } else {
             // Terminate response
     } else {
         $sReturnUrl = "realmcharacterslist.php";
         // Not page request, return to list
     if ($sReturnUrl != "") {
     // Render row
     $this->RowType = EW_ROWTYPE_VIEW;
Esempio n. 18
 function PageUrl()
     $PageUrl = ew_CurrentPage() . "?";
     global $OrderDetails;
     if ($OrderDetails->UseTokenInUrl) {
         $PageUrl .= "t=" . $OrderDetails->TableVar . "&";
     // add page token
     return $PageUrl;
 function PageUrl()
     $PageUrl = ew_CurrentPage() . "?";
     global $password_reset_requests;
     if ($password_reset_requests->UseTokenInUrl) {
         $PageUrl .= "t=" . $password_reset_requests->TableVar . "&";
     // add page token
     return $PageUrl;
Esempio n. 20
 function PageUrl()
     $PageUrl = ew_CurrentPage() . "?";
     global $tbl_facebook_stat;
     if ($tbl_facebook_stat->UseTokenInUrl) {
         $PageUrl .= "t=" . $tbl_facebook_stat->TableVar . "&";
     // Add page token
     return $PageUrl;
 function PageUrl()
     $PageUrl = ew_CurrentPage() . "?";
     global $order;
     if ($order->UseTokenInUrl) {
         $PageUrl .= "t=" . $order->TableVar . "&";
     // Add page token
     return $PageUrl;
 function PageUrl()
     $PageUrl = ew_CurrentPage() . "?";
     global $t_produits_stockage;
     if ($t_produits_stockage->UseTokenInUrl) {
         $PageUrl .= "t=" . $t_produits_stockage->TableVar . "&";
     // Add page token
     return $PageUrl;
Esempio n. 23
 function SortUrl(&$fld)
     if ($this->CurrentAction != "" || $this->Export != "" || in_array($fld->FldType, array(128, 204, 205))) {
         // Unsortable data type
         return "";
     } elseif ($fld->Sortable) {
         $sUrlParm = $this->UrlParm("order=" . urlencode($fld->FldName) . "&amp;ordertype=" . $fld->ReverseSort());
         return ew_CurrentPage() . "?" . $sUrlParm;
     } else {
         return "";
 function PageUrl()
     $PageUrl = ew_CurrentPage() . "?";
     global $t_region_du_monde;
     if ($t_region_du_monde->UseTokenInUrl) {
         $PageUrl .= "t=" . $t_region_du_monde->TableVar . "&";
     // Add page token
     return $PageUrl;
Esempio n. 25
 function ExportEmail($EmailContent)
     global $gTmpImages, $Language;
     $sSender = @$_GET["sender"];
     $sRecipient = @$_GET["recipient"];
     $sCc = @$_GET["cc"];
     $sBcc = @$_GET["bcc"];
     $sContentType = @$_GET["contenttype"];
     // Subject
     $sSubject = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["subject"]);
     $sEmailSubject = $sSubject;
     // Message
     $sContent = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["message"]);
     $sEmailMessage = $sContent;
     // Check sender
     if ($sSender == "") {
         return "<p class=\"text-error\">" . $Language->Phrase("EnterSenderEmail") . "</p>";
     if (!ew_CheckEmail($sSender)) {
         return "<p class=\"text-error\">" . $Language->Phrase("EnterProperSenderEmail") . "</p>";
     // Check recipient
     if (!ew_CheckEmailList($sRecipient, EW_MAX_EMAIL_RECIPIENT)) {
         return "<p class=\"text-error\">" . $Language->Phrase("EnterProperRecipientEmail") . "</p>";
     // Check cc
     if (!ew_CheckEmailList($sCc, EW_MAX_EMAIL_RECIPIENT)) {
         return "<p class=\"text-error\">" . $Language->Phrase("EnterProperCcEmail") . "</p>";
     // Check bcc
     if (!ew_CheckEmailList($sBcc, EW_MAX_EMAIL_RECIPIENT)) {
         return "<p class=\"text-error\">" . $Language->Phrase("EnterProperBccEmail") . "</p>";
     // Check email sent count
     if (!isset($_SESSION[EW_EXPORT_EMAIL_COUNTER])) {
         return "<p class=\"text-error\">" . $Language->Phrase("ExceedMaxEmailExport") . "</p>";
     // Send email
     $Email = new cEmail();
     $Email->Sender = $sSender;
     // Sender
     $Email->Recipient = $sRecipient;
     // Recipient
     $Email->Cc = $sCc;
     // Cc
     $Email->Bcc = $sBcc;
     // Bcc
     $Email->Subject = $sEmailSubject;
     // Subject
     $Email->Format = $sContentType == "url" ? "text" : "html";
     $Email->Charset = EW_EMAIL_CHARSET;
     if ($sEmailMessage != "") {
         $sEmailMessage = ew_RemoveXSS($sEmailMessage);
         $sEmailMessage .= $sContentType == "url" ? "\r\n\r\n" : "<br><br>";
     if ($sContentType == "url") {
         $sUrl = ew_ConvertFullUrl(ew_CurrentPage() . "?" . $this->ExportQueryString());
         $sEmailMessage .= $sUrl;
         // Send URL only
     } else {
         foreach ($gTmpImages as $tmpimage) {
         $sEmailMessage .= $EmailContent;
         // Send HTML
     $Email->Content = $sEmailMessage;
     // Content
     $EventArgs = array();
     $bEmailSent = FALSE;
     if ($this->Email_Sending($Email, $EventArgs)) {
         $bEmailSent = $Email->Send();
     // Check email sent status
     if ($bEmailSent) {
         // Update email sent count
         // Sent email success
         return "<p class=\"text-success\">" . $Language->Phrase("SendEmailSuccess") . "</p>";
         // Set up success message
     } else {
         // Sent email failure
         return "<p class=\"text-error\">" . $Email->SendErrDescription . "</p>";
Esempio n. 26
 function PageUrl()
     $PageUrl = ew_CurrentPage() . "?";
     global $exam_data;
     if ($exam_data->UseTokenInUrl) {
         $PageUrl .= "t=" . $exam_data->TableVar . "&";
     // add page token
     return $PageUrl;
Esempio n. 27
 function PageUrl()
     $PageUrl = ew_CurrentPage() . "?";
     global $ZipCode;
     if ($ZipCode->UseTokenInUrl) {
         $PageUrl .= "t=" . $ZipCode->TableVar . "&";
     // add page token
     return $PageUrl;
 function PageUrl()
     $PageUrl = ew_CurrentPage() . "?";
     global $t_promotions_vins;
     if ($t_promotions_vins->UseTokenInUrl) {
         $PageUrl .= "t=" . $t_promotions_vins->TableVar . "&";
     // Add page token
     return $PageUrl;
Esempio n. 29
 function PageUrl()
     $PageUrl = ew_CurrentPage() . "?";
     global $patient_main;
     if ($patient_main->UseTokenInUrl) {
         $PageUrl .= "t=" . $patient_main->TableVar . "&";
     // add page token
     return $PageUrl;
Esempio n. 30
 function PageUrl()
     $PageUrl = ew_CurrentPage() . "?";
     global $tbl_group_profile;
     if ($tbl_group_profile->UseTokenInUrl) {
         $PageUrl .= "t=" . $tbl_group_profile->TableVar . "&";
     // Add page token
     return $PageUrl;