} } elseif ($data['reservation']) { $reserved = false; if ($uid) { $result = $xoopsDB->query("SELECT * FROM " . RVTBL . " WHERE eid={$eid} AND exid={$exid} AND uid={$uid}"); $reserved = $xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result) > 0; } if ($data['strict'] && $data['persons'] <= $data['reserved']) { $xoopsTpl->assign('message', _MD_RESERV_FULL); } elseif ($reserved) { $xoopsTpl->assign('message', _MD_RESERVED); } else { if (empty($_POST['email'])) { $_POST['email'] = ''; } $form = eventform($data, $uid); $form['lang_email'] = preg_replace('/\\*$/', '', _MD_EMAIL); $form['member_only'] = $member_only; $xoopsTpl->assign('form', $form); } } // select users.uid if (!$member_only && eguide_form_options('need_bind_uid', 0)) { $member_only = true; } if (param('op', '') == 'users' || $member_only && !$uid) { $xoopsOption['template_main'] = EGPREFIX . '_userssel.html'; include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/pagenav.php'; // search string $s = param('search', ''); $cols = eguide_form_options('users_search_columns', 'uname,email');
$id = ''; } else { $id = $_GET['id']; } if (!isset($_GET['catview'])) { $catview = 0; } else { $catview = $_GET['catview']; } if (!isset($_GET['copyevent'])) { $copyevent = 0; } else { $copyevent = $_GET['copyevent']; } if ($op == "eventform") { eventform($add_day, $add_month, $add_year, $id); } else { if ($op == "upeventform") { edit($id); } } // Set max length for text area echo "<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>\n"; echo "<!--\n"; echo "function imposeMaxLength(Object, MaxLen)\n"; echo "{\n"; echo " if (Object.value.length >= MaxLen) Object.value = Object.value.substring(0, MaxLen-1); \n"; echo " return (Object.value.length <= MaxLen) ;\n"; echo "}\n"; echo "-->\n"; echo "</script>\n";
$views = array('edate', 'cdate', 'title', 'summary', 'body', 'persons', 'reserved', 'closetime', 'style', 'uid', 'counter', 'catid', 'catimg', 'catname'); $event = array(); if (empty($data['cdate'])) { $data['cdate'] = $now; $data['reserved'] = 0; $data['counter'] = 0; $data['uid'] = $uid; $data['catid'] = 1; } $result = $xoopsDB->query('SELECT catname, catimg FROM ' . CATBL . ' WHERE catid=' . $data['topicid']); list($data['catname'], $data['catimg']) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result); foreach ($views as $name) { $event[$name] = $data[$name]; } edit_eventdata($event); $form = eventform($data); $form['submit_opts'] = 'disabled'; $xoopsTpl->assign('form', $form); $xoopsTpl->assign('event', $event); } else { $xoopsTpl->assign('event', ''); } $input_status = $adm ? select_list('status', $ev_stats, $data['status']) : ''; if (empty($data['before'])) { $data['before'] = time_to_str($data['closetime']); } edit_eventdata($data); $data['optfield'] = htmlspecialchars($data['optfield']); $xoopsTpl->assign($data); class myFormDhtmlTextArea extends XoopsFormDhtmlTextArea {
$xoopsTpl->assign('message', _MD_RESERV_NEEDLOGIN); } else { $ok = true; if ($xoopsModuleConfig['use_plugins']) { include_once 'plugins.php'; foreach ($hooked_function['check'] as $func) { $ok = $func($eid, $exid, $data['uid']); if (!$ok) { break; } } } if ($reserved) { $xoopsTpl->assign('message', _MD_RESERVED); } elseif ($ok) { $xoopsTpl->assign('form', eventform($data, 0)); } } } $xoopsTpl->assign(make_lists($data)); if ($op == "print") { $xoopsOption['template_main'] = EGPREFIX . '_event_print.html'; $xoopsTpl->assign('lang_comefrom', sprintf(_MD_THISCOMESFROM, $xoopsConfig['sitename'])); $xoopsTpl->display('db:' . EGPREFIX . '_event_print.html'); exit; } if ($xoopsModuleConfig['use_comment']) { include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/include/comment_view.php'; } include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/footer.php'; function make_lists($data)
if (!isset($_GET['add_month'])) { $add_month = ''; } else { $add_month = $_GET['add_month']; } if (!isset($_GET['add_year'])) { $add_year = ''; } else { $add_year = $_GET['add_year']; } if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = ''; } else { $id = $_GET['id']; } eventform($add_day, $add_month, $add_year, $id, $history); break; // add event // add event case "addevent": if ($notimeentry == 0) { if ($time12hour == 1) { addevent($title, $description, $url, $email, $cat, $repeat, $bday, $bmonth, $byear, $rday, $rtimes, $starttimehr, $starttimemin, $endtimehr, $endtimemin, $startperiod, $endperiod, $history); } else { addevent($title, $description, $url, $email, $cat, $repeat, $bday, $bmonth, $byear, $rday, $rtimes, $starttimehr, $starttimemin, $endtimehr, $endtimemin, "--", "--", $history); } } else { addevent($title, $description, $email, $url, $cat, $repeat, $bday, $bmonth, $byear, $rday, $rtimes, "--", "--", "--", "--", "am", "am", $history); } break; // view details of event