You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. For more information please view the readme.txt file. ******************************************************************************/ require 'config.php'; require_once 'mod_errorlogs.php'; require_once 'mod_categories.php'; require_once 'mod_joined.php'; require_once 'mod_owned.php'; require_once 'mod_affiliates.php'; require_once 'mod_settings.php'; $all_owned = get_owned('current', 'none', 'bydate'); $all_joined = get_joined('approved', 'none', 'id'); // total number categories (regardless of if there are stuff inside) $total_cats = count(enth_get_categories()); // number of joined listings (pending) $joined_pending = count(get_joined('pending')); // number of joined listings (approved) $joined_approved = count(get_joined('approved')); // number of joined listings (pending+approved) $joined = $joined_pending + $joined_approved; // number of owned listings (pending) $owned_pending = count(get_owned('pending')); // number of owned listings (upcoming) $owned_upcoming = count(get_owned('upcoming')); // number of owned listings (current) $owned_current = count(get_owned('current')); // number of owned listings (pending+upcoming+current) $owned = $owned_pending + $owned_upcoming + $owned_current; // number of collective affiliates
<form action="categories.php" method="get"> <input type="hidden" name="dosearch" value="now" /> <p class="center"> <input type="text" name="search" /> <input type="submit" value="Search" /> </p> </form> <?php $start = isset($_REQUEST['start']) ? $_REQUEST['start'] : '0'; $search = isset($_GET['search']) ? $_GET['search'] : ''; $total = 0; $cats = enth_get_categories($search, $start); $total = count(enth_get_categories($search)); // fix cats array foreach ($cats as $i => $c) { $cats[$i]['text'] = ''; if ($ancestors = array_reverse(get_ancestors($c['catid']))) { // get ancestors $text = ''; foreach ($ancestors as $a) { $text .= strlen($text) > 0 ? ' » ' . get_category_name($a) : get_category_name($a); } $cats[$i]['text'] .= $text; } else { $cats[$i]['text'] = get_category_name($c['catid']); } } usort($cats, 'category_array_compare');
function show_step1() { require 'config.php'; ?> <p> Welcome to the Setup section of Enthusiast 3. On this section, you will be able to add listings to your collective. It will automatically create the database tables for you if needed, and you need only to add the required <code>config.php</code> file in your listing's directory and insert appropriate PHP snippets in your listing's pages. </p> <h2>Important notes:</h2> <ul> <li> Only uncheck the <code>Create database tables</code> checkbox if you are just adding the listing to your collective <i>AND the tables have already been previously created!</i> This is useful if you wish to run a specific listing already installed in another Enth3 admin panel and you just need this installation to connect to the other database. </li> <li> <b>Make sure you have proper MySQL privileges set!</b> Enthusiast 3 requires the privilege to <code>CREATE</code>, <code>ALTER</code>, and <code>DROP</code> database tables. When a listing is deleted, the database table is deleted as well. </li> </ul> <form action="setup.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="step" value="2" /> <table> <?php $dbserver = $db_server; $dbdatabase = $db_database; $dbuser = $db_user; $dbpassword = ''; $dbtable = ''; $catids = array(); $subject = ''; $email = ''; $status = 'current'; if (isset($_POST['dbserver'])) { $dbserver = $_POST['dbserver']; } if (isset($_POST['dbdatabase'])) { $dbdatabase = $_POST['dbdatabase']; } if (isset($_POST['dbuser'])) { $dbuser = $_POST['dbuser']; } if (isset($_POST['dbpassword'])) { $dbpassword = $_POST['dbpassword']; } if (isset($_POST['dbtable'])) { $dbtable = $_POST['dbtable']; } if (isset($_POST['catid'])) { $catids = $_POST['catid']; } if (isset($_POST['subject'])) { $subject = $_POST['subject']; } if (isset($_POST['email'])) { $email = $_POST['email']; } if (isset($_POST['status'])) { $status = $_POST['status']; } ?> <tr><th colspan="2">Database settings</th></tr> <tr><td><b> Create database tables? </b></td><td> Only uncheck the <code>Create database tables</code> checkbox if you are just adding the listing to your collective <i>AND the tables have already been previously created!</i> This is useful if you wish to run a specific listing already installed in another Enth3 admin panel and you just need this installation to connect to the other database. <br /><br /> <input type="checkbox" name="createtable" value="yes" checked="checked" /> Yes, create the tables </td></tr> <tr class="rowshade"><td><b> Database server </b></td><td> This is the server your MySQL database is running on. The value you have set for this collective is, by default, set in the field for you.<br /> <br /> <input type="text" name="dbserver" value="<?php echo $dbserver; ?> " /> </td></tr> <tr><td><b> Database name </b></td><td> This is the actual name of the database you will be using for this listing. The database that you have set for this collective is, by default, set in the field for you..<br /><br /> <input type="text" name="dbdatabase" value="<?php echo $dbdatabase; ?> " /> </td></tr> <tr class="rowshade"><td><b> Database user </b></td><td> This is the database username that has access privileges for the database set above. The user that you have set for this collective is, by default, set in the field for you.<br /><br /> <input type="text" name="dbuser" value="<?php echo $dbuser; ?> " /> </td></tr> <tr><td><b> Database password </b></td><td> This is the password that allows the user above access to the database specified. Please type the password twice for verification.<br /><br /> <input type="password" name="dbpassword" /> <input type="password" name="dbpasswordv" /> </td></tr> <tr class="rowshade"><td><b> Database table </b></td><td> This is the database table that the fanlisting will use.<br /><br /> <input type="text" name="dbtable" value="<?php echo $dbtable; ?> " /> </td></tr> <tr><th colspan="2"> Listing information </th></tr> <tr><td><b> Categories </b></td><td> This are the categories under your collective that you wish this listing be listed under.<br /><br /> <select name="catid[]" multiple="multiple" size="5"> <?php $cats = enth_get_categories(); $options = array(); foreach ($cats as $cat) { $optiontext = $cat['catname']; if (count($ancestors = array_reverse(get_ancestors($cat['catid']))) > 1) { // get ancestors $text = ''; foreach ($ancestors as $a) { $text .= get_category_name($a) . ' > '; } $optiontext = rtrim($text, ' > '); $optiontext = str_replace('>', '»', $optiontext); } $options[] = array('text' => $optiontext, 'id' => $cat['catid']); } usort($options, 'category_array_compare'); $selected = explode('|', $info['catid']); foreach ($options as $o) { echo '<option value="' . $o['id']; if (in_array($o['id'], $catids)) { echo '" selected="selected'; } echo '">' . $o['text'] . '</option>'; } ?> </select> </td></tr> <tr class="rowshade"><td><b> Subject </b></td><td> This is the subject of the listing.<br /><br /> <input type="text" name="subject" value="<?php echo $subject; ?> " /> </td></tr> <tr><td><b> Email </b></td><td> This is the email address that all listing emails will come from. <br /><br /> <input type="text" name="email" value="<?php echo $email; ?> " /> </td></tr> <tr class="rowshade"><td><b> Status </b></td><td> This is the status of your listing, and is especially useful for making 'upcoming' lists. It is set to "current" by default.<br /><br /> <select name="status"> <option value="<?php echo $status; ?> "><?php echo ucfirst($status); ?> </option> <option value="">--</option> <option value="current">Current</option> <option value="upcoming">Upcoming</option> <option value="pending">Pending Application</option> </select> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2" class="right"> <input type="submit" value="Add and setup this fanlisting!" /> <input type="reset" value="Reset form values" /> </td></tr> </table> <?php }
function show_edit_forms() { require 'config.php'; $info = get_listing_info($_REQUEST['id']); ?> <div class="submenu"> <a href="owned.php?action=edit&id=<?php echo $info['listingid']; ?> &type=database">Database</a> <a href="owned.php?action=edit&id=<?php echo $info['listingid']; ?> &type=info">Info</a> <a href="owned.php?action=edit&id=<?php echo $info['listingid']; ?> &type=settings">Settings</a> <a href="owned.php?action=edit&id=<?php echo $info['listingid']; ?> &type=emails">Emails</a> <a href="owned.php?action=edit&id=<?php echo $info['listingid']; ?> &type=templates">Templates</a> </div> <p>This page allows you to edit information and settings for the <i><?php echo $info['title']; ?> : <?php echo $info['subject']; ?> <?php echo $info['listingtype']; ?> </i>. Click on one of the submenu items to modify the <?php echo $info['listingtype']; ?> . </p> <h2>Quick <?php echo $info['listingtype']; ?> stats</h2> <?php $stats = get_listing_stats($info['listingid']); // prepare date format $lastupdated = @date(get_setting('date_format'), strtotime($stats['lastupdated'])); $countries = $stats['countries']; $average = $stats['average']; ?> <p><b>Last updated:</b> <?php echo $lastupdated; ?> <br /> <b>Members:</b> <?php echo $stats['total']; echo $info['country'] == 1 ? ' from ' . $countries . ' countries' : ''; ?> , <?php echo $stats['pending']; ?> pending<br /> <b>Growth rate:</b> <?php echo $average; ?> per day since opening </p> <?php if (isset($_REQUEST['type']) && $_REQUEST['type'] == 'database') { ?> <form action="owned.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="edit" /> <input type="hidden" name="done" value="yes" /> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="database" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['id']; ?> " /> <table> <tr><th colspan="2">Database/fields Settings</th></tr> <tr><td> Server </td><td style="text-align: left;"> <input type="text" name="dbserver" value="<?php echo $info['dbserver']; ?> " /> </td></tr> <tr class="rowshade"><td> Name </td><td style="text-align: left;"> <input type="text" name="dbdatabase" value="<?php echo $info['dbdatabase']; ?> " /> </td></tr> <tr><td> User </td><td style="text-align: left;"> <input type="text" name="dbuser" value="<?php echo $info['dbuser']; ?> " /> </td></tr> <tr class="rowshade"><td> Table </td><td style="text-align: left;"> <input type="text" name="dbtable" value="<?php echo $info['dbtable']; ?> " /> </td></tr> <tr><td> Password </td><td style="text-align: left;"> <small>Fill out only if changing the password.</small><br /> <input type="password" name="dbpassword" /> <input type="password" name="dbpasswordv" /> </td></tr> <tr class="rowshade"><td> Country field </td><td style="text-align: left;"> <?php if ($info['country'] == 1) { ?> <input type="radio" name="country" value="leave" checked="checked" /> Leave as is (Enabled)<br /> <input type="radio" name="country" value="disable" /> Disable (will delete current values from database!)<br /> <?php } else { ?> <input type="radio" name="country" value="leave" checked="checked" /> Leave as is (Disabled)<br /> <input type="radio" name="country" value="enable" /> Enable<br /> <?php } ?> </td></tr> <tr><td> Affiliates </td><td style="text-align: left;"> <input type="radio" name="affiliates" value="leave" checked="checked" /> Leave as is <?php if ($info['affiliates'] == 0) { echo ' (Disabled)<br />'; echo '<input type="radio" name="affiliates" value="enable" /> Yes, '; echo 'images directory at <input type="text" name="affiliatesdir" ' . '/><br /><small>' . 'Please don\'t forget the trailing slash; this folder (absolute ' . 'path, i.e., /home/user/public_html/images/) must have ' . 'proper permissions set (i.e., must be CHMODed to ' . '755).</small><br />'; } else { echo ' (Enabled)<br />'; echo '<input type="radio" name="affiliates" value="rename" /> Move '; echo 'images directory to <input type="text" name="affiliatesdir" ' . 'value="' . $info['affiliatesdir'] . '" /><br /><small>' . 'Please don\'t forget the trailing slash; this folder (absolute ' . 'path, i.e., /home/user/public_html/images/) must have ' . 'proper permissions set (i.e., must be CHMODed to ' . '755).</small><br />'; echo '<input type="radio" name="affiliates" value="disable" /> '; echo 'Disable'; } ?> </td></tr> <tr class="rowshade"><td> Additional Fields </td><td style="text-align: left;"> <small>Click the "+" sign if you need more additional field fields below. You may edit the name of the existing fields by modifying the field directly, or deleting existing fields by removing the name entirely from the field.<br /> Additional fields must be ALL LOWERCASE, with NO SPACES and NO PUNCTUATION and NO SPECIAL CHARACTERS; if you wish for the field to have a space in its "name", use an underscore. For example: <i>favorite_book, do_you_like_apples</i><br /> Deleting an existing field will cause its contents to be discarded and this cannot be undone.</small><br /> <?php $fields = explode(',', $info['additional']); $printed = 0; foreach ($fields as $f) { if ($f != '') { $printed++; echo '<div style="padding: 2px;"> ' . $printed . ' <input type="text" name="additional[]" value="' . $f . '" /> </div>'; } } ?> <div id="multifields" style="padding: 2px; display: block;"> <input type="text" name="additional[]" /> <input type="button" value="+" onclick="moreFields()" /> <input type="button" value="x" onclick="this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode);" /> </div> <span id="multifieldshere"></span> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2" class="right"> <input type="submit" value="Update database settings" /> <input type="reset" value="Reset form values" /> <input type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="javascript:window.location='owned.php';" /> </td></tr> </table></form> <?php } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['type']) && $_REQUEST['type'] == 'info') { ?> <form action="owned.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="edit" /> <input type="hidden" name="done" value="yes" /> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="info" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['id']; ?> " /> <table> <tr><th colspan="2">Listing information</th></tr> <tr><td> Category Listing Category </td><td> <select name="catid[]" multiple="multiple" size="5"> <?php $cats = enth_get_categories(); $options = array(); foreach ($cats as $cat) { $optiontext = $cat['catname']; if (count($ancestors = array_reverse(get_ancestors($cat['catid']))) > 1) { // get ancestors $text = ''; foreach ($ancestors as $a) { $text .= get_category_name($a) . ' > '; } $optiontext = rtrim($text, ' > '); $optiontext = str_replace('>', '»', $optiontext); } $options[] = array('text' => $optiontext, 'id' => $cat['catid']); } usort($options, 'category_array_compare'); $selected = explode('|', $info['catid']); foreach ($options as $o) { echo '<option value="' . $o['id']; if (in_array($o['id'], $selected)) { echo '" selected="selected'; } echo '">' . $o['text'] . '</option>'; } ?> </select> </td></tr> <tr class="rowshade"><td> Subject </td><td> <input type="text" name="subject" value="<?php echo $info['subject']; ?> " /> </td></tr> <tr><td> Email </td><td> <input type="text" name="email" value="<?php echo $info['email']; ?> " /> </td></tr> <tr class="rowshade"><td> URL </td><td> <input type="text" name="url" value="<?php echo $info['url']; ?> " /> </td></tr> <tr><td> Title </td><td> <input type="text" name="title" value="<?php echo $info['title']; ?> " /> </td></tr> <tr class="rowshade"><td> Listing type </td><td> <input type="text" name="listingtype" value="<?php echo $info['listingtype']; ?> " /> </td></tr> <tr><td> Description </td><td> <textarea name="desc" rows="3" cols="30"><?php echo $info['desc']; ?> </textarea> </td></tr> <tr class="rowshade"><td rowspan="3"> Image </td><td> <?php $dir = get_setting('owned_images_dir'); if ($info['imagefile'] == '' || !is_file($dir . $info['imagefile'])) { echo 'No image specified.'; } else { $root_web = get_setting('root_path_web'); $root_abs = get_setting('root_path_absolute'); @($image = getimagesize($dir . $info['imagefile'])); $dir = str_replace($root_abs, $root_web, $dir); $dir = str_replace('\\', '/', $dir); echo '<img src="' . $dir . $info['imagefile'] . '" ' . $image[3] . ' border="0" alt="" />'; } ?> </td></tr><tr class="rowshade"><td> <input type="radio" name="image_change" value="no" checked="checked" /> Leave as it is<br /> <input type="radio" name="image_change" value="delete" /> Delete image<br /> <input type="radio" name="image_change" value="yes" /> Change with: </td></tr><tr class="rowshade"><td> <input type="file" name="image" /> </td></tr> <tr><td> Status </td><td> <select name="status"> <?php if ($info['status'] == 0) { echo '<option value="pending">Leave as is (Pending)</option>'; echo '<option value="pending">--</option>'; } else { if ($info['status'] == 1) { echo '<option value="upcoming">Leave as is (Upcoming)</option>'; echo '<option value="upcoming">--</option>'; } else { if ($info['status'] == 2) { echo '<option value="current">Leave as is (Current)</option>'; echo '<option value="current">--</option>'; } } } ?> <option value="pending">Pending</option> <option value="upcoming">Upcoming</option> <option value="current">Current</option> </select> </td></tr> <tr class="rowshade"><td> Date opened </td><td> <select name="date_day"> <option value="<?php echo @date('j', strtotime($info['opened'])); ?> ">Current (<?php echo @date('j', strtotime($info['opened'])); ?> )</option> <?php for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) { echo '<option>' . $i . '</option>'; } ?> </select> <select name="date_month"> <option value="<?php echo @date('n', strtotime($info['opened'])); ?> ">Current (<?php echo @date('F', strtotime($info['opened'])); ?> )</option> <option value="01">January</option> <option value="02">February</option> <option value="03">March</option> <option value="04">April</option> <option value="05">May</option> <option value="06">June</option> <option value="07">July</option> <option value="08">August</option> <option value="09">September</option> <option value="10">October</option> <option value="11">November</option> <option value="12">December</option> </select> <select name="date_year"> <option value="<?php echo @date('Y', strtotime($info['opened'])); ?> ">Current (<?php echo @date('Y', strtotime($info['opened'])); ?> )</option> <?php for ($year = date('Y'); $year >= 2000; $year--) { echo '<option>' . $year . '</option>'; } ?> </select> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2" class="right"> <input type="submit" value="Update information" /> <input type="reset" value="Reset form values" /> <input type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="javascript:window.location='owned.php';" /> </td></tr> </table></form> <?php } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['type']) && $_REQUEST['type'] == 'settings') { ?> <form action="owned.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="edit" /> <input type="hidden" name="done" value="yes" /> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="settings" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['id']; ?> " /> <table> <tr><th colspan="2">Management/look settings</th></tr> <tr><td> Hold member updates </td><td style="text-align: left;"> <?php if ($info['holdupdate'] == 1) { ?> <input type="radio" name="holdupdate" value="leave" checked="checked" /> Leave as is (Enabled)<br /> <input type="radio" name="holdupdate" value="disable" /> Disable<br /> <?php } else { ?> <input type="radio" name="holdupdate" value="leave" checked="checked" /> Leave as is (Disabled)<br /> <input type="radio" name="holdupdate" value="enable" /> Enable<br /> <?php } ?> <small>This setting will determine whether a member who updates his/her information will be placed back on pending or not.</small> </td></tr> <tr class="rowshade"><td> Pending notify </td><td style="text-align: left;"> <?php if ($info['notifynew'] == 1) { ?> <input type="radio" name="notifynew" value="leave" checked="checked" /> Leave as is (Enabled)<br /> <input type="radio" name="notifynew" value="disable" /> Disable<br /> <?php } else { ?> <input type="radio" name="notifynew" value="leave" checked="checked" /> Leave as is (Disabled)<br /> <input type="radio" name="notifynew" value="enable" /> Enable<br /> <?php } ?> <small>This setting will determine if you will be notified via email when a member has been added/placed on the pending queue.</small> </td></tr> <tr><td> Dropdown sorting </td><td style="text-align: left;"> <?php if ($info['dropdown'] == 1) { ?> <input type="radio" name="dropdown" value="leave" checked="checked" /> Leave as is (Enabled)<br /> <input type="radio" name="dropdown" value="disable" /> Disable<br /> <?php } else { ?> <input type="radio" name="dropdown" value="leave" checked="checked" /> Leave as is (Disabled)<br /> <input type="radio" name="dropdown" value="enable" /> Enable<br /> <?php } ?> </td></tr> <tr class="rowshade"><td> Sort members by </td><td style="text-align: left;"> <input type="text" name="sort" value="<?php echo $info['sort']; ?> " /><br /> <small>This is the database field that will determine how your members are sorted. This can be either any of your additional fields or by 'country'. Sorting by multiple fields are allowed -- separate fields using a comma (,).</small> </td></tr> <tr><td> Members per page </td><td style="text-align: left;"> <input type="text" name="perpage" value="<?php echo $info['perpage']; ?> " /><br /> </td></tr> <tr class="rowshade"><td> Link target </td><td style="text-align: left;"> <input type="text" name="linktarget" value="<?php echo $info['linktarget']; ?> " /><br /> </td></tr> <tr><td> Join page </td><td style="text-align: left;"> <input type="text" name="joinpage" value="<?php echo $info['joinpage']; ?> " /><br /> </td></tr> <tr class="rowshade"><td> List page </td><td style="text-align: left;"> <input type="text" name="listpage" value="<?php echo $info['listpage']; ?> " /><br /> </td></tr> <tr><td> Update page </td><td style="text-align: left;"> <input type="text" name="updatepage" value="<?php echo $info['updatepage']; ?> " /><br /> </td></tr> <tr class="rowshade"><td> Lostpass page </td><td style="text-align: left;"> <input type="text" name="lostpasspage" value="<?php echo $info['lostpasspage']; ?> " /><br /> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2" class="right"> <input type="submit" value="Update settings" /> <input type="reset" value="Reset form values" /> <input type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="javascript:window.location='owned.php';" /> </td></tr> </table></form> <?php } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['type']) && $_REQUEST['type'] == 'emails') { ?> <form action="owned.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="edit" /> <input type="hidden" name="done" value="yes" /> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="emails" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['id']; ?> " /> <table> <tr><th colspan="2">Email Templates</th></tr> <tr><td> Signup email </td><td> <textarea name="emailsignup" rows="10" cols="60"><?php echo $info['emailsignup']; ?> </textarea> </td></tr> <tr class="rowshade"><td> Approval email </td><td> <textarea name="emailapproved" rows="10" cols="60"><?php echo $info['emailapproved']; ?> </textarea> </td></tr> <tr><td> Update info email </td><td> <textarea name="emailupdate" rows="10" cols="60"><?php echo $info['emailupdate']; ?> </textarea> </td></tr> <tr class="rowshade"><td> Lost password email </td><td> <textarea name="emaillostpass" rows="10" cols="60"><?php echo $info['emaillostpass']; ?> </textarea> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2" class="right"> <input type="submit" value="Update emails" /> <input type="reset" value="Reset form values" /> <input type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="javascript:window.location='owned.php';" /> </td></tr> </table></form> <?php } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['type']) && $_REQUEST['type'] == 'templates') { ?> <form action="owned.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="edit" /> <input type="hidden" name="done" value="yes" /> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="templates" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['id']; ?> " /> <table> <tr><th colspan="2">Website Templates</th></tr> <tr><td> Members List </td><td> <textarea name="listtemplate" rows="10" cols="60"><?php echo $info['listtemplate']; ?> </textarea> </td></tr> <tr class="rowshade"><td> Affiliates </td><td> <textarea name="affiliatestemplate" rows="10" cols="60"><?php echo $info['affiliatestemplate']; ?> </textarea> </td></tr> <tr><td> Statistics </td><td> <textarea name="statstemplate" rows="10" cols="60"><?php echo $info['statstemplate']; ?> </textarea> </td></tr> <tr class="rowshade"><td colspan="2" class="right"> <input type="submit" value="Update templates" /> <input type="reset" value="Reset form values" /> <input type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="javascript:window.location='owned.php';" /> </td></tr> </table></form> <?php } } } } } }
<form action="joined.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="edit" /> <input type="hidden" name="done" value="yes" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['id']; ?> " /> <table> <tr><td class="important" valign="top"> Listing Category </td><td> <select name="catid[]" multiple="multiple" size="5"> <?php $cats = enth_get_categories(); $options = array(); foreach ($cats as $cat) { $optiontext = $cat['catname']; if (count($ancestors = array_reverse(get_ancestors($cat['catid']))) > 1) { // get ancestors $text = ''; foreach ($ancestors as $a) { $text .= get_category_name($a) . ' > '; } $optiontext = rtrim($text, ' > '); $optiontext = str_replace('>', '»', $optiontext); } $options[] = array('text' => $optiontext, 'id' => $cat['catid']); } usort($options, 'category_array_compare');