  * Deletes an existing event and logs the action
  * @param int $eventid id in table personal_calendar
  * @param string $eventtype type of the event: personal|admin|course|deadline
  * @param boolean $recursivelly specifies if the update should be applied to all events of the group of recursive events or to the specific one
 public static function delete_event($eventid, $eventtype, $recursivelly = false)
     global $uid, $is_admin, $langNotAllowed;
     if ($eventtype != 'personal' && $eventtype != 'admin') {
         return array('success' => false, 'message' => $langNotAllowed);
     if ($eventtype == 'personal' && !($event = Calendar_Events::get_event($eventid))) {
         return array('success' => false, 'message' => $langNotAllowed);
     if ($eventtype == 'admin' && (!is_admin || !($event = Calendar_Events::get_admin_event($eventid)))) {
         return array('success' => false, 'message' => $langNotAllowed);
     $t = $eventtype == 'personal' ? 'personal_calendar' : 'admin_calendar';
     $content = ellipsize_html(canonicalize_whitespace(strip_tags($event->content)), 50, '+');
     $where_clause = $recursivelly ? "WHERE source_event_id = ?d" : "WHERE id = ?d";
     $resp = Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM {$t} " . $where_clause, $eventid);
     $m = $eventtype == 'personal' ? MODULE_ID_PERSONALCALENDAR : MODULE_ID_ADMINCALENDAR;
     Log::record(0, $m, LOG_DELETE, array('user_id' => $uid, 'id' => $eventid, 'title' => $event->title, 'content' => $content));
     return array('success' => true, 'message' => '', 'event' => $eventid);
Esempio n. 2
                                                        AND lang=?s
                                                        AND (`begin` <= NOW() or `begin` IS null)
                                                        AND (NOW() <= `end` or `end` IS null)
                                                ORDER BY `order` DESC", $language);

    $ann_content = '';
    if ($announceArr && sizeof($announceArr) > 0) {
        $ann_content .= "<ul class='front-announcements'>";
        $numOfAnnouncements = sizeof($announceArr);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $numOfAnnouncements; $i++) {
            $aid = $announceArr[$i]->id;
            $ann_content .= "
                    <div><a class='announcement-title' href='modules/announcements/main_ann.php?aid=$aid'>" . q($announceArr[$i]->title) . "</a></div>
                    <span class='announcement-date'>- " . claro_format_locale_date($dateFormatLong, strtotime($announceArr[$i]->date)) . " -</span>
            " . standard_text_escape(ellipsize_html("<div class='announcement-main'>".$announceArr[$i]->body."</div>", 500, "<div class='announcements-more'><a href='modules/announcements/main_ann.php?aid=$aid'>$langMore &hellip;</a></div>"))."</li>";

    $tool_content .= "<div class='row'>
        <div class='col-md-8'>";
        $tool_content .= "<div class='panel'>
            <div class='panel-body'>

        // display admin announcements
        if(!empty($ann_content)) {
            $tool_content .= "<h3 class='content-title'>$langAnnouncements <a href='${urlServer}rss.php' style='padding-left:5px;'>
                    <i class='fa fa-rss-square'></i>
Esempio n. 3
  * Deletes an existing event and logs the action
  * @param int $noteid id in table note
 function delete_event($eventid, $recursivelly = false){
     global $course_id, $is_admin, $is_editor, $langNotAllowed, $uid;
     $rec_event = Database::get()->querySingle('SELECT * FROM agenda WHERE id=?d AND course_id=?d',$eventid,$course_id);
     if($rec_event && ($is_admin || $is_editor)){
         $content = ellipsize_html(canonicalize_whitespace(strip_tags($rec_event->content)), 50, '+');
         $where_clause = ($recursivelly)? " WHERE source_event_id = ?d":" WHERE id = ?d";
         $d = Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM agenda ".$where_clause, $eventid);
             Log::record($course_id, MODULE_ID_AGENDA, LOG_DELETE, array('user_id' => $uid,
                 'id' => $eventid,
                 'title' => $rec_event->title,
                 'content' => $content,
         return array('success'=>true,'message'=>'', 'event'=>$eventid);
     } else {
         return array('success'=>true,'message'=>$langNotAllowed);
Esempio n. 4
             $tool_content .= ">\n                            <input type='hidden' value='" . $actID . "' name='actID'>\n                        </td>";
             $tool_content .= "\n                    </tr>";
         $tool_content .= "</tbody></table> <input type='submit' class='btn btn-default' name='bookUsersToAct' value='{$langAttendanceBooking}' /></form>";
     $showAttendanceActivities = 0;
 //DISPLAY: list of attendance activities
 if ($showAttendanceActivities == 1) {
     //get all the available activities
     $result = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT * FROM attendance_activities  WHERE attendance_id = ?d  ORDER BY `DATE` DESC", $attendance_id);
     $announcementNumber = count($result);
     if ($announcementNumber > 0) {
         $tool_content .= "<div class='row'><div class='col-sm-12'><div class='table-responsive'>\n                              <table class='table-default'>\n                              <tr><th class='text-center' colspan='5'>{$langAttendanceActList}</th></tr>\n                            <tr>                            \n                                <th>{$langTitle}</th>\n                                <th>{$langAttendanceActivityDate}</th>\n                                <th>{$langType}</th>\n                                <th>{$langAttendanceAbsences}</th>\n                                <th class='text-center'><i class='fa fa-cogs'></i></th>\n                            </tr>";
         foreach ($result as $announce) {
             $content = ellipsize_html($announce->description, 50);
             $d = strtotime($announce->date);
             $tool_content .= "<tr><td>";
             if (empty($announce->title)) {
                 $tool_content .= $langAnnouncementNoTille;
             } else {
                 $tool_content .= q($announce->title);
             $tool_content .= "</td>\n                        <td>" . ucfirst(claro_format_locale_date($dateFormatLong, $d)) . " ({$langHour}: " . ucfirst(date('H:i', $d)) . ")</td>";
             $tool_content .= "<td class='smaller'>";
             if ($announce->module_auto_id) {
                 if ($announce->module_auto_id == 1) {
                     $tool_content .= $langExercise;
                 } elseif ($announce->module_auto_id == 2) {
                     $tool_content .= $langAssignment;
Esempio n. 5
                                         'title' => $langDelete,
                                         'url' => "$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?$url_params&amp;action=delPost&amp;pId=".$post->getId(),
                                         'icon' => 'fa-times',
                                         'class' => 'delete',
                                         'confirm' => $langSureToDelBlogPost,
                                         'show' => $allow_to_edit
                             <h3 class='panel-title'>
                                 <a href='$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?$url_params&amp;action=showPost&amp;pId=".$post->getId()."'>".q($post->getTitle())."</a>
                         <div class='panel-body'>
                             <div class='label label-success'>" . nice_format($post->getTime(), true). "</div><small>".$langBlogPostUser.display_user($post->getAuthor(), false, false)."</small><br><br>".standard_text_escape(ellipsize_html($post->getContent(), $num_chars_teaser_break, "<strong>&nbsp;...<a href='$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?$url_params&amp;action=showPost&amp;pId=".$post->getId()."'> <span class='smaller'>[$langMore]</span></a></strong>"))."
                         <div class='panel-footer'>
                             <div class='row'>
                                 <div class='col-sm-6'>$rating_content</div>
                                 <div class='col-sm-6 text-right'>$sharing_content</div>
 //display navigation links
 $tool_content .= $blog->navLinksHTML($page, $posts_per_page);
Esempio n. 6
 if (!empty($_POST['id'])) {
     $id = intval($_POST['id']);
     Database::get()->query("UPDATE announcement SET content = ?s, title = ?s, `date` = " . DBHelper::timeAfter() . ", start_display = ?t, stop_display = ?t  WHERE id = ?d", $newContent, $antitle, $start_display, $stop_display, $id);
     $log_type = LOG_MODIFY;
     $message = "<div class='alert alert-success'>{$langAnnModify}</div>";
 } else {
     // add new announcement
     $orderMax = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT MAX(`order`) AS maxorder FROM announcement\n                                                   WHERE course_id = ?d", $course_id)->maxorder;
     $order = $orderMax + 1;
     // insert
     $id = Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO announcement\n                                         SET content = ?s,\n                                             title = ?s, `date` = " . DBHelper::timeAfter() . ",\n                                             course_id = ?d, `order` = ?d,\n                                             visible = 1,\n                                             start_display = ?t,\n                                             stop_display = ?t", $newContent, $antitle, $course_id, $order, $start_display, $stop_display)->lastInsertID;
     $log_type = LOG_INSERT;
 Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_ANNOUNCEMENT, $id);
 $txt_content = ellipsize_html(canonicalize_whitespace(strip_tags($_POST['newContent'])), 50, '+');
 Log::record($course_id, MODULE_ID_ANNOUNCE, $log_type, array('id' => $id, 'email' => $send_mail, 'title' => $_POST['antitle'], 'content' => $txt_content));
 // send email
 if ($send_mail) {
     $recipients_emaillist = "";
     foreach ($_POST['recipients'] as $re) {
         $recipients_emaillist .= empty($recipients_emaillist) ? "'{$re}'" : ",'{$re}'";
     $emailContent = "{$professorMessage}: " . q($_SESSION['givenname']) . " " . q($_SESSION['surname']) . "<br>\n<br>\n" . q($_POST['antitle']) . "<br>\n<br>\n" . $_POST['newContent'];
     $emailSubject = "{$professorMessage} ({$public_code} - " . q($title) . " - {$langAnnouncement})";
     // select students email list
     $countEmail = 0;
     $invalid = 0;
     $recipients = array();
     $emailBody = html2text($emailContent);
     $linkhere = "&nbsp;<a href='{$urlServer}main/profile/emailunsubscribe.php?cid={$course_id}'>{$langHere}</a>.";
Esempio n. 7
        foreach ($posts as $post) {
            $sharing_content = '';
            $rating_content = '';
            if ($sharing_allowed) {
                $sharing_content = $sharing_enabled ? print_sharing_links($urlServer . "modules/blog/index.php?course={$course_code}&amp;action=showPost&amp;pId=" . $post->getId(), $post->getTitle()) : '';
            if ($ratings_enabled) {
                $rating = new Rating('up_down', 'blogpost', $post->getId());
                $rating_content = $rating->put($is_editor, $uid, $course_id);
            if ($comments_enabled) {
                $comm = new Commenting('blogpost', $post->getId());
                $comment_content = "<a class='btn btn-primary btn-xs pull-right' href='{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;action=showPost&amp;pId=" . $post->getId() . "#comments_title'>{$langComments} (" . $comm->getCommentsNum() . ")</a>";
            } else {
                $comment_content = "<div class=\"blog_post_empty_space\"></div>";
            $tool_content .= "<div class='panel panel-action-btn-default'>\r\n                                <div class='panel-heading'>\r\n                                    <div class='pull-right'>\r\n                                        " . action_button(array(array('title' => $langModify, 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;action=editPost&amp;pId=" . $post->getId(), 'icon' => 'fa-edit', 'show' => $post->permEdit($is_editor, $stud_allow_create, $uid)), array('title' => $langDelete, 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;action=delPost&amp;pId=" . $post->getId(), 'icon' => 'fa-times', 'class' => 'delete', 'confirm' => $langSureToDelBlogPost, 'show' => $post->permEdit($is_editor, $stud_allow_create, $uid)))) . "\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                    <h3 class='panel-title'>\r\n                                        <a href='{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;action=showPost&amp;pId=" . $post->getId() . "'>" . q($post->getTitle()) . "</a>\r\n                                    </h3>                                    \r\n                                </div>\r\n                                <div class='panel-body'>\r\n                                    <div class='label label-success'>" . nice_format($post->getTime(), true) . "</div><small>" . $langBlogPostUser . display_user($post->getAuthor(), false, false) . "</small><br><br>" . standard_text_escape(ellipsize_html($post->getContent(), $num_chars_teaser_break, "<strong>&nbsp;...<a href='{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;action=showPost&amp;pId=" . $post->getId() . "'> <span class='smaller'>[{$langMore}]</span></a></strong>")) . "\r\n                                    {$comment_content}\r\n                                </div>\r\n                                <div class='panel-footer'>\r\n                                    <div class='row'>\r\n                                        <div class='col-sm-6'>{$rating_content}</div>\r\n                                        <div class='col-sm-6 text-right'>{$sharing_content}</div>\r\n                                    </div>                                    \r\n                                </div>\r\n                             </div>";
        //display navigation links
        $tool_content .= $blog->navLinksHTML($page, $posts_per_page);
        $tool_content .= "</div>";
        /***end of blog posts area***/
        /***sidebar area***/
        $tool_content .= "<div class='col-sm-3'>";
        $tool_content .= $blog->popularBlogPostsHTML($num_popular);
        $tool_content .= $blog->chronologicalTreeHTML(date('n', strtotime($posts[0]->getTime())), date('Y', strtotime($posts[0]->getTime())));
        $tool_content .= "</div></div>";
        /***end of sidebar area***/
draw($tool_content, 2, null, $head_content);
Esempio n. 8
 * @brief Enter the modified info submitted from the link form into the database
 * @global type $course_id
 * @global type $langLinkMod
 * @global type $langLinkAdded
 * @global type $urllink
 * @global type $title
 * @global type $description
 * @global type $selectcategory
 * @global type $langLinkNotPermitted
 * @global string $state
 * @return type
function submit_link() {
    global $course_id, $langLinkMod, $langLinkAdded, $course_code, $uid, $langSocialCategory,
    $urllink, $title, $description, $selectcategory, $langLinkNotPermitted, $state;

    register_posted_variables(array('urllink' => true,
        'title' => true,
        'description' => true), 'all', 'trim');
    $urllink = canonicalize_url($urllink);
    if (!is_url_accepted($urllink,"(https?|ftp)")){
        $message = $langLinkNotPermitted;
        if (isset($_POST['id'])) {
            $id =  getDirectReference($_POST['id']);
            redirect_to_home_page("modules/link/index.php?course=$course_code&action=editlink&id=" . getIndirectReference($id) . "&urlview=");
        } else {
    $set_sql = "SET url = ?s, title = ?s, description = ?s, category = ?d";
    $terms = array($urllink, $title, purify($description), intval(getDirectReference($_POST['selectcategory'])));

    if (isset($_POST['id'])) {
        $id = intval(getDirectReference($_POST['id']));
        Database::get()->query("UPDATE `link` $set_sql WHERE course_id = ?d AND id = ?d", $terms, $course_id, $id);

        $log_type = LOG_MODIFY;
    } else {
        $order = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT MAX(`order`) as maxorder FROM `link`
                                      WHERE course_id = ?d AND category = ?d", $course_id, getDirectReference($_POST['selectcategory']))->maxorder;
        $id = Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO `link` $set_sql, course_id = ?d, `order` = ?d, user_id = ?d", $terms, $course_id, $order, $uid)->lastInsertID;
        $log_type = LOG_INSERT;
    Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_LINK, $id);
    // find category name
    if ($selectcategory == -2) {
        $category = $langSocialCategory;
    } else {
        $category_object = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT link_category.name as name FROM link, link_category
                                                        WHERE link.category = link_category.id
                                                        AND link.course_id = ?s
                                                        AND link.id = ?d", $course_id, $id);
        $category = $category_object ? $category_object->name : 0;
    $txt_description = ellipsize_html(canonicalize_whitespace(strip_tags($description)), 50, '+');
    Log::record($course_id, MODULE_ID_LINKS, $log_type, @array('id' => $id,
        'url' => $urllink,
        'title' => $title,
        'description' => $txt_description,
        'category' => $category));

Esempio n. 9
 * @brief display available assignments for adding them to gradebook
 * @global type $course_id
 * @global type $course_code
 * @global type $tool_content
 * @global type $dateFormatLong
 * @global type $langWorks
 * @global type $m
 * @global type $langDescription
 * @global type $langAttendanceNoActMessageAss4
 * @global type $langAdd
 * @global type $langTitle
 * @global type $langHour
 * @param type $gradebook_id
function display_available_assignments($gradebook_id) {

    global $course_id, $course_code, $tool_content, $dateFormatLong,
           $langWorks, $m, $langDescription, $langAttendanceNoActMessageAss4,
           $langAdd, $langTitle, $langHour;

    $checkForAss = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT * FROM assignment WHERE assignment.course_id = ?d AND  assignment.active = 1 AND assignment.id NOT IN (SELECT module_auto_id FROM gradebook_activities WHERE module_auto_type = 1 AND gradebook_id = ?d)", $course_id, $gradebook_id);

    $checkForAssNumber = count($checkForAss);

    if ($checkForAssNumber > 0) {
        $tool_content .= "
            <div class='row'><div class='col-sm-12'><div class='table-responsive'>
                          <table class='table-default'";
        $tool_content .= "<tr class='list-header'><th>$langTitle</th><th>".q($m['deadline'])."</th><th>$langDescription</th>";
        $tool_content .= "<th class='text-center'><i class='fa fa-cogs'></i></th>";
        $tool_content .= "</tr>";
        foreach ($checkForAss as $newAssToGradebook) {
            $content = ellipsize_html($newAssToGradebook->description, 50);
                $content .= "$m[WorkAssignTo]:<br>";
                $checkForAssSpec = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT user_id, user.surname , user.givenname FROM `assignment_to_specific`, user WHERE user_id = user.id AND assignment_id = ?d", $newAssToGradebook->id);
                foreach ($checkForAssSpec as $checkForAssSpecR) {
                    $content .= q($checkForAssSpecR->surname). " " . q($checkForAssSpecR->givenname) . "<br>";
            if ((int) $newAssToGradebook->deadline){
                $d = strtotime($newAssToGradebook->deadline);
                $date_str = ucfirst(claro_format_locale_date($dateFormatLong, $d));
                $hour_str = "($langHour: " . ucfirst(date('H:i', $d)).")";
            } else {
                $date_str = $m['no_deadline'];
                $hour_str = "";
            $tool_content .= "<tr><td><b>";

            if (!empty($newAssToGradebook->title)) {
                $tool_content .= q($newAssToGradebook->title);
            $tool_content .= "</b>";
            $tool_content .= "</td>"
                    . "<td><div class='smaller'><span class='day'>".q($date_str)."</span> ".q($hour_str)." </div></td>"
                    . "<td>" . $content . "</td>";
            $tool_content .= "<td width='70' class='text-center'>".icon('fa-plus', $langAdd, "$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?course=$course_code&amp;gradebook_id=" . getIndirectReference($gradebook_id) . "&amp;addCourseActivity=" . getIndirectReference($newAssToGradebook->id) . "&amp;type=1");
        } // end of while
        $tool_content .= "</tr></table></div></div></div>";
    } else {
        $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-warning'>$langAttendanceNoActMessageAss4</div>";
Esempio n. 10
     $tool_content .= "</div>";
 $tool_content .= " </div>";
 if (!empty($warning)) {
     $tool_content .= "<br><span>{$warning}</span>";
 $tool_content .= "</div>\n                    </div>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n        </div>";
 $rss_link = "<link rel='alternate' type='application/rss+xml' title='RSS-Feed' href='" . $urlServer . "rss.php'>";
 $announceArr = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT `id`, `date`, `title`, `body`, `order` FROM `admin_announcement`\n                                                WHERE `visible` = 1\n                                                        AND lang=?s\n                                                        AND (`begin` <= NOW() or `begin` IS null)\n                                                        AND (NOW() <= `end` or `end` IS null)\n                                                ORDER BY `order` DESC", $language);
 $ann_content = '';
 if ($announceArr && sizeof($announceArr) > 0) {
     $ann_content .= "<h4>{$langAnnouncements} <a href='{$urlServer}rss.php' style='padding-left:5px;'>\n                    <i class='fa fa-rss-square'></i>\n                    </a></h4><ul class='front-announcements'>";
     $numOfAnnouncements = sizeof($announceArr);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $numOfAnnouncements; $i++) {
         $aid = $announceArr[$i]->id;
         $ann_content .= "\n                    <li>\n                    <div><a class='announcement-title' href='modules/announcements/main_ann.php?aid={$aid}'>" . q($announceArr[$i]->title) . "</a></div>\n                    <span class='announcement-date'>- " . claro_format_locale_date($dateFormatLong, strtotime($announceArr[$i]->date)) . " -</span>\n            " . standard_text_escape(ellipsize_html($announceArr[$i]->body, 500, "<div class='announcements-more'><a href='modules/announcements/main_ann.php?aid={$aid}'>{$langMore} &hellip;</a></div>")) . "</li>";
 $tool_content .= "\n\n        <div class='row'>\n\n            <div class='col-md-8'>\n                <div class='panel'>\n                    <div class='panel-body'>\n                        {$langInfoAbout}\n                    </div>\n                </div>\n                <div class='panel'>\n                    <div class='panel-body'>";
 if (!empty($ann_content)) {
     $tool_content .= $ann_content;
 } else {
     $tool_content .= "<li>{$langNoRecentAnnounce}</li>";
 $tool_content .= "</ul></div>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            \n            <div class='col-md-4'>\n\n            ";
 $online_users = getOnlineUsers();
 $tool_content .= "\n\n                <div class='panel'>\n                    <div class='panel-body'>\n                        <i class='fa fa-group space-after-icon'></i>{$langOnlineUsers}: {$online_users}\n                    </div>\n                </div>";
 if (get_config('opencourses_enable')) {
     $tool_content .= "<div class='panel'>\n                <div class='panel-body'>\n                    <a href='http://opencourses.gr'>\n                        <img class='img-responsive' src='{$themeimg}/open_courses_bnr.png'>\n                    </a>\n                </div>\n            </div>";
 if (get_config('enable_mobileapi')) {
Esempio n. 11
  * Deletes an existing note and logs the action 
  * @param int $noteid id in table note
 public static function delete_note($noteid){
     global $uid;
     $note = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT title, content FROM note WHERE id = ?d ", $noteid);
     $content = ellipsize_html(canonicalize_whitespace(strip_tags($note->content)), 50, '+');
     Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM note WHERE id = ?d", $noteid);
     Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_REMOVE, Indexer::RESOURCE_NOTE, $noteid);
     Log::record(0, MODULE_ID_NOTES, LOG_DELETE, array('user_id' => $uid, 'id' => $noteid,
         'title' => $note->title,
         'content' => $content));
Esempio n. 12
    foreach ($notelist as $note) {
        $content = standard_text_escape($note->content);
        $note->date_time = claro_format_locale_date($dateFormatLong, strtotime($note->date_time));
        $tool_content .= "<tr><td><b>";
        if (empty($note->title)) {
            $tool_content .= $langNoteNoTitle;
        } else {
            $tool_content .= "<a href='$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?nid=" . getIndirectReference($note->id)."'>" . q($note->title) . "</a>";
        $tool_content .= "</b><br><small>" . nice_format($note->date_time) . "</small>";
        if (!is_null($note->reference_obj_type)) {
            $tool_content .= "<br><small>$langReferencedObject: " . References::item_link($note->reference_obj_module, $note->reference_obj_type, $note->reference_obj_id, $note->reference_obj_course) . "</small>";

        $tool_content .= standard_text_escape(ellipsize_html($content, 500, "<strong>&nbsp;...<a href='$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?nid=" . getIndirectReference($note->id)."'> <span class='smaller'>[$langMore]</span></a></strong>"));
        $tool_content .= "</td>";

        $tool_content .= "<td class='option-btn-cell'>" .
                    array('title' => $langEditChange,
                        'url' => "$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?modify=" . getIndirectReference($note->id),
                        'icon' => 'fa-edit'),
                    array('title' => $langDelete,
                        'url' => "$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?delete=" . getIndirectReference($note->id),
                        'confirm' => $langSureToDelNote,
                        'class' => 'delete',
                        'icon' => 'fa-times'),
                    array('title' => $langMove . " " . $langUp,
                        'url' => "$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?up=" . getIndirectReference($note->id),
                        'level' => 'primary',
Esempio n. 13
     $tool_content .= "</tr>";
 foreach ($notelist as $note) {
     $content = standard_text_escape($note->content);
     $note->date_time = claro_format_locale_date($dateFormatLong, strtotime($note->date_time));
     $tool_content .= "<tr><td><b>";
     if (empty($note->title)) {
         $tool_content .= $langNoteNoTitle;
     } else {
         $tool_content .= "<a href='{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?nid={$note->id}'>" . q($note->title) . "</a>";
     $tool_content .= "</b><br><small>" . nice_format($note->date_time) . "</small>";
     if (!is_null($note->reference_obj_type)) {
         $tool_content .= "<br><small>{$langReferencedObject}: " . References::item_link($note->reference_obj_module, $note->reference_obj_type, $note->reference_obj_id, $note->reference_obj_course) . "</small>";
     $tool_content .= standard_text_escape(ellipsize_html($content, 500, "<strong>&nbsp;...<a href='{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?nid={$note->id}'> <span class='smaller'>[{$langMore}]</span></a></strong>"));
     $tool_content .= "</td>";
     $tool_content .= "<td class='option-btn-cell'>" . action_button(array(array('title' => $langModify, 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?modify={$note->id}", 'icon' => 'fa-edit'), array('title' => $langDelete, 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?delete={$note->id}", 'confirm' => $langSureToDelNote, 'class' => 'delete', 'icon' => 'fa-times'), array('title' => $langMove . " " . $langUp, 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?up={$note->id}", 'show' => $iterator != 1, 'icon' => 'fa-arrow-up'), array('title' => $langMove . " " . $langDown, 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?down=" . $note->id, 'show' => $iterator < $bottomNote, 'icon' => 'fa-arrow-down'))) . "</td>";
     $tool_content .= "</tr>";
 // end of while
 $tool_content .= "</table></div>";
 if ($noteNumber < 1) {
     $no_content = true;
     if (isset($_GET['addNote'])) {
         $no_content = false;
     if (isset($_GET['modify'])) {
         $no_content = false;
Esempio n. 14
 * @brief display forum posts from users courses
 * @global type $langNoPosts
 * @global type $langMore
 * @global type $urlServer
 * @param type $param
 * @param type $type
 * @return string
function getUserForumPosts($lesson_id)
    global $langNoPosts, $langMore, $urlServer;
    $last_month = strftime('%Y %m %d', strtotime('now -1 month'));
    $found = false;
    $forum_content = '<table width="100%">';
    foreach ($lesson_id as $lid) {
        $q = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT forum.id AS forumid,\n                                                 forum.name,\n                                                 forum_topic.id AS topicid,\n                                                 forum_topic.title,                                                 \n                                                 forum_post.post_time,\n                                                 forum_post.poster_id,\n                                                 forum_post.post_text\n                                         FROM forum, forum_topic, forum_post, course_module\n                                         WHERE CONCAT(forum_topic.title, forum_post.post_text) != ''\n                                                 AND forum.id = forum_topic.forum_id\n                                                 AND forum_post.topic_id = forum_topic.id\n                                                 AND forum.course_id = ?d\n                                                 AND DATE_FORMAT(forum_post.post_time, '%Y %m %d') >= ?t\n                                                 AND course_module.visible = 1\n                                                 AND course_module.module_id = " . MODULE_ID_FORUM . "\n                                                 AND course_module.course_id = ?d\n                                         ORDER BY forum_post.post_time LIMIT 10", $lid, $last_month, $lid);
        if ($q) {
            $found = true;
            $forum_content .= "<tr><td class='sub_title1'>" . q(ellipsize(course_id_to_title($lid), 70)) . "</td></tr>";
            foreach ($q as $data) {
                $url = $urlServer . "modules/forum/viewtopic.php?course=" . course_id_to_code($lid) . "&amp;topic=" . $data->topicid . "&amp;forum=" . $data->forumid;
                $forum_content .= "<tr><td><ul class='custom_list'><li><a href='{$url}'>\n\t\t\t\t<b>" . q($data->title) . " (" . nice_format(date("Y-m-d", strtotime($data->post_time))) . ")</b>\n                                </a><div class='smaller grey'><b>" . q(uid_to_name($data->poster_id)) . "</b></div><div class='smaller'>" . standard_text_escape(ellipsize_html($data->post_text, 150, "<b>&nbsp;...<a href='{$url}'>[{$langMore}]</a></b>")) . "</div></li></ul></td></tr>";
    $forum_content .= "</table>";
    if ($found) {
        return $forum_content;
    } else {
        return "<div class='alert alert-warning'>{$langNoPosts}</div>";