if ($payment_amount > $_a['price']) { $_a['paid_per_class'] = $_a['price']; } else { $_a['paid_per_class'] = $payment_amount / $row->num_dates / $row->total_quantity; } } $_a['paid_per_class'] -= $true_discount; $_a['paid_per_class'] += $donation; if ($row->total_quantity >= 1 && $payment_amount < $row->price * $row->total_quantity * $row->num_dates) { $_a['paid_per_class'] = $payment_amount / $row->num_dates / $row->total_quantity; } if ($row->total_quantity == 1 && $payment_amount < $row->price) { $_a['paid_per_class'] = $payment_amount; } } $_a['paid_per_class'] = epl_get_formatted_curr(epl_nz($_a['paid_per_class'], 0)); $total_revenue += str_replace(',', '', $_a['paid_per_class']); unset($_a['paid_per_class']); //attendee data $form_data = $erptm->get_form_data($row->regis_id, $row->event_id, $form_counter); $_f = array(); if ($form_data) { foreach ($form_data as $f) { if (strpos($f->field_id, EPL_PLUGIN_DB_DELIM)) { $fields = explode(EPL_PLUGIN_DB_DELIM, $f->field_id); $values = explode(EPL_PLUGIN_DB_DELIM, $f->value); } else { $fields = array($f->field_id); $values = array($f->value); } $full = array_combine($fields, $values);
<tr> <td> <?php echo $price_name; ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $price != 0 ? epl_get_formatted_curr($price, null, true) : ''; ?> </td> <td> <?php echo epl_get_element('field', $price_qty_dd, ' '); ?> </td> <?php if (epl_is_addon_active('_epl_atp') && $mode != 'overview') { //do not deacitvate, will not work ?> <td> <?php if ($regis_expiration != '') { echo ' ' . $regis_expiration['msg']; } ?> </td>
</tr> <?php $payment_data = epl_get_regis_payments(); foreach ($payment_data as $t => $p) { if ($p['_epl_payment_amount'] == 0) { continue; } ?> <tr style="border-top:1px solid #d7d7d7;"> <td><?php echo epl_formatted_date($p['_epl_payment_date']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo epl_get_formatted_curr($p['_epl_payment_amount'], null, true); ?> <span style="float: right;"><?php echo epl_trunc(epl_get_element($p['_epl_payment_method'], $epl_fields['epl_regis_payment_fields']['_epl_payment_method']['options'], ''), 10); ?> </span> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <span class="epl_font_small"><?php
function get_the_event_dates_times_prices() { global $event_details, $event_snapshot; $_today = EPL_DATE; $_r = array(); foreach ($event_details['_epl_start_date'] as $date_key => $date) { if (epl_is_ongoing_event() || true) { $_note = epl_get_element_m($date_key, '_epl_date_note', $event_details); $_location = ''; if (epl_get_element($date_key, epl_get_element('_epl_date_location', $event_details))) { $_location_id = epl_get_element($date_key, $event_details['_epl_date_location']); $l = the_location_details($_location_id); //sets up the location info $_location = $l['post_title']; //get_the_location_name();// . ' ' . get_the_location_gmap_icon(); //echo "<pre class='prettyprint'>" . __LINE__ . "> " . print_r( epl_formatted_date( $date ) . $_location_id, true ) . "</pre>"; } $_end = $date != $event_details['_epl_end_date'][$date_key] ? ' - ' . epl_formatted_date($event_details['_epl_end_date'][$date_key]) : ''; $_r[$date_key]['date'] = array('disp' => epl_formatted_date($date) . $_end . ' ' . $_location); foreach ($event_details['_epl_start_time'] as $time_key => $time) { if (epl_is_date_level_time() && epl_is_date_specific_time($time_key) && !epl_get_element_m($date_key, $time_key, $event_details['_epl_date_specific_time'])) { continue; } $_r[$date_key]['time'][$time_key] = array('disp' => $time . epl_prefix(' - ', epl_get_element_m($time_key, '_epl_time_note', $event_details))); foreach ($event_details['_epl_price_name'] as $price_key => $price_name) { if (epl_is_date_level_price() && epl_is_date_specific_price($price_key) && !epl_get_element_m($date_key, $price_key, $event_details['_epl_date_specific_price'])) { continue; } //echo "<pre class='prettyprint'>" . __LINE__ . "> " . print_r($event_details['_epl_price_name'], true). "</pre>"; $_r[$date_key]['time'][$time_key]['price'][$price_key] = array('disp' => $price_name, 'price' => epl_get_formatted_curr($event_details['_epl_price'][$price_key], null, true)); if (epl_is_time_specific_price($price_key) && !epl_get_element_m($time_key, $price_key, epl_get_element('_epl_time_specific_price', $event_details))) { unset($_r[$date_key]['time'][$time_key]['price'][$price_key]); } if (epl_is_date_specific_price($price_key) && !epl_get_element_m($date_key, $price_key, epl_get_element('_epl_date_specific_price', $event_details))) { unset($_r[$date_key]['time'][$time_key]['price'][$price_key]); } } } } } return $this->epl->load_view('front/dates-times-prices', array('table_data' => $_r), true); }
function _get_prices() { global $capacity_components; foreach ($this->event_meta['_epl_price_name'] as $_k => $_fieldregis_meta) { $data['price_name'] = $_fieldregis_meta; $data['price'] = epl_get_formatted_curr($this->event_meta['_epl_price'][$_k]); $value = $this->get_current_value('_dates', '_att_quantity', $this->event_meta['ID'], $_k); $epl_fields = array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => "_att_quantity[{$this->event_meta['ID']}][{$_k}]", 'options' => $this->get_allowed_quantity($this->event_meta), 'value' => $value); $epl_fields += (array) $this->overview_trigger; $data['price_qty_dd'] = $this->epl_util->create_element($epl_fields); if ($this->mode == 'overview' && ($value == 0 || current((array) $value) == 0)) { } else { $r .= $this->epl->load_view('front/cart/cart-prices-row', $data, true); } } return $this->epl->load_view('front/cart/cart-prices', array('prices_table' => $r), true); }
?> <tr class="epl_discount_amount"> <td class="epl_w200"> <?php echo epl_e('Donation'); ?> </td> <td class="epl_total_price epl_w100 epl_ta_r"> <?php echo epl_get_formatted_curr($money_totals['donation_amount'], null, true); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr class="epl_grand_total"> <td class="epl_w200"><?php echo epl_e('Total'); ?> </td> <td class="epl_total_price epl_w100 epl_ta_r"> <?php echo epl_get_formatted_curr(epl_get_element('grand_total', $money_totals), null, true); ?> </td> </tr> </table>
function get_the_event_prices() { global $event_details; $tmpl = array('table_open' => '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="event_prices_table">'); $this->epl->epl_table->set_template($tmpl); foreach ($event_details['_epl_price_name'] as $price_key => $price_data) { $price_name = $event_details['_epl_price_name'][$price_key]; $price = epl_is_free_event() ? '' : epl_get_currency_symbol() . epl_get_formatted_curr($event_details['_epl_price'][$price_key]); $this->epl->epl_table->add_row($price_name, $price); //$this->epl->epl_table->add_row( $r ); } $r = $this->epl->epl_table->generate(); $this->epl->epl_table->clear(); return $r; }
function _get_prices($date_id = null) { global $event_details; $r = ''; foreach ($event_details['_epl_price_name'] as $_price_key => $_price_name) { $data['price_name'] = $_price_name; $data['price'] = epl_get_formatted_curr($event_details['_epl_price'][$_price_key]); $value = $this->get_current_value('_dates', '_att_quantity', $event_details['ID'], $_price_key); if (!is_null($date_id)) { $value = $value[$date_id]; } $epl_fields = array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => "_att_quantity[{$event_details['ID']}][{$_price_key}][{$date_id}]", 'options' => $this->get_allowed_quantity($event_details), 'value' => $value, 'class' => 'epl_att_qty_dd'); $epl_fields += (array) $this->overview_trigger; $data['price_qty_dd'] = $this->epl_util->create_element($epl_fields); if ($this->mode == 'overview' && $value == 0) { } else { $r .= $this->epl->load_view('front/cart/cart-prices-row', $data, true); } } return $this->epl->load_view('front/cart/cart-prices', array('prices_table' => $r), true); }
$event_dow = date_i18n("D", $date); $event_dom = date_i18n("m/j/Y", $date); $end_time = $event_details['_epl_end_time'][$time_id]; $event_venue_title = get_the_location_name(); $boat_number = "Boat " . epl_get_element('_epl_boat_no', $event_details); $event_personnel_name = "Leland"; //$event_ages_range = ageRange2( $event_ages ); $time_capacity = epl_get_element_m($time_id, '_epl_time_capacity', $event_details); $capacity = $time_capacity ? $time_capacity : ($date_capacity ? $date_capacity : epl_get_element_m($date_id, '_epl_date_per_time_capacity', $event_details)); $num_regis = 0; $counts_day_key = $event_id . "_time_{$date_id}"; $counts_time_key = $event_id . "_time_{$date_id}_{$time_id}"; if (isset($counts['_total_att_' . $counts_time_key])) { $num_regis = epl_get_element('_total_att_' . $counts_time_key, $counts, 0); } $money_total = epl_get_formatted_curr(epl_get_element('_money_total_' . $counts_time_key, $money_totals, 0.0)); $avail -= $num_regis; if ($avail <= 0) { $open_spots = "<span class='spots_closed'>Sold Out</span>"; } else { $open_spots = "<span class='spots_open'>" . $avail . " Spots</span>"; } if ($avail <= 0) { $register_button_text = "<span class='button_closed'>Sold<strong>Out</strong></span>"; if (epl_is_ok_for_waitlist() && ($wl_spaces_left = epl_waitlist_spaces_open()) !== false) { $register_button_url = array('_date_id' => $date_id, 'button_text' => "Waiting List", 'class' => 'epl_button button_waitlist'); } } $table_link_arr = array('epl_action' => 'view_names', 'epl_download_trigger' => 1, 'table_view' => 1, 'epl_controller' => 'epl_report_manager', 'event_id' => $event_id); $dt_array = array('date_id' => $date_id, 'time_id' => $time_id, 'event_id' => $event_id); $table_link_arr = array_merge($table_link_arr, $dt_array);
<td style="text-align: left;"><?php epl_e('Discount'); ?> </td> <td style="text-align: left;"><?php echo epl_get_formatted_curr($regis->discount_amount, null, true); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: left;"><?php epl_e('Total'); ?> </td> <td style="text-align: left;"><?php echo epl_get_formatted_curr($regis->grand_total, null, true); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="invoice_section_full" style="font-size: 0.8em;"> <?php echo epl_format_string($invoice_settings['epl_invoice_instruction']); ?> </div>
function is_condition_ok($_code_id) { global $event_details, $event_totals; $_code_condition = epl_get_element($_code_id, epl_get_element('_epl_discount_condition', $this->discount_configs), 0); if ($_code_condition == 0) { return true; } $_condition_logic = epl_get_element($_code_id, epl_get_element('_epl_discount_condition_logic', $this->discount_configs)); $_condition_value = epl_get_element($_code_id, epl_get_element('_epl_discount_condition_value', $this->discount_configs), 0); $_condition_value2 = epl_get_element($_code_id, epl_get_element('_epl_discount_condition_value2', $this->discount_configs), 0); $r = null; switch ($_code_condition) { case 5: $r = $this->apply_condition($this->totals['money_totals']['grand_total'], $_condition_logic, $_condition_value, $_condition_value2); if (!$r) { return epl__('The discount code requires the total amount to be') . ' ' . $_condition_logic . ' ' . epl_get_formatted_curr($_condition_value) . ($_condition_logic == 'between' ? ' ' . epl__('and') . ' ' . epl_get_formatted_curr($_condition_value2) : ''); } break; case 6: $disc_qty = current((array) $this->totals['_att_quantity']['total']) - current((array) $this->totals['_att_quantity']['total_non_disc']); $r = $this->apply_condition($disc_qty, $_condition_logic, $_condition_value, $_condition_value2); if (!$r) { return epl__('The discount code requires for total number of paying attendees to be') . ' ' . $_condition_logic . ' ' . $_condition_value . ($_condition_logic == 'between' ? ' ' . epl__('and') . ' ' . epl_get_formatted_curr($_condition_value2) : ''); } break; case 7: $r = $this->apply_condition($this->totals['money_totals']['num_discountable_events_in_cart'], $_condition_logic, $_condition_value, $_condition_value2); if (!$r) { return epl__('The discount code requires for total number of eligible events in the cart to be') . ' ' . $_condition_logic . ' ' . $_condition_value . ($_condition_logic == 'between' ? ' ' . epl__('and') . ' ' . epl_get_formatted_curr($_condition_value2) : ''); } break; break; case 8: $dates = EPL_registration_model::get_instance()->get_the_cart_dates($event_details['ID']); if (!empty($dates)) { $c = count(epl_get_element($event_details['ID'], $dates)); $r = $this->apply_condition($c, $_condition_logic, $_condition_value, $_condition_value2); } if (!$r) { return epl__('The discount code requires for total number of eligible dates in the cart to be') . ' ' . $_condition_logic . ' ' . $_condition_value . ($_condition_logic == 'between' ? ' ' . epl__('and') . ' ' . epl_get_formatted_curr($_condition_value2) : ''); } break; } return true; }
epl_e('Grand Total'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo epl_get_formatted_curr($grand_total, null, true); ?> </td> <td colspan="3"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" style="text-align: right;"><?php epl_e('Balance'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo epl_get_formatted_curr($balance, null, true); ?> </td> <td colspan="3"></td> </tr> </tfoot> </table> <?php if ($edit_mode) { ?> <?php }
<?php /* this is the totals TABLE in the cart */ ?> <table class="epl_totals_table"> <tr class="epl_grand_total"> <td class="epl_w200"><?php echo epl_e('Total'); ?> </td> <td class="epl_total_price epl_w100 epl_ta_r"> <?php echo epl_get_currency_symbol() . epl_get_formatted_curr($money_totals['grand_total']); ?> </td> </tr> </table>
function payment_info_box($post_ID = null) { if (is_null($post_ID)) { $post_ID = (int) $_POST['post_ID']; } if ($GLOBALS['epl_ajax'] || !isset($this->meta)) { $this->meta = $this->ecm->get_post_meta_all($post_ID, true); } $data['post_ID'] = $post_ID; $data['regis_status'] = isset($this->meta['_epl_regis_status']) ? $this->ind_fields['_epl_regis_status']['options'][$this->meta['_epl_regis_status']] : ''; $data['payment_method'] = isset($this->meta['_epl_payment_method']) && $this->meta['_epl_payment_method'] != '' ? $this->ind_fields['_epl_payment_method']['options'][$this->meta['_epl_payment_method']] : ''; $grand_total = epl_get_formatted_curr(epl_nz($this->meta['_epl_grand_total'], 0)); $amount_paid = epl_get_formatted_curr(epl_nz($this->meta['_epl_payment_amount'], 0)); $data['amount_paid'] = epl_get_currency_symbol() . $amount_paid; $data['grand_total'] = epl_get_currency_symbol() . $grand_total; $href = esc_url(add_query_arg(array('epl_action' => 'epl_payment_snapshot', 'post_ID' => $post_ID), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); $data['snapshot_link'] = '<a data-post_id = "' . $post_ID . '" class="epl_payment_snapshot" href="#"><img src="' . EPL_FULL_URL . 'images/application_view_list.png" /> </a>'; //$data['snapshot_link'] = '<img id = "' . $post_ID . '" class="epl_payment_snapshot" src="' . EPL_FULL_URL . 'images/application_view_list.png" />'; $data['status_class'] = 'epl_status_pending'; if ($this->meta['_epl_regis_status'] == 5) { $data['status_class'] = 'epl_status_paid'; } if ($this->meta['_epl_regis_status'] == 10 || $this->meta['_epl_regis_status'] == 15) { $data['status_class'] = 'epl_status_cancelled'; } return $this->epl->load_view('admin/registrations/regis-list-payment-info', $data, true); }
function payment_info_box($post_ID = null) { global $regis_details; if (is_null($post_ID)) { $post_ID = (int) $_POST['post_ID']; } if ($GLOBALS['epl_ajax'] || !isset($this->regis_meta)) { $regis_details = $this->regis_meta = $this->ecm->setup_regis_details($post_ID, true); } $this->temp_set_payment_method_id(); $data['post_ID'] = $post_ID; //$data['event_id'] = $this->event_id; $data['regis_status_id'] = $this->regis_meta['_epl_regis_status']; $data['regis_status'] = isset($this->regis_meta['_epl_regis_status']) ? $this->ind_fields['_epl_regis_status']['options'][$this->regis_meta['_epl_regis_status']] : ''; $data['payment_method'] = isset($this->regis_meta['_epl_payment_method']) && $this->regis_meta['_epl_payment_method'] != '' ? $this->ind_fields['_epl_payment_method']['options'][$this->regis_meta['_epl_payment_method']] : ''; $data += $this->get_waitlist_info(); $grand_total = get_the_regis_total_amount(false); //epl_get_formatted_curr( epl_nz( $this->regis_meta['_epl_grand_total'], 0 ) ); $amount_paid = epl_get_formatted_curr(epl_nz($this->regis_meta['_epl_payment_amount'], 0)); $data['grand_total'] = epl_get_formatted_curr($grand_total, null, true); $href = add_query_arg(array('epl_action' => 'epl_payment_snapshot', 'post_ID' => $post_ID), epl_get_url()); $data['snapshot_link'] = '<a data-post_id = "' . $post_ID . '" class="epl_payment_snapshot" href="#"><img src="' . EPL_FULL_URL . 'images/application_view_list.png" /> </a>'; //$data['snapshot_link'] = '<img id = "' . $post_ID . '" class="epl_payment_snapshot" src="' . EPL_FULL_URL . 'images/application_view_list.png" />'; $data['status_class'] = 'epl_status_pending'; if ($this->regis_meta['_epl_regis_status'] == 1) { $data['status_class'] = 'epl_status_incomplete'; } elseif ($this->regis_meta['_epl_regis_status'] == 5) { $data['status_class'] = 'epl_status_paid'; } elseif ($this->regis_meta['_epl_regis_status'] == 10) { $data['status_class'] = 'epl_status_cancelled'; } elseif ($this->regis_meta['_epl_regis_status'] == 15) { $data['status_class'] = 'epl_status_refunded'; } elseif ($this->regis_meta['_epl_regis_status'] == 20) { $data['status_class'] = 'epl_status_waitlist'; } return $this->epl->load_view('admin/registration/regis-list-payment-info', $data, true); }
function attendee_list_table($args = array()) { $defaults = array('event_id' => epl_get_element('event_id', $_REQUEST)); $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); extract($args); global $event_details; $this->ecm->set_event_regis_post_ids($event_id); //$event_id = ( int ) (!isset( $args['event_id'] ) ? $_REQUEST['event_id'] : $event_id); $_totals = $this->ecm->get_event_regis_snapshot($event_id); //if ( epl_is_empty_array( $event_details ) ) $this->ecm->setup_event_details($event_id); $display = epl_get_element('_epl_show_attendee_list_template', $event_details, 'attendee-list-1'); if (epl_get_element('_epl_show_attendee_list_link', $event_details, 0) == 0 && !current_user_can('manage_options')) { return null; } $event_ticket_buyer_forms = array_flip((array) $event_details['_epl_primary_regis_forms']); $event_addit_forms = isset($event_details['_epl_addit_regis_forms']) && $event_details['_epl_addit_regis_forms'] != '' ? array_flip($event_details['_epl_addit_regis_forms']) : array(); //find the list of all forms $available_forms = $this->ecm->get_list_of_available_forms(); $available_fields = $this->ecm->get_list_of_available_fields(); //isolate the forms that are selected inside the event $ticket_buyer_forms = array_intersect_key($available_forms, $event_ticket_buyer_forms); $addit_forms = array_intersect_key($available_forms, $event_addit_forms); //This will combine all the fields in all the forms so that we can construct a header row. $tickey_buyer_fields = array(); foreach ($ticket_buyer_forms as $_form_id => $_form_info) { $tickey_buyer_fields += $_form_info['epl_form_fields']; } $event_addit_fields = array(); foreach ($addit_forms as $_form_id => $_form_info) { $event_addit_fields += $_form_info['epl_form_fields']; } $epl_fields_inside_form = array_flip($tickey_buyer_fields); //get the field ids inside the form $epl_addit_fields_inside_form = array_flip($event_addit_fields); //get the field ids inside the form //when creating a form in form manager, the user may rearrange fields. Find their desired order $epl_fields_to_display = $this->epl_util->sort_array_by_array($available_fields, $event_details['_epl_attendee_list_field']); $epl_addit_fields_to_display = $this->epl_util->sort_array_by_array($available_fields, $event_details['_epl_attendee_list_field']); $epl_fields_to_display = $epl_fields_to_display + $epl_addit_fields_to_display; $csv_row = ''; $list = array(); $header_row = array(); $header_pulled = false; $row = array(); //$header_row[] = ''; //$header_row[] = epl__( 'Regis Date' ); //$header_row[] = epl__( 'Event Date' ); //$header_row[] = epl__( 'Time' ); $regis_ids = $this->ecm->get_event_regis_post_ids(false); //as of 1.1, the dates are stored as timestamps. //This will format the date for display based on the settings admin date format. //foreach ( $event_details['_epl_start_date'] as $k => &$v ) // $v = epl_admin_date_display( $v ); foreach ($regis_ids as $regis_id => $att_count) { //$regis_data = $this->ecm->get_post_meta_all( $regis_id ); $regis_data = $this->ecm->setup_regis_details($regis_id, true); //Sometime there may be incomplete db records. These will cause issues below. //In those cases, skip and move to the next item if (!isset($regis_data['_epl_dates']['_epl_start_date'][$event_id])) { continue; } if (($startus = get_the_regis_status(null, true)) && $startus <= 1 || $startus > 5) { continue; } $event_times = $regis_data['_epl_dates']['_epl_start_time'][$event_id]; //$event_prices = $regis_data['_epl_dates']['_epl_start_time'][$event_id]; $regis_date = implode(' & ', array_intersect_key(epl_get_element('_epl_start_date', $event_details, array()), array_flip((array) $regis_data['_epl_dates']['_epl_start_date'][$event_id]))); $regis_time = implode(' & ', array_intersect_key(epl_get_element('_epl_start_time', $event_details, array()), array_flip((array) $regis_data['_epl_dates']['_epl_start_time'][$event_id]))); $date_labels = array(); $date_labels[0] = ''; $time_labels = array(); $time_labels[0] = ''; $ticket_labels = array(); $ticket_labels[0] = $att_count; $purchased_tickets = (array) $regis_data['_epl_dates']['_att_quantity'][$event_id]; $attendee_info = $regis_data['_epl_attendee_info']; $start = 1; foreach ($purchased_tickets as $price_id => $qty) { if ($event_details['_epl_price_type'][$price_id] != 'att') { continue; } $_qty = is_array($qty) ? array_sum($qty) : $qty; //current( $qty ); if ($_qty > 0) { $date_label[] = current((array) $regis_data['_epl_dates']['_epl_start_date'][$event_id]); if (epl_get_element('_epl_pricing_type', $event_details) == 10) { if (in_array($event_details['_epl_price_parent_time_id'][$price_id], (array) $regis_data['_epl_dates']['_epl_start_time'][$event_id])) { $time_labels = array_pad($time_labels, $start + $_qty, epl_get_element($event_details['_epl_price_parent_time_id'][$price_id], $event_details['_epl_start_time'])); } else { $time_labels = array_pad($time_labels, $start + $_qty, ''); } } $ticket_labels = array_pad($ticket_labels, $start + $_qty, $event_details['_epl_price_name'][$price_id]); $start += $_qty; } } $_r = array(); $grand_total = epl_get_formatted_curr(epl_nz($regis_data['_epl_grand_total'], 0.0)); $amount_paid = epl_get_formatted_curr(epl_nz($regis_data['_epl_payment_amount'], 0.0)); $tickets_to_show = array_intersect_key($purchased_tickets, $event_details['_epl_price_name']); $att_counter = 1; $counter = 0; foreach ($tickets_to_show as $ticket_id => $ticket_qty) { if (is_array($ticket_qty)) { $tmp_price_inner_keys = array_keys($ticket_qty); $ticket_qty = array_sum($ticket_qty); } if ($ticket_qty == 0) { continue; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $ticket_qty; $i++) { if ($i == 0 && !epl_is_empty_array($event_addit_forms)) { //continue; //$row[] = epl__( 'Registrant' ); } else { //$row[] = epl__( 'Attendee' ); $grand_total = ''; $amount_paid = ''; $regis_status = ''; $payment_method = ''; } foreach ($epl_fields_to_display as $field_id => $field_atts) { if (!$header_pulled) { $header_row[] = html_entity_decode(htmlspecialchars_decode($field_atts['label'], ENT_QUOTES)); } $value = ''; //new v1.2.b9+ if (isset($attendee_info[$field_id][$event_id][$ticket_id])) { $value = epl_get_element($counter, $attendee_info[$field_id][$event_id][$ticket_id]); } elseif (isset($attendee_info[$field_id][$event_id][$counter])) { $value = $attendee_info[$field_id][$event_id][$counter]; } if ($field_atts['input_type'] == 'select' || $field_atts['input_type'] == 'radio') { $value = isset($field_atts['epl_field_choice_text'][$value]) && $field_atts['epl_field_choice_text'][$value] !== '' ? $field_atts['epl_field_choice_text'][$value] : $value; } elseif ($field_atts['input_type'] == 'checkbox') { if (!epl_is_empty_array($field_atts['epl_field_choice_value'])) { $value = implode(',', (array) $value); } elseif (!epl_is_empty_array($value)) { $value = implode(',', array_intersect_key($field_atts['epl_field_choice_text'], array_flip($value))); } else { $value = html_entity_decode(htmlspecialchars_decode($value)); } } /* else { $value = html_entity_decode( htmlspecialchars_decode( $value ) ); } */ $row[] = html_entity_decode(htmlspecialchars_decode($value, ENT_QUOTES)); } $header_pulled = true; //decode special chars (Swedish, Nordic) //array_walk( $row, create_function( '&$item', '$item = utf8_decode($item);' ) ); if (!epl_is_empty_array($row)) { $list[$regis_id]['att_count'] = $att_count; $list[$regis_id]['attendees'][] = $row; //$this->epl->epl_table->add_row( $row ); } //$csv_row .= implode( ",", $row ) . "\r\n"; $row = array(); $counter++; $att_counter++; } } $counter = 0; } //$tmpl = array( 'table_open' => '<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="1" class="event_attendee_list_table">' ); $data['event_title'] = epl_format_string($event_details['post_title']); $data['header_row'] = $header_row; $data['list'] = $list; return $this->epl->load_view('front/attendee-list/' . $display, $data, true); }
function epl_excel_attendee_list() { $event_id = $_REQUEST['event_id']; $_totals = $this->get_event_regis_snapshot($_REQUEST['event_id']); //echo "<pre class='prettyprint'>" . print_r( $_totals, true ) . "</pre>"; $this->set_event_regis_post_ids($_REQUEST['event_id']); global $event_details; //epl_log( "debug", "<pre>" . __LINE__ . '> ' . print_r($event_details, true ) . "</pre>" ); $event_title = $event_details['post_title']; $filename = str_replace(" ", "-", $event_title) . "_" . date_i18n("m-d-Y"); /* header( "Content-type: application/x-msdownload; charset=UTF-8", true, 200 ); header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$filename}.csv" ); header( "Pragma: no-cache" ); header( "Expires: 0" ); */ //$this->setup_event_details( $event_id ); $this->get_values(); //echo "<pre class='prettyprint'>" . print_r($event_details, true). "</pre>"; $event_ticket_buyer_forms = array_flip((array) $event_details['_epl_primary_regis_forms']); $event_addit_forms = isset($event_details['_epl_addit_regis_forms']) && $event_details['_epl_addit_regis_forms'] != '' ? array_flip($event_details['_epl_addit_regis_forms']) : array(); //find the list of all forms $available_forms = $this->get_list_of_available_forms(); $available_fields = $this->get_list_of_available_fields(); //isolate the forms that are selected inside the event $ticket_buyer_forms = array_intersect_key($available_forms, $event_ticket_buyer_forms); $addit_forms = array_intersect_key($available_forms, $event_addit_forms); //This will combine all the fields in all the forms so that we can construct a header row. $tickey_buyer_fields = array(); foreach ($ticket_buyer_forms as $_form_id => $_form_info) { $tickey_buyer_fields += $_form_info['epl_form_fields']; } $event_addit_fields = array(); foreach ($addit_forms as $_form_id => $_form_info) { $event_addit_fields += $_form_info['epl_form_fields']; } $epl_fields_inside_form = array_flip($tickey_buyer_fields); //get the field ids inside the form $epl_addit_fields_inside_form = array_flip($event_addit_fields); //get the field ids inside the form //when creating a form in form manager, the user may rearrange fields. Find their desired order $epl_fields_to_display = $this->epl_util->sort_array_by_array($available_fields, $epl_fields_inside_form); $epl_addit_fields_to_display = $this->epl_util->sort_array_by_array($available_fields, $epl_addit_fields_inside_form); $epl_fields_to_display = $epl_fields_to_display + $epl_addit_fields_to_display; $csv_row = ''; $header_row = array(); $header_pulled = false; $row = array(); $header_row[] = ''; $header_row[] = epl__('Registration ID'); //$header_row[] = epl__( 'Regis Date' ); //$header_row[] = epl__( 'Event Date' ); //$header_row[] = epl__( 'Time' ); $header_row[] = epl__('Ticket'); $header_row[] = epl__('Status'); $header_row[] = epl__('Payment Method'); $header_row[] = epl__('Total'); $header_row[] = epl__('Amount Paid'); $regis_ids = $this->get_event_regis_post_ids(false); //as of 1.1, the dates are stored as timestamps. //This will format the date for display based on the settings admin date format. foreach ($event_details['_epl_start_date'] as $k => &$v) { $v = epl_admin_date_display($v); } $_d = array(); foreach ($regis_ids as $regis_id => $att_count) { //$regis_data = $this->get_post_meta_all( $regis_id ); $regis_data = $this->setup_regis_details($regis_id); // epl_log( "debug", "<pre>" . __LINE__ . '> ' . print_r($regis_data, true ) . "</pre>" ); //Sometime there may be incomplete db records. These will cause issues below. //In those cases, skip and move to the next item if (!isset($regis_data['_epl_dates']['_epl_start_date'][$event_id])) { continue; } $event_times = $regis_data['_epl_dates']['_epl_start_time'][$event_id]; $event_prices = $regis_data['_epl_dates']['_epl_start_time'][$event_id]; $regis_date = implode(' & ', array_intersect_key($event_details['_epl_start_date'], array_flip((array) $regis_data['_epl_dates']['_epl_start_date'][$event_id]))); $regis_time = implode(' & ', array_intersect_key($event_details['_epl_start_time'], array_flip((array) $regis_data['_epl_dates']['_epl_start_time'][$event_id]))); $date_labels = array(); $date_labels[0] = ''; $time_labels = array(); $time_labels[0] = ''; $ticket_labels = array(); $ticket_labels[0] = $att_count; $purchased_tickets = (array) $regis_data['_epl_dates']['_att_quantity'][$event_id]; $start = 1; foreach ($purchased_tickets as $price_id => $qty) { $_qty = is_array($qty) ? array_sum($qty) : $qty; //current( $qty ); if ($_qty > 0) { $date_label[] = current((array) $regis_data['_epl_dates']['_epl_start_date'][$event_id]); if (epl_get_element('_epl_pricing_type', $event_details) == 10) { if (in_array($event_details['_epl_price_parent_time_id'][$price_id], (array) $regis_data['_epl_dates']['_epl_start_time'][$event_id])) { $time_labels = array_pad($time_labels, $start + $_qty, epl_get_element($event_details['_epl_price_parent_time_id'][$price_id], $event_details['_epl_start_time'])); } else { $time_labels = array_pad($time_labels, $start + $_qty, ''); } } $ticket_labels = array_pad($ticket_labels, $start + $_qty, $event_details['_epl_price_name'][$price_id]); $start += $_qty; } } $_r = array(); $regis_status = isset($regis_data['_epl_regis_status']) ? $this->ind_fields['_epl_regis_status']['options'][$regis_data['_epl_regis_status']] : ''; $payment_method = isset($regis_data['_epl_payment_method']) && $regis_data['_epl_payment_method'] != '' ? $this->ind_fields['_epl_payment_method']['options'][$regis_data['_epl_payment_method']] : ''; $grand_total = epl_get_formatted_curr(epl_nz($regis_data['_epl_grand_total'], 0.0)); $amount_paid = epl_get_formatted_curr(epl_nz($regis_data['_epl_payment_amount'], 0.0)); for ($i = 0; $i <= $att_count; $i++) { $registrant = false; $attendee_info = $regis_data['_epl_attendee_info']; if ($i == 0) { $registrant = true; $row[] = epl__('Registrant'); } else { $row[] = epl_get_element('_epl_addit_regis_form_counter_label', $event_details, epl__('Attendee')); //$grand_total = ''; //$amount_paid = ''; //$regis_status = ''; //$payment_method = ''; } $row[] = $regis_data['__epl']['_regis_id']; //$row[] = $regis_data['post_date']; //$row[] = epl_escape_csv_val( $regis_date ); //$row[] = $regis_time; //(epl_is_date_level_time ( ))?$regis_time:$time_labels[$i]; // $row[] = htmlspecialchars_decode($ticket_labels[$i]); //$regis_price; $row[] = $regis_status; $row[] = $payment_method; $row[] = epl_get_currency_symbol($grand_total); $row[] = $amount_paid; foreach ($epl_fields_to_display as $field_id => $field_atts) { if (!$header_pulled) { $header_row[] = epl_escape_csv_val(html_entity_decode(htmlspecialchars_decode($field_atts['label']), ENT_QUOTES)); } $value = ''; $value = isset($attendee_info[$field_id][$event_id][$i]) ? $attendee_info[$field_id][$event_id][$i] : ''; if ($field_atts['input_type'] == 'select' || $field_atts['input_type'] == 'radio') { $value = isset($field_atts['epl_field_choice_text'][$value]) && $field_atts['epl_field_choice_text'][$value] != '' ? $field_atts['epl_field_choice_text'][$value] : $value; } elseif ($field_atts['input_type'] == 'checkbox') { $value = implode(',', array_intersect_key($field_atts['epl_field_choice_text'], array_flip((array) $value))); } else { $value = html_entity_decode(htmlspecialchars_decode(epl_get_element($i, $attendee_info[$field_id][$event_id])), ENT_QUOTES); } $row[] = htmlentity_decode($value, ENT_QUOTES); //decode special chars (Swedish, Nordic) //array_walk( $row, create_function( '&$item', '$item = utf8_decode($item);' ) ); } $header_pulled = true; if (!$registrant) { $_d[] = $row; } //$csv_row .= implode( ",", $row ) . "\r\n"; $row = array(); } } $filename = epl__('Attendee List') . ', ' . $event_title . ", " . date_i18n("F j, Y"); $this->excel_file_generator($header_row, $_d, $filename); //echo implode( ",", $header_row ) . "\r\n"; //echo $csv_row; exit; }
?> </td> <td><a href="<?php echo admin_url("post.php?post={$post->ID}&action=edit"); ?> " target="_blank"><?php the_title(); ?> </a></td> <td><?php echo epl_get_formatted_curr($regis_details['_epl_grand_total']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo epl_get_formatted_curr($regis_details['_epl_payment_amount']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $total_att; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $payment_method . ' ' . epl_get_element('_epl_cc_type', $regis_details); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $regis_details['_epl_transaction_id']; ?> </td>
foreach ($event_details['_epl_start_date'] as $date_id => $date) { $date = epl_get_date_timestamp($date); $temp_table_row = ''; $end_date = $event_details['_epl_end_date'][$date_id]; $unix_date = $date; if ($status_id == 3) { if ($date < EPL_DATE && $end_date > EPL_DATE) { $date = EPL_DATE; } } $weekday = date_i18n('N', $date); $price = current((array) $event_details['_epl_price']); if ($price <= 0) { $print_price = "<span class='price_free'>Free</span>"; } else { $print_price = "<span class='price_amount'> " . epl_get_formatted_curr($price, null, true) . "</span>"; } $start_time = current((array) $event_details['_epl_start_time']); $date_capacity = $event_details['_epl_date_capacity'][$date_id]; $num_regis = 0; $avail = ''; if (isset($current_att_count['_total_att_' . $event_id . "_date_{$date_id}"])) { $num_regis = epl_get_element('_total_att_' . $event_id . "_date_{$date_id}", $current_att_count, 0); $avail = $date_capacity - $num_regis; } $date_note = epl_prefix(' - ', epl_get_element_m($date_id, '_epl_date_note', $event_details, '')); foreach ($event_details['_epl_start_time'] as $time_id => $time) { if ($event_details['_epl_time_hide'][$time_id] == 10) { continue; } if (epl_is_date_level_time() && !epl_is_empty_array($date_specifc_time) && (!isset($date_specifc_time[$time_id]) || !isset($date_specifc_time[$time_id][$date_id]))) {
function epl_get_balance_due() { global $cart_totals; $regis_total = get_the_regis_total_amount(false); $payment_data = epl_get_regis_payments(); $alt_total_due = epl_get_element_m('pay_deposit', 'money_totals', $cart_totals) == 1 ? epl_get_element_m('min_deposit', 'money_totals', $cart_totals, $regis_total) : $regis_total; if (!empty($payment_data)) { $total_paid = 0; foreach ($payment_data as $time => $p) { if ($p['_epl_payment_amount'] == 0) { continue; } $regis_total -= epl_get_formatted_curr($p['_epl_payment_amount'], 4); } } else { $regis_total = $alt_total_due; } return $regis_total == 0 ? abs($regis_total) : $regis_total; }
<div class="epl_cart_section"> <table class="epl_totals_wrapper epl_w100pct"> <tr class="epl_grand_total"> <td class="epl_w200">Total</td> <td class="epl_total_price epl_w100 epl_ta_r"> <?php echo epl_get_formatted_curr($total_price); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </div>
<?php if (($original_total = epl_get_element('original_total', $money_totals)) > 0) { ?> <tr class="epl_original_total" style="background-color: #ffcccc "> <td class="epl_w200"><?php epl_e('Original Total'); ?> </td> <td class="epl_total_price epl_w100 epl_ta_r"> <?php echo epl_get_formatted_curr($original_total, null, true); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr class="epl_grand_total"> <td class="epl_w200"><?php echo epl_e('Event Total'); ?> </td> <td class="epl_total_price epl_w100 epl_ta_r"> <?php echo epl_get_formatted_curr($total, null, true); ?> </td> </tr> </table>
if (epl_is_time_specific_price($price_id) && !epl_get_element_m($time_id, $price_id, epl_get_element('_epl_time_specific_price', $event_details))) { continue; } if (epl_is_date_specific_price($price_id) && !epl_get_element_m($date_id, $price_id, epl_get_element('_epl_date_specific_price', $event_details))) { continue; } if (epl_get_element($price_id, epl_get_element('_epl_price_hide', $event_details)) == 0) { ?> <tr class="epl_price"> <td><?php echo $price_data['disp']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo epl_get_formatted_curr($event_details['_epl_price'][$price_id], null, true); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $show_avail_spaces ? $price_data['avail'] : ''; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } } ?> <?php
<?php foreach ($prices as $price_id => $price_data) { if (epl_get_element($price_id, epl_get_element('_epl_price_hide', $event_details)) == 0) { ?> <tr class="epl_price"> <td><?php echo $price_data['disp']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $price_data['qty']; ?> x <?php echo epl_get_formatted_curr($price_data['ticket_price'], null, true); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } } ?> <?php //endif; } ?>
?> </td> </tr> <?php } } ?> <tr> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td class="total"><b><?php echo epl_get_formatted_curr($total_due); ?> </b></td> </tr> </table> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { var oTable = $('.epl_financial_report').dataTable( { "bJQueryUI": true, "sPaginationType": "full_numbers", "iDisplayLength": 20,