/** * * This function provides an easier way to display projects. Instead of having * to repeat the same code over and over on every page that should display the * projects gallery, with this function you just type in 'projects()' and * your options. * * @author Irvin Dominguez <*****@*****.**> * @version 1.0.0 * * * Usage: * ====== * <?php projects() ?> * * Example: * <div class="gallery"> * <?php projects() ?> * </div> * * * * Options: * ======== * * You can control the limit of the projects to display and other options * by supplying an associative array. * * <?php projects(array('visibleOnly' => true, 'limit' => 4)); ?> * * * Possible options (defaults in parenthesis): * ------------------------------------------- * * 'visibleOnly' (true) If true, only shows visible projects. * * 'limit' (9) The number of projects to display. * * 'columns' (3) The number of columns that will be displayed * * 'shuffle' (false) Displays random projects * * 'filterBy' (empty) Filters projects by a defined set of options which are 'by', 'tag', and 'separator' * */ function projects($options = array()) { /** * Default Options */ $defaults = array('limit' => 9, 'columns' => 3, 'shuffle' => FALSE, 'filterBy' => NULL); /** * Merge default and given options */ $options = array_merge($defaults, $options); /** * Get projects from the Projects page */ $projects = page('projects')->images(); /*if ($options['visibleOnly']) { $projects = $projects->visible(); }*/ if ($options['shuffle']) { $projects = $projects->shuffle(); } /*if (!array_key_exists('filterBy', $options)) { $projects = $projects->filterBy( $options['filterBy']['by'], $options['filterBy']['tag'], $options['filterBy']['separator'] ); }*/ $projects = $projects->limit($options['limit']); /** * Main Loop */ $count = 0; foreach ($projects as $project) { $count++; ?> <div class="project__thumb<?php ecco($count % $options['columns'] == 0, ' last'); ?> "> <a href="<?php echo page('projects')->url(); ?> "> <?php echo $project->crop(400, 280, 75)->html(); ?> <button class="btn btn-line aligncenter"><?php echo l::get('view_projects_btn'); ?> </button> </a> </div> <?php } // End foreach }
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