Esempio n. 1
function displayPatterns($dir, $exclude)
    global $patternsPath;
    global $absolutePath;
    $ffs = scandir($dir);
    //Loop through directories
    foreach ($ffs as $ff) {
        if (is_array($exclude) and !in_array($ff, $exclude)) {
            if ($ff != '.' && $ff != '..') {
                $fName = basename($ff, '.php');
                $noNum = substr(strstr($fName, "-"), 1);
                $fPlain = str_replace("-", " ", $noNum);
                $fCaps = ucwords($fPlain);
                $pathToFile = str_replace($patternsPath, "", $dir);
                if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $ff)) {
                    /*If main section */
                    echo '<div class="sg-section" id="' . $fName . '">';
                } else {
                    /* If SubItem */
                    if (pathinfo($ff, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'php') {
                        //Skip non-PHP files
                        echo '<h2 class="sg-head sg-sub" id="' . $fName . '"><a href="' . $absolutePath . '?url=' . $pathToFile . '/' . $ff . '" class="sg-pop">' . $fCaps . '</a></h2>';
                        echo '<div class="sg-pattern">';
                        include $dir . '/' . $ff;
                        echo '</div>';
                if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $ff)) {
                    if (!in_array($ff, array('03-Templates', '04-Pages'))) {
                        //Exclude displaying the templates
                        displayPatterns($dir . '/' . $ff, $exclude);
                if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $ff)) {
                    /*If main section */
                    echo '</div>';
                    echo '<!-====================================================================================================-->';
Esempio n. 2
function displayPatterns($dir)
    global $patternsPath;
    global $styleguidePath;
    $ffs = scandir($dir);
    foreach ($ffs as $ff) {
        if ($ff != '.' && $ff != '..') {
            $fName = basename($ff, '.html');
            $fPlain = ucwords(str_replace('-', '. ', $fName));
            $pathToFile = str_replace($patternsPath, '', $dir);
            if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $ff)) {
                // If main section
                if ($fName == 'article') {
                    echo "<section class=\"xx-section\" id=\"" . $fName . "\">\n";
                    echo "    <h3 class=\"xx-section-title\">" . $fPlain . "</h3>\n";
                    echo "    <article class=\"article-layout hentry\">\n";
                    echo "        <div class=\"main-content\">\n\n";
                } else {
                    echo "<section class=\"xx-section\" id=\"" . $fName . "\">\n";
                    echo "    <h3 class=\"xx-section-title\">" . $fPlain . "</h3>\n\n";
            } else {
                // If sub section
                if (pathinfo($ff, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'html' && $ff != 'foot.html') {
                    // Skip non-HTML files
                    echo "<div class=\"pattern\" id=\"" . $fName . "\">\n";
                    echo "    <details class=\"pattern-details\">\n";
                    echo "        <summary class=\"pattern-name\">" . $fName . " <a class=\"pattern-link\" rel=\"bookmark\" href=\"" . $styleguidePath . "?url=" . $pathToFile . "/" . $ff . "\" title=\"View just this pattern\">#</a></summary>\n";
                    echo "            <code class=\"pattern-markup language-markup\">" . htmlspecialchars(@file_get_contents($dir . '/' . $ff)) . "</code>\n";
                    echo "        <pre class=\"pattern-usage\"><strong>Usage:</strong> " . htmlspecialchars(@file_get_contents($dir . '/' . str_replace('.html', '.txt', $ff))) . "</pre>\n";
                    echo "    </details>\n";
                    echo "    <div class=\"pattern-preview\">\n";
                    include $dir . '/' . $ff;
                    echo "    </div>\n";
                    echo "</div>\n\n";
            if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $ff)) {
                // If main section
                displayPatterns($dir . '/' . $ff);
                echo "        </div>\n";
                echo "    </article>\n";
                echo "</section>\n\n";
Esempio n. 3
        			    <h3 class="pattern-name">Typography</h3>
        			<div class="pattern-preview">
        		    		<li style="font-family: 'Georgia Pro', Georgia, serif">Body text: Georgia Pro <small>· <a href="">View at Webtype</a></small></li>
        		    		<li style="font-family: 'Georgia Pro', Georgia, serif; font-style: italic">Body text: Georgia Pro Italic</li>
        		    		<li style="font-family: 'Georgia Pro Semibold', Georgia, serif">Bold body text: Georgia Pro Semibold</li>
        		    		<li style="font-family: 'Georgia Pro Cond', serif">Condensed body for mobile: Georgia Pro Condensed</li>
        		    		<li style="font-family: 'Franklin ITC Pro', sans-serif;">Sans-serif: Franklin ITC Pro · <a href="">View at Webtype</a></li>
        		    		<li style="font-family: 'Franklin ITC Pro Bold', sans-serif;">Sans-serif Bold: Franklin ITC Pro Bold</li>





<script src="js/pattern-lib.js"></script>
