Esempio n. 1

include "./project-template.php";
// get template
$projectName = 'Home Base';
$date = "Sept 2015 to Dec 2015";
$description = <<<EOT
\t\t\t\t<p><strong>Home Base</strong> is a home management program created for CISC 320 (Fundamentals of Software Development) as part of a 6 member team.</p>

\t\t\t\t<p>Developed in C++/CLI using <a href="">Visual Studio</a>, Home Base features accounts for each housemate that personalize a calendar, grocery list, and forum. Accounts restrict the permissions on what each housemate can do; however, each component integrates together between all housemates. For example, housemates are only able to edit their own calendars, but are permitted to view all housemates' calendars.</p>

\t\t\t\t<p>We were required to document the process using wikis and a git repository within <a href="">Redmine</a>. This gave a realistic idea on how projects are realistically managed and organized. Agile software developments techniques were encouraged and adopted, such as pair programming and changing requirements of the project.</p>

\t\t\t\t<p>This project was a great experience learning to develop a program as a member of a team. It gave me realistic first-hand experience on a team software project, going through the whole development process, from requirements analysis to design to implementation to testing and so on. Most notable to this was that it was within the scope of a course--no deadlines could be extended and a project timeline was to be adhered to.</p>

\t\t\t\t<p>This project was especially interesting after the course was finished--it gave me a lot to reflect on. There were lots of things that went well, but conversely things that also went wrong. What I would have done differently is a simple but incredibly thought-provoking question.</p>

$languages = ['C++', 'C++/CLI'];
$team = array("Stephen Peterkins" => "", "Hannah Wilkinson" => "", "Kyle O'Shaughnessy" => "", "Nolan Nisbet" => "", "Tanya Joshi" => "");
$images = array();
array_push($images, array("link" => "./images/homebase/screenshot-homebase-login.PNG", "width" => "435", "height" => "542", "thumbnail" => "./images/homebase/screenshot-homebase-login.PNG"));
array_push($images, array("link" => "./images/homebase/screenshot-homebase-mainmenu.PNG", "width" => "719", "height" => "408", "thumbnail" => "./images/homebase/screenshot-homebase-mainmenu.PNG"));
array_push($images, array("link" => "./images/homebase/screenshot-homebase-calendar.PNG", "width" => "883", "height" => "651", "thumbnail" => "./images/homebase/screenshot-homebase-calendar-500px.PNG"));
array_push($images, array("link" => "./images/homebase/screenshot-homebase-grocerylist.PNG", "width" => "502", "height" => "552", "thumbnail" => "./images/homebase/screenshot-homebase-grocerylist.PNG"));
array_push($images, array("link" => "./images/homebase/screenshot-homebase-forum.PNG", "width" => "548", "height" => "421", "thumbnail" => "./images/homebase/screenshot-homebase-forum.PNG"));
echo displayProject($projectName, $description, $images, $date, $languages, $team);
Esempio n. 2
function marguerite_ajax_process()
    $idProject = $_POST["idProject"];
    $typeAffichage = $_POST["typeAffichage"];
    $tacheActuelle = $_POST["tacheActuelle"];
    displayProject($idProject, $typeAffichage, $tacheActuelle);