Esempio n. 1
function ew_CheckRange($value, $min, $max)
    if (strval($value) == "") {
        return TRUE;
    if (is_int($min) || is_float($min) || is_int($max) || is_float($max)) {
        // Number
        if (ew_CheckNumber($value)) {
            $value = floatval(ew_StrToFloat($value));
    if (!is_null($min) && $value < $min || !is_null($max) && $value > $max) {
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
 function ValidateForm()
     global $Language, $gsFormError;
     // Initialize form error message
     $gsFormError = "";
     if (!ew_CheckFileType($this->teacher_avatar->Upload->FileName)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $Language->Phrase("WrongFileType"));
     if ($this->teacher_avatar->Upload->FileSize > 0 && EW_MAX_FILE_SIZE > 0 && $this->teacher_avatar->Upload->FileSize > EW_MAX_FILE_SIZE) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", EW_MAX_FILE_SIZE, $Language->Phrase("MaxFileSize")));
     if (in_array($this->teacher_avatar->Upload->Error, array(1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8))) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $Language->Phrase("PhpUploadErr" . $this->teacher_avatar->Upload->Error));
     // Check if validation required
         return $gsFormError == "";
     if (!ew_CheckInteger($this->teacher_active->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->teacher_active->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckInteger($this->teacher_sex->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->teacher_sex->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($this->teacher_rate->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->teacher_rate->FldErrMsg());
     // Return validate result
     $ValidateForm = $gsFormError == "";
     // Call Form_CustomValidate event
     $sFormCustomError = "";
     $ValidateForm = $ValidateForm && $this->Form_CustomValidate($sFormCustomError);
     if ($sFormCustomError != "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $sFormCustomError);
     return $ValidateForm;
Esempio n. 3
 function ValidateForm()
     global $Language, $gsFormError;
     // Initialize form error message
     $gsFormError = "";
     // Check if validation required
         return $gsFormError == "";
     if (!ew_CheckRange($this->mes->FormValue, 1, 12)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->mes->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckRange($this->anio->FormValue, 2012, 2100)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->anio->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckEuroDate($this->fecha->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->fecha->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($this->monto->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->monto->FldErrMsg());
     // Return validate result
     $ValidateForm = $gsFormError == "";
     // Call Form_CustomValidate event
     $sFormCustomError = "";
     $ValidateForm = $ValidateForm && $this->Form_CustomValidate($sFormCustomError);
     if ($sFormCustomError != "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $sFormCustomError);
     return $ValidateForm;
Esempio n. 4
 function ValidateForm()
     global $Language, $gsFormError;
     // Initialize form error message
     $gsFormError = "";
     // Check if validation required
         return $gsFormError == "";
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($this->importe->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->importe->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckEuroDate($this->fecha_creacion->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->fecha_creacion->FldErrMsg());
     // Validate detail grid
     $DetailTblVar = explode(",", $this->getCurrentDetailTable());
     if (in_array("socios_cuotas", $DetailTblVar) && $GLOBALS["socios_cuotas"]->DetailAdd) {
         if (!isset($GLOBALS["socios_cuotas_grid"])) {
             $GLOBALS["socios_cuotas_grid"] = new csocios_cuotas_grid();
         // get detail page object
     // Return validate result
     $ValidateForm = $gsFormError == "";
     // Call Form_CustomValidate event
     $sFormCustomError = "";
     $ValidateForm = $ValidateForm && $this->Form_CustomValidate($sFormCustomError);
     if ($sFormCustomError != "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $sFormCustomError);
     return $ValidateForm;
 function ValidateForm()
     global $Language, $gsFormError;
     // Initialize form error message
     $gsFormError = "";
     // Check if validation required
         return $gsFormError == "";
     if (!$this->idservicio_medico->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->idservicio_medico->FormValue) && $this->idservicio_medico->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", $this->idservicio_medico->FldCaption(), $this->idservicio_medico->ReqErrMsg));
     if (!$this->costo->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->costo->FormValue) && $this->costo->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", $this->costo->FldCaption(), $this->costo->ReqErrMsg));
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($this->costo->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->costo->FldErrMsg());
     // Validate detail grid
     $DetailTblVar = explode(",", $this->getCurrentDetailTable());
     if (in_array("doctor_servicio_medico_prestado", $DetailTblVar) && $GLOBALS["doctor_servicio_medico_prestado"]->DetailAdd) {
         if (!isset($GLOBALS["doctor_servicio_medico_prestado_grid"])) {
             $GLOBALS["doctor_servicio_medico_prestado_grid"] = new cdoctor_servicio_medico_prestado_grid();
         // get detail page object
     // Return validate result
     $ValidateForm = $gsFormError == "";
     // Call Form_CustomValidate event
     $sFormCustomError = "";
     $ValidateForm = $ValidateForm && $this->Form_CustomValidate($sFormCustomError);
     if ($sFormCustomError != "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $sFormCustomError);
     return $ValidateForm;
Esempio n. 6
 function ValidateForm()
     global $gsFormError, $Orders;
     // Initialize
     $gsFormError = "";
     // Check if validation required
         return $gsFormError == "";
     if ($Orders->CustomerID->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Customer";
     if (!ew_CheckInteger($Orders->TransactionNumber->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect integer - Transaction Number";
     if ($Orders->DateOrdered->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Date Ordered";
     if (!ew_CheckUSDate($Orders->DateOrdered->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect date, format = mm/dd/yyyy - Date Ordered";
     if ($Orders->Total->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Total";
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($Orders->Total->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect floating point number - Total";
     if ($Orders->DeliveryDate->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Delivery Date";
     if (!ew_CheckUSDate($Orders->DeliveryDate->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect date, format = mm/dd/yyyy - Delivery Date";
     if ($Orders->Timestamp->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Timestamp";
     if (!ew_CheckUSDate($Orders->Timestamp->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect date, format = mm/dd/yyyy - Timestamp";
     if (!ew_CheckInteger($Orders->Sequence->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect integer - Sequence";
     // Return validate result
     $ValidateForm = $gsFormError == "";
     // Call Form_CustomValidate event
     $sFormCustomError = "";
     $ValidateForm = $ValidateForm && $this->Form_CustomValidate($sFormCustomError);
     if ($sFormCustomError != "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= $sFormCustomError;
     return $ValidateForm;
Esempio n. 7
 function ValidateForm()
     global $Language, $gsFormError;
     // Check if validation required
         return $gsFormError == "";
     if (!ew_CheckEuroDate($this->fecha->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->fecha->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($this->iva->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->iva->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($this->Importe->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->Importe->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckInteger($this->id_hoja_mantenimiento->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->id_hoja_mantenimiento->FldErrMsg());
     // Return validate result
     $ValidateForm = $gsFormError == "";
     // Call Form_CustomValidate event
     $sFormCustomError = "";
     $ValidateForm = $ValidateForm && $this->Form_CustomValidate($sFormCustomError);
     if ($sFormCustomError != "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $sFormCustomError);
     return $ValidateForm;
Esempio n. 8
 function ValidateSearch()
     global $gsSearchError;
     // Initialize
     $gsSearchError = "";
     // Check if validation required
         return TRUE;
     if (!ew_CheckRange($this->mes->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue, 1, 12)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsSearchError, $this->mes->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckRange($this->anio->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue, 2012, 2100)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsSearchError, $this->anio->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckEuroDate($this->fecha->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsSearchError, $this->fecha->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($this->monto->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsSearchError, $this->monto->FldErrMsg());
     // Return validate result
     $ValidateSearch = $gsSearchError == "";
     // Call Form_CustomValidate event
     $sFormCustomError = "";
     $ValidateSearch = $ValidateSearch && $this->Form_CustomValidate($sFormCustomError);
     if ($sFormCustomError != "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsSearchError, $sFormCustomError);
     return $ValidateSearch;
Esempio n. 9
 function ValidateForm()
     global $Language, $gsFormError;
     // Initialize form error message
     $gsFormError = "";
     // Check if validation required
         return $gsFormError == "";
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($this->porcentaje_comision->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->porcentaje_comision->FldErrMsg());
     // Return validate result
     $ValidateForm = $gsFormError == "";
     // Call Form_CustomValidate event
     $sFormCustomError = "";
     $ValidateForm = $ValidateForm && $this->Form_CustomValidate($sFormCustomError);
     if ($sFormCustomError != "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $sFormCustomError);
     return $ValidateForm;
 function ValidateForm()
     global $Language, $gsFormError;
     // Initialize form error message
     $gsFormError = "";
     // Check if validation required
         return $gsFormError == "";
     if (!$this->idinternado->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->idinternado->FormValue) && $this->idinternado->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", $this->idinternado->FldCaption(), $this->idinternado->ReqErrMsg));
     if (!$this->idcuenta->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->idcuenta->FormValue) && $this->idcuenta->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", $this->idcuenta->FldCaption(), $this->idcuenta->ReqErrMsg));
     if (!ew_CheckEuroDate($this->fecha->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->fecha->FldErrMsg());
     if (!$this->costo->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->costo->FormValue) && $this->costo->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", $this->costo->FldCaption(), $this->costo->ReqErrMsg));
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($this->costo->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->costo->FldErrMsg());
     // Return validate result
     $ValidateForm = $gsFormError == "";
     // Call Form_CustomValidate event
     $sFormCustomError = "";
     $ValidateForm = $ValidateForm && $this->Form_CustomValidate($sFormCustomError);
     if ($sFormCustomError != "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $sFormCustomError);
     return $ValidateForm;
 function ValidateForm()
     global $Language, $gsFormError, $t_produits_stockage;
     // Initialize form error message
     $gsFormError = "";
     // Check if validation required
         return $gsFormError == "";
     if (!is_null($t_produits_stockage->produit->FormValue) && $t_produits_stockage->produit->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $Language->Phrase("EnterRequiredField") . " - " . $t_produits_stockage->produit->FldCaption());
     if (!ew_CheckInteger($t_produits_stockage->produit->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $t_produits_stockage->produit->FldErrMsg());
     if (!is_null($t_produits_stockage->stockage->FormValue) && $t_produits_stockage->stockage->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $Language->Phrase("EnterRequiredField") . " - " . $t_produits_stockage->stockage->FldCaption());
     if (!is_null($t_produits_stockage->quantite->FormValue) && $t_produits_stockage->quantite->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $Language->Phrase("EnterRequiredField") . " - " . $t_produits_stockage->quantite->FldCaption());
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($t_produits_stockage->quantite->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $t_produits_stockage->quantite->FldErrMsg());
     // Return validate result
     $ValidateForm = $gsFormError == "";
     // Call Form_CustomValidate event
     $sFormCustomError = "";
     $ValidateForm = $ValidateForm && $this->Form_CustomValidate($sFormCustomError);
     if ($sFormCustomError != "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $sFormCustomError);
     return $ValidateForm;
Esempio n. 12
 function ValidateForm()
     global $gsFormError, $Items;
     // Initialize
     $gsFormError = "";
     if (!ew_CheckFileType($Items->Image->Upload->FileName)) {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "File type is not allowed.";
     if ($Items->Image->Upload->FileSize > 0 && EW_MAX_FILE_SIZE > 0) {
         if ($Items->Image->Upload->FileSize > EW_MAX_FILE_SIZE) {
             $gsFormError .= str_replace("%s", EW_MAX_FILE_SIZE, "Max. file size (%s bytes) exceeded.");
     if (!ew_CheckFileType($Items->PDF->Upload->FileName)) {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "File type is not allowed.";
     if ($Items->PDF->Upload->FileSize > 0 && EW_MAX_FILE_SIZE > 0) {
         if ($Items->PDF->Upload->FileSize > EW_MAX_FILE_SIZE) {
             $gsFormError .= str_replace("%s", EW_MAX_FILE_SIZE, "Max. file size (%s bytes) exceeded.");
     // Check if validation required
         return $gsFormError == "";
     if ($Items->MenuID->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Menu";
     if ($Items->ItemName->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Item Name";
     if ($Items->Description->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Description";
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($Items->Price->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect floating point number - Price";
     if ($Items->Vegetarian->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Vegetarian";
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($Items->Vegetarian_Price->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect floating point number - Vegetarian Price";
     if ($Items->Sequence->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Sequence";
     if (!ew_CheckRange($Items->Sequence->FormValue, 0, 65535)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Number must be between 0 and 65535 - Sequence";
     if ($Items->Active->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Active";
     // Return validate result
     $ValidateForm = $gsFormError == "";
     // Call Form_CustomValidate event
     $sFormCustomError = "";
     $ValidateForm = $ValidateForm && $this->Form_CustomValidate($sFormCustomError);
     if ($sFormCustomError != "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= $sFormCustomError;
     return $ValidateForm;
Esempio n. 13
 function ValidateForm()
     global $gsFormError, $OrderDetails;
     // Initialize
     $gsFormError = "";
     // Check if validation required
         return $gsFormError == "";
     if (!ew_CheckInteger($OrderDetails->OrderID->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect integer - Order ID";
     if ($OrderDetails->CustomerID->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Customer";
     if ($OrderDetails->ItemID->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Item Name";
     if ($OrderDetails->Count->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Regular Servings";
     if (!ew_CheckRange($OrderDetails->Count->FormValue, 0, 65535)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Number must be between 0 and 65535 - Regular Servings";
     if ($OrderDetails->VegCount->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Vegetarian Servings";
     if (!ew_CheckInteger($OrderDetails->VegCount->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect integer - Vegetarian Servings";
     if ($OrderDetails->Amount->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Amount";
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($OrderDetails->Amount->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect floating point number - Amount";
     if ($OrderDetails->Chefs_Tasting->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Chefs Tasting";
     // Return validate result
     $ValidateForm = $gsFormError == "";
     // Call Form_CustomValidate event
     $sFormCustomError = "";
     $ValidateForm = $ValidateForm && $this->Form_CustomValidate($sFormCustomError);
     if ($sFormCustomError != "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= $sFormCustomError;
     return $ValidateForm;
Esempio n. 14
 function ValidateSearch()
     global $gsSearchError, $t_produits_vins;
     // Initialize
     $gsSearchError = "";
     // Check if validation required
         return TRUE;
     if (!ew_CheckInteger($t_produits_vins->id->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsSearchError, $t_produits_vins->id->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckInteger($t_produits_vins->vin->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsSearchError, $t_produits_vins->vin->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckInteger($t_produits_vins->millesime->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsSearchError, $t_produits_vins->millesime->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckInteger($t_produits_vins->code->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsSearchError, $t_produits_vins->code->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($t_produits_vins->prix_vente->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsSearchError, $t_produits_vins->prix_vente->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($t_produits_vins->prix_achat->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsSearchError, $t_produits_vins->prix_achat->FldErrMsg());
     // Return validate result
     $ValidateSearch = $gsSearchError == "";
     // Call Form_CustomValidate event
     $sFormCustomError = "";
     $ValidateSearch = $ValidateSearch && $this->Form_CustomValidate($sFormCustomError);
     if ($sFormCustomError != "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsSearchError, $sFormCustomError);
     return $ValidateSearch;
Esempio n. 15
function ew_CheckRange($value, $min, $max)
    if (strval($value) == "") {
        return TRUE;
    if (!ew_CheckNumber($value)) {
        return FALSE;
    return ew_NumberRange($value, $min, $max);
Esempio n. 16
 function ValidateForm()
     global $Language, $gsFormError;
     // Initialize form error message
     $gsFormError = "";
     $lUpdateCnt = 0;
     if ($this->fecha->MultiUpdate == "1") {
     if ($this->detalles->MultiUpdate == "1") {
     if ($this->Importe->MultiUpdate == "1") {
     if ($this->id_tipo_gasto->MultiUpdate == "1") {
     if ($this->id_hoja_ruta->MultiUpdate == "1") {
     if ($lUpdateCnt == 0) {
         $gsFormError = $Language->Phrase("NoFieldSelected");
         return FALSE;
     // Check if validation required
         return $gsFormError == "";
     if ($this->fecha->MultiUpdate != "") {
         if (!ew_CheckEuroDate($this->fecha->FormValue)) {
             ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->fecha->FldErrMsg());
     if ($this->Importe->MultiUpdate != "") {
         if (!ew_CheckNumber($this->Importe->FormValue)) {
             ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->Importe->FldErrMsg());
     // Return validate result
     $ValidateForm = $gsFormError == "";
     // Call Form_CustomValidate event
     $sFormCustomError = "";
     $ValidateForm = $ValidateForm && $this->Form_CustomValidate($sFormCustomError);
     if ($sFormCustomError != "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $sFormCustomError);
     return $ValidateForm;
Esempio n. 17
 function ValidateSearch()
     global $gsSearchError;
     // Initialize
     $gsSearchError = "";
     // Check if validation required
         return TRUE;
     if (!ew_CheckInteger($this->id->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsSearchError, $this->id->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($this->importe->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsSearchError, $this->importe->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckEuroDate($this->fecha_creacion->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsSearchError, $this->fecha_creacion->FldErrMsg());
     // Return validate result
     $ValidateSearch = $gsSearchError == "";
     // Call Form_CustomValidate event
     $sFormCustomError = "";
     $ValidateSearch = $ValidateSearch && $this->Form_CustomValidate($sFormCustomError);
     if ($sFormCustomError != "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsSearchError, $sFormCustomError);
     return $ValidateSearch;
 function ValidateForm()
     global $gsFormError, $ItemIngredients;
     // Initialize
     $gsFormError = "";
     // Check if validation required
         return $gsFormError == "";
     if ($ItemIngredients->ItemID->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Item";
     if ($ItemIngredients->IngredientID->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Ingredient";
     if ($ItemIngredients->Amount->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Amount";
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($ItemIngredients->Amount->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect floating point number - Amount";
     if ($ItemIngredients->Type->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Type";
     if ($ItemIngredients->Letter_Code->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Letter Code";
     if ($ItemIngredients->Vegetarian->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Vegetarian";
     // Return validate result
     $ValidateForm = $gsFormError == "";
     // Call Form_CustomValidate event
     $sFormCustomError = "";
     $ValidateForm = $ValidateForm && $this->Form_CustomValidate($sFormCustomError);
     if ($sFormCustomError != "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= $sFormCustomError;
     return $ValidateForm;
Esempio n. 19
 function ValidateForm()
     global $gsFormError, $PromoCodes;
     // Initialize
     $gsFormError = "";
     // Check if validation required
         return $gsFormError == "";
     if ($PromoCodes->PromoCodeName->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Promo Code Name";
     if ($PromoCodes->PromoCodeType->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Promo Code Type";
     if ($PromoCodes->Amount->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Amount";
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($PromoCodes->Amount->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect floating point number - Amount";
     if ($PromoCodes->ValidFrom->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Valid From";
     if (!ew_CheckUSDate($PromoCodes->ValidFrom->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect date, format = mm/dd/yyyy - Valid From";
     if (!ew_CheckUSDate($PromoCodes->ValidTo->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect date, format = mm/dd/yyyy - Valid To";
     if ($PromoCodes->One_Time_Only->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - One Time Only";
     if ($PromoCodes->New_Customer_Only->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - New Customer Only";
     if ($PromoCodes->multiple_use->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - multiple use";
     // Return validate result
     $ValidateForm = $gsFormError == "";
     // Call Form_CustomValidate event
     $sFormCustomError = "";
     $ValidateForm = $ValidateForm && $this->Form_CustomValidate($sFormCustomError);
     if ($sFormCustomError != "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= $sFormCustomError;
     return $ValidateForm;
Esempio n. 20
 function ValidateForm()
     global $Language, $gsFormError;
     // Initialize form error message
     $gsFormError = "";
     // Check if validation required
         return $gsFormError == "";
     if (!$this->id->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->id->FormValue) && $this->id->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $Language->Phrase("EnterRequiredField") . " - " . $this->id->FldCaption());
     if (!ew_CheckInteger($this->id->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->id->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckEuroDate($this->fecha->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->fecha->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($this->monto->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->monto->FldErrMsg());
     // Return validate result
     $ValidateForm = $gsFormError == "";
     // Call Form_CustomValidate event
     $sFormCustomError = "";
     $ValidateForm = $ValidateForm && $this->Form_CustomValidate($sFormCustomError);
     if ($sFormCustomError != "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $sFormCustomError);
     return $ValidateForm;
Esempio n. 21
 function ValidateForm()
     global $gsFormError, $ZipCode;
     // Initialize
     $gsFormError = "";
     // Check if validation required
         return $gsFormError == "";
     if ($ZipCode->ZipCode->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Zip Code";
     if (!ew_CheckZip($ZipCode->ZipCode->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect ZIP code - Zip Code";
     if ($ZipCode->Status->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Status";
     if ($ZipCode->MonthlyRequest->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Monthly Request";
     if (!ew_CheckInteger($ZipCode->MonthlyRequest->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect integer - Monthly Request";
     if ($ZipCode->MinOrder->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Min Order";
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($ZipCode->MinOrder->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect floating point number - Min Order";
     if ($ZipCode->Delivery->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Delivery";
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($ZipCode->Delivery->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect floating point number - Delivery";
     // Return validate result
     $ValidateForm = $gsFormError == "";
     // Call Form_CustomValidate event
     $sFormCustomError = "";
     $ValidateForm = $ValidateForm && $this->Form_CustomValidate($sFormCustomError);
     if ($sFormCustomError != "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= $sFormCustomError;
     return $ValidateForm;
Esempio n. 22
 function ValidateForm()
     global $Language, $gsFormError;
     // Initialize form error message
     $gsFormError = "";
     // Check if validation required
         return $gsFormError == "";
     if (!$this->PASSANGER_ID->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->PASSANGER_ID->FormValue) && $this->PASSANGER_ID->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", $this->PASSANGER_ID->FldCaption(), $this->PASSANGER_ID->ReqErrMsg));
     if (!ew_CheckInteger($this->PASSANGER_ID->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->PASSANGER_ID->FldErrMsg());
     if (!$this->FLIGHT_ID->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->FLIGHT_ID->FormValue) && $this->FLIGHT_ID->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", $this->FLIGHT_ID->FldCaption(), $this->FLIGHT_ID->ReqErrMsg));
     if (!ew_CheckInteger($this->FLIGHT_ID->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->FLIGHT_ID->FldErrMsg());
     if (!$this->GATE->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->GATE->FormValue) && $this->GATE->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", $this->GATE->FldCaption(), $this->GATE->ReqErrMsg));
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($this->GATE->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->GATE->FldErrMsg());
     if (!$this->SEAT->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->SEAT->FormValue) && $this->SEAT->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", $this->SEAT->FldCaption(), $this->SEAT->ReqErrMsg));
     if (!$this->DATETIME->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->DATETIME->FormValue) && $this->DATETIME->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", $this->DATETIME->FldCaption(), $this->DATETIME->ReqErrMsg));
     if (!ew_CheckEuroDate($this->DATETIME->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->DATETIME->FldErrMsg());
     if (!$this->RESERVATION_ID->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->RESERVATION_ID->FormValue) && $this->RESERVATION_ID->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", $this->RESERVATION_ID->FldCaption(), $this->RESERVATION_ID->ReqErrMsg));
     if (!ew_CheckInteger($this->RESERVATION_ID->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->RESERVATION_ID->FldErrMsg());
     // Return validate result
     $ValidateForm = $gsFormError == "";
     // Call Form_CustomValidate event
     $sFormCustomError = "";
     $ValidateForm = $ValidateForm && $this->Form_CustomValidate($sFormCustomError);
     if ($sFormCustomError != "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $sFormCustomError);
     return $ValidateForm;
 function ValidateForm()
     global $Language, $gsFormError;
     // Initialize form error message
     $gsFormError = "";
     // Check if validation required
         return $gsFormError == "";
     if (!$this->DESCRIPTION->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->DESCRIPTION->FormValue) && $this->DESCRIPTION->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", $this->DESCRIPTION->FldCaption(), $this->DESCRIPTION->ReqErrMsg));
     if (!$this->ACCOUNT_NUMBER->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->ACCOUNT_NUMBER->FormValue) && $this->ACCOUNT_NUMBER->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", $this->ACCOUNT_NUMBER->FldCaption(), $this->ACCOUNT_NUMBER->ReqErrMsg));
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($this->ACCOUNT_NUMBER->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->ACCOUNT_NUMBER->FldErrMsg());
     if (!$this->BANK_ID->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->BANK_ID->FormValue) && $this->BANK_ID->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", $this->BANK_ID->FldCaption(), $this->BANK_ID->ReqErrMsg));
     if (!$this->ACTIVE->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->ACTIVE->FormValue) && $this->ACTIVE->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", $this->ACTIVE->FldCaption(), $this->ACTIVE->ReqErrMsg));
     // Return validate result
     $ValidateForm = $gsFormError == "";
     // Call Form_CustomValidate event
     $sFormCustomError = "";
     $ValidateForm = $ValidateForm && $this->Form_CustomValidate($sFormCustomError);
     if ($sFormCustomError != "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $sFormCustomError);
     return $ValidateForm;
Esempio n. 24
 function ValidateForm()
     global $Language, $gsFormError;
     // Initialize form error message
     $gsFormError = "";
     // Check if validation required
         return $gsFormError == "";
     if (!ew_CheckEuroDate($this->fecha_ini->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->fecha_ini->FldErrMsg());
     if (!$this->id_cliente->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->id_cliente->FormValue) && $this->id_cliente->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", $this->id_cliente->FldCaption(), $this->id_cliente->ReqErrMsg));
     if (!$this->id_localidad_origen->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->id_localidad_origen->FormValue) && $this->id_localidad_origen->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", $this->id_localidad_origen->FldCaption(), $this->id_localidad_origen->ReqErrMsg));
     if (!$this->Origen->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->Origen->FormValue) && $this->Origen->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", $this->Origen->FldCaption(), $this->Origen->ReqErrMsg));
     if (!$this->id_localidad_destino->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->id_localidad_destino->FormValue) && $this->id_localidad_destino->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", $this->id_localidad_destino->FldCaption(), $this->id_localidad_destino->ReqErrMsg));
     if (!$this->Destino->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->Destino->FormValue) && $this->Destino->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", $this->Destino->FldCaption(), $this->Destino->ReqErrMsg));
     if (!ew_CheckInteger($this->Km_ini->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->Km_ini->FldErrMsg());
     if (!$this->id_vehiculo->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->id_vehiculo->FormValue) && $this->id_vehiculo->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", $this->id_vehiculo->FldCaption(), $this->id_vehiculo->ReqErrMsg));
     if (!$this->id_tipo_carga->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->id_tipo_carga->FormValue) && $this->id_tipo_carga->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", $this->id_tipo_carga->FldCaption(), $this->id_tipo_carga->ReqErrMsg));
     if (!ew_CheckInteger($this->km_fin->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->km_fin->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckEuroDate($this->fecha_fin->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->fecha_fin->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($this->adelanto->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->adelanto->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckInteger($this->kg_carga->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->kg_carga->FldErrMsg());
     if (!$this->tarifa->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->tarifa->FormValue) && $this->tarifa->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", $this->tarifa->FldCaption(), $this->tarifa->ReqErrMsg));
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($this->tarifa->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->tarifa->FldErrMsg());
     if (!$this->porcentaje->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->porcentaje->FormValue) && $this->porcentaje->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", $this->porcentaje->FldCaption(), $this->porcentaje->ReqErrMsg));
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($this->porcentaje->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->porcentaje->FldErrMsg());
     // Validate detail grid
     $DetailTblVar = explode(",", $this->getCurrentDetailTable());
     if (in_array("gastos", $DetailTblVar) && $GLOBALS["gastos"]->DetailEdit) {
         if (!isset($GLOBALS["gastos_grid"])) {
             $GLOBALS["gastos_grid"] = new cgastos_grid();
         // get detail page object
     // Return validate result
     $ValidateForm = $gsFormError == "";
     // Call Form_CustomValidate event
     $sFormCustomError = "";
     $ValidateForm = $ValidateForm && $this->Form_CustomValidate($sFormCustomError);
     if ($sFormCustomError != "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $sFormCustomError);
     return $ValidateForm;
 function ValidateForm()
     global $gsFormError, $GiftCertificates;
     // Initialize
     $gsFormError = "";
     // Check if validation required
         return $gsFormError == "";
     if ($GiftCertificates->CustomerID->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Customer";
     if (!ew_CheckInteger($GiftCertificates->CustomerID->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect integer - Customer";
     if (!ew_CheckEmail($GiftCertificates->GiftEmail->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect email - Recipient Email";
     if ($GiftCertificates->GiftFirstName->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Recipient First Name";
     if ($GiftCertificates->GiftLastName->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Recipient Last Name";
     if ($GiftCertificates->GiftAmount->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Gift Amount";
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($GiftCertificates->GiftAmount->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect floating point number - Gift Amount";
     if (!ew_CheckInteger($GiftCertificates->PromoCodeID->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect integer - Promo Code ID";
     // Return validate result
     $ValidateForm = $gsFormError == "";
     // Call Form_CustomValidate event
     $sFormCustomError = "";
     $ValidateForm = $ValidateForm && $this->Form_CustomValidate($sFormCustomError);
     if ($sFormCustomError != "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= $sFormCustomError;
     return $ValidateForm;
Esempio n. 26
 function ValidateForm()
     global $Language, $gsFormError;
     // Initialize form error message
     $gsFormError = "";
     // Check if validation required
         return $gsFormError == "";
     if (!ew_CheckRange($this->mes->FormValue, 1, 12)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->mes->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckRange($this->anio->FormValue, 2012, 2100)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->anio->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckEuroDate($this->fecha->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->fecha->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckNumber($this->monto->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->monto->FldErrMsg());
     // Validate detail grid
     $DetailTblVar = explode(",", $this->getCurrentDetailTable());
     if (in_array("detalle_deudas", $DetailTblVar) && $GLOBALS["detalle_deudas"]->DetailEdit) {
         if (!isset($GLOBALS["detalle_deudas_grid"])) {
             $GLOBALS["detalle_deudas_grid"] = new cdetalle_deudas_grid();
         // get detail page object
     if (in_array("pagos", $DetailTblVar) && $GLOBALS["pagos"]->DetailEdit) {
         if (!isset($GLOBALS["pagos_grid"])) {
             $GLOBALS["pagos_grid"] = new cpagos_grid();
         // get detail page object
     // Return validate result
     $ValidateForm = $gsFormError == "";
     // Call Form_CustomValidate event
     $sFormCustomError = "";
     $ValidateForm = $ValidateForm && $this->Form_CustomValidate($sFormCustomError);
     if ($sFormCustomError != "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $sFormCustomError);
     return $ValidateForm;