Esempio n. 1
 private function fillWithDirs($path)
     if (is_dir($path)) {
         $path = ensure_dir_endswith_dir_separator($path);
         if ($this->isPathExcluded($path)) {
             $this->DIRSEXCLUDED[] = $path;
             foreach ($this->getPathForceIncluded($path) as $subPath) {
         } else {
             $this->LOGGER->info("+ {$path}");
             $this->DIRS[] = $path;
             $subDirNames = DirManager::inst($path)->getSubDirNames();
             foreach ($subDirNames as $name) {
                 $this->fillWithDirs($path . $name);
Esempio n. 2
  * Получает названия папок, вложенных в переданную директорию
  * @param array $allowed - список допустимых названий подпапок
 public final function getSubDirNames($dirs = null, $allowed = null, $denied = null)
     $result = array();
     $allowed = $allowed === null ? null : to_array($allowed);
     if (is_array($allowed) && empty($allowed)) {
         return $result;
     $denied = $denied === null ? null : to_array($denied);
     $absDirPath = $this->absDirPath($dirs);
     if (is_dir($absDirPath)) {
         $dir = openDir($absDirPath);
         if ($dir) {
             $absDirPath = ensure_dir_endswith_dir_separator($absDirPath);
             while ($file = readdir($dir)) {
                 if (!is_valid_file_name($file)) {
                 if (is_array($allowed) && !in_array($file, $allowed)) {
                 if (is_array($denied) && in_array($file, $denied)) {
                 if (is_dir($absDirPath . $file)) {
                     $result[] = $file;
     return $result;
Esempio n. 3
 protected function __construct()
     $this->CLASS = get_called_class();
     $this->INSTS_CACHE = new SimpleDataCache();
     $this->UNIQUE = self::unique($this->getFoldingType(), $this->getFoldingSubType());
     $this->LOGGER = PsLogger::inst(__CLASS__ . '-' . $this->UNIQUE);
     $this->PROFILER = PsProfiler::inst(__CLASS__);
     //Получим текстовое описание
     $this->TO_STRING = $this->getTextDescr();
      * Проверим, что заданы размеры обложки по умолчанию, если мы работаем с картинками
     if ($this->isImagesFactoryEnabled() && !$this->defaultDim()) {
         raise_error("Не заданы размеры обложки по умолчанию для фолдинга {$this}");
      * Последовательность, однозначно идентифицирующая фолдинг и используемыя в различных 
      * ситуациях для связи фолдинга и его сущностей, таких как:
      * смарти функции, класс и т.д.
      * Пример: trpost, pl и т.д.
     $SRC_PREFIX = trim($this->getFoldingSubType()) . $this->getFoldingType();
     //Если мы используем php-классы, то проверим, корректно ли задан префикс классов
     if ($this->isAllowedResourceType(self::RTYPE_PHP)) {
         $this->CLASS_PREFIX = strtoupper($SRC_PREFIX) . '_';
         $this->CLASS_PATH_BASE = ensure_dir_endswith_dir_separator($this->getResourcesDm()->absDirPath());
     //Разберём настройки хранения фолдингов в базе
     if ($this->isWorkWithTable()) {
         $dbs = explode('.', trim($this->foldingTable()));
         $this->TABLE_VIEW = array_get_value(0, $dbs);
         $this->TABLE = cut_string_start($this->TABLE_VIEW, 'v_');
         $this->TABLE_COLUMN_IDENT = array_get_value(1, $dbs);
         $this->TABLE_COLUMN_STYPE = array_get_value(2, $dbs);
         check_condition(!!$this->TABLE && !!$this->TABLE_COLUMN_IDENT, "Некорректные настройки работы с базой для фолдинга {$this}");
         if ($this->TABLE_COLUMN_STYPE) {
             check_condition($this->hasSubType(), "Некорректные настройки работы с базой. Фолдинг {$this} не имеет подтипа.");
Esempio n. 4
 public function CreateSprite(CssSprite $sprite)
     $images = $sprite->getImages();
     if (empty($images)) {
     $name = $sprite->getName();
     $this->aFormValues['class-prefix'] = "sprite-{$name}-";
     $DM = CssSprite::autogenWs(array($name, '.temp'));
     //Временная директория, в которой должны содержаться картинки, добавляемые в спрайт
     $sFolderMD5 = ensure_dir_endswith_dir_separator($DM->absDirPath());
     /** @var $img DirItem */
     foreach ($images as $img) {
         $img->copyTo($sFolderMD5 . $img->getName());
     // set up variable defaults used when calculating offsets etc
     $aFilesInfo = array();
     $aFilesMD5 = array();
     $bResize = false;
     if ($this->aFormValues['build-direction'] == 'horizontal') {
         $iRowCount = 1;
         $iTotalWidth = 0;
         $iTotalHeight = 0;
         $aMaxRowHeight = array();
         $iMaxVOffset = 0;
     } else {
         $iColumnCount = 1;
         $iTotalWidth = 0;
         $iTotalHeight = 0;
         $aMaxColumnWidth = array();
         $iMaxHOffset = 0;
     $iMaxWidth = 0;
     $iMaxHeight = 0;
     $i = 0;
     $bValidImages = false;
     $sOutputFormat = strtolower($this->aFormValues['image-output']);
     // read the contents of the directory passed
     $oDir = dir($sFolderMD5);
     /*         * **************************************** */
     /* this section calculates all offsets etc */
     /*         * **************************************** */
     // loop through directory (files will be processed in whatever the OS's default file ordering scheme is)
     // save to array so we can sort alphabetically
     $aFiles = array();
     while (false !== ($sFile = $oDir->read())) {
         $aFiles[] = $sFile;
     foreach ($aFiles as $sFile) {
         // do we want to scale down the source images
         // scaling up isn't supported as that would result in poorer quality images
         $bResize = $this->aFormValues['width-resize'] != 100 && $this->aFormValues['height-resize'] != 100;
         // grab path information
         $sFilePath = $sFolderMD5 . $sFile;
         $aPathParts = pathinfo($sFilePath);
         // are we matching filenames against a regular expression
         // if so it's likely not all images from the ZIP file will end up in the generated sprite image
         if (!empty($this->aFormValues['file-regex'])) {
             // forward slashes should be escaped - it's likely not doing this might be a security risk also
             // one might be able to break out and change the modifiers (to for example run PHP code)
             $this->aFormValues['file-regex'] = str_replace('/', '\\/', $this->aFormValues['file-regex']);
             // if the regular expression matches grab the first match and store for use as the class name
             if (preg_match('/^' . $this->aFormValues['file-regex'] . '$/i', $sFile, $aMatches)) {
                 $sFileClass = $aMatches[1];
             } else {
                 $sFileClass = '';
         } else {
             // not using regular expressions - set the class name to the base part of the filename (excluding extension)
             $sFileClass = $aPathParts['basename'];
         // format the class name - it should only contain certain characters
         // this strips out any which aren't
         $sFileClass = $this->FormatClassName($sFileClass);
         //$iImageType = exif_imagetype($sFilePath);
         // if we've got an empty class name then the file wasn't valid and shouldn't be included in the sprite image
         // the file also isn't valid if its extension doesn't match one of the image formats supported by the tool
         if (!empty($sFileClass) && isset($aPathParts['extension']) && in_array(strtoupper($aPathParts['extension']), $this->aImageTypes) && substr($sFile, 0, 1) != '.') {
             // grab the file extension
             $sExtension = $aPathParts['extension'];
             // get MD5 of file (this can be used to compare if a file's content is exactly the same as another's)
             $sFileMD5 = md5(file_get_contents($sFilePath));
             // check if this file's MD5 already exists in array of MD5s recorded so far
             // if so it's a duplicate of another file in the ZIP
             if (($sKey = array_search($sFileMD5, $aFilesMD5)) !== false) {
                 // do we want to drop duplicate files and merge CSS rules
                 // if so CSS will end up like .filename1, .filename2 { }
                 if ($this->aFormValues['ignore-duplicates'] == 'merge') {
                     if (isset($aFilesInfo[$sKey]['class'])) {
                         $aFilesInfo[$sKey]['class'] = $aFilesInfo[$sKey]['class'] . $this->aFormValues['selector-suffix'] . ', ' . $this->aFormValues['selector-prefix'] . '.' . $this->aFormValues['class-prefix'] . $sFileClass;
             // add MD5 to array to check future files against
             $aFilesMD5[$i] = $sFileMD5;
             // store generated class selector details
             $aFilesInfo[$i]['class'] = ".{$this->aFormValues['class-prefix']}{$sFileClass}";
             // store file path information and extension
             $aFilesInfo[$i]['path'] = $sFilePath;
             $aFilesInfo[$i]['ext'] = $sExtension;
             // get dimensions of image
             $aImageInfo = getimagesize($sFilePath);
             $iWidth = $aImageInfo[0];
             $iHeight = $aImageInfo[1];
             if ($this->aFormValues['build-direction'] == 'horizontal') {
                 // get the current width of the sprite image - after images processed so far
                 $iCurrentWidth = $iTotalWidth + $this->aFormValues['horizontal-offset'] + $iWidth;
                 // store the maximum width reached so far
                 // if we're on a new column current height might be less than the maximum
                 if ($iMaxWidth < $iCurrentWidth) {
                     $iMaxWidth = $iCurrentWidth;
             } else {
                 // get the current height of the sprite image - after images processed so far
                 $iCurrentHeight = $iTotalHeight + $this->aFormValues['vertical-offset'] + $iHeight;
                 // store the maximum height reached so far
                 // if we're on a new column current height might be less than the maximum
                 if ($iMaxHeight < $iCurrentHeight) {
                     $iMaxHeight = $iCurrentHeight;
             // store the original width and height of the image
             // we'll need this later if the image is to be resized
             $aFilesInfo[$i]['original-width'] = $iWidth;
             $aFilesInfo[$i]['original-height'] = $iHeight;
             // store the width and height of the image
             // if we're resizing they'll be less than the original
             $aFilesInfo[$i]['width'] = $bResize ? round($iWidth / 100 * $this->aFormValues['width-resize']) : $iWidth;
             $aFilesInfo[$i]['height'] = $bResize ? round($iHeight / 100 * $this->aFormValues['height-resize']) : $iHeight;
             if ($this->aFormValues['build-direction'] == 'horizontal') {
                 // opera (9.0 and below) has a bug which prevents it recognising  offsets of less than -2042px
                 // all subsequent values are treated as -2042px
                 // if we've hit 2000 pixels and we care about this (as set in the interface) then wrap to a new row
                 // increment row count and reset current height
                 if ($iTotalWidth + $this->aFormValues['horizontal-offset'] >= 2000 && !empty($this->aFormValues['wrap-columns'])) {
                     $iTotalWidth = 0;
                 // if the current image is higher than any other in the current row then set the maximum height to that
                 // it will be used to set the height of the current row
                 if ($aFilesInfo[$i]['height'] > $iMaxHeight) {
                     $iMaxHeight = $aFilesInfo[$i]['height'];
                 // keep track of the height of rows added so far
                 $aMaxRowHeight[$iRowCount] = $iMaxHeight;
                 // calculate the current maximum vertical offset so far
                 $iMaxVOffset = $this->aFormValues['vertical-offset'] * ($iRowCount - 1);
                 // get the x position of current image in overall sprite
                 $aFilesInfo[$i]['x'] = $iTotalWidth;
                 $iTotalWidth += $aFilesInfo[$i]['width'] + $this->aFormValues['horizontal-offset'];
                 // get the y position of current image in overall sprite
                 if ($iRowCount == 1) {
                     $aFilesInfo[$i]['y'] = 0;
                 } else {
                     $aFilesInfo[$i]['y'] = $this->aFormValues['vertical-offset'] * ($iRowCount - 1) + (array_sum($aMaxRowHeight) - $aMaxRowHeight[$iRowCount]);
                 $aFilesInfo[$i]['currentCombinedWidth'] = $iTotalWidth;
                 $aFilesInfo[$i]['rowNumber'] = $iRowCount;
             } else {
                 if ($iTotalHeight + $this->aFormValues['vertical-offset'] >= 2000 && !empty($this->aFormValues['wrap-columns'])) {
                     $iTotalHeight = 0;
                 // if the current image is wider than any other in the current column then set the maximum width to that
                 // it will be used to set the width of the current column
                 if ($aFilesInfo[$i]['width'] > $iMaxWidth) {
                     $iMaxWidth = $aFilesInfo[$i]['width'];
                 // keep track of the width of columns added so far
                 $aMaxColumnWidth[$iColumnCount] = $iMaxWidth;
                 // calculate the current maximum horizontal offset so far
                 $iMaxHOffset = $this->aFormValues['horizontal-offset'] * ($iColumnCount - 1);
                 // get the y position of current image in overall sprite
                 $aFilesInfo[$i]['y'] = $iTotalHeight;
                 $iTotalHeight += $aFilesInfo[$i]['height'] + $this->aFormValues['vertical-offset'];
                 // get the x position of current image in overall sprite
                 if ($iColumnCount == 1) {
                     $aFilesInfo[$i]['x'] = 0;
                 } else {
                     $aFilesInfo[$i]['x'] = $this->aFormValues['horizontal-offset'] * ($iColumnCount - 1) + (array_sum($aMaxColumnWidth) - $aMaxColumnWidth[$iColumnCount]);
                 $aFilesInfo[$i]['currentCombinedHeight'] = $iTotalHeight;
                 $aFilesInfo[$i]['columnNumber'] = $iColumnCount;
     // close the dir handle
     /*         * **************************************** */
     /* this section generates the sprite image */
     /* and CSS rules                           */
     /*         * **************************************** */
     // if $i is greater than 1 then we managed to generate enough info to create a sprite
     if ($i > 1) {
         // if Imagick throws an exception we want the script to terminate cleanly so that
         // temporary files are cleaned up
         try {
             // get the sprite width and height
             if ($this->aFormValues['build-direction'] == 'horizontal') {
                 $iSpriteWidth = $iMaxWidth - $this->aFormValues['horizontal-offset'];
                 $iSpriteHeight = array_sum($aMaxRowHeight) + $iMaxVOffset;
             } else {
                 $iSpriteHeight = $iMaxHeight - $this->aFormValues['vertical-offset'];
                 $iSpriteWidth = array_sum($aMaxColumnWidth) + $iMaxHOffset;
             // get background colour - remove # if added
             $sBgColour = str_replace('#', '', $this->aFormValues['background']);
             // convert 3 digit hex values to 6 digit equivalent
             if (strlen($sBgColour) == 3) {
                 $sBgColour = substr($sBgColour, 0, 1) . substr($sBgColour, 0, 1) . substr($sBgColour, 1, 1) . substr($sBgColour, 1, 1) . substr($sBgColour, 2, 1) . substr($sBgColour, 2, 1);
             // should the image be transparent
             $this->bTransparent = !empty($this->aFormValues['use-transparency']) && in_array($this->aFormValues['image-output'], array('GIF', 'PNG'));
             // if using Imagick library create new instance of library class
             if ($this->sImageLibrary == 'imagick') {
                 $oSprite = new Imagick();
                 // create a new image - set background according to transparency
                 if (!empty($this->aFormValues['background'])) {
                     $oSprite->newImage($iSpriteWidth, $iSpriteHeight, new ImagickPixel("#{$sBgColour}"), $sOutputFormat);
                 } else {
                     if ($this->bTransparent) {
                         $oSprite->newImage($iSpriteWidth, $iSpriteHeight, new ImagickPixel('#000000'), $sOutputFormat);
                     } else {
                         $oSprite->newImage($iSpriteWidth, $iSpriteHeight, new ImagickPixel('#ffffff'), $sOutputFormat);
             } else {
                 // using GD - do the same thing
                 if ($this->bTransparent && !empty($this->aFormValues['background'])) {
                     $oSprite = imagecreate($iSpriteWidth, $iSpriteHeight);
                 } else {
                     $oSprite = imagecreatetruecolor($iSpriteWidth, $iSpriteHeight);
             // check for transparency option
             if ($this->bTransparent) {
                 if ($this->sImageLibrary == 'imagick') {
                     // set background colour to transparent
                     // if no background colour use black
                     if (!empty($this->aFormValues['background'])) {
                         $oSprite->paintTransparentImage(new ImagickPixel("#{$sBgColour}"), 0.0, 0);
                     } else {
                         $oSprite->paintTransparentImage(new ImagickPixel("#000000"), 0.0, 0);
                 } else {
                     // using GD - do the same thing
                     if (!empty($this->aFormValues['background'])) {
                         $iBgColour = hexdec($sBgColour);
                         $iBgColour = imagecolorallocate($oSprite, 0xff & $iBgColour >> 0x10, 0xff & $iBgColour >> 0x8, 0xff & $iBgColour);
                         imagecolortransparent($oSprite, $iBgColour);
                     } else {
                         imagealphablending($oSprite, false);
                         imagesavealpha($oSprite, true);
                         $col = imagecolorallocatealpha($oSprite, 255, 255, 255, 127);
                         imagefill($oSprite, 0, 0, $col);
             } else {
                 // set background colour if not using transparency and using GD
                 if ($this->sImageLibrary != 'imagick') {
                     if (empty($sBgColour)) {
                         $sBgColour = 'ffffff';
                     $iBgColour = hexdec($sBgColour);
                     $iBgColour = imagecolorallocate($oSprite, 0xff & $iBgColour >> 0x10, 0xff & $iBgColour >> 0x8, 0xff & $iBgColour);
                     imagefill($oSprite, 0, 0, $iBgColour);
             // initalise variable to store CSS rules
             $this->sCss = ".sprite-{$name} {background-image: url({$name}.{$sOutputFormat});}\n";
             // loop through file info for valid images
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($aFilesInfo); $i++) {
                 // create a new image object for current file
                 if (!($oCurrentImage = $this->CreateImage($aFilesInfo[$i]['path'], $aFilesInfo[$i]['ext']))) {
                     // if we've got here then a valid but corrupt image was found
                     // at this stage we've already allocated space for the image so create
                     // a blank one to fill the space instead
                     // this should happen very rarely
                     $oCurrentImage = new Imagick();
                     $oCurrentImage->newImage($aFilesInfo[$i]['original-width'], $aFilesInfo[$i]['original-height'], new ImagickPixel('#ffffff'));
                 // if resizing get image width and height and resample to new dimensions (percentage of original)
                 // and copy to sprite image
                 if ($bResize) {
                     if ($this->sImageLibrary == 'imagick') {
                         // resample image should work but doesn't seem to - using thumbnailImage instead
                         // which achieves the same effect
                         $oCurrentImage->thumbnailImage($aFilesInfo[$i]['width'], $aFilesInfo[$i]['height']);
                     } else {
                         imagecopyresampled($oSprite, $oCurrentImage, $aFilesInfo[$i]['x'], $aFilesInfo[$i]['y'], 0, 0, $aFilesInfo[$i]['width'], $aFilesInfo[$i]['height'], $aFilesInfo[$i]['original-width'], $aFilesInfo['original-height']);
                 // copy image to sprite
                 if ($this->sImageLibrary == 'imagick') {
                     $oSprite->compositeImage($oCurrentImage, $oCurrentImage->getImageCompose(), $aFilesInfo[$i]['x'], $aFilesInfo[$i]['y']);
                 } else {
                     // if using GD and already resized the image will have been copied as part of the resize
                     if (!$bResize) {
                         imagecopy($oSprite, $oCurrentImage, $aFilesInfo[$i]['x'], $aFilesInfo[$i]['y'], 0, 0, $aFilesInfo[$i]['width'], $aFilesInfo[$i]['height']);
                 // get CSS x & y values
                 $iX = $aFilesInfo[$i]['x'] != 0 ? '-' . $aFilesInfo[$i]['x'] . 'px' : '0';
                 $iY = $aFilesInfo[$i]['y'] != 0 ? '-' . $aFilesInfo[$i]['y'] . 'px' : '0';
                 // create CSS rules and append to overall CSS rules
                 $this->sCss .= "{$this->aFormValues['selector-prefix']}{$aFilesInfo[$i]['class']} {$this->aFormValues['selector-suffix']}{background-position: {$iX} {$iY}; ";
                 // If add widths and heights the sprite image width and height are added to the CSS
                 if ($this->aFormValues['add-width-height-to-css'] == 'on') {
                     $this->sCss .= "width: {$aFilesInfo[$i]['width']}px; height: {$aFilesInfo[$i]['height']}px;";
                 $this->sCss .= "} \n";
                 // destroy object created for current image to save memory
                 if ($this->sImageLibrary == 'imagick') {
                 } else {
             // path to sprite img
             $imgDestPath = $sprite->getImgDi()->getAbsPath();
             // write image to file (deleted by cron script after a limited time period)
             $this->WriteImage($oSprite, $sOutputFormat, $imgDestPath);
             // destroy object created for sprite image to save memory
             if ($this->sImageLibrary == 'imagick') {
             } else {
             // set flag to indicate valid images created
             $this->bValidImages = true;
             //Сохраним .css
             $sprite->getCssDi()->writeToFile($this->sCss, true);
         } catch (ImagickException $e) {
     //Очистим временную директорию
     $DM->clearDir(null, true);