function getInfo() { global $hash, $apikey; $restquery = ",status,id,snippet,contentDetails,contentOwnerDetails,statistics,topicDetails,invideoPromotion&id=" . $hash . "&key=" . $apikey; // example //$hash = "LLP2X3cVGXP0r56gOGhiRDlA"; //$restquery = "".$hash."&maxResults=50&key=".$apikey; $reply = doAPIRequest($restquery); /* echo '<pre>'; print_r($reply->items[0]); echo '</pre>'; */ echo "<hr /><br />"; echo '<table class="resulttable">'; foreach ($reply->items[0] as $key => $var) { echo '<tr class="resulttable">'; echo '<td class="resulttableHi"><b>' . $key . '</b></td>'; if (gettype($var) != "object" && gettype($var2) != "array") { echo '<td class="resulttable">' . $var . '</td>'; } else { echo '<td class="resulttable">'; echo '<table style="display:inline">'; foreach ($var as $key2 => $var2) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td><b>' . $key2 . '</b></td>'; if (gettype($var2) != "object" && gettype($var2) != "array") { echo '<td>' . $var2 . '</td>'; } else { echo '<td class="resulttable">'; echo '<table style="display:inline">'; foreach ($var2 as $key3 => $var3) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td><b>' . $key3 . '</b></td>'; if (gettype($var3) != "object" && gettype($var3) != "array") { echo '<td>' . $var3 . '</td>'; } else { echo '<td class="resulttable">'; echo '<table style="display:inline">'; foreach ($var3 as $key4 => $var4) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td><b>' . $key4 . '</b></td>'; if (gettype($var4) != "object" && gettype($var) != "array") { echo '<td>' . $var4 . '</td>'; } else { echo '<td>' . $var4 . '</td>'; } echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; echo '</td>'; } echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; echo '</td>'; } echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; echo '</td>'; } echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; }
function makeStatsFromIds($ids) { global $apikey, $mode; $vids = array(); $lookup = array(); $categoryIds = array(); echo "<br />Getting video details (" . count($ids) . "): "; for ($i = 0; $i < count($ids); $i++) { $vid = $ids[$i]; $lookup[$vid] = $i; // este es el codigo que habrá que combinar. ¿Qué información es la que se pide en el módulo de los comentarios? // Específicamente, en la parte del módulo de los comentarios en los que se enumera qué usuarios hicieron qué comentarios... $restquery = ",contentDetails,snippet&id=" . $vid . "&key=" . $apikey; $reply = doAPIRequest($restquery); $vid = $reply->items[0]; //print_r($vid); exit; // convert YT duraction format to seconds preg_match_all('/(\\d+)/', $vid->contentDetails->duration, $parts); $tmptime = array_reverse($parts[0]); $smulti = 1; $seconds = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < count($tmptime); $j++) { $seconds += $tmptime[$j] * $smulti; $smulti = $smulti * 60; } // collect categories if (!in_array($vid->snippet->categoryId, $categoryIds)) { $categoryIds[] = $vid->snippet->categoryId; } $row = array(); $row["channelId"] = $vid->snippet->channelId; $row["channelTitle"] = $vid->snippet->channelTitle; $row["videoId"] = $vid->id; $row["publishedAt"] = $vid->snippet->publishedAt; $row["videoTitle"] = preg_replace("/\\s+/", " ", $vid->snippet->title); $row["videoDescription"] = preg_replace("/\\s+/", " ", $vid->snippet->description); $row["videoCategoryId"] = $vid->snippet->categoryId; $row["videoCategoryLabel"] = ""; $row["duration"] = $vid->contentDetails->duration; $row["durationSec"] = $seconds; $row["dimension"] = $vid->contentDetails->dimension; $row["definition"] = $vid->contentDetails->definition; $row["caption"] = $vid->contentDetails->caption; $row["licensedContent"] = $vid->contentDetails->licensedContent; $row["viewCount"] = $vid->statistics->viewCount; $row["likeCount"] = $vid->statistics->likeCount; $row["dislikeCount"] = $vid->statistics->dislikeCount; $row["favoriteCount"] = $vid->statistics->favoriteCount; $row["commentCount"] = $vid->statistics->commentCount; $vids[] = $row; //print_r($row); exit; echo $i . " "; flush(); ob_flush(); } // get category labels and assign to videos $restquery = "" . urlencode(implode(",", $categoryIds)) . "&key=" . $apikey; $reply = doAPIRequest($restquery); $categoryTrans = array(); foreach ($reply->items as $cat) { $categoryTrans[$cat->id] = $cat->snippet->title; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($vids); $i++) { $vids[$i]["videoCategoryLabel"] = $categoryTrans[$vids[$i]["videoCategoryId"]]; } // create TSV file $content_tsv = "position\t" . implode("\t", array_keys($vids[0])) . "\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($vids); $i++) { $content_tsv .= $i + 1 . "\t" . implode("\t", $vids[$i]) . "\n"; } $filename = "videolist_" . $mode . count($vids) . "_" . date("Y_m_d-H_i_s"); if (isset($_POST["filename"])) { $filename = $_POST["filename"] . "_" . $filename; } file_put_contents("./data/" . $filename . ".tab", $content_tsv); echo '<br /><br />The script has created a file with ' . count($vids) . ' rows.<br /><br /> your files:<br /> <a href="./data/' . $filename . '.tab">' . $filename . '.tab</a><br />'; }
function makeNetworkFromIds($depth) { global $apikey, $nodes, $edges, $ids, $crawldepth; echo "<br /><br />getting details for " . count($ids) . " videos at depth " . $depth . ": "; $newids = array(); $categoryIds = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($ids); $i++) { $vid = $ids[$i]; $restquery = ",contentDetails,snippet&id=" . $vid . "&key=" . $apikey; $reply = doAPIRequest($restquery); if (isset($reply->items[0])) { $video = $reply->items[0]; // collect categories if (!in_array($video->snippet->categoryId, $categoryIds)) { $categoryIds[] = $video->snippet->categoryId; } $row = array(); $row["channelId"] = $video->snippet->channelId; $row["channelTitle"] = preg_replace("/\\s+/", " ", $video->snippet->channelTitle); $row["videoId"] = $video->id; $row["publishedAt"] = strtotime($video->snippet->publishedAt); $row["videoTitle"] = preg_replace("/\\s+/", " ", $video->snippet->title); $row["videoDescription"] = preg_replace("/\\s+/", " ", $video->snippet->description); $row["videoCategoryId"] = $video->snippet->categoryId; $row["videoCategoryLabel"] = ""; $row["duration"] = $video->contentDetails->duration; $row["dimension"] = $video->contentDetails->dimension; $row["definition"] = $video->contentDetails->definition; $row["caption"] = $video->contentDetails->caption; $row["licensedContent"] = $video->contentDetails->licensedContent; $row["viewCount"] = $video->statistics->viewCount; $row["likeCount"] = $video->statistics->likeCount; $row["dislikeCount"] = $video->statistics->dislikeCount; $row["favoriteCount"] = $video->statistics->favoriteCount; $row["commentCount"] = $video->statistics->commentCount; $nodes[$vid] = $row; if ($depth == 0) { $nodes[$vid]["isSeed"] = "yes"; $nodes[$vid]["seedRank"] = $i + 1; } else { $nodes[$vid]["isSeed"] = "no"; $nodes[$vid]["seedRank"] = ""; } } echo $i . " "; flush(); ob_flush(); } // get category labels and assign to videos $restquery = "" . urlencode(implode(",", $categoryIds)) . "&key=" . $apikey; $reply = doAPIRequest($restquery); $categoryTrans = array(); foreach ($reply->items as $cat) { $categoryTrans[$cat->id] = $cat->snippet->title; } foreach ($nodes as $key => $node) { $nodes[$key]["videoCategoryLabel"] = $categoryTrans[$node["videoCategoryId"]]; } echo "<br />getting related videos for " . count($ids) . " videos at depth " . $depth . ": "; for ($i = 0; $i < count($ids); $i++) { $vid = $ids[$i]; // get related videos $run = true; $nextpagetoken = null; while ($run == true) { $restquery = "" . $vid . "&type=video&key=" . $apikey; if ($nextpagetoken != null) { $restquery .= "&pageToken=" . $nextpagetoken; } $reply = doAPIRequest($restquery); foreach ($reply->items as $item) { $featid = $item->id->videoId; if (!isset($nodes[$featid])) { if (!in_array($featid, $newids)) { $newids[] = $featid; } if ($depth < $crawldepth) { $edgeid = $vid . "_|_|X|_|_" . $featid; $edges[$edgeid] = true; } } else { $edgeid = $vid . "_|_|X|_|_" . $featid; $edges[$edgeid] = true; } } if (isset($reply->nextPageToken) && $reply->nextPageToken != "") { $nextpagetoken = $reply->nextPageToken; } else { $run = false; } } echo $i . " "; flush(); ob_flush(); } if ($depth == $crawldepth) { //print_r($nodes); exit; renderNetwork(); } else { //print_r($newids); $ids = $newids; $depth++; makeNetworkFromIds($depth); } }
function getComments($videohash) { global $apikey, $html, $filename; // get toplevel comments first $nextpagetoken = null; $run = true; $comments = array(); echo "<br />getting comments: "; flush(); ob_flush(); while ($run == true) { $restquery = "" . $videohash . "&key=" . $apikey; if ($nextpagetoken != null) { $restquery .= "&pageToken=" . $nextpagetoken; } $reply = doAPIRequest($restquery); foreach ($reply->items as $item) { $comments[] = $item; } echo " " . count($comments); flush(); ob_flush(); if (isset($reply->nextPageToken) && $reply->nextPageToken != "") { $nextpagetoken = $reply->nextPageToken; } else { $run = false; } } // work through top level comments and get replies $nodecomments = array(); $counter = 0; echo "<br /><br/>digging into thread structure: "; flush(); ob_flush(); foreach ($comments as $comment) { echo " " . $counter; $counter++; $tmp = array(); $tmp["id"] = $comment->id; $tmp["replyCount"] = $comment->snippet->totalReplyCount; $tmp["likeCount"] = $comment->snippet->topLevelComment->snippet->likeCount; $tmp["publishedAt"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($comment->snippet->topLevelComment->snippet->publishedAt)); $tmp["authorName"] = preg_replace("/\\s+/", " ", $comment->snippet->topLevelComment->snippet->authorDisplayName); $tmp["text"] = preg_replace("/\\s+/", " ", $comment->snippet->topLevelComment->snippet->textDisplay); $tmp["authorChannelId"] = $comment->snippet->topLevelComment->snippet->authorChannelId->value; $tmp["authorChannelUrl"] = $comment->snippet->topLevelComment->snippet->authorChannelUrl; $tmp["isReply"] = 0; $tmp["isReplyTo"] = ""; $tmp["isReplyToName"] = ""; //print_r($tmp); $nodecomments[] = $tmp; if ($tmp["replyCount"] > 0) { $replies = array(); $nextpagetoken = null; $run = true; while ($run == true) { $restquery = "" . $tmp["id"] . "&key=" . $apikey; if ($nextpagetoken != null) { $restquery .= "&pageToken=" . $nextpagetoken; } $reply = doAPIRequest($restquery); foreach ($reply->items as $item) { $replies[] = $item; } if (isset($reply->nextPageToken) && $reply->nextPageToken != "") { $nextpagetoken = $reply->nextPageToken; } else { $run = false; } } foreach ($replies as $reply) { $tmp2 = array(); $tmp2["id"] = $reply->id; $tmp2["replyCount"] = ""; $tmp2["likeCount"] = $reply->snippet->likeCount; $tmp2["publishedAt"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($reply->snippet->publishedAt)); $tmp2["authorName"] = preg_replace("/\\s+/", " ", $reply->snippet->authorDisplayName); $tmp2["text"] = preg_replace("/\\s+/", " ", $reply->snippet->textDisplay); $tmp2["authorChannelId"] = $reply->snippet->authorChannelId->value; $tmp2["authorChannelUrl"] = $reply->snippet->authorChannelUrl; $tmp2["isReply"] = 1; $tmp2["isReplyToId"] = $tmp["id"]; $tmp2["isReplyToName"] = $tmp["authorName"]; $nodecomments[] = $tmp2; } } } echo '<br /><br/>The script retrieved ' . count($nodecomments) . ' comments from ' . count($comments) . ' top level comments.'; $content = implode("\t", array_keys($nodecomments[0])) . "\n"; foreach ($nodecomments as $comment) { $content .= implode("\t", $comment) . "\n"; } file_put_contents("./data/" . $filename . "", $content); return $nodecomments; }
} } if ($mode == "daterange") { $i = 0; $date_start = strtotime($_GET["date_start"] . " 23:59:59"); $date_end = strtotime($_GET["date_end"] . " 00:00:00"); $before = $date_start; echo "Getting posts between timestamp " . $date_start . " and " . $date_end . ": "; flush(); ob_flush(); while ($before >= $date_end) { echo $i + 1 . " (" . $before . ") "; flush(); ob_flush(); $i++; $data = doAPIRequest($url . $before); $before = $data->response[count($data->response) - 1]->timestamp; foreach ($data->response as $response) { if ($response->timestamp >= $date_end) { $results[] = $response; } } sleep(0.5); } } // create graph and lists $tags = array(); $edges = array(); $posts = array(); foreach ($results as $item) { //print_r($item);
function makeNetworkFromIds($depth) { global $apikey, $nodes, $edges, $ids, $crawldepth, $subscriptions; echo "<br /><br />getting details for " . count($ids) . " channels at depth " . $depth . ": "; $newids = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($ids); $i++) { $chid = $ids[$i]; //$restquery = ",status,id,snippet,contentDetails,contentOwnerDetails,statistics,topicDetails,invideoPromotion&id=".$chid."&key=".$apikey; $restquery = ",id,snippet,statistics&id=" . $chid . "&key=" . $apikey; $reply = doAPIRequest($restquery); //print_r($reply); if (isset($reply->items[0])) { $nodes[$chid] = $reply->items[0]; $nodes[$chid]->done = false; if ($depth == 0) { $nodes[$chid]->isSeed = "yes"; $nodes[$chid]->seedRank = $i + 1; } else { $nodes[$chid]->isSeed = "no"; $nodes[$chid]->seedRank = ""; } } echo $i . " "; flush(); ob_flush(); } //print_r($nodes); if ($subscriptions == "on") { echo "<br />getting subscriptions for " . count($ids) . " channels at depth " . $depth . ": "; $counter = 0; } foreach ($nodes as $nodeid => $nodedata) { if (isset($nodedata->brandingSettings->channel->featuredChannelsUrls)) { foreach ($nodedata->brandingSettings->channel->featuredChannelsUrls as $featid) { if (!isset($nodes[$featid])) { if (!in_array($featid, $newids)) { $newids[] = $featid; } if ($depth < $crawldepth) { $edgeid = $nodeid . "_|_|X|_|_" . $featid; $edges[$edgeid] = true; } } else { $edgeid = $nodeid . "_|_|X|_|_" . $featid; $edges[$edgeid] = true; } } } if ($subscriptions == "on" && $nodedata->done == false) { $run = true; $nextpagetoken = null; echo $counter . " "; flush(); ob_flush(); $counter++; while ($run == true) { $restquery = "" . $nodedata->id . "&maxResults=50&key=" . $apikey; if ($nextpagetoken != null) { $restquery .= "&pageToken=" . $nextpagetoken; } $reply = doAPIRequest($restquery); //print_r($reply); exit; foreach ($reply->items as $item) { $featid = $item->snippet->resourceId->channelId; //print_r($item); if (!isset($nodes[$featid])) { if (!in_array($featid, $newids)) { $newids[] = $featid; } if ($depth < $crawldepth) { $edgeid = $nodeid . "_|_|X|_|_" . $featid; $edges[$edgeid] = true; } } else { $edgeid = $nodeid . "_|_|X|_|_" . $featid; $edges[$edgeid] = true; } } if (isset($reply->nextPageToken) && $reply->nextPageToken != "") { $nextpagetoken = $reply->nextPageToken; } else { $run = false; } } $nodes[$nodeid]->done = true; } //print_r($newids); } if ($depth == $crawldepth) { renderNetwork(); } else { $ids = $newids; $depth++; makeNetworkFromIds($depth); } }