Esempio n. 1
     } else {
         $user_prefs['AVATAR_AID'] = null;
 if ($valid) {
     // Update User Preferences
     if (user_update_prefs($profile_uid, $user_prefs, $user_prefs_global)) {
         // Update basic settings in USER table
         if (user_update($profile_uid, $user_info_new['LOGON'], $user_info_new['NICKNAME'], $user_info_new['EMAIL'])) {
             // If email confirmation is requied and the user has changed
             // their email address we need to get them to confirm the
             // change by sending them another email.
             if ($profile_uid == $_SESSION['UID'] && $admin_edit === false) {
                 if (forum_get_setting('require_email_confirmation', 'Y') && $user_info_new['EMAIL'] != $user_info['EMAIL']) {
                     if (email_send_changed_email_confirmation($profile_uid)) {
                         html_draw_top(array('title' => gettext('My Controls - User Details - Email address has been changed'), 'class' => 'window_title'));
                         html_display_msg(gettext("Email address has been changed"), gettext("Your email address has been changed and a new confirmation email has been sent. Please check and read the email for further instructions."), 'index.php', 'get', array('continue' => gettext("Continue")), array(), '_top');
                     } else {
                         html_draw_top(array('title' => gettext("Error")));
                         html_display_msg(gettext("Email address has been changed"), gettext("You have changed your email address, but we were unable to send a confirmation request. Please contact the forum owner for assistance."), 'index.php', 'get', array('continue' => gettext("Continue")), array(), '_top');
             // Force redirect to prevent refreshing the page prompting to user to resubmit form data.
             if ($admin_edit === true) {
Esempio n. 2
 if ($valid) {
     // Update User Preferences
     if (user_update_prefs($uid, $user_prefs, $user_prefs_global)) {
         // Update basic settings in USER table
         if (user_update($uid, $user_info_new['LOGON'], $user_info_new['NICKNAME'], $user_info_new['EMAIL'])) {
             // If email confirmation is requied and the user has changed
             // their email address we need to get them to confirm the
             // change by sending them another email.
             if ($uid == session::get_value('UID') && $admin_edit === false) {
                 if (forum_get_setting('require_email_confirmation', 'Y') && $user_info_new['EMAIL'] != $user_info['EMAIL']) {
                     if (email_send_changed_email_confirmation($uid)) {
                         html_draw_top(sprintf('title=%s', gettext("My Controls - User Details - Email address has been changed")), 'class=window_title');
                         html_display_msg(gettext("Email address has been changed"), gettext("Your email address has been changed and a new confirmation email has been sent. Please check and read the email for further instructions."), 'index.php', 'get', array('continue' => gettext("Continue")), false, '_top');
                     } else {
                         html_draw_top(sprintf("title=%s", gettext("Error")));
                         html_display_msg(gettext("Email address has been changed"), gettext("You have changed your email address, but we were unable to send a confirmation request. Please contact the forum owner for assistance."), 'index.php', 'get', array('continue' => gettext("Continue")), false, '_top');
             // Force redirect to prevent refreshing the page prompting to user to resubmit form data.
             if ($admin_edit === true) {