} if ($member_db[UDB_CBYEMAIL] == 1) { $added_by_email = $member_db[UDB_EMAIL]; } else { $added_by_email = "none"; } // avatar check if ($manual_avatar) { $manual_avatar = check_avatar($manual_avatar); if ($manual_avatar == false) { $error_messages .= getpart('addnews_err', array(lang('Avatar not uploaded!'))); } } // Additional fields --- foreach ($cfg['more_fields'] as $i => $v) { $pack = edit_option($pack, $i, $_REQUEST[$i]); } // Preview tool $preview_hmtl = false; if (isset($preview) && $preview == 'preview') { $new[NEW_ID] = time(); $new[NEW_USER] = $member_db[2]; $new[NEW_TITLE] = $title; $new[NEW_SHORT] = $short_story; $new[NEW_FULL] = $full_story; $new[NEW_AVATAR] = $manual_avatar; $new[NEW_CAT] = $nice_category; $new[NEW_MF] = $pack; $new[NEW_OPT] = $options; $preview_hmtl = getpart('addnews_preview', array(lang('Preview active news'), template_replacer_news($new, $template_active))); $preview_hmtl .= getpart('addnews_preview', array(lang('Preview full story'), template_replacer_news($new, $template_full)));
// Update information for Element //if ($action == "updat") { header("Refresh: 3; main.php?id=".$element_id); } // Update information for Element //if ($action == "updat") { header("Refresh: 3; main.php?id=".$element_id); } case "edit": // Edit Element // Edit Element case "delet": // Delete the Element // Delete the Element case "add": // Add new Element if ($_SESSION['ticket_user_is_admin'] > 0) { print "<!-- " . $action . "ing the selected Element -->"; // edit_option($id,$action,$page,$GLOBALS['OPTION'], $element_id="") edit_option($id, $action, $page, $element_id); } else { do_title(ucfirst($action) . "ing " . $title . " " . $temp_trailing); print '<p class="severity_high">You are not allowed to Add nor Modify existing information'; } break; case '': // Show entry print "<!-- Showing the selected Element -->"; // function show_action_data($id,$table,$start_id=0) $i = show_action_data($id, $GLOBALS['OPTION_TABLE'], $title, $start_id, $GLOBALS['MAIN_PAGE']); break; } } powered(); // Print "Powered by" and end the HTML page
// Close Element case "closeupdat": if ($_SESSION['ticket_user_is_admin'] > 0) { print "<!-- Closing the selected Element -->"; close_element($id, $action, $GLOBALS['MAIN_TABLE']); //,$page); } else { do_title(ucfirst($action) . "ing " . $GLOBALS['ELEMENT'] . " "); // . $temp_trailing); print '<p class="severity_high">You are not allowed to Add nor Modify existing information'; } break; case '': // Show entry print "<!-- Showing the selected Element -->"; require_once 'functions03.inc'; $i = show_data($id, $GLOBALS['MAIN_TABLE'], $title, $page, $start_id); // List Option from current Element $SQL_option = " AND `{$linking_field}` = {$id} "; mysql_open("{$mysql_db}", "{$mysql_user}", "{$mysql_passwd}"); edit_option("", "add", $id); mysql_open_next("{$mysql_db_next}", "{$mysql_user_next}", "{$mysql_passwd_next}"); do_title($GLOBALS['OPTION'] . "s belonging to this " . $GLOBALS['ELEMENT'] . ". Click on date to edit action", 0); // Do not generate HTML headers (the "0") list_option($SQL_option); break; } } powered(); // Print "Powered by" and end the HTML page die;
fwrite($new_db, $old_db_line); } else { $have_perm = 0; if ($member_db[UDB_ACL] == ACL_LEVEL_ADMIN or $member_db[UDB_ACL] == ACL_LEVEL_EDITOR) { $have_perm = 1; } elseif ($member_db[UDB_ACL] == ACL_LEVEL_JOURNALIST and $old_db_arr[NEW_USER] == $member_db[UDB_NAME]) { $have_perm = 1; } if ($have_perm) { if ($ifdelete != "yes") { // If save as postponed news $id = $source == "postponed" ? mktime($from_date_hour, $from_date_minutes, 0, $from_date_month, $from_date_day, $from_date_year) + $config_date_adjust * 60 : $old_db_arr[NEW_ID]; $old_db_arr[NEW_ID] = $id; // Only for editor without wysiwyg if ($config_use_wysiwyg == 'no') { $old_db_arr[NEW_OPT] = edit_option($old_db_arr[NEW_OPT], 'use_html', $if_use_html == 'yes' ? 1 : 0); } else { $old_db_arr[NEW_OPT] = str_replace("\n", "", $old_db_arr[NEW_OPT]); } fwrite($new_db, "{$old_db_arr['0']}|{$old_db_arr['1']}|{$title}|{$short_story}|{$full_story}|{$editavatar}|{$nice_category}|{$old_db_arr['7']}|{$more}|{$old_db_arr['9']}|\n"); $okchanges = true; } else { $okdeleted = true; // For postponed don't delete comment: it not exists if ($source != 'postponed') { $all_file = file($com_file); $new_com = fopen($com_file, "w"); foreach ($all_file as $line) { $line_arr = explode("|>|", $line); if ($line_arr[0] == $id) { $okdelcom = true;