public function newQuestion() { // POST İLE GÖNDERİLEN DEĞERLERİ ALALIM. $postData = Input::all(); // FORM KONTROLLERİNİ BELİRLEYELİM $rules = array('title' => 'required|between:3,256', 'content' => 'required'); // HATA MESAJLARINI OLUŞTURALIM $messages = array('title.required' => 'Lütfen sorunuzun başlığını yazın', 'title.between' => 'Soru başlığı minumum 3 maksimum 256 karakterden oluşabilir', 'content.required' => 'Lütfen sorunuza ait detayları yazın'); // KONTROL (VALIDATION) İŞLEMİNİ GERÇEKLEŞTİRELİM $validator = Validator::make($postData, $rules, $messages); // EĞER VALİDASYON BAŞARISIZ OLURSA HATALARI GÖSTERELİM if ($validator->fails()) { // HATA MESAJLARI VE INPUT DEĞERLERİYLE FORMA YÖNLENDİRELİM return Redirect::route('newQuestionForm')->withInput()->withErrors($validator->messages()); } else { // SORUYU VERİTABANINA EKLEYELİM $question = new Questions(); $question->user_id = Auth::user()->id; $question->title = e(trim($postData['title'])); $question->content = e(trim($postData['content'])); $question->created_at = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $question->created_ip = Request::getClientIp(); $question->save(); // KULLANICIYI SORULARIN LİSTELENDİĞİ SAYFAYA YÖNLENDİRELİM return Redirect::route('allQuestions'); } }
public function action_edit($id = null) { $student = Model_Student::find('first', ['where' => ['user_id' => $id]]); if (!$student) { $student = Model_Student::forge(['user_id' => $id]); } $val = Model_Student::validate('edit'); if ($val->run()) { $student->user_id = Input::post('user_id'); $student->year_level = Input::post('year_level'); $student->course_id = Input::post('course_id'); if ($student->save()) { Session::set_flash('success', e('Updated student #' . $id)); Response::redirect('site/student'); } else { Session::set_flash('error', e('Could not update student #' . $id)); } } else { if (Input::method() == 'POST') { $student->user_id = $val->validated('user_id'); $student->year_level = $val->validated('year_level'); $student->course_id = $val->validated('course_id'); Session::set_flash('error', $val->error()); } $this->template->set_global('student', $student, false); } $this->template->title = "Students"; $this->template->content = View::forge('site/student/edit'); }
public function save() { if (!is_null($this->id)) { $sql = "UPDATE campaign_choices SET "; } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO campaign_choices SET "; } if (!is_null($this->choice)) { $sql .= "choice = \"" . e($this->choice) . "\", "; } if (!is_null($this->campaign)) { $sql .= "campaign_id = \"" . e($this->campaign) . "\", "; } $sql .= "parent = \""; if (!is_null($this->parent)) { $sql .= e($this->parent); } else { $sql .= '0'; } $sql .= "\", "; if (!is_null($this->id)) { $sql .= 'id="' . e($this->id) . '" where id="' . $this->id . '"'; } else { $sql = trim($sql, ', '); } Database::singleton()->query($sql); if (is_null($this->id)) { $this->id = Database::singleton()->lastInsertedID(); } }
function showOption($option, $title) { ?> <input type="checkbox" name="<?php echo $option; ?> " value="1" id="<?php echo $option; ?> " <?php if (get_option('surveys_' . $option)) { print " checked='checked'"; } ?> /> <label for="<?php echo $option; ?> "><?php e($title); ?> </label><br /> <?php }
public function actualizarMisionVision() { $response = 0; $id_centro = e(Input::get('id_centro')); $mision_centro = e(Input::get('mision_centro')); $vision_centro = e(Input::get('vision_centro')); $quienes_somos_centro = e(Input::get('quienes_somos_centro')); $centro = Centro::buscar_centro($id_centro); if (!is_null(Input::file('img_centro'))) { $file_img_vieja = $centro->img_centro; $file_img_centro = Input::file('img_centro'); $img_centro = $file_img_centro->getClientOriginalName(); } else { $img_centro = $centro->img_centro; } $response = Centro::actualizar_centro_mision_vision_quienes($id_centro, $mision_centro, $vision_centro, $quienes_somos_centro, $img_centro); if ($response == 1) { if (!is_null(Input::file('img_centro'))) { $file_img_centro->move('img', $file_img_centro->getClientOriginalName()); File::delete('img/' . $file_img_vieja); } return Redirect::to(URL::previous())->with('mensaje', 'Centro de Investigacion Actualizado Insertado Correctamente'); } else { return Redirect::to(URL::previous())->with('mensaje', 'Ha ocurrido un error'); } }
public function save() { if (isset($this->id) && $this->id != "") { if ($save = $this->sql->prepare("UPDATE wolfvtc_menu SET (name=?, url=?, weight=?) WHERE id=?")) { // update info $save->bind_param("ssii", e($this->name), e($this->url), intval($this->weight), intval($this->id)); if ($save->execute) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } else { return FALSE; } } else { if ($save = $this->sql->prepare("INSERT INTO wolfvtc_menu (name, url, weight) VALUES (?, ?, ?)")) { // add new link $save->bind_param("ss", e($this->name), e($this->url), intval($this->weight)); if ($save->execute) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } else { return FALSE; } } }
function render() { $json = json_encode($this->obj); $html =& Dispatcher::loadHelper('html'); $html->headerNoCache(); e($json); }
/** * @return array * @throws Exception */ public function rules() { $what = Input::get('what'); $rules = ['description' => 'required|min:1,max:255', 'what' => 'required|in:withdrawal,deposit,transfer', 'amount' => 'numeric|required|min:0.01', 'date' => 'required|date', 'process_date' => 'date', 'book_date' => 'date', 'interest_date' => 'date', 'category' => 'between:1,255', 'amount_currency_id_amount' => 'required|exists:transaction_currencies,id', 'piggy_bank_id' => 'numeric', 'due_date' => 'date', 'payment_date' => 'date', 'internal_reference' => 'min:1,max:255', 'notes' => 'min:1,max:65536']; switch ($what) { case strtolower(TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL): $rules['source_account_id'] = 'required|exists:accounts,id|belongsToUser:accounts'; $rules['destination_account_name'] = 'between:1,255'; if (intval(Input::get('budget_id')) != 0) { $rules['budget_id'] = 'exists:budgets,id|belongsToUser:budgets'; } break; case strtolower(TransactionType::DEPOSIT): $rules['source_account_name'] = 'between:1,255'; $rules['destination_account_id'] = 'required|exists:accounts,id|belongsToUser:accounts'; break; case strtolower(TransactionType::TRANSFER): $rules['source_account_id'] = 'required|exists:accounts,id|belongsToUser:accounts|different:destination_account_id'; $rules['destination_account_id'] = 'required|exists:accounts,id|belongsToUser:accounts|different:source_account_id'; break; default: throw new FireflyException('Cannot handle transaction type of type ' . e($what) . '.'); } return $rules; }
public function getNote() { $Parsedown = new Parsedown(); if ($this->note) { return $Parsedown->text(e($this->note)); } }
/** * Построение ссылки * * @param string $url * @param boolean $absolute_flag * @param string $protocol * @return string */ public static function link($url = '', $absolute_flag = FALSE, $protocol = 'http') { $link = ''; $cogear = getInstance(); if (!$url) { return $protocol . '://' . SITE_URL . '/'; } else { if (TRUE === $url) { return l() . cogear()->router->getUri(); } } $url = parse_url($url); if ($absolute_flag) { $link .= $protocol . '://'; $link .= SITE_URL; } elseif (defined('FOLDER')) { $link .= '/' . FOLDER; } isset($url['host']) && ($link = $protocol . '://' . $url['host']); isset($url['path']) && ($link .= '/' . ltrim($url['path'], '/')); isset($url['query']) && ($link .= '?' . $url['query']); isset($url['fragment']) && ($link .= '#' . $url['fragment']); event('link', $link); if (cogear()->input->get('splash') === '') { $link .= e(); } return $link; }
/** * @return string */ public function getIcon() { if (!isset($this->icon)) { return; } return '<i class="fa fa-' . e($this->icon) . ' menu-icon"></i>'; }
function h($value, $number = 1) { if ($number < 0 || $number > 6) { $number = 1; } e($value, 'h' . $number, array('class' => 'heading-' . $number)); }
static function check($res) { if ($res->errcode != 0) { Log . e("FAIL: " . json_encode($res)); exit("Failed: " . json_encode($res)); } }
/** * Render the notifications' script tag * * @return string * @internal param bool $flashed Whether to get the * */ public function render() { $notifications = $this->session->get('toastr::notifications'); if (!$notifications) { $notifications = []; } $output = '<script type="text/javascript">'; $lastConfig = []; foreach ($notifications as $notification) { $config = $this->config->get('toastr.options'); if (count($notification['options']) > 0) { // Merge user supplied options with default options $config = array_merge($config, $notification['options']); } // Config persists between toasts if ($config != $lastConfig) { $output .= 'toastr.options = ' . json_encode($config) . ';'; $lastConfig = $config; } // Toastr output $output .= 'toastr.' . $notification['type'] . "('" . str_replace("'", "\\'", str_replace(['<', '>'], ['<', '>'], e($notification['message']))) . "'" . (isset($notification['title']) ? ", '" . str_replace("'", "\\'", htmlentities($notification['title'])) . "'" : null) . ');'; } $output .= '</script>'; return $output; }
public function render($__data) { ?> <ul> <?php foreach ($this->variable($__data, 'messages.success', [], '', [], 'traversable') as $i => $messagesSuccessItem) { ?> <li><?php echo e($this->variable($messagesSuccessItem, 'message', [], '', null, 'string')); ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <ul> <?php foreach ($this->variable($__data, 'messages.error', [], '', [], 'traversable') as $i => $messagesErrorItem) { ?> <li><?php echo e($this->variable($messagesErrorItem, 'message', [], '', null, 'string')); ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul><?php }
public function action_login() { // Already logged in Auth::check() and Response::redirect('admin'); $val = Validation::forge(); if (Input::method() == 'POST') { $val->add('email', 'ユーザ名')->add_rule('required'); $val->add('password', 'パスワード')->add_rule('required'); if ($val->run()) { $auth = Auth::instance(); // check the credentials. This assumes that you have the previous table created if (Auth::check() or $auth->login(Input::post('email'), Input::post('password'))) { // credentials ok, go right in if (Config::get('auth.driver', 'Simpleauth') == 'Ormauth') { $current_user = Model\Auth_User::find_by_username(Auth::get_screen_name()); } else { $current_user = Model_User::find_by_username(Auth::get_screen_name()); } Session::set_flash('success', e('ようこそ、' . $current_user->username . 'さん')); Response::redirect('admin'); } else { $this->template->set_global('login_error', '失敗しました'); } } } $this->template->title = 'ログイン'; $this->template->content = View::forge('admin/login', array('val' => $val), false); }
/** * @return string */ public function getAddress() { if ('' === $this->offsetGet(Schema::EMAIL)) { e('"email" key is empty in this email account ' . json_encode($this->getArrayCopy())); } return ''; }
function confirm_collection_type($type) { global $cbcollection; if (empty($type)) { $type = 'photos'; } if ($type != $cbcollection->types) { if (VERSION < '3.0') { // Get Deprecated Types; $dep_types = $cbcollection->deprecated_types; $message = 'Collections feature now only support photos'; if (array_key_exists($type, $dep_types)) { $message .= '. ' . $cbcollection->deprecated_types[$type] . ' support has been dropped since 2.6'; $dep_type = $cbcollection->deprecated_types[$type] . ' '; } if (userid() && has_access('admin_access', true)) { $message .= '. Please upgrade your Clipbucket to <a href="" target="_blank">latest version</a>'; } else { $message .= '. Please contact Site Administrator about this.'; } e(lang($message)); cb_show_page(); } return $cbcollection->types; } return $cbcollection->types; }
/** * Save handler for CMS Field input */ public function __async_save() { $response = array('status' => 0); // If we have post data if (isset($_POST)) { // Make pointers to posted parameters $entity =& $_POST['__entity']; $param =& $_POST['__param']; $identifier =& $_POST['__obj_id']; $value =& $_POST['__value']; // Check if all necessary data is passed if (!isset($value)) { e('CMSField - no "value" is passed for saving', E_SAMSON_CORE_ERROR); } if (!isset($entity)) { e('CMSField - no "entity" is passed for saving', E_SAMSON_CORE_ERROR); } if (!isset($identifier)) { e('CMSField - no "object identifier" is passed for saving', E_SAMSON_CORE_ERROR); } if (!isset($param)) { e('CMSField - no "object field name" is passed for saving', E_SAMSON_CORE_ERROR); } // Create new Field instance $this->createField(new dbQuery(), $entity, $param, $identifier); $response['status'] = 1; // Save specified value to SamsonCMS input $this->field->save($value, $response); } return $response; }
public function action_addtask($project_id) { if (!($project = Model_Project::find($project_id))) { \Fuel\Core\Session::set_flash('error', "Cannot find the selected project # {$project_id}"); \Fuel\Core\Response::redirect_back('user/projects'); } $val = Model_Projecttask::validate('create'); if (\Fuel\Core\Input::method() == 'POST') { if ($val->run()) { $projecttask = Model_Projecttask::forge(array('project_id' => Input::post('project_id'), 'user_id' => Input::post('user_id'), 'project_task_name_id' => Input::post('project_task_name_id'), 'hourly_rate' => Input::post('hourly_rate'), 'task_status' => 0, 'task_due' => Input::post('task_due'), 'project_task_description' => Input::post('project_task_description'), 'comment' => Input::post('comment'), 'priority' => Input::post('priority'))); if ($projecttask and $projecttask->save()) { Session::set_flash('success', e('Added task #' . $projecttask->id . '.')); Response::redirect('user/projects/view/' . $project_id); } else { Session::set_flash('error', e('Could not save task.')); } } else { \Fuel\Core\Session::set_flash('error', $val->error()); } } $this->load_presenter($project, Model_Projecttask::forge(array('id' => 0, 'project_id' => $project->id, 'user_id' => $this->current_user->id, 'task_status' => 0, 'hourly_rate' => 456, 'task_due' => date('Y-m-d')))); $this->template->set_global('project_task_names', Model_Projecttaskname::find('all', array('order_by' => array(array('name', 'asc'))))); $this->template->set_global('users', array(Model_User::find($this->current_user->id))); $this->template->set_global('priorities', THelper::get_priorities()); $this->template->title = 'My Projects'; $this->template->content = Fuel\Core\View::forge('user/projects/addtask'); }
function rest_index() { $this->autoRender = false; $this->header('Content-Type: application/json'); $modelClass = $this->modelClass; // add any applicable filters $conditions = array(); if (array_key_exists('filter', $this->params['url'])) { $filters = json_decode($this->params['url']['filter'], true); foreach ($filters as $filter) { if (array_key_exists($filter['property'], $this->{$modelClass}->_schema)) { $conditions[$modelClass . '.' . $filter['property']] = $filter['value']; } } } $models = $this->{$modelClass}->find('all', array('recursive' => 1, 'conditions' => $conditions, 'limit' => 300, 'order' => 'Answer.created DESC')); // custom stuff $arr = array(); foreach ($models as $item) { $item['Answer']['choices'] = $item['Choice']; $item['Answer']['question'] = $item['Question']; $item['Answer']['survey_id'] = $item['Question']['survey_id']; $item['Answer']['subject'] = $item['Subject']; $arr[] = $item['Answer']; } e(json_encode($arr)); }
/** * Setting update form processing page. * * @param int $settingId * @return Redirect */ public function postEdit() { // Check if the asset exists if (is_null($setting = Setting::find(1))) { // Redirect to the asset management page with error return Redirect::to('admin')->with('error', Lang::get('admin/settings/message.update.error')); } $new = Input::all(); // Declare the rules for the form validation $rules = array("site_name" => 'required|min:3', "per_page" => 'required|min:1|numeric', "qr_text" => 'min:1|max:31'); // Create a new validator instance from our validation rules $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); // If validation fails, we'll exit the operation now. if ($validator->fails()) { // Ooops.. something went wrong return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($validator); } // Update the asset data $setting->id = '1'; $setting->site_name = e(Input::get('site_name')); $setting->display_asset_name = e(Input::get('display_asset_name', '0')); $setting->per_page = e(Input::get('per_page')); $setting->qr_code = e(Input::get('qr_code', '0')); $setting->qr_text = e(Input::get('qr_text')); // Was the asset updated? if ($setting->save()) { // Redirect to the settings page return Redirect::to("admin/settings/app")->with('success', Lang::get('admin/settings/message.update.success')); } // Redirect to the setting management page return Redirect::to("admin/settings/app/edit")->with('error', Lang::get('admin/settings/message.update.error')); }
/** * 创建或更新Meta分类 * * @param Douyasi\Models\Meta $meta * @param array $inputs * @return Douyasi\Models\Meta */ private function saveDynasty($dynasty, $inputs) { $dynasty->creater = e($inputs['creater']); $dynasty->brief = e($inputs['brief']); $dynasty->save(); return $dynasty; }
function beforeSql(array $data) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $setData[$key] = e($data[$key]); } return $setData; }
/** * Validates and stores the user's update data. * * @author [A. Gianotto] [<*****@*****.**>] * @since [v1.0] * @return Redirect */ public function postIndex() { // Grab the user $user = Auth::user(); // Update the user information $user->first_name = e(Input::get('first_name')); $user->last_name = e(Input::get('last_name')); $user->website = e(Input::get('website')); $user->location_id = e(Input::get('location_id')); $user->gravatar = e(Input::get('gravatar')); $user->locale = e(Input::get('locale')); if (Input::file('avatar')) { $image = Input::file('avatar'); $file_name = $user->first_name . "-" . $user->last_name . "." . $image->getClientOriginalExtension(); $path = public_path('uploads/avatars/' . $file_name); Image::make($image->getRealPath())->resize(84, 84)->save($path); $user->avatar = $file_name; } if (Input::get('avatar_delete') == 1 && Input::file('avatar') == "") { $user->avatar = null; } if ($user->save()) { return redirect()->route('profile')->with('success', 'Account successfully updated'); } return redirect()->back()->withInput()->withErrors($user->getErrors()); }
public function login() { //Reglas $rules = array('iCorreo' => 'required|regex:/^([a-zA-Z0-9])', 'iPassword' => 'required'); //Mensajes $messages = array('required' => 'El campo :attribute es obligatorio', 'correo' => 'El campo :attribute debe ser un email institucional'); $validation = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules, $messages); if ($validation->fails()) { return Redirect::to(URL::previous())->withInput()->withErrors($validation); } else { $credenciales = array('correo_usuario' => e(Input::get('iCorreo')), 'password' => e(Input::get('iPassword'))); if (Auth::attempt($credenciales)) { $id = Auth::User()->id; $user = User::find($id); $user->estado_usuario = 1; $user->save(); switch (Auth::User()->tipo_usuario) { case 1: return Redirect::to('/administrador/index'); break; case 2: return Redirect::to('/moderador/index'); break; case 3: return Redirect::to('/usuarios/index'); break; } } else { return Redirect::to(URL::previous())->with('mensaje', 'Credenciales Inválidas'); } } }
public function action_login() { // Already logged in Auth::check() and Response::redirect('admin'); $val = Validation::forge(); if (Input::method() == 'POST') { $val->add('email', 'Email or Username')->add_rule('required'); $val->add('password', 'Password')->add_rule('required'); if ($val->run()) { if (!Auth::check()) { if (Auth::login(Input::post('email'), Input::post('password'))) { // assign the user id that lasted updated this record foreach (\Auth::verified() as $driver) { if (($id = $driver->get_user_id()) !== false) { // credentials ok, go right in $current_user = Model\Auth_User::find($id[1]); Session::set_flash('success', e('Welcome, ' . $current_user->username)); Response::redirect_back('admin'); } } } else { $this->template->set_global('login_error', 'Login failed!'); } } else { $this->template->set_global('login_error', 'Already logged in!'); } } } $this->template->title = 'ITNT Timesheets Login'; $this->template->content = View::forge('admin/login', array('val' => $val), false); }
public function convert($body) { if ($this->options['is_strip_tags']) { $allowable_tags = $this->options['allowable_tags'] ?: ''; if (is_array($allowable_tags)) { $allowable_tags = implode('', $allowable_tags); } $body = strip_tags($body, $allowable_tags); } $body = e($body); if ($this->options['nl2br']) { $body = nl2br($body); } $body = $this->convert_url2link($body); $body = $this->convert_mention2link($body); $body = $this->truncate($body); $data = array(); if ($this->is_truncated && $this->options['read_more_uri']) { $data['read_more_uri'] = $this->options['read_more_uri']; } $data['display_summary_type'] = $this->options['url2link_display_summary_type']; if ($this->url2link_site_summary_url) { $data['site_summary_url'] = $this->url2link_site_summary_url; } if ($this->url2link_site_summary_data) { $data['site_summary_data'] = $this->url2link_site_summary_data; } $view = View::forge('_parts/converted_body', $data); $view->set_safe('body', $body); return $view->render(); }
function ElemRedactB($row) { foreach ($row as $k => $v) { $row[$k] = e($v); } return $row; }
function ItemViewController() { $layoutVariables = array('surtitre' => 'Réfléchir : ' . $this->item['titreCourt'], 'titre' => $this->item['titreLong'], 'afficherVideo' => true, 'intro' => $this->item['intro'], 'titreCorps' => 'Pistes de réflexion', 'afficherTheme' => true, 'theme' => $this->itemID, 'afficherEtape' => true, 'etape' => 1); $this->layout->AddVariables($layoutVariables); // Charger le module lexique $lexique = $this->NestModule('lexique'); // Loader les items $queryParams = array('fields' => 'terme', 'orderby' => "LENGTH(terme) DESC"); $lexique->FetchItems($queryParams); // Identifier les mots du lexique if ($lexique->items && $this->item['questions']) { $replace = array(); foreach ($lexique->items as $id => $item) { $pattern = '/(' . $item['terme'] . ')(?![\\d\\w])/i'; preg_match_all($pattern, $this->item['questions'], $matches); $replace[$item['id']] = $matches[0]; // Replace matches with placeholders $this->item['questions'] = preg_replace($pattern, '%PLACEHOLDER' . $item['id'], $this->item['questions']); } foreach ($replace as $id => $array) { // Remplacer les placeholders par les termes while ($string = array_shift($array)) { $tag = e('span', array('class' => 'definir definition' . $id), $string); $this->item['questions'] = preg_replace('/%PLACEHOLDER' . $id . '(?![\\d\\w])/', $tag, $this->item['questions'], 1); } // Définir la liste des définitions qu'on doit afficher $this->view['listeTermes'][$id] = $id; } } }