$lastCommentArr = null; try { $lastCommentArr = orongo_query("action=fetch&object=comment&max=1&order=comment.id,desc&where=article.id:" . Security::escape($_POST['article'])); } catch (Exception $e) { die("500"); } if (count($lastCommentArr) == 0) { errorDie("No new comments!", NO_NEW_COMMENTS); exit; } foreach ($lastCommentArr as $comment) { if ($comment instanceof Comment == false) { continue; } if ($comment->getID() <= $_POST['last_comment_id']) { errorDie("No new comments! ", NO_NEW_COMMENTS); exit; } else { $newLCID = $comment->getID(); } } $newComments = null; try { $newComments = orongo_query("action=fetch&object=comment&max=1000000&offset=" . Security::escape($_POST['offset']) . "&order=comment.id,asc&where=article.id:" . Security::escape($_POST['article'])); } catch (Exception $e) { die("500"); } $newComments = array_reverse($newComments); $html = ""; if (getStyle()->doCommentHTML()) { try {
/** * fetchNotifications AJAX * * @author Jaco Ruit */ require '../startOrongo.php'; startOrongo(); define("NOT_LOGGED_IN", 1); function errorDie($paramError, $paramErrorCode) { $arrayToJs = array(); $arrayToJs["response"] = $paramError; $arrayToJs["response_code"] = $paramErrorCode; die(json_encode($arrayToJs)); } if (getUser() == null) { errorDie("Not logged in!", NOT_LOGGED_IN); } $arrayToJs = array(); $arrayToJs["notifications"] = array(); $count = 0; foreach (getUser()->getNotifications() as $notification) { if ($notification["notification"] instanceof OrongoNotification == false) { continue; } $arrayToJs["notifications"][$count] = array("title" => $notification["notification"]->getTitle(), "text" => $notification["notification"]->getText(), "time" => $notification["notification"]->getTime(), "image" => $notification["notification"]->getImage()); OrongoNotifier::deleteNotification($notification["id"]); $count++; } $arrayToJs["newNotifications"] = $count > 0 ? true : false; die(json_encode($arrayToJs));
define("OK", 31); function errorDie($paramError, $paramErrorCode) { $arrayToJs = array(); $arrayToJs["response"] = $paramError; $arrayToJs["response_code"] = $paramErrorCode; die(json_encode($arrayToJs)); } if (!isset($_POST['article']) || !is_numeric($_POST['article'])) { errorDie("No article!", NO_ARTICLE); exit; } if (!isset($_POST['content'])) { errorDie("Comment has no content!", NO_CONTENT); exit; } if (strlen($_POST['content']) < 3) { errorDie("Content is too short!", TOO_SHORT); exit; } $user = getUser(); if ($user == null) { errorDie("You need to be logged in in order to post comments.", NOT_LOGGED_IN); exit; } $comment = Comment::createComment(Security::escape($_POST['article']), $user); $comment->setContent(Security::escape($_POST['content'])); $succesArray = array(); $succesArray["response"] = "Comment posted!"; $succesArray["response_code"] = OK; die(json_encode($succesArray));