  * #post_render_cache callback; replaces placeholder with a dynamic thing.
  * @param array $element
  *   The renderable array that contains the to be replaced placeholder.
  * @param array $context
  *   An array with the following keys:
  *   - thing: a "thing" string
  * @return array
  *   A renderable array containing the comment form.
 public static function renderDynamicThing(array $element, array $context)
     $callback = '\\Drupal\\filter_test\\Plugin\\Filter\\FilterTestPostRenderCache::renderDynamicThing';
     $placeholder = drupal_render_cache_generate_placeholder($callback, $context);
     $markup = format_string('This is a dynamic @thing.', array('@thing' => $context['thing']));
     $element['#markup'] = str_replace($placeholder, $markup, $element['#markup']);
     return $element;
  * Overrides Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityViewBuilder::buildComponents().
  * In addition to modifying the content key on entities, this implementation
  * will also set the comment entity key which all comments carry.
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  *   Thrown when a comment is attached to an entity that no longer exists.
 public function buildComponents(array &$build, array $entities, array $displays, $view_mode, $langcode = NULL)
     /** @var \Drupal\comment\CommentInterface[] $entities */
     if (empty($entities)) {
     // Pre-load associated users into cache to leverage multiple loading.
     $uids = array();
     foreach ($entities as $entity) {
         $uids[] = $entity->getOwnerId();
     parent::buildComponents($build, $entities, $displays, $view_mode, $langcode);
     // Load all the entities that have comments attached.
     $commented_entity_ids = array();
     $commented_entities = array();
     foreach ($entities as $entity) {
         $commented_entity_ids[$entity->getCommentedEntityTypeId()][] = $entity->getCommentedEntityId();
     // Load entities in bulk. This is more performant than using
     // $comment->getCommentedEntity() as we can load them in bulk per type.
     foreach ($commented_entity_ids as $entity_type => $entity_ids) {
         $commented_entities[$entity_type] = $this->entityManager->getStorage($entity_type)->loadMultiple($entity_ids);
     foreach ($entities as $id => $entity) {
         if (isset($commented_entities[$entity->getCommentedEntityTypeId()][$entity->getCommentedEntityId()])) {
             $commented_entity = $commented_entities[$entity->getCommentedEntityTypeId()][$entity->getCommentedEntityId()];
         } else {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException(t('Invalid entity for comment.'));
         $build[$id]['#entity'] = $entity;
         $build[$id]['#theme'] = 'comment__' . $entity->getFieldName() . '__' . $commented_entity->bundle();
         $display = $displays[$entity->bundle()];
         if ($display->getComponent('links')) {
             $callback = 'comment.post_render_cache:renderLinks';
             $context = array('comment_entity_id' => $entity->id(), 'view_mode' => $view_mode, 'langcode' => $langcode, 'commented_entity_type' => $commented_entity->getEntityTypeId(), 'commented_entity_id' => $commented_entity->id(), 'in_preview' => !empty($entity->in_preview));
             $placeholder = drupal_render_cache_generate_placeholder($callback, $context);
             $build[$id]['links'] = array('#post_render_cache' => array($callback => array($context)), '#markup' => $placeholder);
         if (!isset($build[$id]['#attached'])) {
             $build[$id]['#attached'] = array();
         $build[$id]['#attached']['library'][] = 'comment/drupal.comment-by-viewer';
         if ($this->moduleHandler->moduleExists('history') && \Drupal::currentUser()->isAuthenticated()) {
             $build[$id]['#attached']['library'][] = 'comment/drupal.comment-new-indicator';
             // Embed the metadata for the comment "new" indicators on this node.
             $build[$id]['#post_render_cache']['history_attach_timestamp'] = array(array('node_id' => $commented_entity->id()));
  * #post_render_cache callback; replaces placeholder with comment form.
  * @param array $element
  *   The renderable array that contains the to be replaced placeholder.
  * @param array $context
  *   An array with the following keys:
  *   - entity_type: an entity type
  *   - entity_id: an entity ID
  *   - field_name: a comment field name
  * @return array
  *   A renderable array containing the comment form.
 public function renderForm(array $element, array $context)
     $field_name = $context['field_name'];
     $entity = $this->entityManager->getStorage($context['entity_type'])->load($context['entity_id']);
     $field_storage = FieldStorageConfig::loadByName($entity->getEntityTypeId(), $field_name);
     $values = array('entity_type' => $entity->getEntityTypeId(), 'entity_id' => $entity->id(), 'field_name' => $field_name, 'comment_type' => $field_storage->getSetting('bundle'), 'pid' => NULL);
     $comment = $this->entityManager->getStorage('comment')->create($values);
     $form = $this->entityFormBuilder->getForm($comment);
     $markup = drupal_render($form);
     $callback = 'comment.post_render_cache:renderForm';
     $placeholder = drupal_render_cache_generate_placeholder($callback, $context);
     $element['#markup'] = str_replace($placeholder, $markup, $element['#markup']);
     $element['#attached'] = drupal_merge_attached($element['#attached'], $form['#attached']);
     return $element;
  * #post_render_cache callback; replaces the placeholder with node links.
  * Renders the links on a node.
  * @param array $element
  *   The renderable array that contains the to be replaced placeholder.
  * @param array $context
  *   An array with the following keys:
  *   - node_entity_id: a node entity ID
  *   - view_mode: the view mode in which the node entity is being viewed
  *   - langcode: in which language the node entity is being viewed
  *   - in_preview: whether the node is currently being previewed
  * @return array
  *   A renderable array representing the node links.
 public static function renderLinks(array $element, array $context)
     $callback = get_called_class() . '::renderLinks';
     $placeholder = drupal_render_cache_generate_placeholder($callback, $context);
     $links = array('#theme' => 'links__node', '#pre_render' => array('drupal_pre_render_links'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('links', 'inline')));
     if (!$context['in_preview']) {
         $entity = entity_load('node', $context['node_entity_id'])->getTranslation($context['langcode']);
         $links['node'] = static::buildLinks($entity, $context['view_mode']);
         // Allow other modules to alter the node links.
         $hook_context = array('view_mode' => $context['view_mode'], 'langcode' => $context['langcode']);
         \Drupal::moduleHandler()->alter('node_links', $links, $entity, $hook_context);
     $markup = drupal_render($links);
     $element['#markup'] = str_replace($placeholder, $markup, $element['#markup']);
     return $element;
  * #post_render_cache callback; replaces placeholder with comment form.
  * @param array $element
  *   The renderable array that contains the to be replaced placeholder.
  * @param array $context
  *   An array with the following keys:
  *   - entity_type: an entity type
  *   - entity_id: an entity ID
  *   - field_name: a comment field name
  * @return array
  *   A renderable array containing the comment form.
 public function renderForm(array $element, array $context)
     $field_name = $context['field_name'];
     $entity = $this->entityManager->getStorage($context['entity_type'])->load($context['entity_id']);
     $field_storage = FieldStorageConfig::loadByName($entity->getEntityTypeId(), $field_name);
     $values = array('entity_type' => $entity->getEntityTypeId(), 'entity_id' => $entity->id(), 'field_name' => $field_name, 'comment_type' => $field_storage->getSetting('bundle'), 'pid' => NULL);
     $comment = $this->entityManager->getStorage('comment')->create($values);
     $form = $this->entityFormBuilder->getForm($comment);
     // @todo: This only works as long as assets are still tracked in a global
     //   static variable, see https://drupal.org/node/2238835
     $markup = drupal_render($form, TRUE);
     $callback = 'comment.post_render_cache:renderForm';
     $placeholder = drupal_render_cache_generate_placeholder($callback, $context);
     $element['#markup'] = str_replace($placeholder, $markup, $element['#markup']);
     return $element;
  * Wraps drupal_render_cache_generate_placeholder().
 protected function generatePlaceholder($callback, $context)
     return drupal_render_cache_generate_placeholder($callback, $context);
Esempio n. 7
  * Tests post-render cache-integrated 'render_cache_placeholder' child
  * element.
 function testDrupalRenderChildElementRenderCachePlaceholder()
     $container = array('#type' => 'container');
     $context = array('bar' => $this->randomContextValue());
     $callback = 'common_test_post_render_cache_placeholder';
     $placeholder = drupal_render_cache_generate_placeholder($callback, $context);
     $test_element = array('#post_render_cache' => array($callback => array($context)), '#markup' => $placeholder, '#prefix' => '<foo>', '#suffix' => '</foo>');
     $container['test_element'] = $test_element;
     $expected_output = '<div><foo><bar>' . $context['bar'] . '</bar></foo></div>' . "\n";
     // #cache disabled.
     $element = $container;
     $output = drupal_render($element);
     $this->assertIdentical($output, $expected_output, 'Placeholder was replaced in output');
     $settings = $this->parseDrupalSettings(drupal_get_js());
     $this->assertIdentical($settings['common_test'], $context, '#attached is modified; JavaScript setting is added to page.');
     // The cache system is turned off for POST requests.
     $request_method = \Drupal::request()->getMethod();
     // GET request: #cache enabled, cache miss.
     $element = $container;
     $element['#cache'] = array('cid' => 'render_cache_placeholder_test_GET');
     $element['test_element']['#cache'] = array('cid' => 'render_cache_placeholder_test_child_GET');
     // Simulate element rendering in a template, where sub-items of a renderable
     // can be sent to drupal_render() before the parent.
     $child =& $element['test_element'];
     $element['#children'] = drupal_render($child, TRUE);
     // Eventually, drupal_render() gets called on the root element.
     $output = drupal_render($element);
     $this->assertIdentical($output, $expected_output, 'Placeholder was replaced in output');
     $this->assertTrue(isset($element['#printed']), 'No cache hit');
     $this->assertIdentical($element['#markup'], $expected_output, 'Placeholder was replaced in #markup.');
     $settings = $this->parseDrupalSettings(drupal_get_js());
     $this->assertIdentical($settings['common_test'], $context, '#attached is modified; JavaScript setting is added to page.');
     // GET request: validate cached data for child element.
     $child_tokens = $element['test_element']['#post_render_cache']['common_test_post_render_cache_placeholder'][0]['token'];
     $parent_tokens = $element['#post_render_cache']['common_test_post_render_cache_placeholder'][0]['token'];
     $expected_token = $child_tokens;
     $element = array('#cache' => array('cid' => 'render_cache_placeholder_test_child_GET'));
     $cached_element = \Drupal::cache('render')->get(drupal_render_cid_create($element))->data;
     // Parse unique token out of the cached markup.
     $dom = Html::load($cached_element['#markup']);
     $xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom);
     $nodes = $xpath->query('//*[@token]');
     $this->assertTrue($nodes->length, 'The token attribute was found in the cached child element markup');
     $token = '';
     if ($nodes->length) {
         $token = $nodes->item(0)->getAttribute('token');
     $this->assertIdentical($token, $expected_token, 'The tokens are identical for the child element');
     // Verify the token is in the cached element.
     $expected_element = array('#markup' => '<foo><drupal-render-cache-placeholder callback="common_test_post_render_cache_placeholder" token="' . $expected_token . '"></drupal-render-cache-placeholder></foo>', '#post_render_cache' => array('common_test_post_render_cache_placeholder' => array($context)), '#cache' => array('tags' => array('rendered' => TRUE)));
     $this->assertIdentical($cached_element, $expected_element, 'The correct data is cached for the child element: the stored #markup and #attached properties are not affected by #post_render_cache callbacks.');
     // GET request: validate cached data (for the parent/entire render array).
     $element = array('#cache' => array('cid' => 'render_cache_placeholder_test_GET'));
     $cached_element = \Drupal::cache('render')->get(drupal_render_cid_create($element))->data;
     // Parse unique token out of the cached markup.
     $dom = Html::load($cached_element['#markup']);
     $xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom);
     $nodes = $xpath->query('//*[@token]');
     $this->assertTrue($nodes->length, 'The token attribute was found in the cached parent element markup');
     $token = '';
     if ($nodes->length) {
         $token = $nodes->item(0)->getAttribute('token');
     $this->assertIdentical($token, $expected_token, 'The tokens are identical for the parent element');
     // Verify the token is in the cached element.
     $expected_element = array('#markup' => '<div><foo><drupal-render-cache-placeholder callback="common_test_post_render_cache_placeholder" token="' . $expected_token . '"></drupal-render-cache-placeholder></foo></div>' . "\n", '#post_render_cache' => array('common_test_post_render_cache_placeholder' => array($context)), '#cache' => array('tags' => array('rendered' => TRUE)));
     $this->assertIdentical($cached_element, $expected_element, 'The correct data is cached for the parent element: the stored #markup and #attached properties are not affected by #post_render_cache callbacks.');
     // GET request: validate cached data.
     // Check the cache of the child element again after the parent has been
     // rendered.
     $element = array('#cache' => array('cid' => 'render_cache_placeholder_test_child_GET'));
     $cached_element = \Drupal::cache('render')->get(drupal_render_cid_create($element))->data;
     // Verify that the child element contains the correct
     // render_cache_placeholder markup.
     $expected_token = $child_tokens;
     $dom = Html::load($cached_element['#markup']);
     $xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom);
     $nodes = $xpath->query('//*[@token]');
     $this->assertTrue($nodes->length, 'The token attribute was found in the cached child element markup');
     $token = '';
     if ($nodes->length) {
         $token = $nodes->item(0)->getAttribute('token');
     $this->assertIdentical($token, $expected_token, 'The tokens are identical for the child element');
     // Verify the token is in the cached element.
     $expected_element = array('#markup' => '<foo><drupal-render-cache-placeholder callback="common_test_post_render_cache_placeholder" token="' . $expected_token . '"></drupal-render-cache-placeholder></foo>', '#post_render_cache' => array('common_test_post_render_cache_placeholder' => array($context)), '#cache' => array('tags' => array('rendered' => TRUE)));
     $this->assertIdentical($cached_element, $expected_element, 'The correct data is cached for the child element: the stored #markup and #attached properties are not affected by #post_render_cache callbacks.');
     // GET request: #cache enabled, cache hit.
     $element = $container;
     $element['#cache'] = array('cid' => 'render_cache_placeholder_test_GET');
     // Simulate element rendering in a template, where sub-items of a renderable
     // can be sent to drupal_render before the parent.
     $child =& $element['test_element'];
     $element['#children'] = drupal_render($child, TRUE);
     $output = drupal_render($element);
     $this->assertIdentical($output, $expected_output, 'Placeholder was replaced in output');
     $this->assertFalse(isset($element['#printed']), 'Cache hit');
     $this->assertIdentical($element['#markup'], $expected_output, 'Placeholder was replaced in #markup.');
     $settings = $this->parseDrupalSettings(drupal_get_js());
     $this->assertIdentical($settings['common_test'], $context, '#attached is modified; JavaScript setting is added to page.');
     // Restore the previous request method.
Esempio n. 8
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function viewElements(FieldItemListInterface $items)
     $elements = array();
     $output = array();
     $field_name = $this->fieldDefinition->getName();
     $entity = $items->getEntity();
     $status = $items->status;
     if ($status != CommentItemInterface::HIDDEN && empty($entity->in_preview) && !in_array($this->viewMode, array('search_result', 'search_index'))) {
         $comment_settings = $this->getFieldSettings();
         // Only attempt to render comments if the entity has visible comments.
         // Unpublished comments are not included in
         // $entity->get($field_name)->comment_count, but unpublished comments
         // should display if the user is an administrator.
         if ($entity->get($field_name)->comment_count && $this->currentUser->hasPermission('access comments') || $this->currentUser->hasPermission('administer comments')) {
             $mode = $comment_settings['default_mode'];
             $comments_per_page = $comment_settings['per_page'];
             $comments = $this->storage->loadThread($entity, $field_name, $mode, $comments_per_page, $this->getSetting('pager_id'));
             if ($comments) {
                 $build = $this->viewBuilder->viewMultiple($comments);
                 $build['pager']['#theme'] = 'pager';
                 if ($this->getSetting('pager_id')) {
                     $build['pager']['#element'] = $this->getSetting('pager_id');
                 // The viewElements() method of entity field formatters is run
                 // during the #pre_render phase of rendering an entity. A formatter
                 // builds the content of the field in preparation for theming.
                 // All entity cache tags must be available after the #pre_render phase.
                 // This field formatter is highly exceptional: it renders *another*
                 // entity and this referenced entity has its own #pre_render
                 // callbacks. In order collect the cache tags associated with the
                 // referenced entity it must be passed to drupal_render() so that its
                 // #pre_render callbacks are invoked and its full build array is
                 // assembled. Rendering the referenced entity in place here will allow
                 // its cache tags to be bubbled up and included with those of the
                 // main entity when cache tags are collected for a renderable array
                 // in drupal_render().
                 drupal_render($build, TRUE);
                 $output['comments'] = $build;
         // Append comment form if the comments are open and the form is set to
         // display below the entity. Do not show the form for the print view mode.
         if ($status == CommentItemInterface::OPEN && $comment_settings['form_location'] == COMMENT_FORM_BELOW && $this->viewMode != 'print') {
             // Only show the add comment form if the user has permission.
             if ($this->currentUser->hasPermission('post comments')) {
                 // All users in the "anonymous" role can use the same form: it is fine
                 // for this form to be stored in the render cache.
                 if ($this->currentUser->isAnonymous()) {
                     $comment = $this->storage->create(array('entity_type' => $entity->getEntityTypeId(), 'entity_id' => $entity->id(), 'field_name' => $field_name, 'comment_type' => $this->getFieldSetting('comment_type'), 'pid' => NULL));
                     $output['comment_form'] = $this->entityFormBuilder->getForm($comment);
                 } else {
                     $callback = 'comment.post_render_cache:renderForm';
                     $context = array('entity_type' => $entity->getEntityTypeId(), 'entity_id' => $entity->id(), 'field_name' => $field_name);
                     $placeholder = drupal_render_cache_generate_placeholder($callback, $context);
                     $output['comment_form'] = array('#post_render_cache' => array($callback => array($context)), '#markup' => $placeholder);
         $elements[] = $output + array('#comment_type' => $this->getFieldSetting('comment_type'), '#comment_display_mode' => $this->getFieldSetting('default_mode'), 'comments' => array(), 'comment_form' => array());
     return $elements;
  * #post_render_cache callback for testDrupalRenderBubbling().
 public static function bubblingPostRenderCache(array $element, array $context)
     $callback = 'Drupal\\system\\Tests\\Common\\RenderTest::bubblingPostRenderCache';
     $placeholder = drupal_render_cache_generate_placeholder($callback, $context);
     $element['#markup'] = str_replace($placeholder, 'Post-render cache!' . $context['foo'] . $context['baz'], $element['#markup']);
     return $element;
Esempio n. 10
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * In addition to modifying the content key on entities, this implementation
  * will also set the comment entity key which all comments carry.
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  *   Thrown when a comment is attached to an entity that no longer exists.
 public function buildComponents(array &$build, array $entities, array $displays, $view_mode, $langcode = NULL)
     /** @var \Drupal\comment\CommentInterface[] $entities */
     if (empty($entities)) {
     // Pre-load associated users into cache to leverage multiple loading.
     $uids = array();
     foreach ($entities as $entity) {
         $uids[] = $entity->getOwnerId();
     parent::buildComponents($build, $entities, $displays, $view_mode, $langcode);
     // A counter to track the indentation level.
     $current_indent = 0;
     foreach ($entities as $id => $entity) {
         if ($build[$id]['#comment_threaded']) {
             $comment_indent = count(explode('.', $entity->getThread())) - 1;
             if ($comment_indent > $current_indent) {
                 // Set 1 to indent this comment from the previous one (its parent).
                 // Set only one extra level of indenting even if the difference in
                 // depth is higher.
                 $build[$id]['#comment_indent'] = 1;
             } else {
                 // Set zero if this comment is on the same level as the previous one
                 // or negative value to point an amount indents to close.
                 $build[$id]['#comment_indent'] = $comment_indent - $current_indent;
                 $current_indent = $comment_indent;
         // Commented entities already loaded after self::getBuildDefaults().
         $commented_entity = $entity->getCommentedEntity();
         $build[$id]['#entity'] = $entity;
         $build[$id]['#theme'] = 'comment__' . $entity->getFieldName() . '__' . $commented_entity->bundle();
         $display = $displays[$entity->bundle()];
         if ($display->getComponent('links')) {
             $callback = 'comment.post_render_cache:renderLinks';
             $context = array('comment_entity_id' => $entity->id(), 'view_mode' => $view_mode, 'langcode' => $langcode, 'commented_entity_type' => $commented_entity->getEntityTypeId(), 'commented_entity_id' => $commented_entity->id(), 'in_preview' => !empty($entity->in_preview));
             $placeholder = drupal_render_cache_generate_placeholder($callback, $context);
             $build[$id]['links'] = array('#post_render_cache' => array($callback => array($context)), '#markup' => $placeholder);
         if (!isset($build[$id]['#attached'])) {
             $build[$id]['#attached'] = array();
         $build[$id]['#attached']['library'][] = 'comment/drupal.comment-by-viewer';
         if ($this->moduleHandler->moduleExists('history') && $this->currentUser->isAuthenticated()) {
             $build[$id]['#attached']['library'][] = 'comment/drupal.comment-new-indicator';
             // Embed the metadata for the comment "new" indicators on this node.
             $build[$id]['#post_render_cache']['history_attach_timestamp'] = array(array('node_id' => $commented_entity->id()));
     if ($build[$id]['#comment_threaded']) {
         // The final comment must close up some hanging divs.
         $build[$id]['#comment_indent_final'] = $current_indent;
Esempio n. 11
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function viewElements(FieldItemListInterface $items)
     $elements = array();
     $output = array();
     $field_name = $this->fieldDefinition->getName();
     $entity = $items->getEntity();
     $status = $items->status;
     if ($status != CommentItemInterface::HIDDEN && empty($entity->in_preview) && !in_array($this->viewMode, array('search_result', 'search_index'))) {
         $comment_settings = $this->getFieldSettings();
         // Only attempt to render comments if the entity has visible comments.
         // Unpublished comments are not included in
         // $entity->get($field_name)->comment_count, but unpublished comments
         // should display if the user is an administrator.
         $elements['#cache']['contexts'][] = 'user.permissions';
         if ($this->currentUser->hasPermission('access comments') || $this->currentUser->hasPermission('administer comments')) {
             // This is a listing of Comment entities, so associate its list cache
             // tag for correct invalidation.
             $output['comments']['#cache']['tags'] = $this->entityManager->getDefinition('comment')->getListCacheTags();
             if ($entity->get($field_name)->comment_count || $this->currentUser->hasPermission('administer comments')) {
                 $mode = $comment_settings['default_mode'];
                 $comments_per_page = $comment_settings['per_page'];
                 $comments = $this->storage->loadThread($entity, $field_name, $mode, $comments_per_page, $this->getSetting('pager_id'));
                 if ($comments) {
                     $build = $this->viewBuilder->viewMultiple($comments);
                     $build['pager']['#type'] = 'pager';
                     if ($this->getSetting('pager_id')) {
                         $build['pager']['#element'] = $this->getSetting('pager_id');
                     $output['comments'] += $build;
         // Append comment form if the comments are open and the form is set to
         // display below the entity. Do not show the form for the print view mode.
         if ($status == CommentItemInterface::OPEN && $comment_settings['form_location'] == CommentItemInterface::FORM_BELOW && $this->viewMode != 'print') {
             // Only show the add comment form if the user has permission.
             $elements['#cache']['contexts'][] = 'user.roles';
             if ($this->currentUser->hasPermission('post comments')) {
                 // All users in the "anonymous" role can use the same form: it is fine
                 // for this form to be stored in the render cache.
                 if ($this->currentUser->isAnonymous()) {
                     $comment = $this->storage->create(array('entity_type' => $entity->getEntityTypeId(), 'entity_id' => $entity->id(), 'field_name' => $field_name, 'comment_type' => $this->getFieldSetting('comment_type'), 'pid' => NULL));
                     $output['comment_form'] = $this->entityFormBuilder->getForm($comment);
                 } else {
                     $callback = 'comment.post_render_cache:renderForm';
                     $context = array('entity_type' => $entity->getEntityTypeId(), 'entity_id' => $entity->id(), 'field_name' => $field_name, 'comment_type' => $this->getFieldSetting('comment_type'));
                     $placeholder = drupal_render_cache_generate_placeholder($callback, $context);
                     $output['comment_form'] = array('#post_render_cache' => array($callback => array($context)), '#markup' => $placeholder);
         $elements[] = $output + array('#comment_type' => $this->getFieldSetting('comment_type'), '#comment_display_mode' => $this->getFieldSetting('default_mode'), 'comments' => array(), 'comment_form' => array());
     return $elements;
Esempio n. 12
  * #post_render_cache callback; replaces the placeholder with comment links.
  * Renders the links on a comment.
  * @param array $element
  *   The renderable array that contains the to be replaced placeholder.
  * @param array $context
  *   An array with the following keys:
  *   - comment_entity_id: a comment entity ID
  *   - view_mode: the view mode in which the comment entity is being viewed
  *   - langcode: in which language the comment entity is being viewed
  *   - commented_entity_type: the entity type to which the comment is attached
  *   - commented_entity_id: the entity ID to which the comment is attached
  *   - in_preview: whether the comment is currently being previewed
  * @return array
  *   A renderable array representing the comment links.
 public static function renderLinks(array $element, array $context)
     $callback = '\\Drupal\\comment\\CommentViewBuilder::renderLinks';
     $placeholder = drupal_render_cache_generate_placeholder($callback, $context);
     $links = array('#theme' => 'links__comment', '#pre_render' => array('drupal_pre_render_links'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('links', 'inline')));
     if (!$context['in_preview']) {
         $entity = entity_load('comment', $context['comment_entity_id']);
         $commented_entity = entity_load($context['commented_entity_type'], $context['commented_entity_id']);
         $links['comment'] = self::buildLinks($entity, $commented_entity);
         // Allow other modules to alter the comment links.
         $hook_context = array('view_mode' => $context['view_mode'], 'langcode' => $context['langcode'], 'commented_entity' => $commented_entity);
         \Drupal::moduleHandler()->alter('comment_links', $links, $entity, $hook_context);
     $markup = drupal_render($links);
     $element['#markup'] = str_replace($placeholder, $markup, $element['#markup']);
     return $element;