function trimtext($str, $length, $nbsp = FALSE)
     $str = strip_tags($str);
     if (strlen($str) > $length) {
         $str = unentify($str);
         $str = substr($str, 0, $length + 1);
         $str = entify($str) . "…";
     if ($nbsp == TRUE) {
         $str = str_replace(" ", " ", $str);
     $str = str_replace("http://", "", $str);
     return $str;
Esempio n. 2
         $registered = 1;
 // If magic_quotes_gpc is set, we need to strip slashes..
 if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
     $Pivot_Vars['piv_name'] = stripslashes($Pivot_Vars['piv_name']);
     $Pivot_Vars['piv_email'] = stripslashes($Pivot_Vars['piv_email']);
     $Pivot_Vars['piv_url'] = stripslashes($Pivot_Vars['piv_url']);
     $Pivot_Vars['piv_comment'] = stripslashes($Pivot_Vars['piv_comment']);
 $comment_text = strip_trailing_space($Pivot_Vars['piv_comment']);
 $comment_text = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $comment_text);
 // CRLF(Win) to LF
 $comment_text = str_replace("\r", "\n", $comment_text);
 // CR(Mac) to LF
 $my_comment = array('name' => entify($Pivot_Vars['piv_name']), 'email' => entify($Pivot_Vars['piv_email']), 'url' => entify($Pivot_Vars['piv_url']), 'ip' => $Pivot_Vars['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'date' => format_date("", "%year%-%month%-%day%-%hour24%-%minute%"), 'comment' => $comment_text, 'registered' => $registered, 'notify' => $Pivot_Vars['piv_notify'], 'discreet' => $Pivot_Vars['piv_discreet'], 'moderate' => $Cfg['moderate_comments'] == 1);
 //here we do a check to prevent double entries...
 $duplicate = FALSE;
 if (isset($entry['comments']) && count($entry['comments']) > 0) {
     foreach ($entry['comments'] as $loop_comment) {
         $diff = 1 / (min(strlen($loop_comment['comment']), 200) / (levenshtein(substr($loop_comment['comment'], 0, 200), substr($my_comment['comment'], 0, 200)) + 1));
         if ($diff < 0.25 && $loop_comment['ip'] == $my_comment['ip']) {
             $duplicate = TRUE;
 // set the message and take proper action:
 if (isset($Pivot_Vars['preview'])) {
     // Add a 'show in preview' flag to $my_comment, otherwise it would be suppressed on display
     $my_comment['showpreview'] = 1;
Esempio n. 3
 * Store an edited trackback, and then show the edit_trackbacks screen
 * @see edit_trackbacks()
function submit_trackback()
    global $Cfg, $Pivot_Vars;
    // If magic_quotes_gpc is set, we need to strip slashes..
    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
        $Pivot_Vars['title'] = stripslashes($Pivot_Vars['title']);
        $Pivot_Vars['excerpt'] = stripslashes($Pivot_Vars['excerpt']);
        $Pivot_Vars['name'] = stripslashes($Pivot_Vars['name']);
    $mytrack = array('title' => entify($Pivot_Vars['title']), 'excerpt' => entify($Pivot_Vars['excerpt']), 'name' => entify($Pivot_Vars['name']), 'url' => $Pivot_Vars['url'], 'ip' => $Pivot_Vars['ip'], 'date' => $Pivot_Vars['date']);
    $db = new db();
    $entry = $db->read_entry($Pivot_Vars['id']);
    $entry['trackbacks'][$Pivot_Vars['count']] = $mytrack;
    // remove it from cache, to make sure the laters one is used.
    $msg = lang('notice', 'trackback_saved');
Esempio n. 4
// checking if IP address of trackbacking site is blocked
if (ip_check_block($Pivot_Vars['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
    debug("Blocked user from " . $Pivot_Vars['REMOTE_ADDR'] . " tried to trackback");
    respondExit("Your IP-address has been blocked, so you are not" . " allowed to leave trackbacks on this site. We know IP-adresses can easily be faked," . " but it helps.", 1);
// Exit if no trackback (entry) ID is given
if (!($Pivot_Vars['tb_id'] = mungeTbId($Pivot_Vars['tb_id']))) {
    respondExit(lang('trackback', 'noid'), 1);
// Open database
$db = new db();
// Exit if non-existing ID supplied
if (!$db->entry_exists($Pivot_Vars['tb_id'])) {
    respondExit('Non-existing ID', 1);
$my_trackback = array('name' => entify(urldecode(stripslashes($Pivot_Vars['blog_name']))), 'title' => entify(urldecode(stripslashes($Pivot_Vars['title']))), 'url' => urldecode($Pivot_Vars['url']), 'ip' => $Pivot_Vars['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'date' => format_date("", "%year%-%month%-%day%-%hour24%-%minute%"), 'excerpt' => strip_trailing_space(urldecode(stripslashes($Pivot_Vars['excerpt']))));
// Exit if no URL is given - need to know URL to foreign entry that
// trackbacked us.
if (empty($my_trackback['url'])) {
    respondExit(lang('trackback', 'nourl'), 1);
// load an entry
$entry = $db->read_entry($Pivot_Vars['tb_id']);
//here we do a check to prevent double entries...
$duplicate = FALSE;
if (isset($entry['trackbacks']) && count($entry['trackbacks']) > 0) {
    foreach ($entry['trackbacks'] as $loop_trackback) {
        $diff = 1 / (min(strlen($loop_trackback['excerpt']), 200) / (levenshtein(substr($loop_trackback['excerpt'], -200), substr($my_trackback['excerpt'], -200)) + 1));
        if ($diff < 0.25 && $loop_trackback['ip'] == $my_trackback['ip']) {
            $duplicate = TRUE;