public function helpDatetime() { print_r('<pre>'); print_r(dtBreak('2013-07-01 01:12:13')); }
function update36Hour($sDatetime, $aOptions) { /* update10day will fill the temperature difference, percent_rain * and the actual_ids column in wu_10day. * $sDate is a string in the form of 'Y-m-d' * $aOptions * @$sDate */ //$this->load->model('wu'); $this->load->helper('vitaly'); $aDTbreak = dtBreak($sDatetime); $sCurrentDate = $aDTbreak['date']['full']; $iCurrentTime = (int) $aDTbreak['time']['H']; $aAggdate = $this->aggDay($sCurrentDate); if ($aAggdate && array_key_exists($iCurrentTime, $aAggdate['hour'])) { //Only write to those that have at least 2 measurements in the hour $aCurrentHour = $aAggdate['hour'][$iCurrentTime]; if ($aOptions['check_complete']) { $bComplete = $aCurrentHour['count'] > 1; } else { $bComplete = TRUE; } //begin building query $sQuery = "UPDATE `wu_hourly` SET"; if ($aOptions['diff_f_temp'] && $bComplete) { $sQuery .= "`diff_f_temp` = (`f_temp`-'" . $aCurrentHour['temp'] . "'), "; } if ($aOptions['actual_ids']) { $sQuery .= "`actual_ids` = '" . $aCurrentHour['ref_ids'] . "', "; } if ($aOptions['percent_pop'] && $bComplete) { $percent = $aCurrentHour['percip']['count'] / $aCurrentHour['count']; $sQuery .= "`percent_pop` = " . $percent . ", "; } //trim last ", " $sQuery = substr($sQuery, 0, -2); $sQuery .= " WHERE `datetime` = '" . $sDatetime . "'"; if ($bComplete) { $this->db->query($sQuery); return $aCurrentHour; } else { return FALSE; } } else { return FALSE; } }