case 'comp-success': doNotify(i18n_r('ER_COMPONENT_SAVE') . '. <a href="components.php?undo&nonce=' . get_nonce("undo") . '">' . i18n_r('UNDO') . '</a>', 'success'); break; case 'comp-restored': doNotify(i18n_r('ER_COMPONENT_REST') . '. <a href="components.php?undo&nonce=' . get_nonce("undo") . '">' . i18n_r('UNDO') . '</a>', 'success'); break; case 'profile-restored': doNotify(i18n_r('ER_PROFILE_RESTORED') . '. <a href="profile.php?undo&nonce=' . get_nonce("undo") . '&userid=' . $userid . '">' . i18n_r('UNDO') . '</a>', 'success'); break; case 'settings-restored': doNotify(i18n_r('ER_OLD_RESTORED') . '. <a href="settings.php?undo&nonce=' . get_nonce("undo") . '">' . i18n_r('UNDO') . '</a>', 'success'); break; default: if (isset($error)) { doNotify('<b>' . i18n_r('ERROR') . ':</b> ' . $error, 'error'); } elseif (isset($_GET['cancel'])) { doNotify(i18n_r('ER_CANCELLED_FAIL'), 'error'); } elseif (isset($_GET['logout'])) { doNotify(i18n_r('MSG_LOGGEDOUT'), 'info'); } elseif (!empty($err)) { doNotify('<b>' . i18n_r('ERROR') . ':</b> ' . $err, 'error'); } elseif (isset($success)) { doNotify($success, 'success'); } break; } function doNotify($msg, $type = '', $persist = false) { echo '<div class="updated notify ' . ($type == '' ? '' : 'notify_' . $type . ' ') . ($persist ? 'remove' : '') . '"><p>' . $msg . '</p></div>'; } /* ?> */
doNotify(i18n_r('FILL_IN_REQ_FIELD'), 'error', true, true); break; case 'login-fail': doNotify(i18n_r('LOGIN_FAILED'), 'error', true, true); break; default: if (isset($error)) { doNotify('<b>' . i18n_r('ERROR') . ':</b> ' . $error, 'error', true); } elseif (isset($_GET['cancel'])) { doNotify(i18n_r('ER_CANCELLED_FAIL'), 'error'); } elseif (isset($_GET['logout'])) { doNotify(i18n_r('MSG_LOGGEDOUT'), 'info', true, true); } elseif (!empty($err)) { doNotify('<b>' . i18n_r('ERROR') . ':</b> ' . $err, 'error', true); } elseif (isset($success)) { doNotify($success, 'success', false); } break; } /** * output a notification * @param str $msg the message text * @param string $type type of message success, error, info, warn * @param boolean $persist trueto make message not expire and dissapear * @param boolean $force force the message to show on auth pages */ function doNotify($msg, $type = '', $persist = false, $force = false) { // do not output notifications on auth pages to prevent nonce and data leakage, unless force is true if (isAuthPage() && !$force) { return;