Esempio n. 1
 *	Truncate a string to a particular length adding '...' if string larger than length.
 * 	If length = max length+1, we do no truncate to avoid having just 1 char replaced with '...'.
 *  MAIN_DISABLE_TRUNC=1 can disable all truncings
 *	@param      string				String to truncate
 *	@param      size				Max string size. 0 for no limit.
 *	@param		trunc				Where to trunc: right, left, middle, wrap
 * 	@param		stringencoding		Tell what is source string encoding
 *	@return     string				Truncated string
function dol_trunc($string, $size = 40, $trunc = 'right', $stringencoding = 'UTF-8')
    global $conf;
    if ($size == 0) {
        return $string;
    if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_TRUNC)) {
        // We go always here
        if ($trunc == 'right') {
            $newstring = dol_textishtml($string) ? dol_string_nohtmltag($string, 1) : $string;
            if (dol_strlen($newstring, $stringencoding) > $size + 1) {
                return dol_substr($newstring, 0, $size, $stringencoding) . '...';
            } else {
                return $string;
        if ($trunc == 'middle') {
            $newstring = dol_textishtml($string) ? dol_string_nohtmltag($string, 1) : $string;
            if (dol_strlen($newstring, $stringencoding) > 2 && dol_strlen($newstring, $stringencoding) > $size + 1) {
                $size1 = round($size / 2);
                $size2 = round($size / 2);
                return dol_substr($newstring, 0, $size1, $stringencoding) . '...' . dol_substr($newstring, dol_strlen($newstring, $stringencoding) - $size2, $size2, $stringencoding);
            } else {
                return $string;
        if ($trunc == 'left') {
            $newstring = dol_textishtml($string) ? dol_string_nohtmltag($string, 1) : $string;
            if (dol_strlen($newstring, $stringencoding) > $size + 1) {
                return '...' . dol_substr($newstring, dol_strlen($newstring, $stringencoding) - $size, $size, $stringencoding);
            } else {
                return $string;
        if ($trunc == 'wrap') {
            $newstring = dol_textishtml($string) ? dol_string_nohtmltag($string, 1) : $string;
            if (dol_strlen($newstring, $stringencoding) > $size + 1) {
                return dol_substr($newstring, 0, $size, $stringencoding) . "\n" . dol_trunc(dol_substr($newstring, $size, dol_strlen($newstring, $stringencoding) - $size, $stringencoding), $size, $trunc);
            } else {
                return $string;
    } else {
        return $string;
Esempio n. 2
    $px2->SetMinValue(min(0, $px2->GetFloorMinValue()));
    $px2->mode = 'depth';
    $px2->draw($filenameamount, $fileurlamount);
$res = $stats->getAverageByMonth($year);
$data = array();
for ($i = 1; $i < 13; $i++) {
    $data[$i - 1] = array(ucfirst(dol_substr(dol_print_date(dol_mktime(12, 0, 0, $i, 1, $year), "%b"), 0, 3)), $res[$i]);
if (!$user->rights->societe->client->voir || $user->societe_id) {
    $filename_avg = $dir . '/ordersaverage-' . $user->id . '-' . $year . '.png';
    if ($mode == 'customer') {
        $fileurl_avg = DOL_URL_ROOT . '/viewimage.php?modulepart=orderstats&file=ordersaverage-' . $user->id . '-' . $year . '.png';
    if ($mode == 'supplier') {
        $fileurl_avg = DOL_URL_ROOT . '/viewimage.php?modulepart=orderstatssupplier&file=ordersaverage-' . $user->id . '-' . $year . '.png';
} else {
    $filename_avg = $dir . '/ordersaverage-' . $year . '.png';
    if ($mode == 'customer') {
        $fileurl_avg = DOL_URL_ROOT . '/viewimage.php?modulepart=orderstats&file=ordersaverage-' . $year . '.png';
    if ($mode == 'supplier') {
Esempio n. 3
  *     Renvoie le nombre d'element par mois pour une annee donnee
  *     @param	int		$year        Year
  *     @param   string	$sql         SQL
  *     @return	array
 function _getAmountByMonth($year, $sql)
     $result = array();
     $res = array();
     dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::_getAmountByMonth sql=" . $sql);
     $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
     if ($resql) {
         $num = $this->db->num_rows($resql);
         $i = 0;
         while ($i < $num) {
             $row = $this->db->fetch_row($resql);
             $j = $row[0] * 1;
             $result[$j] = $row[1];
     } else {
     for ($i = 1; $i < 13; $i++) {
         $res[$i] = (int) round(isset($result[$i]) ? $result[$i] : 0);
     $data = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i < 13; $i++) {
         $month = dol_print_date(dol_mktime(12, 0, 0, $i, 1, $year), "%b");
         $month = dol_substr($month, 0, 3);
         $data[$i - 1] = array(ucfirst($month), $res[$i]);
     return $data;
Esempio n. 4
  *	Create a withdraw
  *  TODO delete params banque and agence when not necesary
  *	@param 	int		$banque		dolibarr mysoc bank
  *	@param	int		$agence		dolibarr mysoc bank office (guichet)
  *	@param	string	$mode		real=do action, simu=test only
  *	@return	int					<0 if KO, nbre of invoice withdrawed if OK
 function Create($banque = 0, $agence = 0, $mode = 'real')
     global $conf, $langs;
     dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::Create banque={$banque} agence={$agence}");
     require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/compta/facture/class/facture.class.php";
     require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/societe/class/societe.class.php";
     $error = 0;
     $datetimeprev = time();
     $month = strftime("%m", $datetimeprev);
     $year = strftime("%Y", $datetimeprev);
     $puser = new User($this->db, $conf->global->PRELEVEMENT_USER);
      * Read invoices
     $factures = array();
     $factures_prev = array();
     $factures_result = array();
     $factures_prev_id = array();
     $factures_errors = array();
     if (!$error) {
         $sql = "SELECT f.rowid, pfd.rowid as pfdrowid, f.fk_soc";
         $sql .= ", pfd.code_banque, pfd.code_guichet, pfd.number, pfd.cle_rib";
         $sql .= ", pfd.amount";
         $sql .= ", s.nom as name";
         $sql .= " FROM " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "facture as f";
         $sql .= ", " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "societe as s";
         $sql .= ", " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "prelevement_facture_demande as pfd";
         //if ($banque || $agence) $sql.= ", ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."societe_rib as sr";
         $sql .= " WHERE f.rowid = pfd.fk_facture";
         $sql .= " AND f.entity = " . $conf->entity;
         $sql .= " AND s.rowid = f.fk_soc";
         //if ($banque || $agence) $sql.= " AND s.rowid = sr.fk_soc";
         $sql .= " AND f.fk_statut = 1";
         $sql .= " AND f.paye = 0";
         $sql .= " AND pfd.traite = 0";
         $sql .= " AND f.total_ttc > 0";
         //if ($banque) $sql.= " AND sr.code_banque = '".$conf->global->PRELEVEMENT_CODE_BANQUE."'";
         //if ($agence) $sql.= " AND sr.code_guichet = '".$conf->global->PRELEVEMENT_CODE_GUICHET."'";
         dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::Create", LOG_DEBUG);
         $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
         if ($resql) {
             $num = $this->db->num_rows($resql);
             $i = 0;
             while ($i < $num) {
                 $row = $this->db->fetch_row($resql);
                 $factures[$i] = $row;
                 // All fields
             dol_syslog($i . " invoices to withdraw");
         } else {
             $error = 1;
             dol_syslog("Erreur -1");
     if (!$error) {
         require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/societe/class/companybankaccount.class.php';
         $soc = new Societe($this->db);
         // Check RIB
         $i = 0;
         dol_syslog("Start RIB check");
         if (count($factures) > 0) {
             foreach ($factures as $key => $fac) {
                 $fact = new Facture($this->db);
                 if ($fact->fetch($fac[0]) >= 0) {
                     if ($soc->fetch($fact->socid) >= 0) {
                         $bac = new CompanyBankAccount($this->db);
                         $bac->fetch(0, $soc->id);
                         if ($bac->verif() >= 1) {
                             $factures_prev[$i] = $fac;
                             /* second tableau necessaire pour BonPrelevement */
                             $factures_prev_id[$i] = $fac[0];
                         } else {
                             dol_syslog("Error on default bank number RIB/IBAN for thirdparty reported by verif() " . $fact->socid . " " . $soc->name, LOG_ERR);
                             $this->invoice_in_error[$fac[0]] = "Error on default bank number RIB/IBAN for invoice " . $fact->getNomUrl(0) . " for thirdparty (reported by function verif) " . $soc->name;
                     } else {
                         dol_syslog("Failed to read company", LOG_ERR);
                 } else {
                     dol_syslog("Failed to read invoice", LOG_ERR);
         } else {
             dol_syslog("No invoice to process");
     $ok = 0;
     // Withdraw invoices in factures_prev array
     $out = count($factures_prev) . " invoices will be withdrawn.";
     //print $out."\n";
     if (count($factures_prev) > 0) {
         if ($mode == 'real') {
             $ok = 1;
         } else {
             print $langs->trans("ModeWarning");
             //"Option for real mode was not set, we stop after this simulation\n";
     if ($ok) {
          * We are in real mode.
          * We create withdraw receipt and build withdraw into disk
         $now = dol_now();
          * Traitements
         if (!$error) {
             $ref = substr($year, -2) . $month;
             $sql = "SELECT substring(ref from char_length(ref) - 1)";
             $sql .= " FROM " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "prelevement_bons";
             $sql .= " WHERE ref LIKE '%" . $ref . "%'";
             $sql .= " AND entity = " . $conf->entity;
             $sql .= " ORDER BY ref DESC LIMIT 1";
             dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::Create sql=" . $sql, LOG_DEBUG);
             $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
             if ($resql) {
                 $row = $this->db->fetch_row($resql);
             } else {
                 dol_syslog("Erreur recherche reference");
             $ref = "T" . $ref . str_pad(dol_substr("00" . intval($row[0]) + 1, 0, 2), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
             $this->filename = $conf->prelevement->dir_output . '/receipts/' . $ref . '.xml';
             // Create withdraw receipt in database
             $sql = "INSERT INTO " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "prelevement_bons (";
             $sql .= " ref, entity, datec";
             $sql .= ") VALUES (";
             $sql .= "'" . $this->db->escape($ref) . "'";
             $sql .= ", " . $conf->entity;
             $sql .= ", '" . $this->db->idate($now) . "'";
             $sql .= ")";
             dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::Create", LOG_DEBUG);
             $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
             if ($resql) {
                 $this->id = $this->db->last_insert_id(MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "prelevement_bons");
                 $dir = $conf->prelevement->dir_output . '/receipts';
                 $file = $filebonprev;
                 if (!is_dir($dir)) {
             } else {
                 dol_syslog("Erreur creation du bon de prelevement");
          * Create withdrawal receipt
         if (!$error) {
             if (count($factures_prev) > 0) {
                 foreach ($factures_prev as $fac) {
                     // Fetch invoice
                     $fact = new Facture($this->db);
                      * Add standing order
                      * $fac[3] : banque
                      * $fac[4] : guichet
                      * $fac[5] : number
                      * $fac[6] : cle rib
                      * $fac[7] : amount
                      * $fac[8] : client nom
                      * $fac[2] : client id
                     $ri = $this->AddFacture($fac[0], $fac[2], $fac[8], $fac[7], $fac[3], $fac[4], $fac[5], $fac[6]);
                     if ($ri != 0) {
                     // Update invoice requests as done
                     $sql = "UPDATE " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "prelevement_facture_demande";
                     $sql .= " SET traite = 1";
                     $sql .= ", date_traite = '" . $this->db->idate($now) . "'";
                     $sql .= ", fk_prelevement_bons = " . $this->id;
                     $sql .= " WHERE rowid = " . $fac[1];
                     dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::Create", LOG_DEBUG);
                     $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
                     if (!$resql) {
                         dol_syslog("Erreur mise a jour des demandes");
         if (!$error) {
              * Withdraw receipt
             dol_syslog("Debut prelevement - Nombre de factures " . count($factures_prev));
             if (count($factures_prev) > 0) {
                 $this->date_echeance = $datetimeprev;
                 $this->reference_remise = $ref;
                 $this->numero_national_emetteur = $conf->global->PRELEVEMENT_NUMERO_NATIONAL_EMETTEUR;
                 $this->raison_sociale = $conf->global->PRELEVEMENT_RAISON_SOCIALE;
                 $this->emetteur_code_banque = $conf->global->PRELEVEMENT_CODE_BANQUE;
                 $this->emetteur_code_guichet = $conf->global->PRELEVEMENT_CODE_GUICHET;
                 $this->emetteur_numero_compte = $conf->global->PRELEVEMENT_NUMERO_COMPTE;
                 $this->emetteur_number_key = $conf->global->PRELEVEMENT_NUMBER_KEY;
                 $this->emetteur_iban = $conf->global->PRELEVEMENT_IBAN;
                 $this->emetteur_bic = $conf->global->PRELEVEMENT_BIC;
                 $this->emetteur_ics = $conf->global->PRELEVEMENT_ICS;
                 // TODO Add this into setup of admin/prelevement.php. Ex: PRELEVEMENT_ICS = "FR78ZZZ123456";
                 $this->factures = $factures_prev_id;
                 // Generation of SEPA file
             dol_syslog("Fin prelevement");
          * Update total
         $sql = "UPDATE " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "prelevement_bons";
         $sql .= " SET amount = " . price2num($this->total);
         $sql .= " WHERE rowid = " . $this->id;
         $sql .= " AND entity = " . $conf->entity;
         dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::Create", LOG_DEBUG);
         $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
         if (!$resql) {
             dol_syslog("Erreur mise a jour du total - {$sql}");
         if (!$error) {
         } else {
             dol_syslog("Error", LOG_ERR);
         return count($factures_prev);
     } else {
         return 0;
Esempio n. 5
  *	   Renvoie le montant moyen par mois pour une annee donnee
  *     @param	int		$year       Year
  *     @param  	string	$sql        SQL
  *     @param	int		$format		0=Label of absiss is a translated text, 1=Label of absiss is a number
  *     @return	array
 function _getAverageByMonth($year, $sql, $format = 0)
     $result = array();
     $res = array();
     dol_syslog(get_class($this) . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . "", LOG_DEBUG);
     $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
     if ($resql) {
         $num = $this->db->num_rows($resql);
         $i = 0;
         $j = 0;
         while ($i < $num) {
             $row = $this->db->fetch_row($resql);
             $j = $row[0] * 1;
             $result[$j] = $row[1];
     } else {
     for ($i = 1; $i < 13; $i++) {
         $res[$i] = isset($result[$i]) ? $result[$i] : 0;
     $data = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i < 13; $i++) {
         $month = dol_print_date(dol_mktime(12, 0, 0, $i, 1, $year), $format ? "%m" : "%b");
         $month = dol_substr($month, 0, 3);
         $data[$i - 1] = array($month, $res[$i]);
     return $data;
Esempio n. 6
 *	Truncate a string to a particular length adding '...' if string larger than length.
 * 	If length = max length+1, we do no truncate to avoid having just 1 char replaced with '...'.
 *  MAIN_DISABLE_TRUNC=1 can disable all truncings
 *	@param	string	$string				String to truncate
 *	@param  int		$size				Max string size visible. 0 for no limit. Final string size can be 1 more (if size was max+1) or 3 more (if we added ...)
 *	@param	string	$trunc				Where to trunc: right, left, middle (size must be a 2 power), wrap
 * 	@param	string	$stringencoding		Tell what is source string encoding
 *  @param	int		$nodot				Truncation do not add ... after truncation. So it's an exact truncation.
 *  @param  int     $display            Trunc is use to display and can be changed for small screen
 *	@return string						Truncated string
function dol_trunc($string, $size = 40, $trunc = 'right', $stringencoding = 'UTF-8', $nodot = 0, $display = 0)
    global $conf;
    if (empty($stringencoding)) {
        $stringencoding = 'UTF-8';
    if ($size == 0 || !empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_TRUNC)) {
        return $string;
    // reduce for small screen
    if ($conf->dol_optimize_smallscreen == 1 && $display == 1) {
        $size = round($size / 3);
    // We go always here
    if ($trunc == 'right') {
        $newstring = dol_textishtml($string) ? dol_string_nohtmltag($string, 1) : $string;
        if (dol_strlen($newstring, $stringencoding) > $size + ($nodot ? 0 : 1)) {
            return dol_substr($newstring, 0, $size, $stringencoding) . ($nodot ? '' : '...');
        } else {
            return $string;
    } elseif ($trunc == 'middle') {
        $newstring = dol_textishtml($string) ? dol_string_nohtmltag($string, 1) : $string;
        if (dol_strlen($newstring, $stringencoding) > 2 && dol_strlen($newstring, $stringencoding) > $size + 1) {
            $size1 = round($size / 2);
            $size2 = round($size / 2);
            return dol_substr($newstring, 0, $size1, $stringencoding) . '...' . dol_substr($newstring, dol_strlen($newstring, $stringencoding) - $size2, $size2, $stringencoding);
        } else {
            return $string;
    } elseif ($trunc == 'left') {
        $newstring = dol_textishtml($string) ? dol_string_nohtmltag($string, 1) : $string;
        if (dol_strlen($newstring, $stringencoding) > $size + 1) {
            return '...' . dol_substr($newstring, dol_strlen($newstring, $stringencoding) - $size, $size, $stringencoding);
        } else {
            return $string;
    } elseif ($trunc == 'wrap') {
        $newstring = dol_textishtml($string) ? dol_string_nohtmltag($string, 1) : $string;
        if (dol_strlen($newstring, $stringencoding) > $size + 1) {
            return dol_substr($newstring, 0, $size, $stringencoding) . "\n" . dol_trunc(dol_substr($newstring, $size, dol_strlen($newstring, $stringencoding) - $size, $stringencoding), $size, $trunc);
        } else {
            return $string;
    } else {
        return 'BadParam3CallingDolTrunc';